Favorite Current Diva


Has Returned.
It's almost a daily episode on this forum to hear about someone's favorite wrestler, or someone's most hated wrestler.

But what I rarely, or have never heard on this forum, is a discussion about favorite diva, that did not revolve around looks and who you'd like to do dirty things to.

And it had me wondering, we talk about our favorite wrestlers currently active, our favorite wrestlers of all time, and their greatest matches, but I have never seen discussed is: Who is your favorite currently active WWE diva?

And this is not from a perspective of "I like Maryse because I think she's hot" no no, that won't cut it people, this is a thread asking the question "Who is your favorite currently active WWE diva" from a wrestling perspective, the all-around favorite diva on the microphone as well as in the ring.

I'll be the first. Seeing as I would not credit Serena as a currently active diva in terms of wrestling, I will not call her my favorite, at least not until she actually starts wrestling in the ring with the other divas.

But my favorite active wrestler is Michelle McCool, even if she might not be the perfect in-ring competitor, she is by far my favorite in terms of storyline perspective, microphone skills, and she does put on some half decent matches for a divas match.

Michelle McCool's contribution to LayCool is also helping the divas division to become an arguably better place. It's not that boring anymore, and I credit LayCool for that.
I would have to vote Layla. Not just because she is one of the MOST beautiful diva's, because as you said that don't cut it. But, I find her quite entertaining, especially compared to other divas. I always get a chuckle when she comes out, and I think she got some energy/charisma when in the ring. She shouldn't have to "co-womens champion" with Michelle, she should just be champ herself, and show the divas division what she's got.

So, that's my vote, Layla hands down.
On SD! (even though I can't watch it,don't get that channel...) I would have to say it's a tie between Layla and Michelle. Both have really impressed me in the matches/promos i've seen on youtube, especially Layla,because when she stopped being an ECW dancer I thought she was just going to be some "hot manager" and never do much.

On RAW,I suspect most people will say Maryse...and while I do like her because she's a diva that can actually get some heat, i'm going to have to go with Alica Fox, she's a diva that not a complete botchfest, she can actually put on an entertaining divas match while in one with someone who's not completely terrible.
I don't know if currently inactive because of an injury counts (I'm sure it doesn't), but I would have to say Beth Phoenix is my current favorite Diva. I like that she has the power aspect that Chyna had back in the day and that she is still an attractive diva. I also like that she can be both a face and a heel as well as being both serious and funny. I also like her finishers the Fisherwoman's Suplex and the Glam Slam.

Out of the active divas I would have to say Gail Kim and Maryse on Raw and as their isn't much else on Smackdown (since they let Mickie James go) I will say Layla over Michelle McCool. I've been a fan of Gail Kim ever since she debuted with the WWE a few years back and then when she went to TNA. I wish the WWE would do more with her as I think she does a good job being heel diva and as a face diva. I like that she actually knows how to wrestle compared to some other diva as well. Maryse gets a great heel reaction from the fans and she does a great job playing it up. I also like her finishers and that she has that whole primadonna attitude. The same goes for Layla. I've always thought of her as a great valet and never as a diva wrestler, but after watching her in action as a member of LayCool it's obvious to me that she has a good future in front of her when this angle runs it's course and she feuds with McCool.

All of these divas have excellent finishers with the exception of Layla, who is still refining her moveset.
Mine is Michelle Mcool I loved her when she was in that feud sorta of with Jamie Noble and Chuck palumbo. Then when she turned heel and beat the crap out of Maria and started to do good imo with the womens title made me a fan of her's.
Currently, my favourite diva is Eve. Despite being extremely hot, she is capable for entertaining, she isn't clueless in the ring and shows some athletic ability with her moonsault and flipping senton. If she keeps improving like this then in a few months of years she will be in the same tier as Trish and Mickie. I have high hopes for her in the Divas division.
I also have to say Gail Kim. She is scorching as well and is a great womens wrestler. I already hold her in high regard and think she is one of the greatest womens wrestlers ever.
There are still some divas that can wrestler like gail and Eve and I hope WWE fires all the bimbos and leaves the divas that can actually wrestle in.
Honesty it's kind of hard for people to vote not on looks because the "e" could give two shits about anything else. I know what you mean tho Ferb.

