Favorite Shoot Interview or Interviewee


King Of The Ring
I don't know if this thread has ever been created before, but I haven't seen it and I thought it would be a pretty cool topic discussion.

I'm guessing most people on this site enjoy listening to former or current wrestlers shoot on all the shit they hate about the wrestling business, whether it be Vince Mcmahon, the talent they worked with, the talent today, WCW, etc.

My question is simple. What is your favorite shoot interview or who is your favorite shoot interviewee of all time?

I, myself would have to go with Jim Cornette as my favorite shooter of all time, just because Cornette never runs out of shit to hate on and although he sounds bitter in most of his interviews, the man speaks the truth most of the time. Honorary mention to Sheiky baby telling everybody under the sun he's going to break their panzy ass backs with the Camel Clutch :worship:

Now my favorite shoot interview/interviews of all time has to be the video in the link below below. The Tonk is a bitter, fat, old bastard but goddamn that dudes funny.

I've seen some good ones with Dutch Mantel. Really insightful into the business.
I love Raven's shoots. He's got a fantastic mind for the business. and Jim Cornette is brilliant too.

New Jack, Honky, Kevin Nash are the ones to come to mind too. Love all their stuff.
I don't think I've ever watched a full shoot interview that wasn't on The Wrestling Channel when we had it over here in the UK. I really enjoyed watching TWC on Sunday nights. First I'd watch ROH then FMW then 3PW and I'd finish off with shoot interviews.

From the full shoot interviews I've seen on TWC, my favourite interview was from Al Snow. But this shoot took place just right before his ECW Title match with Shane Douglas at Wrestlepalooza 1998. Still though it was a great listen about he came up in the business, his time in SMW, the WWF etc. and was very funny.

From the clips I've seen on Youtube, Jim Cornette and Kevin Nash. I love listening to the stories they tell.
Podcasts really come into this as well, and the podcast Jericho did with Paul Heyman and Edge was brilliant.

Nash s always entertaining to listen to.
A conversation I had with Carlos Colon. Its my favorite because of fantastic topics like Flintstone vitamins, parking and the weather.
And in the wrestling world they're called shoot interviews... What's your point?

Professional wrestlers doing interviews out of character doesn't feel special any more. Calling them shoot interviews has lost their value. It seems more interesting if a guy would actually stays in character. Maybe those are the interviews should have the special distinction.

Or maybe the term shoot should be saved for when it is really special and happens on an actual wrestling program.
"Shoot" is about as stupid a term as "backstage news" or "smark/mark".

If it's on the wrestling show, it's part of the act. Period. There's no such thing as going off the script when there's so much money involved and a potential lawsuit in the wait.

If it's off a wrestling show, it's all convenience and what suits the person talking.
Or maybe the term shoot should be saved for when it is really special and happens on an actual wrestling program.


Works for me.
Raven's my all time favorite. His first two shoots with RF Video are incredible, especially if you're a big fan of his like I am.

For comedy, I like the Iron Sheik and New Jack the best.

Bad News Brown, Billy Jack Hayes, and Roddy Piper all have spectacular, 'must see' shoots out there as well.
Brian Kendrick and Paul London. I will never forget their Chris Benoit breakfast story.

I've never watched a full shoot but the YouTube clips I've seen of these two are fantastic. Especially Paul London.

And while it's not an interview there's a pretty funny video of him in a grocery store walking around talking about stuff. Matt Hardy gets mentioned at one point if I remember.
Whenever I need a pick-me-up*, I watch this. Charismatic Enigma also has a screenshot of this as his sig.


*an ironic choice of words, considering the state Jeff's in...
I regret not watching that Jeff video until now. The Kendrick & London video was hilarious, I was unaware that the moon is hollow and that 9/11 was holograms.

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