FAVE 5- Tag Teams of All Time


I'm cool
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Ok, people here are always complaining about how WWE has let its tag division go(and theyre right), so i thought about all the teams from back in the day and well, here they are

5.The New Age Outlaws
This team was awesome. From facing Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie to joining DX, Road Dog and Billy Gunn just worked well together.

4.The Dudleys
The Dudleys have always been favorites of mine but Im talking about the old Dudleys(in TNA they made a mockery of themselves). Their feuds with the Hardys and E&C were amazing. I can remember watching the TLC match at Summerslam and never anting it to end.

3.Edge & Christian
The Brood, the 5 second poses, the feud with the Hardys and Dudleys, its ALL good.

Yes, the Acolytes.They won 3 tag titles before becomin bodyguards for other stars. They went their separate ways, Bradshaw becoming JBL nad winning world gold, and i think we all know what happened to Ron.DAMN!!!!

1.The Hardy Boyz
7 time tag champions in WWE with countless indy reigns, the Hardys are clearly the greatest team of all time.They revolutionized the ladder,table, and TLC matches.Without the Hardys, we wouldnt know what Xtreme was.I dare anyone to try to find a Hardys match that wasnt entertaining.

Honorable Mentions:
DX (they didnt actually work as a tag team much)
Road Warriors
Words Greatest Tag Team

Who are your fave 5 teams?
5. Money Inc. - Everybody's got a price!

4. Demolition - The KISS tag team...hey, they're were awesome and still hold the longest title reign to this day.

3. The Hart Foundation - Classic tag team, I truly miss Bret Hart...Neidhart was cool, too.

2. The New Age Outlaws - There was something to these guys...they were just supremely entertaining. It sucks that they didn't last all too long, but it was great while they were around.

1. The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom - I'll always like them more for their LOD days but their legacy extends much, much further. True legends here.

Honorable Mentions:
The Rockers
The Steiner Brothers
The Dudleys
The Hardy Boyz
5. Batista and Ric Flair - Not together for that long but boy were they good when they were. Loved the combination of Batista's power and the nature boy's experience and dirty tactics.

4. APA - Great team, went out and kicked ass

3. DX - Highly entertaining, again worked very well together.

2. Rock and Sock Connection - Damn entertaining and fun to watch

1. Brothers of Destruction - An easy choice for me, loved watching them decimate other teams, and had that aura and air of invincibility about them that no other tag team ever had

Honourable mentions : MNM, Kane and X-Pac, Haas and Benjamin.
I'm going with the three obvious, Edge and Christian, Hardy Boys, and Dudley Boys. I lump them together because they all came together at the same time, and really brought the tag division to new places. E and C were probably my favorite out of them. Just the humor they brought, and when Kurt Angle was with them, that was great. I would throw in Legion of Doom, I always wanted those darn shoulder pads. I think finally the Rockers. They just had something different and I always liked watching them.
1) Two Dudes with Attitudes - HBK and Diesel may have been a short lived tag team but at one point they were holding every major title in the WWF between the two of them. Diesel is far and away my favorite wrestler of all time so he has to be apart of my favorite tag team.

2) Midnight Express -The Sweet Stan Lane and Beautiful Bobby Eaton version that is. They revolutionized tag team wrestling in my eyes. They were doing things so far ahead of their time, just an amazing tag team.

3) Legion of Doom/Road Warriors - The first wrestling match I ever saw was the LOD destroying to jobbers on Saturday afternoon NWA Worldwide Wrestling. I was hooked from then on and I will always love the LOD.

4) The Steiner Bros - Another duo that revolutionized the sport and athletic standpoint of wrestling in my eyes. Powerhouse wrestlers that were doing moves that you normally only saw cruiser and light weights perform.

5) New Age Outlaws- Oh You didn't KNow! Your ass better call somebody! Two throw away characters thrown together that made the best of a shitty situation and became one of the most over tag teams in the history of wrestling. On their on they weren't worth a damn but Billy Gunn and BJ James came together and it was like capturing lightning in a bottle. I doubt they could get over today, and benefited heavily from the era of wrestling they came from but none the less one of my favorites of all time easily.
5.The brisco's (not jerry and jack, the ones from ROH.)I've always loved there country bad ass attitude and there in ring style, two truly great competitors.

4.APA, classic kick ass style.

3.The Rockers and Midnight Express tied. Both outstanding tagteams and apart of wrestling history.

2.The Dudleys, great wrestlers, great promos.They brought hardcore and style to the tagteam world, plus they destroyed tables every night.