I'll have to vote for Gail Kim. I'm still holding out hope that WWE will give her a well deserved title run. She goes in there week after week and does what she is asked of (even though the majority of us know she is better than about the whole roster)

I also have to get props to Natayla and the Glamazon. I can actually watch their matches without changing the channel the majority of the match.
Hmm, if Serena isn't included because she's not active, then I'm going to have to go with Natalya. She has it all. She's extremely attractive (I've always liked a girl in pink <3), I like her voice, and she's fun to watch in the ring. I actually really want to see her in a match with Tamina, because I think it would be really enjoyable to watch. She can really move, and she deserves to go for the Divas Championship sometime in the future.
I gotta agree with Doc on this one, Natalya is just your old time diva. Once the hole "Hart Dynasty" thing is over with and she officially goes into competing in the Diva's Division I could see her as a future World Champ. Not to mention she's a good speaker with the stick, she's is by far one of the better Women Wrestlers in the WWE, kind of reminds me of Beth Phoenix to a certain degree, and oh yeah did I mention she's fucking hot?
I say mine's torn between two brands. I like Natalya on Raw...she's strong, fierce and now that she's actually wrestling, she has shown that the Hart genetics don't discriminate. The chick is more than just a manager. I'm glad she's getting some actual ring time now!! Much love for Natalya.

For the SD end, I am adoring Beth Phoenix. I will say I didn't care for her at first, but she's shown me that a woman can be physical and beautiful at the same time. She makes it cool for a woman to be both, and you don't have to be itty bitty to be adored (case in point..being loved by Santino...although I don't know if that's the dream man for most ladies..lol) Anyways... I like that about her she's real. Not afraid to be hardcore, and just can dominate a match as well. I'm just sad she's injured now, I was getting into her storyline after she won the title. I was looking forward to seeing where it went.
While Kelly is one of the most naturally beautiful sites that I have ever laid my eyes on....I'm not allowed to use that to judge :)

I will say that Eve is extrememly fast growing on me. I know she has the rip off Billy and Chuck music but I still like hearing it. She's not horrible in the ring (which is leaps about bounds ahead of 99% of the other Divas) and she can work a mic.

Maryse - REALLY used to be my fav. Looks are perfect and she has that complete bitch attitude which is perfect for her character. But the more time she spends in the ring, the worse she gets. Sad...

Layla and McCool - I'm to the point in WWE where I just can't stand the half assed naming of people. JeriShow, ShowMiz, LayCool---- frankly, STFU! I really am to the point where if if hear two names totally unoriginally thrown together to create an "original" name, i could not possibly care less about the two people involved. The LayCool name is so f'n stupid, that I just can't take them seriously.

How does one go from banging Jamie Noble to Diva's champ? THAT is a hell of a journey.
Hmmm, this is a toughie as I actually like a lot of the Diva's. My choice would have to be Gail Kim. I have always been a big fan ever since she first joined WWE and was having quality matches. My love for her just grew when she went to TNA, she was one of the reasons why I tuned in TNA, her matches with Awesome Kong were one of the best Women's matches I have ever watched.

When she went back to WWE I had high hopes for her, I was hoping she would be pushed but just like Christian she hasn't been used right. It's a shame know as she seems to have gotten shit and she seems to be a shadow of her former self. Hopefullly WWE will give her a chance but even if that doesn't happen, I'm still going to be a big fan of her.
Layla. She is doing the thing over there on Smackdown. Beauty is one of here key features, but her ability in the ring is tremendous compare to 2 years ago. She have been a heel for so long, I do not think the public will accept her as a face.
I have to say Maryse. she's such a tease it's hot haha. I think Natalya could easily be my favourite but she never wrestles so that's lame.

IF I watched smackdown, I'd probably pick Kelly Kelly or Lay-Cool.
For me it has to be Natalya because she has it all. She has a family history, she can sure as hell wrestle, cut decent promos, and make you want to believe you are watching a skilled professional wrestle and not another eye candy. Let's not forget that she is smokin hot and has the ability to become a Women's or Diva's champion in the near future.
My pick is Maryse. A stunningly beautiful, not TOO shabby female wrestler. As with all female wrestlers, she could probably use a little more focused gym practice. All too often you see divas who have issues selling moves and don't look believable. However, I don't think Maryse is in bad shape. Gorgeous, she speaks French, decent in ring worker and though the promos are typically in French, they are relatively well acted and garner just enough heat. Very solid.
The Divas wrestle?

