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Favorite Tag Team Feud Ever .


Occasional Pre-Show
I really miss the Tag Team division in WWE . It was really good and now it's...really crappy .
My Question is:
What was/is your favorite Tag Team feud and why?

Mine would have to be E&C , Dudleys and Hardyz . Very good feud . Lasted long. Lot's of TLC matches , which reminds me , didn't they bring up TLC matches ? Over all it was a solid feud and the matches were good . That's all a wrestling fan can ask for .

I'm still young but I have every episode from 99 to 2003 . I honestly wasn't into the tag team wrestling until I saw E&C vs Dudleys vs Hardyz . And I haven't seen anything before 99 except for any HBK matches . But , that's beside the point . :)

Your pick can be from any time , (Attitude era , 90's , present PG era , ect.)
i think it was E&C Vs Dudleys. there matches were epic. there fued was awesome and funny as hell like when E&C brought The Dudleys' "Parents". and then The Dudleys ened up kicking there mother's ass.
E&C vs The Dudleys was one of the best, but i liked the Brothers of Destruction vs Stone Cold and HHH from back in 2001. Their match at Backlash 2001 was an amazing match. So, I gotta go with BoD vs Stone Cold and HHH.
Also, I have to say the Rockers vs the Hart Foundation. I remember the feuds. It was great, a best 2 out 3 matches. Until now, I always wondered how did the feud ended without being televised. Each week they would wrestle on Prime Time. The Rockers won the first fall and the Harts won the second. Then it was over it.
For me it was Hart Foundation Vs British Bulldogs or Demolition Vs Powers Of Pain. Complete opposite ends of the scale in match quality but both story lines drew me in. The double turn at Survivor Series 88 was brilliant
For me it was Hart Foundation Vs British Bulldogs or Demolition Vs Powers Of Pain. Complete opposite ends of the scale in match quality but both story lines drew me in. The double turn at Survivor Series 88 was brilliant

O man. That was great. Demolition just turned faced and they was beefing with the Warlord and Barbarian. The Hart Foundation just lost the tag titles to the British Bulldogs, but stole Matilda and had her for ransom. Man those was some good ol' days.

Jimmy Hart was the reason why the Harts got over. He stole the bulldog and every week on Superstars the British Bulldogs would try to take her back but failed.

The Powers of Pain had Mr. Fuji doing all the talking and Sean Money use to make there interviews look so viscous, even if they were prerecorded promos. I missed those days.
I got to go with ixsxhxa. I was never really into the Tag Division until the Hardy's vs Dudley's vs E&C. Some of the biggest matches came out of that and and a lot of Main Stream Matches like Money in the Bank are the modern remake of their TLC matches. You want to talk about a rivalry that changed the shape of WWE that was it.
Without a doubt for me it's Edge & Christian vs Hardy boyz vs Dudley boyz. They had absolutely Fantastic matches against each other and the feud lasted for a really long time.

This might surprise some people, but another one I really Liked was DX vs Legacy from 2009, They had a very fun Submission's count anywhere match at Breaking point and a pretty sick Hell in a cell match, I mean how many young tag team's can say they have been a HITC match with triple H and Shawn michaels?
Ask obvious questions...

Had a few shouts already, but quite naturally Hardyz, Dudleyz and E&C at Wrestlemania X7. I'm not 100% you can call that a wrestling match, but it's the finest 20 minutes I've ever seen in the squared circle.

Sadly the tag team division has been neglected ever since really. Although I think we'll look back on this Harts vs Uso's fued as a pretty good one once the dust has settled. I'm predicting a Uso win followed by the culmination match at Summerslam. It's been booked pretty well, and both teams having managers have allowed them to develop this fued without giving us a Hart's vs Uso's 2 on 2 tag match for the Tag Titles.
Without a doubt for me it's Edge & Christian vs Hardy boyz vs Dudley boyz. They had absolutely Fantastic matches against each other and the feud lasted for a really long time.

This might surprise some people, but another one I really Liked was DX vs Legacy from 2009, They had a very fun Submission's count anywhere match at Breaking point and a pretty sick Hell in a cell match, I mean how many young tag team's can say they have been a HITC match with triple H and Shawn michaels?

gotta agree here.

E&C vs. Dudleys vs. Hardy Boyz was amazing. and it had a good long history with just 2 teams at a time or all 3 at a time. Hardy Boyz vs. E&C in a Ladder Match at No Mercy, Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boys in a Table Match at Royal Rumble, Triangle Match at Wrestlemania with all 3 teams, TLC at Summerslam with all 3, TLC 2 at Wrestlemania 17 with all 3, TLC 3 with all 3 on Smackdown (also involving Benoit and Jericho, the champs), etc. great feud that spanned several years and had great matches. truly, they helped create matches that are now considered regular staples in wrestling today.

also, DX vs. Legacy was told well i thought, too. it had a good long history with just Triple H and his problems with Orton and Legacy. then getting HBK to tag and feud with the Legacy team while Orton fought Cena was pretty good. i loved their match at Breaking Point and Hell in a Cell. i thought Legacy held their own pretty well considering the big dogs that were in the ring with them on the other side.

outside of those already mentioned, i'd say a few others that stuck out in my memory:

