Favorite Genre and your top 3 in that genre


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
My favorite Genre is the Action-adventure genre but more specifically the Hack and slash sub genre. I like the fact that they are pretty easy with the fact that sometimes you have no choice but to explore you surroundings to find out where to go. I can and have played these kind of games for hours on end and not get bored.

My top 3 in no particular order.

The game that got me into the HnS games I loved it after 5 minutes of play time. Couple that with the fact I love Greek Mythology and this game is high on my all time favorites as well as one of my favorite HnS games.

Bought this game a couple months ago and again got real into it very fast. Again I have always been a fan of Dante's Inferno and the concept of the 7 circles of hell and you ending up in the circle that fits whichever of the 7 deadly sins you are guilty of. Then there's the fact that the move this game is based on is a pretty good movie.


This game I just bought today on my break at work and again fell in love within 5 minutes. As with the other 2 I've always been a fan of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse and the end of days add to this that War is my favorite of the 4 horsemen and you get to play as War in this game and it get's an A+ in my book.
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My favorite game genre is Open world crime

#1 : Saints Row 2

#2 : Saints Row

#3 : GTA Vice City

All of these games are virtually endless fun to screw around in I have literally hundreds of hours play time on each one of these games (Except #3 I can't really say anymore cause I traded in my PS2 when it became an obsolete console but I'm sure I did)

Good times..... goooooood times :)

Super Mario Galaxy and SMG2

I keep changing my mind on which one is best but they are fantastic. Huge game with tons of secrets, a huge variety of levels and powerups just make "one more level" something you want to do.

Sonic the hedgehog 2

Turn Tails off and this is brilliant. A vast game that starts easy but has an increasing difficulty level at a steady pace. It works well.

A Shadow's Tale/Lost in Shadow

The first hour or so is spent learning how to manipulate objects in the real world which in turn moves the shadows in order to let you access a particular part of the level but as you progress it becomes more in-depth. As you go through each level you also get memories from the boy, whether this is giving you hints on the level, telling you things that may happen or just out right emo type nonsense. The addition of a fairy called Spangle really gives this an almost Peter Pan type feel.

As the game progresses it really gets some real bite, some challenging puzzles and some great boss battles which really does fill you with a sense of excitement I guess. The main flaw in the game for me is there are long stretches where not a lot happens, but as mentioned earlier this brings a more relaxing element to the games at times which I as a gamer like, but I can see why people would be off put by this.

All in all a very different sort of game, if you can find it (I can’t find one shop that sells it and had to buy it off ebay) then definitely pick it up. One of the unsung heroes of the Wii that will probably be overlooked for Mario and Sonic go shopping to Wal*Mart or something.
I'm gonna go with Horror.

1. Shadow Man - An adventure-horror game that has a dark voodoo theme to it. It's like a darker and violent version of Zelda.

2. Resident Evil 1-3 - As most of you should know, the first 3 RE games are the best ones for me. It's what Resident Evil is all about. Suspense and claustrophobia.

3. Silent Hill 2 - Most Silent Hill fans consider part 2 the best one, and I agree. This one was very creepy and atmospheric and I'm looking forward to playing it in HD.
Easy one for me, it's RPG's. I enjoy many separate genres but no other type of game really appeals to me as much as a good RPG. I'll go from #3 to #1.


Sorry about the size, just got a random picture. Anyway, I got this game last year and was very skeptical of it. I knew it was a complex game and I wasn't sure that it would come together after reading about it. Luckily, I didn't stray from buying it and have been rewarded ever since. It's one of the most addicting games I have ever had the pleasure of playing with so many different options and paths to choose. It's incredibly in depth and the battle system works out perfectly on both the PC and Xbox versions. Like I said, there are so many different options to choose from whether it's choosing one of the three classes or experiencing each of the three races stories some of which, have multiple stories within themselves. Just an overall amazing game with content to leave you playing for weeks.


Such a fantastic and underrated game. Almost nobody I know has ever played this game, but it's so damn good. There's a huge world to explore, tons of mini games, and so much character development available. Add in the near impossible in difficulty bonus dungeons you unlock at the end of the game and the incredibly in depth crafting system that you must use and you have a very in depth gaming experience. DId I mention the battle system? It's the best one I have ever had the pleasure of playing. There are so many different options and setting, but it's simplified so that anybody can use it. I cannot give it enough praise.


