Favorite/Least Favorite Finishers


Dark Match Jobber
To be more specific I'm talking strictly about their power and if they actually come across as painful or not.

My favorite: CM Punk's GTS
When he hits his knee to someone's face, I literally ask myself how someone isn't knocked out for a second.

My least favorite: Randy Orton's RKO
The only reason I don't like the RKO is because other than the set up for it, how is it different than a bulldog, impact wise? When compared to other finishers, I just don't see how it's believable that it puts someone out for the 3 count.

Of course these are all my opinions so I'm curious to hear everyone else's.
My favorite Finisher: The GTS. It looks great and is believable.

My least favorite Finisher: Skull Crushing Finale. Is quite possibly the 3rd worst finisher in WWE history behind Hogan's Legdrop and Jeff Jarrett's Stroke. Yes, it's even worse than Warrior's Body Splash.

My top 5 crappiest Finisher list: 1.Hogan's Legdrop 2.The Stroke 3. Skull Crushing Finale 4. Body Splash 5. The 619
for my favorite finisher right now id say the GTS because punk could actullay knock someone out with it if he hit them just right.

least favorite finisher: id say the STF from cena honestly i cant figure out what exactly hes putting pressure on and it looks like it hurts him more then it does his opponet i wish he would just retire the move forever it doesnt look painful...besides to himself
1. Cross Rhodes(1st thing that made me respond to him)
2. World's Strongest Slam(I like simple strength)
3. Rough Ryder(Leg Lariats are awesome)

Least Favorite
1. Zig Zag(looks different or slightly botched every other time)
2. WMD(why dont he just throw the punch earlier in the match?)
3. Ankle Lock(either tap quickly or reverse the move. The drama they try to build with it is wack)
Favs: Nash's Jack knife powerbomb, Undertaker's tomb stone (when his head is between both legs), Razor's edge, Sweet Chin Music, Malenko's Texas Clover Leaf.

Least favs: That mandiclaw thing Mankind did with the sock.. Why dont they just bite his fingers? I dont get the impact point of the RKO and to me it always seemed like the figure four leg lock looked like it was hurting Flair just as much as the other guy. The W.M.D. is ******ed and im pretty sure its been illegal in pro wrestling since 1903.. I could never buy the three amigoes but maybe thats because of Eddie's size because if I saw Hall or Batista do it it would be a different story. I also never got why Benoit wasn't knocked out by his own flying head but.. how can he control the impact if he jumped off the top rope? The SCF also looks weak..

I love the energy created when Luger would raise his arm up to tell us it was time. I loved how the crowd got more amped every time he pumped his arms but i never understood if the torture rack was bending someone to death in a c formation or if its damage factor was shaking someones head to hard when he bounced them up and down..
Current Favorite: Punk's GTS
All-Time Favorite: Sweet Chin Music

Worst Finisher: I'm honestly surprised I've only seen a few of you list it, but Barrett's Wasteland move is just awful. The set up is terrible and it doesn't look even remotely painful. Seriously, a scoop slam looks to have more impact.
To be more specific I'm talking strictly about their power and if they actually come across as painful or not.

My favorite: CM Punk's GTS
When he hits his knee to someone's face, I literally ask myself how someone isn't knocked out for a second.

My least favorite: Randy Orton's RKO
The only reason I don't like the RKO is because other than the set up for it, how is it different than a bulldog, impact wise? When compared to other finishers, I just don't see how it's believable that it puts someone out for the 3 count.

Of course these are all my opinions so I'm curious to hear everyone else's.

Wait so you think The GTS, someone falling about 3 feet onto a padded knee, Looks like it could knock someone out, but a the RKO, someone falling from a standing position, average of almost 6 feet, and hitting their head on a pad-free shoulder, Could not?

