Favorite finishers of all time.

undertaker fan

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What's your favorite finisher from any supertsar in any company WWE WCW or TNA even wrestlers in NWA if you can remember that far. It can be any number of finshers 1 to 100 I doubt you'll put 100 though. Please tell what superstar preforms the finisher like if you say chokeslam by who bigshow, hurricane who ever you think does it best. It can als be a tag team finsher.

My first favorite finisher is the is the last ride done by the undertaker because for some reason I'm just hooked to the move I like it more than any other finisher as my memoey serves.

My second favorite is the stone cold stunner by stone cold steve austin most devasting finisher ever can come completely out of no where.

The F-5 by brock lesnar. He made the move look good.

My last favorite finisher is the jack hammer by GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLBERG I love goldberg and his finisher I just want to see it done 1 more time.
So what are your favorite finisher(s).
These are in no particular order:
1. Flying elbow drop, Macho style. Its old school Randy Savage. Nuff said.
2. Sweet Chin Music, because it can hit at any time in a match, no setup needed.
3. Unprettier, by Christian. Okay, not for the actual move, but because it was the single most devastating finisher in WWF No Mercy for the N64.
4. Van Daminator, RVD. I don't know if if technically counts as a finisher, but any move that requires jumping from one turnbuckle far enough to kick someone laying down on another turnbuckle is simply amazing.
5. Shooting Star Press, Evan Bourne, Billy Kidman. No explanation needed for anyone who has ever seen it done properly.
6, Figure 4 Leg Lock, Ric "wooooooooooo" Flair. Nobody made it look as painful as Naitch.
7. Stone Cold Stunner. Like SCM, can be unleashed at any time.
8. Rude Awakening, Ravishing Rick Rude. Yeah, its really just a modified cutter, but it was AWESOME.
9. Doomsday Device, the Road Warriors. Only tag finisher in my list. but what a move it was...I spent a good part of my childhood wondering if LOD ever accidentally decapitated someone...
10. Big boot/leg drop, Hulk Hogan. This would also make a worst finishers ever list, but name another finisher that all but was guaranteed to actually FINISH a match?
These are in no particular order:
4. Van Daminator, RVD. I don't know if if technically counts as a finisher, but any move that requires jumping from one turnbuckle far enough to kick someone laying down on another turnbuckle is simply amazing.

Actually, that was the Van Terminator that you described, the Van Daminator was when he kicked the chair into someone's face. But anyway.....MY LIST

1. Scorpion Death Lock - Sting. While I will agree that Bret Hart was more famous for it, and that the name Sharpshooter has become synonymous with the move, I always thought that Sting did it better.
2. Texas Cloverleaf - Dean Malenko. What can I say, I like submission finishers, mainly because any old schmuck could actually do it.
3. Kudome Valentine - Megumi Kudo. Everyone knows it now as the Vertebreaker or the Cop/Gringo Killa, but how amazing was it to see the originator do this, especially seeing as this was one of quite a few devastating moves that were originated by FEMALE wrestlers in Japan. I mark out for it every time I watch one of her old matches and she does it.
4. Spinebuster - Arn Anderson. It's Arn Anderson, a man that rightfully deserves to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. It's a move that whenever you see someone pull it off, the announcers (if they aren't completely lame) will even go "An Arn Anderson Spinebuster". How many other moves do they do that with? Not many.
5. Cattle Mutilation/Arms Across America - Bryan Danielson. The move just looks like it would hurt like hell, that if you were caught in it it would suck like hell, Danielson has the neck strength to hold it as long as hell, the build up to it was never boring as hell.
6. The Claw - Which Von Erich not named Lacey should I attribute this to. It's the Claw, which for longer than Hogan has done that silly little leg drop, meant one thing....THE END!
My all time favourite move has to be the DDT. Raven and Dreamer used to do the DDT justice, but the true master of the move was Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

When he was in the prime of his career, Jake Roberts hitting the DDT was truly a sight to behold. When everything else was all cartoony and over the top like Hogan and Savage, you have "The Snake" who was very quiet and cunning, and the DDT represented that perfectly. He could execute it so swiftly and so naturally that it looked legimatly dangerous, which is most probaly was.

Since him of course there have been what feels like hundreds of wrestlers at one point or another use the DDT both as a finisher or just as a regular move, so by todays standards it's not so devestating, but when Jake Roberts first started using it it looked insane.
It's tough to narrow it down to just one since there have been countless awesome finishers over the years. My favorite ones of all are probably Orton's RKO and Stone Cold's Stunner because they can come out of nowhere and look so devastating. You can tell with finishers like those that the other guy is not likely to kick out after being pinned since those are such powerful moves.
My favorite Finisher of a time.