New Age Outlaws vs. any team with Mick Foley; Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie, Mankind & Al Snow, Mankind & Kane, etc. they even had an individual feud with Dude Love which i thought told a pretty good story. also, New Age Outlaws vs. Legion of Doom. i thought they told a pretty good story, though i was disappointed in the finish. but not bad stuff.

also, a bit more recently, but when the WWE Tag Team Championship was created. 3 teams really stood out and shined then: Angle & Benoit, Rey Mysterio & Edge, and Los Guerreros. they had some great matches too!
The Midnight Express vs the Rock n' Roll express is my #1... but I'll mention all the GCW feuds were tremendous

Most wrestling fans today didn't get the privilege to watch some of the best tag team wrestling that took place in GCW/WCW/NWA (what ever you want to call it)

All the feuds were done amazing.... you had

Arn and Tully
Dusty and Magnum
Midnight Express
Rock n' Roll express
The Fantastics

so many more to mention...

The heels got over so well back then the baby faces were just loved.

And of course you have to mention the feuds involving Team Extreme/Dudleys/and RECK

I also want to bring up Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle vs Edge and Rey vs Los Guerreros was very well done when the Smackdown tag titles were introduced
I have to say one of my favorite tag team feuds of all time would have to be The Two Man Power Trip against Undertaker and Kane. It was short and sweet, but it showed that main eventers could be a tag team and it was a great feud. It was the height of Austin's heel turn and it took place right before Triple H got injured.

Also the New Age Outlaws against Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie was an entertaining feud. This was around the time I got into wrestling and they put on entertaining matches. It was also the first time I saw Terry Funk wrestle.
Has to be EC vs Hardyz vs Dudleyz

...This was just huge...when the tag titles meant everything!!

It started with EC vs Hardyz in late 99, but they had to just add the Dudleyz in and their tables, its what made their triangle ladder match the best match of the year...

Then we had a few small feuds and then a TLC match at SummerSlam, followed by a TLC at WrestleMania 17, all great matches and the feud lasted a long time..

Another mention has to be DX vs Legacy, they had an epic match at SummerSlam last year and DX put them over big time at Breaking Point but they got theirs at Hell in a Cell!!
The best feud of all time was like the guy said earlier, Rock & Roll Express vs. Midnight Express because it last years and you still wanna see it today. Honorable mention to Demolition vs Strike Force and Harlem Heat vs. the Steiners. I can't believe you guys left off 2 of the Great Tag Teams ever. Also, don't forget about Road Warriors vs The Dungeon of Doom.
E&C/Dudleys/Hardys was the best. It was entertaining, memorable, and like many of us would say, was a moment in our lives the night we saw TLC II.

But besides the obvious choice, I've got to go with the Hart Foundation vs. the British Bulldogs. With every match they took everybody to church. If you want a class 101 on what Stu Hart's Dungeon was all about, watch a HF/BB match. You'll be caught up.
The Midnight Express vs the Rock n' Roll express is my #1... but I'll mention all the GCW feuds were tremendous

Most wrestling fans today didn't get the privilege to watch some of the best tag team wrestling that took place in GCW/WCW/NWA (what ever you want to call it)
Also in 80's Memphis and CWA had hot tag feuds
You had Sheepherders,Moon Dogs,Fabulous One's,and I know there are other's I am missing.R&R Express came out of Memphis area.Fab One's had some brutal matches with Moon Dogs and Fantastics.

But one feud that will always stand out in the 80's would be Road Warriors vs. Midnite Express(Condrey & Eaton) with Cornette and Big Bubba Rogers.Climax finish to feud was Scaffold Match at Starcade which saw Bubba not breaking Cornette's fall and poor Jim blowing out both knees.
My personal favorite was that of the Hart Foundation vs. the British Bulldogs. Both teams meshed so well and would put on top notch matches every night out. I always enjoy watching them on youtube when I'm itching for some tag team wrestling or on the wrestling DVDs that they are present on that the WWE has produced. Each team was the perfect mix of speed, technicality, and finesse. Throw in Jimmy Hart and the feud was close to perfect as you'll get.
For me, it is 2 different tag team feuds that I liked:

1. E&C vs Dudleys vs Hardys for all the aforementioned reasons in regard to the TLC matches.

2. Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs just because I was a fan of the Hart Foundation and the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith and I knew they would always carry good matches
I like all these but I'm gonna say The Hooliganz vs. The Greasers. Also known as Kendrick & London vs. Deuce & Domino. This feud is very underrated. I'd also like to add AMW vs. Triple X cause what they did was awesome.
Call me old school, this is before the "entertainment" era of wrestling but i have to go back to the early 90's. I really enjoyed the Steiner Brothers vs Doctor Death Steve Williams and Terry Bam Bam Gordy. Those boys gave the Steiner's a run for there money multiple times for the belts and not for the belts. Great series of matches.
It would definitely be the Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian vs the Dudley Boyz

The series of matches between the 3 teams were incredible, and I had never seen anything like it up until that point. Tables getting shattered on a weekly basis, insane moves and dives off Ladders and Chairs getting wrapped around skulls, as well as some of the best double team moves in the world.

It was tag team wrestling perfection to me at the time, and are still my favourite tag matches to this day.


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