Well it doesn't make sense to me but we all have our own opinions and I respect yours. Speaking of our opinions:

My favorite finisher: The Skull-Crushing Finale. (full nelson facebuster)

I love the skull crushing finale. Well, more specifically, I love the concept of it. Your arms are behind your head is a full nelson, your leg has been swept from under you and your going down. Hard. Sometimes I don't like how the move is performed, but just imagining the devastation that the maneuver would cause to someone's face, or even brain....

Least favorite finisher: Wasteland (forward fireman's carry slam)

HAAATE! I get it. Barrett is tall. Barrett is strong. Opponent falls down. But it just doesn't look good. it's awkward, it's boring, and i have never seen Barrett put any emotion or flair into the move. No attept to make it look better than it is. Why doesn't he fall down with the recpient of the move to make it seem like he's putting more power into it? If not that, cant he just... I don't know, jump a little or something when the opponent hits the mat to make it look like they got slammed harder? I'm glad he's using that "Winds Of Change" finisher now because I can't stand the wasteland. (why is it called that, anyway?
Finisher playes a huge role in establishing belief in the fan's mind whether the wrestler is legit or not. Keeping that in mind I get to the point.
My Favourite Finisher-The F5
It looked pretty damn devasting. You knew if Brock hit this, the other guy is not getting up.
My Least Favourite Finisher-The Cobra
I can't say this is my least favourite. I HATE this. That's how i can express it. Atleast WWE chose the right guy to give this finisher(if you can call it that).
My favourite would probably be Cross Rhodes. The move just looks brutal and at times even looks like the move could break your neck.

Worst: The Cobra, I get it's ment to be a comedy move for a comedic wrestler (who was funnier when he was a heel) but the move is just plain idiotic and makes Santino's opponent's look so damn pathetically weak.

Stone Cold Stunner - Simply stunning (ha!) move, love the quick boot to the stomach, then WHAM! No fucking around at all. Although depending on the recipient, sometimes looked shit (best: The Rock)

Mick Foleys PileDriver - I know it wasn't really his finisher, but i always loved the way he grabbed the trunks and it looked like it actually hurt!

Sweet Chin Music - The build up with the foot stomping, the ability for it to be easily countered, Shawn slapping his leg to make that smack sound as it conected.. A simple, yet all round amazing finisher.

Least Favorites:

WMD - Just stupid. And lazy.

619 - Someone put this little girl out of her misery and tell her to get a new finisher or don't come back.

STF - Looks shithouse. Angrys up the blood seeing Cena attempt a submission move.
GTS- Just unbelievable
Stunner- the aftermath of the stunner was probably my favorite part.
Batista Bomb- I love the way he sits down with it.
RKO- it comes out of nowhere and it is so well executed each time.

Least Favorite
Samoan Spike- ....come on?
Cobra- Its become a little more interesting with the puppet, I guess?
Khali Chop- Same as the first two. It just isnt believable.
F5- I know, a bit of a surprise. It just took way too long to do and became sloppy overtime.
Favourite: got to be sweet chin music, can be hit out of anywhere an example when shawn hit it on shelton when he jumped of the top rope.

Least favourite: got to be ankle lock i mean can't whoever is in it use their other foot to kick the guy?
My all time favorites in now order: Sweet Chin Music, Pedigree, GTS, Five Star Frog Splash, The Old Kevin Nash Jackknife, The Cobra(I love the silliness of it and Santino is one of the few guys who can pull it off) Stone Cold Stunner

Least favorites: Most anything from a fireman's carry, Tombstone(Even from a young age I could tell it was fake, Taker/Kane's knees always hit never the opponents head), RKO, The People's elbow/5 knuckle shuffle/The Worm(All are just basic moves with a bunch of dancing thrown in), WMD(use the chokeslam, hell go back to the Final Cut even)
GTS- Just unbelievable
Stunner- the aftermath of the stunner was probably my favorite part.
Batista Bomb- I love the way he sits down with it.
RKO- it comes out of nowhere and it is so well executed each time.