Well on Superstars I've seen some of this. And my vote has to go to the lovely Miss Alicia Fox. With the little time she's been given she has shown to be quite decent on the stick and one of the better workers in the ring. I know I know, one day she is going to kill somebody in the ring with that scissorkick. But what a way to go that would be! All hail Alicia Fox our Divas Champion! Also, what a nice ass, she's so hot and I'd love to do dirty things to her.
Mine is the Soon To Be Womens Champion KELLY KELLY. not only is she the most Beautiful thing your ever lay eyes on(but cant count that) shes showing on SD! shes fiesty, got a mean streak, and can take a beating and make it look real in the ring. shes not the best on the mic but not the worst shes above average. shes learning new moves she hasnt used the headscissors or the hurricanna in her last 4 matches. she only has 2 losses on SD! since coming over in the draft and it was in Tag-Team action with Tiffany(where Tiff got pined both times)and has beaten both Self-Proffesed Womens Champions Lay-Cool in singles action.
Maryse - She plays her character, or maybe that's just how she is, really well as a bitchy in-your-face heel. I have stated before she reminds me of past greats like Trish Stratus. She has the potential to get even better than where she is now. I believe her accent also enhances her mic skills. I love her hair flipping thing when she gets in the ring and her hand motion to "zip your mouth shut"... I wish she would start to do her French TKO more often... oh and she is pretty hot
My favorite was Mickie then she got released so my favorite now would have to be Eve for Raw and Kelly Kelly for Smackdown.

Eve shows real promise. She is really working hard to improve herself in the ring and it shows. She has an awesome move set that we haven't seen since Lita. Eve has a great moonsault that most divas wouldn't try and she makes her fueds interesting and she is good on the mic. I see Eve as one of the best divas in the WWE today and she is just going to get better in the ring. In the future I see Eve as a multi time divas champ and womans champion. I really hope the WWE keeps pushing her like they are right now because she deserves it.

Kelly Kelly she tries hard in the ring and she has improved a lot since her days in ECW. Kelly just like Eve is trying to improve herself and it doesn't go unnoticed. I was never really a big fan of Kelly until she got drafted to SD and she started to get a push. Kelly seems to be the diva that can take the womans title from Laycool and if you ask me Kelly deserves it if she keeps improving which she will. Laycool as champs are okay but I would rather just have one diva as womans champion I mean its not a tag team title it is a singles title, and I think Kelly is the only one that can take it from them because Tiffany and Rosa aren't ready yet.
First of all, thank you for a decent threat about divas that has nothing to do with them being sex symbols. I get really annoyed with people who only care about the divas because they want to sleep with them. This, in my opinion, is the way Vince looks at the divas, and that's why the division is crap. Yes, they're all beautiful, but they have wrestling training to speak of. Now, to respond to something you wrote...

Michelle McCool's contribution to LayCool is also helping the divas division to become an arguably better place. It's not that boring anymore, and I credit LayCool for that.

I respect your opinion, sure, but I completely disagree. I like the way Smackdown has been going lately, with great matches and some good stories involving Kane and whatnot. However, the only thing that absolutely makes me want to shut off my television and crawl into a hole is LayCool. I like Michelle McCool and Layla respectively, and I think they have some good in ring work between the two of them. I just think the team is terribly annoying! I can't stand the high-school twins routine, and I think the whole thing is just irritating. The stories have been halfway decent, and if they were just a tag team that didn't have the god-awful personality, I'd be down for it. I get what they're going for, I just think it's stupid and more annoying than Michael Cole...yeah, I said it. But like I said, I respect your opinion because different people like different things, especially when it comes to wrestling.

Maryse is my favorite current WWE diva. Not only do I find her attractive, but I think she's the most interesting to watch. Her mic skills aren't terrible, and she's believable as a champion. The WWE actually took the time to turn her into her own character, and set her apart from the bunch, and that's what I like about her. That she's her own diva, and you look at her and think, oh yeah, that's Maryse. She's a complete bitch to everyone, she's french, and she's got a good amount of talent in the ring and on the mic. When i look at girls like Alicia Fox, Eve, and sadly Gail Kim, they just have no personalization. They're not unique, they don't have their own character, and Alicia is just not a believable champion.

Melina is another favorite of mine, and I would probably go with her if she could ever stay healthy. She's like the Mr. Kennedy of the divas division, and it has really hurt her character. I think she's good in the ring and has some mic skills. Beth Pheonix is an obvious choice, if they use her correctly. She used to be the monster diva, and I liked that. She had character, personality, and was a commanding force in the division. THey need to turn her back, let her loose, and watch her dominate Laycool.

The diva I see the greatest future for, besides (hopefully) Maryse is Natalya. She's got a powerful wrestling family background, is coupled with the Hart Dynasty, and is probably the best in-ring diva around today. The only reason she isn't my favorite is because we just don't see enough of her in the ring. She could be a dominant champion, and I would love to see a title feud between her and Beth Phoenix if they ever end up on the same brand.