1.The Road Warriors, in my eyes and in many others, one of the best tag teams ever.There legacy lives on.
I'm gonna take it way back for some of you...

5. Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell (aka The Killer Bees) - Used twin magic long before the Bellas did.

4. Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty (aka The Midnight Rockers) - I really think there best work as a team came in the AWA era.

3. Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes (aka The Fabulous Freebirds) - You have to love the tag team action back when the words Starcade and The Great American Bash actually meant something.

2. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard (aka The Four Horsemen/ The Brain Busters) - The best balance of skill and agression ever. Totally underrated because they didn't have "the look". Always a pleasure to watch.

1. Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner (aka The Varsity Club) - Amazingly talented wrestlers that provided endless entertainment with Mike's "serious" work ethic and Steiner's quirkiness.
I am in my 30s so here is my personal all time list

1. Demolition when I was a kid. I had nightmares about these guys killing me and my entire family. They were bad ass

2. LOD-Road Warriors--- I didnt have WCW when I was a kid so I am only familiar with their WWE work which was pretty bad ass.

3. Midnight express. They made tag team wrestling a thing of beauty.

4. Dudley Boyz--They were insanely violent and fun to watch.

5.Harlem Heat. Booker and Stevie ray were two mean bad ass black guys.

Let's see here:

5) The Rockers
Marty Janetty revolutionized tag wrestling and were the first real high flyers.

4) Edge and Christian
Innovators of the TLC these two were an easy choice.

3) The Dudleys (before spike dudley)
Innovators of the tables always put me on the edge of my seat.

2) The Hardy's
Innovators of just about everything they reminded me alot of the rockers but they were brothers. Always enjoy seeing these two together.

1) Brothers of Destruction
Easiest choice of all. Two of my all time favorites. You knew they were invincible but you never knew when one would turn on the other.

Honorable mentions:
Rock and Sock
Hollywood Blondes
THe Rock & Roll Express - they were so over in their day, crowds went nuts for them. The popularity of the R&R vs Midniht Express Fued was the catalyst for Vince creating the British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation fued (with Jimmy Hart in the Jim Cornette role) and featuring it so prominently on his show. Also, The Midnight Rockers, their hair, clothes, and some of their moves were blatant take offs of R&R, the AWA's version.

Midnight Express: Truly good in ring performers, could have great matches with small fast teams like Fantastics & R&R as well as slower, larger, muscled up teams like LOD. Really carried the undercard for much of the mid to late 80's in NWA, their feuds were hot enough to carry main events

Hart Foundation: Not as good as The Midnight Express (mostly due to the limitations of Anvil Neidhardt) but they functioned well as a team, always delivered a good match, and like ME they had a great mouth piece and rule breaking associate at ringside to carry them in Jimmy Hart

Tully Blanchard/Arn Anderson: - One of the best examples of taking two singles wrestlers, making them a team, and having it work. They did off the top rope axe handles, elbows, and sunset flips, traded arm locks and wrestling holds with the best of them, and brawled outside the ring. Cunning rule breakers, they had excellent matches vs LOD, ME, R&R, and in WWE vs Demolition and Rockers. First team to hold both the NWA & WWE World Tag Titles also. More versatile and longer running pairing than Anderson had with Ole or Larry Zybysko.

LOD/Road Warriors: Great look, great characters, one of the first true bad #@$ rulebreakers who's gimmick & style made them popular with fans. They were great in their early days as the biker guy killers no fan fav wanted to face, then excelled as fan faves with great fueds vs Russians, various combinations of The Horsemen, Midnight Express. If immitation is the sincerest form of flattery than they should be impressed because Demolition was nothing more than a knock off of LOD, but not as good. Hawk's promos were instant classics as well, sometimes overshadowing the mic skills of long time manager Paul Ellering

Honorable Mentions To Edge & Christian, Dudleys, Steiners, British Bulldogs,
1. The Outsiders (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash) - by far my favorite tag team of all time, loved them ever since they started the nWo in WCW. They were great together. Scott Hall is my favorite wrestler, so yeah, his tag team has to be my favorite. :)

2. Edge & Christian - Sodas rule. They're whole goofy schtick was hilariously awesome. They had some of the best tag matches I've ever seen. They were very entertaining together.

3. New Age Outlaws - They were just awesome, loved them before they joined DX and loved them when they joined DX. They're feud with LOD was great.

4. LOD - Shouldn't have to say much about these guys. They were just one of the baddest teams of all time. :)

5. Beer Money - Yes, i picked a TNA tag team. Ever since Bobby Roode and James Storm started teaming together, they became one of my favorite tag teams of all time. They're matches with the Machine Guns were great.