Least Favorite
Samoan Spike- ....come on?
Cobra- Its become a little more interesting with the puppet, I guess?
Khali Chop- Same as the first two. It just isnt believable.
F5- I know, a bit of a surprise. It just took way too long to do and became sloppy overtime.

AT first it was a good move but as you said he got sloppy with it. I forget how many times he dropped the guy straight on his head from doing it too stiff instead pancaking them. One time I was pretty sure Brock killed A-Train with it
A good finisher needs to be hit from nowhere, stunner, rko, diamond cutter, clothesline from hell, sweet chin music and choke slam are all good examples of that.

Some finishers look amazing but really are improbable/impossible to hit if it were a "real" fight. examples of these are Burchill's "C4", HHH's "Pedigree", Test's "Pump Handle Slam".

My favourite finisher ever is The Stone Cold Stunner

My least favourite is 619.
IMO there are two ways to look at finishers: from a real-life "that could happen and would hurt" perspective, and moves that are great within pro wrestling lexicon and are understood to be done by both guys.

"Reality" finishers
Favorite: Spear, but only if done by Goldberg or Rhino
Least Favorite: The Cobra (it could hurt, but not enough to get a pin)

"Pro Wrestling" finishers
Favorite: Cop Killa (looks like it could KILL someone if done wrong), Warrior's Way (top rope jumping moves are "pro wrestling" moves)
Least Favorite: Stroke (unlike the Skull Crushing finale [which CHRIS JERICHO originally used back in 2001] you have a free hand to protect yourself)
Good post! It's hard for me to pick one so I'll just give out my top 3 for each

1) GTS. Just have to love this move as it actually looks devastating when done correctly
2) Paul Burchill's move. I can't remember the name of it, and he didn't use it often as he rarely won (haha), but he would set the guy up like a belly to belly slam, then flip backwards and land on the guys back. It was basically like a typical rock bottom, but just looked awesome.
3) F5. Again, basically a typical slam but just looked pretty. Also has to hurt coming from a guy of Brock's size.

Honorable mentions: Rough Ryder, Mr. Kennedy's WWE move off the top rope, Tombstone, Pedegree, Petey Destroyer's flipping piledriver thing, Umaga's move, Labell lock, Unprettier, Clothesline from hell (always looked devastating)

Least Favorites:
1)STFU. Or whatever it's called, that submission move Cena does. It doesn't look as if he applies any pressure AT ALL, and just annoys the hell out of me
2) The Worm. Again, another move just had me shaking my head when Scotty would win with this move. I mean, seriously??
3) The Cobra. Yeah, it's funny and it fits Santino's gimmick, but does anyone really think this move would knock somebody out?

Honorable Mentions: Khali's chop, People's Elbow, Wasteland, Chokeslam

...I think I went a little overboard on my 'honorable mentions' for my favorites, haha!
From WWE My Favorite Pinning Finishers Now of Present Time

1. Brogue Kick - Def an awesome finisher the way Sheamus executes the move is def second best Kick to HBK Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music.

2. Cross Rhodes - Love the whole motion of the move and impact it makes when is landed on opponent

3. RKO - The way Randy Orton executes these move where it comes out of nowhere it just looks totally sweet

Honorable Mention
4. Spear - Edge was my favorite wrestler and was the Best to use the move not Batista Goldberg or Bobby Lashley Rhyno did have some impact with Gore but still Love Edge's Spear.

5. Future Shock DDT - Although he is somewhat on the backburner as of late I love the way Drew Mcintyre executes his finisher a great impactful finisher

Least Favorite WWE Finishers

1. The Cobra by Santino Marella To quote the Miz Really? Really? Every Females Finisher in WWE is better then this move and Even Every Female is better Wrestler then Santino Where is George the Animal Steele when you need him to apply a Flying Hammerlock to the Cobra

2. Attitude Adjustment - Sorry I prefer a Death Valley Driver versus a throwing Firemans Carry Sorry Cena just don't do it for me.

