Fight Tomorrow

It's not that uncommon apparently for smaller shows and promotions from what my coaches tell me. There's a lot of promotions that sanction fights illegally or for fighters without licenses and video footage could be incriminating. They said that they have been to shows put on by this promotion and there were people filming so I guess they aren't to strict on it. I would love the footage for obvious reasons.

Ah, that kind of makes more sense. Best of luck my friend and basically like everyone else has said come out to over the top music and go "Flithy" Tom Lawlor on their asses.
I think you're missing the boat on this entrance music stuff.

I'd go with the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. It'll throw your opponent off his game as he wonders what the fuck you're listening to, plus it will make an impression on the fans in the audience and they'll remember your name. And on the minor league circuit, if you can get people to remember who you are, then they'll pay to watch you. If they pay to watch you, you'll always have opportunities.

It's all about marketing. And not get kicking your ass kicked, I guess.
That's... the most brilliant thing I've ever heard. It's not even that bad a song to enter to, it's kind of mysterious at the very least.
So we have KB financing Armbars career, and Sly marketing it.

I'd say Armbars in the UFC in about 2 years, tops. UFC Champ in 3.
We need a gimmick. I'm thinking he shows up dressed as The Mountie. Maybe a little shockstick pre match? A little Ultimate Warrior wouldn't hurt.

Wait....RICO! Grope him during the match. It'll throw him off so much that he'll want to kill you. Pull his shorts down (making sure to take pictures) and then....A RUN IN! We need a midget because midgets are cool. I'm thinking a tiny Boogeyman or a tiny clown named Dink. After that, you suddenly remember you're African!

One day in the middle of the ghetto you realize you're African and have a big hat and always wear blue. Just as he has you in his clutches, you tickle him. Then I pop him with a chair and you win via knockout!

We'll have you fighting Lesnar in six weeks!
Well since there are already enough suggestions as to what Armbar's gimmick and entrance theme should be, I'll just chip in with the generic " Good luck, Armbar" shit.

Good luck dude.
Man coming out to the Zelda theme would be hardcore. Good luck dude even though I barely know ya! Kick some ass man.

As for eveyone making theme suggestions, Walk by Pantera would be pretty badass.
Dammit Chester I got excited thinking that maybe Via brought news of his fight. He's probably still kicking the guys ass right now.
I tried to enter into a who can take it further contest with KB the other night, and I handily got my ass kicked when he brought up an Oklahoma City Taco Stand. I wouldn't try to provoke him, Crock.

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