Thanks again for a decent thread about the divas. I think the reason you don't see many of them anymore is the actual state of the division. With the loss of Mickie James, the injury of Melina, and Beth Phoenix getting pushed down, we aren't really getting a ton of good wrestling from the divas. They do have potential, so let's hope they can improve.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2182212 said:
First of all, thank you for a decent threat about divas that has nothing to do with them being sex symbols. I get really annoyed with people who only care about the divas because they want to sleep with them. This, in my opinion, is the way Vince looks at the divas, and that's why the division is crap. Yes, they're all beautiful, but they have wrestling training to speak of. Now, to respond to something you wrote...

You're welcome, I simply try to push discussion.

And while it can be annoying to watch the divas being degraded to sex symbols a lot, I do tend to agree with the majority of people doing so, because all in all it is how Vince makes them stand out, PG or not, Maryse still has revealing clothes, so does the majority of the female wrestlers, and therefore they would be considered sex symbols.

Mike "The Kid" Killam;2182212 said:
I respect your opinion, sure, but I completely disagree. I like the way Smackdown has been going lately, with great matches and some good stories involving Kane and whatnot. However, the only thing that absolutely makes me want to shut off my television and crawl into a hole is LayCool. I like Michelle McCool and Layla respectively, and I think they have some good in ring work between the two of them. I just think the team is terribly annoying! I can't stand the high-school twins routine, and I think the whole thing is just irritating. The stories have been halfway decent, and if they were just a tag team that didn't have the god-awful personality, I'd be down for it. I get what they're going for, I just think it's stupid and more annoying than Michael Cole...yeah, I said it. But like I said, I respect your opinion because different people like different things, especially when it comes to wrestling.

Certainly you're more than welcome to disagree.

And I do see a lot of people telling the world that they cannot stand LayCool, and that they are the epitome of how WWE wants their divas to look in great shape with great bodies, like the Mickie James storyline.

However I do believe that LayCool is the epitome of pushing the Divas division in terms of a great storyline as well, they have caught the usage of The Beautiful People, and cashed in on it, the popularity of The Beautiful People is now flourishing on SmackDown, and because of that, I cannot help but consider Michelle one of the greater currently active divas.

And as I said, I consider her in-ring work to be fairly decent, as well as her microphone skills being top notch.

Besides it has always been said by the heel wrestlers "I'm a heel, I am supposed to be hated, if I'm not hated, I must not be doing a good job" am I not right?

Mike "The Kid" Killam;2182212 said:
Thanks again for a decent thread about the divas. I think the reason you don't see many of them anymore is the actual state of the division. With the loss of Mickie James, the injury of Melina, and Beth Phoenix getting pushed down, we aren't really getting a ton of good wrestling from the divas. They do have potential, so let's hope they can improve.

The divas division doesn't get a lot of discussion in the non spam section anymore mostly due to the division's bad shape yes, and because the majority of people don't care for the division, however it has been flourishing on both shows as of late, we see Maryse doing something, she did very well with her feud with Eve, we see Alicia Fox doing something again, most likely feuding with Eve.

And on Smackdown as well, we see it flourishing with LayCool, so no matter how much a fan hates them, a person knowing of the business (someone who is not a 10 year old fan in the crowd) would realize that LayCool is helping the division more than anything.
If we were going off of looks it would be easy and i would pick the HOTTEST diva and i think it is Maryse she is not my favorite even though she is preety good but my favorite diva right now would have to Layla i think she does preety good on her promos her matches are decent and it dosent hurt she has a nice ASS:worship:!
Eve because she's very hot and actually has some talent in the ring. Haven't seen Natalya wrestle much, but I hear she is pretty good. Maryse is super hot and people say she's an ok wrestler, but I don't see it. She's so sloppy. Just my opinion.
Natalya tops this list for me easily. The girl looks good, talks better than the rest of the Hart Dynasty, and can work a good match (whenever WWE decides to air one). Her looks are important here, because she is stunning but also looks like she should be taken seriously as a competitor. This is something I haven't seen in a Diva since Tori, or at least since Victoria.

Maryse is a very close second. She doesn't have Natalya's build, but she's much better at making a connection with a crowd, can carry a championship quite well, and she uses a rather harsh looking DDT. She reminds me of Trish Stratus in the sense that they wouldn't appear to be good workers based off of their super model looks, but they are.

Both of these women keep me watching Divas matches when they are featured, and not simply because they are hot, but because they can work well and can make me look at the match as more than just another smoke break.

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