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Favorite Moment in this Year's Rumble Match


Unregistered User
This year's Royal Rumble Match will go down as one of the best Rumbles ever, and one reason that it was so great is the spectacular moments that came throughout the match, so which one was your favorite?

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan to Open- The two golden boys of the internet got the first two draws in this year's Royal Rumble match, and the IWC could not be more thrilled. For the first time we got to see Daniel Bryan face off against CM Punk, and while their battle was short lived before being interrupted by Justin Gabriel, it was still a glimpse at a feud that we can all pray will happen one day.

Daniel Bryan's First Rumble- He got two eliminations, had great interaction with William Regal, and put on a very good show. Sadly, he got eliminated fairly early when Nexus took over the ring, but we still got our fair share of DBD for the night. Perhaps he'll be the one standing tall after 39 men lay wasted on the ground in a few years.

John Morrison's Spider-Man Moment To quote one respected poster, "He's not human... he just can't be." That sums up how epically amazing John Morrison's Spider-Man spot was last night. There were about 20 different ways he could have messed it up, but he nailed it. One of the many moments from last night that left me speechless. There is no word in the English language for how unbelievably good that spot was.

Chavo's Tribute to Eddie- Viva la Raza! Chavo Guerrero suplexed any poor soul that was unfortunate enough to come within his reach, eventually hitting the triple suplex combo that made his uncle famous, the "Three Amigos." After hitting the trio he mimicked Eddie's signature pose, and then went back into Chavo mode and got pounded on and eliminated. It was still a nice nostalgic moment in the early moments of the Royal Rumble.

Nexus Cleans House and Dominates- Once David Otunga hit the ring, there was nothing stopping Nexus from cleaning house, and they did so fairly quickly, even taking out the massive Mark Henry. They then took out the next three men who hit the ring with relative ease before they had to deal with a returning Khali. When Khali seemed to be in good shape, Mason Ryan hit the ring and Fauxtista managed to get rid of the Punjabi Playboy. Nexus had a very dominant Rumble and looked to be the more powerful and cohesive group when compared to The Corre.

Booker T Returns- Can you dig it suckas? Booker T may be in his 40s, but you would have never guessed it after the way he performed last night, hitting his famous Scissor Kick and Bookend on various Nexus members and capping his success off with a Spinarooni. He got eliminated by Nexus, but it was great to see Booker back in action and in great shape.

John Cena Eliminates Nexus- John Cena vowed to eliminate every member of Nexus from the Rumble, and he did (with the exception of Harris who was eliminated by Khali earlier). This was huge as it really helps wrap up the Cena-Nexus feud with Cena looking strong as Nexus moves onto their next target. It was also awesome to see Cena taking care of business like that.

Hornswoggle's Antics- Now if you're like me... or anyone who watches wrestling and is above the age of 9, you find Hornswoggle to be extraordinarily annoying. But last night... he was pretty amusing, going so far as to AA Tyson Kidd (holy shit!) and hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on Slater. He even taunted Sheamus later in the match! My first thought was that I wish they gave Horny's spot to another legend type guy, but after he was eliminated I decided that it was worth throwing him in there for the sake of comedy.

Kingston vs. Cena- These two had a nice little mini-match between the two of them, and both came off looking strong and as good sportsman. I actually believed Kofi's offense on Cena as legitimate, and that's a great sign for Kofi as he continues to push into the main event.

Diesel Returns- Once again, he didn't last long, but for just a few moments the Royal Rumble was Diesel Powered! It was great to see Kevin Nash in the gimmick that made him famous. I'm still upset that we didn't get to see any Jackknife Powerbombs, but Kevin Nash looked like he was back in 1994 in terms of physical appearance. Seriously, he looked better last night than during his entire run with TNA, second run with WWE, and even some of his run with WCW!

Randy Orton Surprise Entry- The smarky Boston crowd loved Randy Orton last night and gave his second coming almost as big a reaction as his first one. After Dolph entered the chances of Randy entering went way up, but it was still a surprise to see him come out. Like Dolph he was a huge threat to anyone in the ring, but unlike Dolph, Randy actually had a great chance of winning.