Canadian Destroyer-Petey Williams,
RKO-Randy Orton
F5(The Vertic)-Brock Lesnar
Scorpion Dead Drop-Sting
Done Deal(CZW)-Ruckus

I know that the last finisher from Ruckus he is not in WWE or TNA but he that one of my Favorite Finishers of all time.

All of these 6 finishers are awesome,They are very kaotic and they also look very painful.
my favourite finisher(s) of all time :

5. Chokeslam - simple, brutal looking (at times, especially if the opponent is light weighted.. I think Evan Bourne could make awesome selling of a chokeslam) and just a cool looking finisher.

4. Batista bomb (or any proper looking powerbomb really) - brutal, and definatly "a finisher" need i say more?

3. Sharpshooter - needs no description.. it looked painful if you ask me, great finisher :)

2. Pedigree - corographed or not, it has to hurt just a bit?.. besides it's awesome, Triple H does it very well, and it looks funny in the past few months time when shawn helped along, especially the Pedigree on Big Show at TLC!

1. RKO - quick, surprising, devastating, it has it all if you ask me, and the build-up with orton's viper like sliding around and beating on the mat makes it look even cooler when it finally strikes :)
Here's my list in no particular order

1. Sweet Chin Music, alot will disagree but this is my favorite of all time

2. Diamond Cutter, not that RKO crap, DDP would hit it out of nowhere and made it look real

3. Scorpion Death Drop, Some people dont agree with this but i think the SDD was one of the sickest finishers ever.

4. Steiner Bulldog, the best tag team finisher ever

5. F5, Brock Lesnar was a freak of nature and so was the F5

6. Jackhammer, only Goldberg can pull this move off

7. The Pearl River Plunge, I loved watching Ahmed Johnson dominate everyone

8. The Doomsday Device, LOD was the greatest tag team in history

9. Ron Simmons Spinebuster, he makes the move look like it can kill someone

10. The Original Walls Of Jericho, I absolutely hate the way he does it now and the stupid Code Breaker

11. The Buff Blockbuster, yeah i said it

12. The Torture Rack, anytime Luger got The Giant in the Rack i lost my shit
Ok so I've been watching wrestling for far too much of my life so it's not gonna be a simple answer lol.....

There are quite a few that were amazing/brutal but my Top Ten would have to be:

1) Sharpshooter (Bret made it look painful)
2) Jackhammer/Spear (not a huge Goldberg fan but he made it look brutal two examples: Rosey and The Giant)
3) Tombstone Piledriver (I like both examples like the one Owen Hart did to Stone Cold and the way Undertaker does it)
4) Doomsday Device (there's gotta be no way that felt good lol)
5) Pedigree (I'm talking when he held the arms the whole way, remember when he spiked Shawn Michaels? lol)
6) Ankle Lock *grapevined (Kurt is the only one I liked doing this move)
7) Alabama Slam (not a big Hardcore Holly fan but damn he made it look brutal)
8) Vertibreaker (Sugar Shane Helms pulled this off beautifully and made it look so dangerous they banned it, so I thank him :D)
9) Pearl River Plunge (I wish someone would do this move again)
10) Canadian Destroyer (Petey it's too bad WWE hasn't come to their sense's yet)

Now for least favorite "give me a break finishers" (and you know you know it too) You know always a Negative to follow a positive :)

1) The Stroke/Mic Check/Miz's move (Really? Really? I mean come one this move is terrible)
2) Canadian Crossface (Don't get me wrong on my list of Top 10 fav's The Crippler is still there but I hated this submission move)
3) Boot and Leg Drop (it was pretty cool when I was little but......)
4) Stone Cold Stunner/Diamond Cutter/RKO (I know I'll get crap for this but come on tell me what is so brutal about this one?)
5) Rock Bottom/Book End/Chokeslam (this one I have to put in there cause this move set is one of those moves that looks like every other bump they take so why not just do a body slam? I like what Abyss did with it he makes it look like it hurt)
6) Mandible Clam (nuff said)
7) Big Splash (I just had to put this cause....well I hate Warrior)
8) Unprettier/Killswitch (it's just awkward come on)
9) 619 (this "finisher" is never the thing he uses to finish off his opponents its the frog splash, west coast pop, splash off the top rope that does it....so why not just do that?)
10) FU/Attitude Adjustment (glorified fireman carry)

Now for Honorable Mentions

1) Sweet Chin Music (loved how Shawn made it look when he did it)
2) Million Dollar Dream (when a sleeper hold just won't do the job)
3) Powerbomb (so many variations of this move and they all look amazing)
4) Moonsault/Shooting Star Press/Diving Headbutt/Swanton Bomb (so many awesome memories from these moves from cage matches)
5) The Perfect Plex (come on it was simply.....perfect)
6) DDT/Reverse DDT/Cross Rhodes (I love this move in all it's variations)
7) Green Bay Plunge (get rid of the Mic Check......)
8) STF (really wish someone else would of came up with this before Cena)
9) 3D (through the Table....just wow)
10) Starship Pain (you know you love it)
My Favorite of ALL time, believe it or not, It's Test's Big Boot...yeah i said it, it was so impactful and came out of no where. (R.I.P. Test) :worship:

