FIFA World Cup 2010: Germany vs Serbia

He's a fucking joke.

I would referee better than he does.
Germany or at least their fans deserve a damper anyway.
They've become so damn arrogant only because they beat Australia.

The ref really sucks though..
If Serbia win, this will completely open up the group. Ghana get a victory and we could well see England vs. Germany in Round 2.

I think people are underestimating Slovenia. They beat the USA today and they are basically through. all they will need is a draw against England to top the group
This tournament reminds me of a Danish telephone company commercial with the punch line "fighting the big ones" with a commercial of a man beating a shark with his bare hands.

This kind of football shouldn't happen!! :(
Well hopefully Germany will beat Ghana and their goal average will carry them to 1st place. Then ghana and serbia can fight over 2.
Me and my mothers boyfriend have just agreed that it would be fucking hilarious if Denmark won the world cup, and that the Danes wouldn't be walking around cheering, but actually still ranting on how crappy a team we have :lmao:

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