FIFA World Cup 2010: Cameroon vs Denmark

That would be Dennis Rommedahl, the guy I've been saying is shit.

I'm surprised, hell the commentators even went "WE'RE IN THE LEAD, IT HASN'T HAPPEN D IN A WORLD CUP MATCH IN A VERY LONG TIME" :lmao:

We could win this one.. fuck.

Yes Casper is pretty good, I haven't really seen Kasper, but I believe he's said to be nothing compared to his father, nothing.
Awful move by Daniel Jensen, flopping that ball..

Commentators keep screaming X minutes remaining, problem is that if we're to follow them is that we're gonna be done at the 90 minute point, and not with over time.
I was convinced we could potentially beat Cameroon, but that we still suck.

So we need to beat Japan to progress in this group afterwards, and for Cameroon to get their ass kicked by Netherlands, and then we're gonna face the winner of group F (Paraguay, Italy, New Zealand and Slovakia, most likely we're gonna face Italy or Paraguay)
This World Cup shows off how popular tattoo's and sleeve tattoo's has gotten, I haven't seen one team where one player does not have sleeve, or visible tattoo.

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