Miz Eliminates Cena- In one of the more memorable, "I jumped out of my chair and screamed at the TV" moments, The Miz hit the ring and quickly eliminated Cena following a distraction from Riley. This was enraging for a variety of reasons, but when it was time to face the facts we all had to deal with Cena being eliminated.

Santino Hits the Cobra- Del Rio thought he had the Rumble in the bag after he eliminated Randy Orton. His music hit, his little stooge started singing his praises... but he had one last mountain to climb before he got the Royal Rumble victory... and that was Santino Marella. To quote IC, "We forgot - for a split second- that he's kind of a jobber." There was no chance that Santino would win the Rumble... but it seemed like there was when he hit an unsuspecting Del Rio with the Cobra.

Alberto Del Rio Wins- Yes, the match was great, but it's all about the final result, and the history books will say that Alberto Del Rio won the 2011 Royal Rumble match. He's a guy that only a few people predicted would win, but he was always a real threat. He did exactly as he said and fulfilled his destiny last night.

Other- There were so many great moments in the Royal Rumble last night that I couldn't possibly name them all. If I didn't get yours, what was it?
Alberto Del Rio Wins.

The Cobra is a close second and Diesel's return is third for me, but this was a moment that I will remember for a long time. Alberto Del Rio is currently my favourite wrestler and it was a monumental moment for me watching him become the 2011 Royal Rumble winner. Viva Del Rio!
I'm gonna have to go with The Cobra, since I'm a pretty big Santino mark as of late. I thought he had a great chance of winning, which if Del Rio didn't win, I would have wanted to see for some strange reason. The victory is second, followed by Deisel, Booker T, Spidermorrison, the Eddie tribute, Kingston/Cena, and Hornswoggle. Probably in that order. I'm still trying to think about it. lol.
For me, Diesel's return was just brilliant. The live crowds' response was fantastic, the respect they showed him all contributed towards making a Royal Rumble moment that will stick with me for a while. By far the loudest pop of the night.
John Morrison's "Spider-Man moment" was incredible and had me captivated. Spectacular spot.

I also loved Chavo's Three Amigos followed by Eddie's taunt. I don't know why it is but I love any tribute to Eddie Guerrero like that. It definitely put a smile on my face.

Listening to Matt Striker legitimately mark out (and indeed use the phrase) when Booker T came out had me chuckling. I love Matt Striker.
All of it, but one thing that stands out (out of many moments) is Chavo's Eddie tribute. It made me realize that he could be a huge midcard face. The reaction he got last night was great. He's a good wrestler and can use the Guerrero name and Eddie's legacy to really be a threat in the midcard. He's also a pretty funny guy.
I got to go with Spider-Morrison. That literally blew my mind. For him to actually perform it perfectly with no slip up at all, it speaks volumes to his athleticism. A Rumble spot that will be mentioned for years to come.

Second, would have to be Diesel's return. My ears will never forgive that crowd for exploding so loud to it. I got to say that it was great to see Big Daddy Cool back in the E. It just felt right.

Third, Booker T's return, my favorite wrestler as a kid back on tv. Nostalgia really took over when he came out. I damaged my voice from screaming so loud.
If I had to choose one, it would deifinately be Morrison. That was just freaking epic. Morrison really impressed me. What if he would have messed up and gotten himself eliminated? That took some real guts and skill.
My top 5

1. Morrison spot
2. The sandwich I am eating after the rumble (nothing special about it)
3.The match mercifully fake ending
4. The match finally officially ending
5. Diesel until he got in the ring
My top 5:

1. Nash/Booker T mega pops
2. Morrison becoming Spider-Man
3. Cena clearing house
4. Hornswoggle teaming with Cena
5. Santino's Cobra.
1. Nasty boy pants.
2. spider-mo was something different.
3. Can you dig iiiiiiiiiiiiiit suckaaaaaah / Spinnerooni
4. The piss take of "but so and so wasn't eliminated" ending.
5. Diesel coming out to his old theme :lmao:

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