Favorite bands that no one else has heard of

Another really good band that no one has heard of is the Meat Puppets. The only way to describe how their music sounds is like nothing youve ever heard before just because it ranges so much they range from some metal to almost like a Bluegrass type sound. There one clame to fame besides being one of the more popular underground bands in the late 80s to early 90s was that Curt Kirkwood their lead singer and guitarist appeared with Nirvana on MTV unplugged and they played two of their songs (Lake of Fire and Plateau)

Ps Xfear I was hoping youd like my choice of Bad Brains
The Boston Jolly Pirates. Their my cousin's band, and their pretty decent. And I dont say that often about people who play Ska. Look'em up on myspace.
I really like The Trews(a canadian band). They are your basic rock type band who have some great songs. I also like BrokenSocial Scene(another Canadian band) they have like 20-30 members but they are really great. They are more alternative but both bands are pretty decent.
I think that most people here at the forums have heard about Fozzy, even though they might be unknown to the rest of the world ;)
Not trying to be a smart-ass or something, but just stating a fact.
chris jericho is the lead singer for this band.
they are pretty unknown, but they are pretty sweet
on the side of the metal genre

Honestly you may like Fozzy but IMO its better for the world if they dont know about Fozzy. I dont like Fozzy for two reason

1.) they made Chris Jericho take about a two year break from wrestling

2.) theyre not that good I think Jericho should stick to wrestling.

however they are a band that nobady really has heard pf and it was a good idea to post them here I wish I would have gotten to it first
Obnoxious Jamboree. They're a Local band with some of my best friends.
They have a rock punk feel and are quite original compared to some bands around. They have a myspace so you should really look to it.
Band: Steve Hit Mike
Genre: Punk
Sounds like: Like screaming nuns backstage a metal concert with no way out
Favorite Song: "Twelve Feet Under"
You should listen to: "Standby" or "Jesus was an american"

i've got two for you.

Band: Naglfar
Genre: Death Metal
Sounds Like: Death Metal
Favourite Song: Harvest
You Should Listen To: "Harvest" "The Perpetual Horrors"

They are an awesome Death Metal band from Sweden. My friend and I were browsing through the metal section at FYE and he found their CD because the cover looked really sweet. Anyways, we load it and start listening to them and we were like "OH MY GOD! these guys are amazing!" so there were two copies and we both purchaced one right there.


Band: Skindred
Genre: Metal
Sounds Like: Metal with reggae mixed in
Favourite Song: Nobody
You Should Listen To: "Nobody"

You might have heard of them, they are becoming more main stream right now.

The Kanyu Tree.
An Irish indie band.
There not signed to record lable here yet, but its only a matter of time.
Went to hear them in Dublin city 2 weeks ago, their great.
Band: Epica
Genre: Symphonic Metal
Sounds like: A blend of Metal, with a hint of a sexy voice, and a shot of classical music. A weird blend that works.
Favorite Song: Façade Of Reality
You should listen to: Façade Of Reality, Quietus, Feint

The best symphonic metal band of all time, and that Simone Simons(Lead singer) is just so hot.
I don't want to sound like a BS'er but the Reverend is actually a mate of mine and i know him through Alex Turner as i went to school with Alex and fellow Monkey Matt Helders, so when Reverend is under bands people haven't heard of it seems funny to me because these people surround me.

Anyway to the point in hand, Little Man Tate and Milburn are both quality Sheffield indie bands which not that many people will have heard of. Also a young band called the Saga which are indie/punk, but without a doubt the best would have to be ME (Modern Eulogy) it's a young lad who plays acoustically sometimes with an accomplice, he's amazing. Very Very talented i advise you check him out

Band: kalmah
Genre: finish death metal
Sounds like: melodic death metal ver nice clean guitar playing
Favorite Song: groan of the wind
You should listen to: any song from them there all good but hades and graon of the wind are the best in my mind

reasons why:you can like here what guitar thats playing rithum and least should different but it makes for a good song. in my mind there one of the best bands in the land right now they keep ther shit clean but its still death metal to the core
Coal Chamber
they are one of my all time favorite bands, anyone who knows DevilDriver will know that coal chamber is Dez Fafara's (singers) pervious band. by now alot of people would have herd of them but back when they were still together they werent very big
Coal Chamber
they are one of my all time favorite bands, anyone who knows DevilDriver will know that coal chamber is Dez Fafara's (singers) pervious band. by now alot of people would have herd of them but back when they were still together they werent very big

#1 When your ban has been lifted in a week or so I hope you read this. There is no need to bump up old threads. If it's several months old then just make a new one.