Honorable mentions: RKO :z:(hit at any moment), Snap DDT by Myreese(needs to be a bit more powerful) Clothesline from HELL(IDK why...) Haas of Pain by Charlie Haas (best submission ever) and last is that nasty tombstone that undertaker gave HBK at WM26 (that jumping spike tombstone...enough said Damn!!:undertaker2:)
The Vadersault. perhaps the most devestating finishing move of all time. When you were hit with that, it was all over. Not only was it devestating but it was a sight to behold when a guy the size of Vader hit a frickin' moonsault. It just looked so painful it was almost unreal.
5) powerbomb- Awesome, can I say more?
4)Jackhammer- I love this move and Goldberg
3)Walls of Jericho- Im a fan of submission, and this move really hurts
2)Spear- quick and really hurts.
1) Crippler Crossface- fav submission move of all time
The original Lion Tamer gets my vote. Completely different than how he applies the Walls of Jericho. It looked legitimately painful on the back and neck when he bent down and folded their bodies. A Gorgeous looking submission. It's a shame he has toned it down and turned it into a run of the mill Boston Crab.

Honorable mention goes to Savage's flying elbow. Still the best one of it's kind. Growing up watching wrestling, I remember all of my friends imitating Hogan's leg drop. Instead, I would jump off of shit, imitating Macho Man's elbow. Like the Lion Tamer, just a beautiful move to watch and it always looked devastating as hell.
I have to agree with you Armbar, now the Walls of Jericho toned down and has become a BostonCrab like submission move.
Hey! Didn't Cena use the Boston Crab in the start of his career?
Steiner DDT by the Steiner Bros...Rick lifts the opponent up followed by Scott hitting an aided elevated DDT.. it looked vicious and dangerous to me..

Ron Simmon's Powerslam, it looked painful like hell slammin an opponent so sudden with so much force..

Scott Steiner's Frankensteiner, I was marvelled how a 260 lbs man can execute a hurricanrana so flawless..

Big Show's Knockout punch, Getting punch by a 500 lbs man out of nowhere to the temple looks sick and painful..
The original Lion Tamer gets my vote. Completely different than how he applies the Walls of Jericho. It looked legitimately painful on the back and neck when he bent down and folded their bodies. A Gorgeous looking submission. It's a shame he has toned it down and turned it into a run of the mill Boston Crab.

Honorable mention goes to Savage's flying elbow. Still the best one of it's kind. Growing up watching wrestling, I remember all of my friends imitating Hogan's leg drop. Instead, I would jump off of shit, imitating Macho Man's elbow. Like the Lion Tamer, just a beautiful move to watch and it always looked devastating as hell.

Jericho still uses the version of the liontamer, just on his smaller opponents. i do like the lion tamer but the walls of jericho is easier to lock in...

i love the stone cold stunner for two reasons. first, its could come from nowhere. second, and most importantly, how devastating he and the people he did it to made it look. they would have mini seizures and flop around like a fish after being stunned. it was just amazing. i mean, come on, the rock would flip on his head.

but i also love the sweet chin music because it can also come from nowhere and the sound it makes when it connects. but, i also love this little number...
Canadian Destroyer(Petey Williams)- It look so athletic and TNA did a great job building it has a strong finisher.
BME(Christopher Daniels)- I've always loved moonslaults but he always hit it perfect plus i love the name.
Starship Pain(John Morrison)-the number of turns in the small amount of time is unbelievable.
RKO(Randy Orton)- he Hit's it out of no were and it surprises me unlike a lot of finishers
Punt(Randy Orton)-If it's done right it look's like it's really affective.
My fave moves-

1.Crippler Crossface-anytime I watch my classic WWE stuff w/Benoit on it, I totally MARK tha F out for it. Just hearing his theme music to this day, I still envision that radical move and seeing people wince in pain. I remember seeing HBK do that move on Cena around WM24 time and the whole arena was in shock. I flipped out. I like it because I have been able to put 3 people in that move after they challenged me, and it really works. :worship:

2. Christian's Killswitch/Unprettier- I LOVE it. Pretty damn deadly move to do to someone's face. Had a friend do it at a construction site when they started wrestling one day (my friend is a 6x state champ wrestler and wrestled w/Lashley) and did this to his friend, and split the dude's forehead open.

3. Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver- because its pretty damn effective and my 6 yr old nefew loves when I do it to him. :p

4. Batista Bomb- same as number 3.

5. Widow's Peak-I think its a cool ass move and suited her well, it was a pretty good way to hurt some wimpy divas.:rolleyes:

6. RKO- JUST LOVE IT PERIOD! He can hit it from NOWHERE!!:worship:

7. Edge's Spear- The damage it does when just right, can send someone reeling, and the new catchphrase it has now is great.

8. JBL's Clothesline from Hell- You seen when he hit it so hard he makes someone do a backflip like 3 times in the ring? DAY-UM!!!

9. Walls of Jericho- That is a great submission 'nuff said.

10. Sweet Chin Music- again a move that can be done outta nowhere...we'll miss you HBK!!
the frog splash---the van dam version he would jump all the way across the ring todo it and he even sold itt better than his opponents sometimes(rememberwhen he did it to jeff hardy on the ladder?)
Pepsi Plunge---thhis is vintage cm punk when he was wrestling in high school gyms and had blonde hair..howdo you not love it
sharpshooter---no explination needed
crippler crossface---it was just sobad ass after the diving headbutt
The Vadersault. perhaps the most devestating finishing move of all time. When you were hit with that, it was all over. Not only was it devestating but it was a sight to behold when a guy the size of Vader hit a frickin' moonsault. It just looked so painful it was almost unreal.

Always makes me smile to see Vader get some respect. On to my top 10:

1. Vadersault: Funnykay hit it on the head. A guy that size landing on you= SPLAT.

2. Tiger Driver '91 (Mitsuharu Misawa [RIP]): Very nasty looking and very effective to finish most of the time.

3. Powerbomb: Three guys get the nod here- Sid Vicious, Vader and Scott Norton. Always a markout moment for me.

4. Dragon Clutch (Low-Ki/Senshi/Kaval): I've always been a fan of the Dragon Sleeper but this adds a whole new level of pain. For those who have never seen it, I've added visual aid:


5: Texas Cloverleaf (Dean Malenko): Huge Malenko fan, move's much easier to execute than a Sharpshooter/Scorpion Death Lock and looks just as painful.

6. good ol'-fashioned Sleeper Hold: Why be flashy about it when you can just put your opponent out?

7. Shooting Star Press: Evan Bourne (aka Matt Sydal) gets my vote with Amazing Red coming in second. Beautiful air and rotation. Here's a little surprise SSP for you:


8. Buzzsaw Kick: This video says it all. Listen to the sound on impact-

9. Backdrop Driver (Dr. Death [RIP]): Lots of head-dropping fun there!

10. Tongan Death Grip (Meng/Haku): Far nastier than the Mandible Claw in my book. Grip on the throat > two fingers in the mouth.
Always makes me smile to see Vader get some respect. On to my top 10:

1. Vadersault: Funnykay hit it on the h
3. Powerbomb: Three guys get the nod here- Sid Vicious, Vader and Scott Norton. Always a markout moment for me.

im only 17 and have never seen the vadersault can somebody get some footage on here it sounds impressive though a man of his size doing such a high impact athletic move is almost as impressive as lesnars ssp because vader was fat and lesnar was jacked
My top 5 are:

5: Sweet Chin Music by HBK
4: Stone Cold Stunner by SCSA
3: Diamond Cutter by DDP
2: DDT by Jake Roberts and/or Raven and an honourable mention to Maryse
1: Lariat, by anyone

I didnt say the best, just my favourite, The stunner is probably the best, but i just liked the three ahead of it more, the cutter because whenever he did it i just popped it was awesome, the DDT is just a classic and the lariat is the same.
Its a tough choice. It has to either be Randy Ortons RKO or Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music.

Lets start with the RKO. The finisher itself looks amazing. When I watch that I actually believe that the recipient could be down for a 3 count unlike some finishers these days. The way its delivered is brilliant too. It can either be a sudden unexpected quick end to a match or Orton can build it up and deliver it to pin point perfection. The way he finished that tag match on Raw a few weeks back with those two RKO's really highlighted how good a move it really is.

And then there is Sweet Chin Music. In reality its just a superkick. But when Shawn Michaels does it he can captivate the moment and he gives it that certain amount of awe only he can. The way the flying forearm, the bodyslam and the elbow off the top rope lead up to it just gets you excited and after all these years Shawn Michaels made the move look absolutely devisating every time.

So I'd probably say Sweet Chin Music is my favourite finisher because of the way Shawn Michaels used to perform it.
im only 17 and have never seen the vadersault can somebody get some footage on here it sounds impressive though a man of his size doing such a high impact athletic move is almost as impressive as lesnars ssp because vader was fat and lesnar was jacked

Vadersault footage? you got it bub! One of the better looking Vadersaults on youtube, if someone finds a better one that he actually hits target, post it please?


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