Favorite WWF/E Video Package?

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Getting Noticed By Management
This could be any WWF/E produced video from over the years...the Desire videos, PPV lead-ins, wrestler montages, vignettes, ect..

I really liked the Kurt Angle Desire video featuring the song "Clocks" by Coldplay when he was coming back from neck surgery in 2003. I also liked the History of the WWF Desire featuring the song "Lonely Road of Faith" by Kid Rock from 2002.
i liked the video before wrestlemania 22 and shawn michaels career highlights and the triple threat storyline at wrestlemania 20
I loved the wrestlemania x7 video of Stone Cold and The Rock, i think the music in the background was my way or the highway by Limp Biskit.
I loved the Kid Rock 'history' of the WWE one! But the best has to be one of 3...... Opening titles to Royal Rumble 97 (Shawn vs Sid), Deadly Game 98 (the whole 'To one day be champion' thing was awesome!) or Big Time for the hightlights of WM22.
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Ok. Without a doubt(IMO) it has to be Mania 13 Austin/Hart. It set the tone better than any other video package I've seen. A close second is Austin/Triple H at SS 2000.:wwf:
I liked the Angle-Orton-Rey build up video to their WM match. That video was also Kurt's favorite package with him in it.
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