I make it no secret how much I enjoy Kingdom Hearts 2. It holds the prestigious place as my favorite video game of all time and has held it for many years. The battle system isn't as good as the first seeing as you can hack n slash your way through, but it's MUCH more fluid and fun. It's a very good looking game that has a much better story than the first and much more content available whether it be more worlds to explore or more moves available to unlock. Add in the addition of the incredibly fun drive gauge and the plethora of key blades and it's bound to have you hooked from the first battle. Easy choice as my number one. In fact, I have no trouble at all picking any of my choices.
Western RPGs easily, there are very few sadly, but when you get them, ho lee crap. I like Japanese RPGs & European RPGs too, but man, BioWare owns all. Only Blizzard is capable of putting out something with that same feel BioWare has, but they aren't in the single player RPG genre, sadly.

#3 Baldur's Gate

For over 10 years I never thought there would be a better RPG created. Set in the AD&D world of the Forgotten Realms, based on the AD&D Core Rules v2.0 This was table top gaming made right and brought to the PC for the first time in a way that actually not only made the video game version fun, but in a lot of ways, better than the table top.
#2 Dragon Age: Origins

12 years it took for someone to make a better RPG than Baldur's Gate and of course it was achieved by the same people that made the original. Dragon Age: Origins (named by the BioWare employees as the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate) had mountains of possibilities both in role playing options and endgame results. Your choices REALLY mattered in this game, and because of it, you'd inevitably go back and play it at least one or two more times, or more until you felt you'd exhausted the different ways various scenes could play out and had discovered all the different storylines that lay down the path of one of the earlier branches in your journey. Mature, not XXX or needlessly gorey or anything like that, but Mature, as in grown up. Beyond that it was a great story to which neither movies, nor books could do justice. It's proof that video games are their own medium for artistic expression that nothing else can duplicate. It's not a video game, it's an interactive experience in a realistic fantasy world.
#1 Mass Effect 2

2 months after Dragon Age: Origins was released BioWare topped it with Mass Effect 2. This game really blurs the lines between RPG and tactical shooter, and yet, the best part of Dragon Age: Origins was streamlined here in Mass Effect 2; It's not a video game, it's an interactive experience in a realistic fantasy world scratch that, Sci-Fi Galaxy. This is technically an RPG. You ARE Commander Sheppard, and the choices you make have direct consequence, moreover the choices you made in the first Mass Effect game alter what is available to you in this game, a feature that continues on to the trilogies finale. Commander Sheppard is a real badass, and you're the reason why. He's demented, he's sweet, he caring, he's heartless & cruel, he's funny, he's lame, whatever he or she turns out to be, it's on you. You are what makes Sheppard what he or she is.

From a personal standpoint, I can tell you that most of my life I've considered myself a theoretical fan of Sci-Fi. I am bored to tears of Star Wars & Star Trek, and without those, that the hell is there out there for Sci-Fi fans? Avatar? ... Anyways... I like Robert Heinlein's sci-fi. Starship Troopers, I liked the movie Pitch Black, I like Aliens & Predator, but compared to Star Wars & Star Trek, they're just a niche in the genre. Well... Mass Effect is MY Sci-Fi trilogy of choice, and I'm damned proud of it.

Mass Effect is sleek, fast paced, character driven, deep, mature, and completely awesome. It takes everything I like about Sci-Fi and lumps it all into one story, with everything that makes a good story as well. It's damned near the perfect game, no, correction, it's damned near the perfect interactive experience.
Action/Adventure is what I'm gonna go with.


I'm not gonna lie here, the first in the series never really screamed potential at me, whilst it was a good game I felt it was way to repetitive for my liking. I decided to give it another go and boy am I happy I did, the sequel was amazing, the story and gameplay combined is breath taking. Brotherhood followed in the same footsteps and I'm eagerly awaiting the fourth in the series.


Absolute quality. You are going to have to have played the previous games to fully appreciate the storyline. Aside from that, the gameplay, the graphics and everything else is of the highest quality. Nothing more to say.


When I first bought this I was very skeptical, I've never really enjoyed super hero type games before but I heard good things about this. The darkness of this game really caught me by surprise, it was a good surprise. I love the plot of this game and fighting different villains from the Batman world e.g Bane, Scarcrow and of course The Joker. Really really good game. Bring on Arkham city.
My favorite genre is RPG's and here are my top 3 from it:


Tales of Symphonia is my favorite game of all time. Even though it's not turn-based (which I tend to prefer over action based) it's still my favorite because I love everything that there is about this game. It's perfect. The battles get insane on the Mania difficulty. It has over 100+ beautiful tracks in its soundtrack, a playable cast so memorable that you'll quickly grow fond of each of them, a cartoony style of graphics that I personally think fits better than the "realistic" garbage we get from most games, one of the best villains of gaming in Yggdrasil, a nearly endless list of mini games or side quests, and an epic story that is bar none the greatest I have ever seen.