#2 Coal Chamber? Coal FUCKIN' Chamber? As a band that no one else has ever heard of? You are joking? Are you smoking crack? Every goth across the globe has heard of Coal Chamber. I've heard of Cola Chamber. And I'm not even into that sort of music. (Although Loco rocks my socks). Son, please. Step away from the music section.
I don't know if this qualifies but my pick for favorite band no one else has heard of is a band that never had any success over here that i can think of and that band is called Talisman. They started in the late 80's early 90's a hard rock Swedish/American Band. They have released a number of albums since their 1990 debut and have many hits overseas but to my recollection they have had no success in america prpbably cause mostly no one has heard of them unless you know of their frontman which in america would also be rare Jeff Scott Soto who does have a little fame in america from fronting Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force Touring with Journey on their tour with Def Leppard a couple of Years ago(Thats How I heard of him I saw him with Journey and was blown away) and he was also one of the voices mark walhberg used in the movie rock star (he did everything exept the really high notes) they sounded a little like the hair bands but looked nothing like them unfortuneately that didnt translate to success in america. like I said I don't quite know if this band qualifies or not If any of you have heard of or are a fan of Talisman let me know I'd be interested in talking about one of my favorite bands.
My favorite band next to Zeppelin is Brand New. Some of you MAY have heard of them if your from around the New England States and for some reason Japanese people love em. They have three albums out "Your Favorite Weapon" "Deja Entendu" and "God and the Devil Are Raging Inside Me". It's really hard to describe them because their first album was rather (and I'm embarassed to say) Emo, The next one was defintley more mature but you could still here their teenage angst in it, but their last album was fantastic. For anyone who likes to relax but has tracks that you can rock to.

Another one is a Pittsburgh rapper Wiz Khalifa. He actually lives down the road from me, but he is Rolling Stones 2006 upcoming artist of the year and you guys should definitley check out some of his tracks. "Pittsburgh Sound" "Youngin On His Grind" "Damn Thing". Oh I feels so black...
I agree with Flaw, I seen them with kittie around 2003 and it was an amazing band.

But my pick is Ryashon....Everyone is talking about bands that have cds and such, I pick Ryashon as the best band no one heard of. Look at Youtube or myspace to find them. They are a experimental instrumental band. Their music is amazing.
Divine Heresy -there a Metal Band that I personly know (the Guitarist is From Fear Factory and the bassist is the former Nile Bassist) Couldn't really compare them to anything right of top the head but they are good check out "Failed Creation"

Firewind -they are a power metal band who sounds like Kamelot anything by them is pretty good

Soldiers Of Scrape -There biggest influence is pantera and it shows they just sound like a harder version of them
Band: The Barnburners
Genre: Country
You Should Hear: Dont tell me bout heartache

Ya, their country. i dont know why, but they dont sound like most country bands. its alot better. their a local band for me, but they have sales in europe. seriously, their a really good band.
#1 When your ban has been lifted in a week or so I hope you read this. There is no need to bump up old threads. If it's several months old then just make a new one.

#2 Coal Chamber? Coal FUCKIN' Chamber? As a band that no one else has ever heard of? You are joking? Are you smoking crack? Every goth across the globe has heard of Coal Chamber. I've heard of Cola Chamber. And I'm not even into that sort of music. (Although Loco rocks my socks). Son, please. Step away from the music section.

Wow yeah i've known about cc for years now lol who dosent?

Allright another band Eluveitie, awsome pegan/folk metal band from nucular blast records. Lisiten to one of there songs like inis mona, Great song with great growls and great instriment playing.

Wintersun, Awsome metal band, You could call it epic metal or folk metal, The band is just amazing anyway you can put it, There singer goes great with allmost all the songs and they never dissipoint with there music. There guitar players can rival the players of dragonforce, Jimmie hindrix and about any others, There fast and very clean sounding.

Ports of Adia. They are a local band here in Michigan. They remind me of Underoath but without all the screaming all the time. They are alot more "Laid back" but still have pumping guitars with an awesome drum beat.

We Shot The Moon. They are still realatively unknown at this point. Lead singer is Jonathon Jones of Waking Ashland. They are more of a fun sorta but not all the way poppy band. Formed after Waking Ashland broke up. Great band check them out.

This is Northern Glory.
Play my local. Good lads. Bright future.
Got a gig comming up soon at Brixton Acadamy playing with Mani from Primal Scream.

As far as other little known indie bands from Yorkshire.
Heres a few of my favourites, some of you probabally have heard of a couple of them.

Some classic old skool 90's band, who had some sucess with "Stars" Lead singer Sarah Blackwood, used to go to my old high school. This one is called "no more talk"

The Music
One of my favourite songs ever, Freedom Fighters, Take note of the awesome dancing.

The Long Blondes
Never knew who the were til i seen them play at Leedsfest last year.
I was very impressed and bought the album.

Others I like include Milburn and I.E.
Well let see, Im not sure how many people have heard of these guys but Machinehead's last album was great and I also like Opeth alot just because they go do it all from Death Metal too really relaxing stuff. Favortie Opeth song is Windpain and Favorite Machinehead song is Lay thee Down or Halo

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