3. The People's Elbow - Rock Bottom Yes! However Sorry the only Elbow Drop that was a great finisher was The Macho Man's Elbow Drop. I guess we go from Hogan Leg Drop to an Elbow Drop tough over time.

Top Favorite Finishers All Time
1 Sweet Chin Music Enough Said Best move had Best Pop and Reaction when is executed and connected
2. Diving Elbow Drop Macho Man Randy Savage What more can I say My Favorite Finisher as Kid growing up Macho MAn my first favorite ever.
3. Perfect Plex- What can I say More Was Unique effective and Perfect!
4. Pedigree - Triple H Favorite WWE Star next to Chris Jericho absolute great at being badass and the Game The Pedigree is just awesome finisher point blank
5. Tombstone Piledriver - Love the Undertaker Tombstone is great and iconic with Undertaker

Top Tag Team Finishers
1 .Doomsday Device -Favorite Tag Team and Best Tag Team Finisher
2. Demolition Decapitation - Great Tag Team Finisher
3. 3D Best Tag Team Finisher of It's Time
4. Hart Attack Hart Foundation
5. Total Elimination by Saturn and Kronus
One of my favourites has to be coast to coast by Shane McMahon. Just looks incredible.

Shooting Star Press by Billy Kidman too. He just seems to hang in the air!

I've always been a fan of the Jackhammer by Goldberg. Especially the one on the Giant (Big Show).

John "Bradshaw" Layfield's Clothesline from Hell - On most occasions, Bradshaw always threw all of his weight behind his clotheslines and made them look decapitating. Sometimes he didn't and they looked like regular mid-match moves, but I was amazed that he didn't kill someone when he performed it correctly.

Diamond Dallas Page's Diamond Cutter - Before Orton was pulling the RKO out of nowhere, DDP innovated hitting the Diamond Cutter from just about any position. DDP didn't invent the Cutter, but he took it to a whole other level.

The Sharpshooter - No matter who's applying this hold, if they do it right, it hurts. The only person who never really sold it for me was Sting, who never applied enough pressure. Whether it be the Hart Brothers, Chris Benoit, Lance Storm, or even Shawn Michaels, they locked it in tight and put their opponent in a world of pain.

Chris Jericho's Liontamer - The Liontamer is considered interchangeable with the Walls of Jericho, but the big difference is the applier placing his knee on the opponent's neck and pulling back as much as possible. Sometimes Jericho didn't sit back enough on the Walls to make it look painful, but the Liontamer always hurts.

Least Favorites:

Santino Marella's Cobra - At first, I was okay with this move because it's supposed to be a swift strike to a sensitive nerve. However, as time went on, Santino started hitting people in the forehead or face, which is completely unbelievable.

The Rock's People's Elbow - From one perspective, The People's Elbow is perfect for The Rock; A flashy, crowd-pleasing move for "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports-Entertainment". However, considering how talented The Rock can be if he puts his mind to it (performing a Perfect-plex at Survivor Series '11), it's not a believable finishing move. It's makes for a good set-up to the Rock Bottom, but it shouldn't finish people off.
Wait so you think The GTS, someone falling about 3 feet onto a padded knee, Looks like it could knock someone out, but a the RKO, someone falling from a standing position, average of almost 6 feet, and hitting their head on a pad-free shoulder, Could not?

What i'm saying is, padded knee or not, someones knee hitting you in the face that quickly and strongly would hurt MORE than an RKO, which to me, impact wise, doesn't seem much different than a bulldog

You see guys fall on their face all the time in the sport and it doesn't put them down for the count then, so why would it when applied as an RKO? But I have to agree, Barret's Wasteland is also extremely awful.
Favourites - F-5, Punt Kick, Canadian Destroyer, 450 Splash, Codebreaker, Cross Rhodes

Worst - Cobraaaaaa, Attitude Adjustment, Hogan's legdrop
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