Favorite Genre and your top 3 in that genre (music version)


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
My favorite genre of music is Heavy Metal. When I'm in the mood for good music I love putting in Blizzard of Ozz or The Number of the Beast. When it's good I enjoy the way, The guitar, bass, drums and vocals combine in a way that is just awesome and i can listen to the album all day and never get bored.


This is the first Ozzy Album I ever heard as well as one of the first Metal Albums I listened so it will always be among my favorites.Black Sabbath is a classic group but Ozzy didn't really hit is stride until he went Solo and with Randy Rhodes on guitar this album is one of the best of any genre ever.


To fit the mold this one was the first Iron Maiden Album I ever heard and as soon as the opening guitar riff from Invaders played I was hooked. I've since listened to all 14 of their other Albums and love them all but this one is awesome.


Again this is the first Metallica Album I ever heard and is their best. The first song (Battery) starts out slow but after about 40 seconds it gets heavy and then just kicks you in the face which is part of what I love about this album.

now for you listening pleasure I picked my favorite from these Albums and here they are.

You hit the nail on the head my friend. Metal is by far the superior breed of music.

I'd place Iron Maiden first, Megadeth second, saw them live and they're amazing. Third to Sabbath. Metallic and Pantera round out my top 5.
I'm going to have to go with classic rock. I'd include everything from the 50's-mid-80's. I don't buy into this mentality of if it's twenty years old it's classic rock. Every day I hear more and more Nirvana and Pearl Jam on classic rock radio. They are not classic rock. They are classic bands who do indeed rock but they are not classic rock.

As for my top three? My favorite would undoubtedly be The Beatles. I can't really imagine any band ever knocking them out of my number one spot. My second choice is a cheater's choice: Anything with Eric Clapton, including Cream, Derek and the Dominos, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Blind Faith, Yardbirds and his first couple solo albums. And to round out the top three I'd go with Neil Young's first half dozen albums. His quality of output has drastically gone downhill imo but those first six or so albums were gold.

And as for my favorites from each one?


:shrug: I think this is a hard one to say for me

Truth be told I love metal , I love 'screamo' , and I love pop-rock all about equally but I guess I have more consistently liked 'screamo' stuff the most and I guess thats because its basically a marriage of pop rock and metal to each other

Technically speaking its actually called post-hardcore according to wikipedia and such

My favorite bands of those types of all time

1.From First To Last ________________ 2.Asking Alexandria ________________ 3.Alesana

Below in the spoiler is a youtube video for one of my favorite songs for each band :)


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