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Favourite WWE Moment In The Last 5 Years?


Occasional Pre-Show
So basically the thread is what the title says, what is your favourite wwe moment in the last 5 years, what is the one thing that stands out and youll never forget, something truly memorable.

Mine is easily the ending of the Undertaker Vs HBK match last year at wrestlemania 26, when shawn was crawling up taker, taker says stay down, into the slap from shawn bang your dead signal , tombstone , 1,2,3, HBKs career is over!
I want to say, Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 as it is easily my favorite match in the last five years, however that was not a moment. It was like thirty minutes, a little longer than a moment. So, I guess I would sat Miz cashing in on Raw a few months back in November. That was amazing for me to see because I had followed Miz's whole career. OVW is an hour away from my house and I used to go to all the shows. I saw Miz at an OVW house show cut a promo and I told him afterwards he was going to be a top star one day. I had predicted he'd cash in when Nexus took out Orton but whenever I heard his music I literally had goosebumps and was standing up moving around during the match. Once he won I was so happy, almost as if I had won the title myself. I couldn't even sleep that night and I still am enjoying his title reign.
WRESTLE MANIA 25 Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels !!!!!!

my god this was an incredible match and u could feeeeeel the emotion through the tv screen hahaha how i wish i was in attendance!!! that match will forever be with me and im proud to say i witness that match go down that day!!!! it showed me what two men would do for the love of the biz the crowd the event their career it was the best thing to watch ever!!! these two or with out a doubt two of the greatest wrestlers ever and that match proved it!!!!!! i cant tell what i, a die hard undertaker fan, felt when hbk kicked out of the last ride. had to be 11 feet in the air, and the tombstone!!!!!! it was a feeling i wont soon forget!!!!! the look on the fans faces in the front row only proves my point!!!!!!!

:worship:WM25 17-0 was the best thing in the past 5 years
I loved the series of matches between Rey Mesterio and and Chris Jericho in mid 2009. They brought a much needed secence of prestige to the IC title. Their exelirating fued and brilliant matches where fantastic.

I also loved when Jeff Hardy became world champion during the summer of 09. I was a fan of Hardy from the late 1990's (not so much a fan now) and i completely marked out for all his world title victories. Two brilliant matches with Edge for the title followed by an intense fued with CM Punk really made Smackdown worth watching.
My favorite moment was Edge cashing in Money in the Bank at New Year's Revolution on John Cena.

I remember when it happened, I could not believe that Edge won the belt.

I also remember when Vince said "The night is not over, raise the cage...." I knew that Edge was going to cash it in but I didn't think Cena would retain the title in the Elimination Chamber.
My favorite moment was John Cena's unexpected return at the Royal Rumble the year he won. I was totally besides myself as I figured he was out injured and wouldn't be able to return until Wrestlemania.

Another favorite of mine was Randy Orton RKO'ing Stephanie McMahon and then kissing her unconsious body. That was just so, to quote the Miz, AWESOME!
I would have to say Bret Hart's return to Raw as the guest host. It was the one time in as long as I can remember that I COULD NOT MISS RAW.

To hear the Hitman theme music again, and to see the great man walk out onto the ramp again was magical. Having read Bret's book, met the guy in person and knowing all about the issues that he has faced in his personal life, and the bitter way he left the WWE after the screwjob, to see Bret overcome all these and finally make his return to the company that made him famous was a very special moment.

It was great to see the fans give Hart the respect he deserved for all he did for the WWE over the years. I still have the episode of Raw on DVD, and watch it quite often. Bret Hart belongs in the WWE, he was away too long without ever having the chance to say goodbye to the fans. It was awesome to see the legend back
While my pick happened recently and that's none other than the debut of Nexus. It was another typical Money Night Raw, a Viewer's Choice night which have been rubbish for the most part and when Super Cena went into his 5 moves of doom, i thought 'oh well, another rubbish RAW and another Super Cena win......', but man i was wrong. The NXT season 1 winner appeared on the ramp and I thought 'well, pushing another new guy , he is probably getting his title shot privilege that he won throught NXT.....and then another 7 no-name wrestlers wrestling in a third-rate show showed up and the rest was history. It was truly a memorable moment. RAW have gotten stale and Super Cena in on course to probably keep his title for the rest of the year. Then, the 8 rookies showed up and made RAW enjoyable again.
Mine would have to be at TLC 2009 when Sheamus became WWE Champion. That opened the door I think for guys like Swagger, Miz, Ziggler and a bunch of other younger guys. Ever since then, Sheamus has been my favorite wrestler and the reason I became a wrestling fan again. I was sick of always seeing the same guys over and over again. Sheamus was fresh. It's also good to see him taking a break from the main event scene but also being a legitimate threat. He's in the RAW chamber, so that's good. Yes he has cooled down but we haven't seen the last of Sheamus as a main eventer or World Champion IMO.
I'm going to say the creation of NXT...... LMFAO of course not. Easily when I heard Shawn Micheals was making the HOF. It is still TVoed and I watch it at least once a day. Shawn Micheals was the reason I joined wrestling, his entrances, the way he was with women, hell I'm sure he even drank a beer majestically. Shawn Micheals is EPIC WIN!!!
NXT was another one of WWE's ideas that had potential. NXT was one of my favorite shows during season one; but after that it faded away. NXT season 2 got better when guys like Titus, Eli and Lucky got eliminated; but by season three it was a joke. Even though I still watched it because I have a crush on Kaitlyn and I watch season 4 because, well, I don't know why.

But season one was absolutely terrific and I anticipated it. I will say though that they lost points with me when they started to do these stupid challenges; but I enjoyed the in ring wrestling and it started off well. Not to mention, most people hated the new ECW. However I was a big fan in 2006 when it started up again. There was a time when I felt ECW was a good, legitimate third brand. That was until Vince won the ECW Championship. That's the day when ECW and the ECW championship died in my eyes.
The Rock's 10th anniversary of Smackdown promo in late 2009!

It was so refreshing to get a Rock promo and he was just streets ahead of anybosy else that tries to be "funny" in their promos. Fingers crossed we get Rock in for WM27 in the guest hosting spot.

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