You all knew this was coming. Final Fantasy 7 made RPG's more mainstream and cool with its cut-scenes that changed the gaming world forever. Cloud helped create the stereotype of spiky haired swordsmen as the quintessential RPG hero. Sephiroth is one of the standards that countless villains try to live up to. Other than Tales of Symphonia it has the best soundtrack and story in all of the games I've played. I have replayed this game countless times and it never gets old, mainly due to nostalgia and reliving great moments each time through.


Although Final Fantasy 4 would truly be my 3rd favorite within the genre, I decided to go with only one FF in my top tier. Paladin's Quest is next in line, and I stand by my statement from other threads that it is the most underrated game in history as a result of negative reactions from people who did not give it a chance. It had an innovative battle system where you used your Health Points to cast magic instead of Skill/Magic Points. This turned some people away from the game, but it was a very useful system once you figured out how to go about it. There was also a mercenary system where optional mercenaries could be recruited as party members, some were more useful than others and it added to the replay value to use different people. The music and graphics also stood out quite a bit, this game was one of a kind and deserves far more than what people have said about it over the years.
Like Lee, Platformers are easily my favorite genre. If I were to list my three favorites, Mario would own all three spots, so I'll only take one from that series in the interest of fairness.

3. Super Metroid

I hadn't played this game until earlier this year. I kept hearing about how it was this incredible game with awesome combat and great freedom of exploration, and after playing it, I can verify all of those things. Boss fights rule, the controls are tight, everything's great. Love this game.

2. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped

This may have been the height of the PS1 for me. It took everything great about the first two games and improved them, adding plenty of new gameplay types to the series, use of vehicles especially. Easily the best in the series, especially after Naughty Dog stopped making them. If you haven't played it, do yourself a favor.

1. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Sorry Super Mario 64, you have been officially usurped as my favorite Mario game ever. Galaxy 2 is pretty much perfect: everything controls perfectly (except Spring Mario on occasion), the levels are fresh and innovative, bosses are creative challenges, the game is almost always the right kind of difficult, and, of course, it's ridiculously fun, which is it's greatest quality. Just running around as Mario feels special (I call it "the Miyamoto Touch"). This is a masterpiece, without any bit of doubt.
My favourite genre is fighting genre and my top 3 faves in that genre are the 3 top fighting games in the world.

Street Fighter Without Street Fighter there would be no Mortal Kombat, Tekken or any other fighting game in the world. Street Fighter has good characters, good fight stages and the bonus rounds where your fighter has to break down a car & break barrells to earn extra points are fun to play.

Mortal Kombat Has the gore, blood & violence that Street Fighter is missing. Another thing missing about Street Fighter is a clear storyline. With MK, the storyline is a tournament and Lui Kang is the main guy that wins the tournament but with Street Fighter I just don't know what it's about nor does anybody know who the main protagnist of the game is supposed to be. I mean Ryu is considered the main protagnist in the game but in the movie Guile is the protagnist. But like Street Fighter though, MK has good characters if not actually better characters than SF. Good but some scary fight stages, the bonus rounds are decent and the movesets are better but that could be partly due to the fact that MK characters use weapons & special powers. And every fighter in the game has a good storyline behind em.

Tekken This is a like a mix between Street Fighter & Mortal Kombat to me. Doesn't have gore, blood & violence but they do have bone crunching sound effects which comes close to the concept, still awesome though. I like to hear those sound effects whenever I'm playing with someone like Jin, Paul or King. Like both SF & MK, good characters & good storylines. The fight stages are not so awesome but the game does have some good music in their fight stages if that helps.

If I were to order em, I would say MK is #1, Tekken is #2 and Street Fighter is #3. I also like Killer Instinct, I would rank that my 4th favourite. And Unholy War as my 5th favourite.

These 5 games just aren't part of my fav fighting games but also part of my top 10 fav games of all time. The fighting genre is my favourite when it comes to games like the 5 I named here and when it comes to sports like wrestling, MMA, boxing, kickboxing etc. I just love the fighting genre.
My Favorite Genre is RPG.
To be Honest its hard for me to pick only 3 as my top favorites because I love so many games from this particular genre.
But Final Fantasy VII is definitely My #1
FFVII is the first role playing game I ever played. I remember at first I didn't even like it because I've never played a turned based game before. I gave it a chance and little by little I fell in love with this game. I got used to the battle system and was surprised by how in depth the battle system was with the factors of linking your materia together. The story was just done so well as well words can not describe . Its hard for me to even explain how much love I have for this game, for introducing me to a whole new genre in a very special way.
As for the other 2 games that should be considered my Favorites, I literally can't decide. There are too many incredible rpgs that I've played for me to choose 2 over the others.

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