Honorable mentions, Steiner Brothers, APA, Hardyz and the Dudleyz
5) Worlds Greatest Tag Team - Really entertaining to watch because of Sheltons agiltity
and Haas' in ring ability!

4) Rockers - Brilliant to watch in the ring because they were so fast paced! Its just a
shame that Shawn put Marty through the Barber Shop and Shawn went
on to pursue greater things than Marty did!

3) New Age Outlaws- Two guys that were feuding with eachother went on to achieve
major success. They just HAD to go on my list!

2) The Hardy Boyz - Jeff had the Speed, Matt had the strength! They were an amazing
tag team( and boy did they show) ! 6 time tag team champions for
the WWE and arguably one of the best Tag Teams in history.
Both went on to pursue Singles careers and gotten gold around
their waist on numerous occasions but Jeffs Singles career was
better than Matts because Jeff won the WWE and WHC while Matt
only won the ECW championships, IMO!

1) Edge and Christian - Arguably one of the most decorated and best tag teams EVER
They were childhood friends portrayed as brothers and went on
to claim the tag titles on 7 occasions! Both went on singles runs
throughout the 2000's but reconciled in 2010! they have both
become multiple time world champions!
5. I can't pick for this spot but teams being considered would be The Fabulous Freebirds, Midnight Express, Rock n Roll Express, America's Most Wanted, British Bulldogs, and The Hollywood Blondes who just weren't together long enough

4. Beer Money- Great team that reminds me of my #1 team in so many ways, the best team of the last 20 years, and when they split I actually followed through on my promise to quit watching TNA

3. Road Warriors- It's all about the reputation here and the classic look of course, lets face it there just aren't any five star classics to be seen here except when they faced my #1 team, but it was always fun.

2. Steiner Brothers- Hey I grew up a WCW fan in the early 90's and was a huge mark for the Dog Faced Gremlin, they were arguably just as big of a draw as Sting was back then. I look at the Steiners as the new Road Warriors and while they didn't have the longevity of the Road Warriors, at their peak they were better.

1. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard- The greatest tag team ever and it's not even close, had great matches with everyone.

Dishonorable Mentions (Teams lots of other people will mention, but I just don't get it, aka Teams whose spot cough cough fake wrestling title wins cough cough blind from the fact that this is a very average team): Demolition, New Age Outlaws, Harlem Heat, and also any thrown together singles wrestlers such as Mega Powers, Brothers of Destruction, etc.
These all could be #1 in almost every book!!
So I'll make them that...

1A. Road Warriors/Legion Of Doom,Quite possibly the most famous tag team of all time.You made sure your health insurance was up to date when facing these two,They were gonna run right through you and there wasn't a thing you could do to stop them!!

1B. The Eliminators,Kronus and Saturn...What made them rank so high to me was how well they could adapt.They could hold their own against any and all types of opponents..Brawlers,ground wrestlers,aerial high-flyers...you name it they do it.

1C. Arn Anderson&Tully Blanchard,2 great technical singles wrestlers that meshed well together.set the standard for what two true "wrestlers" can do together.

1D. Dudley Boys,late ECW,early WWE versions..Bubba Ray and Devon were just wreckers!!plus if you ever saw Big Dick Dudley do a moonsault :wtf::wtf:

1E.The Freebirds,before them seeing a six man tag match was rariety...they pioneered the match and made it acceptable,to the point where if I remember NWA had six man tag team championship belts for a time.

Honorable mentions.....way too many to list!!
some of these lists show exactly how young many on here are, jeez.

i'll go with:

road warriors
british bulldogs
manny fernandez and rick rude (yep they were a tag team at one point)
R&R express
the original midnight express.

I almost had Fernandez and Rude also. They where tight in their day. With Number 1 Paul Jones as their manager. Great heel tag team championship run. Loved it when they came out to We will Rock You by Queen. They had some epic matches with the Road Warriors.

Props to you sure. Great pick.

I also like Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Summers AWA heel championship run with Sensational Shari Martel as their manager. They came out all diva-ed out to Madonna's Dress You Up. That was epic too. They had classic matches over the titles with the Midnight Rockers.

Another honorable mention was AWA's Bad Company title run with DDP as their Manager coming out to the song "Bad Company"

I sure miss good tag teams.
#5. The Hart Foundation - A combo of strength, and technical wrestling with style and class. A great blue print for a successful tag team.

#4. Edge and Christian - Two guys with great wrestling ability, talent in the ring and on the mic who could always but on a great show.

#3. Money INC. - A true heel tag team that could get under anyones skin. with the ability to wrestle and taunt a crowd, they were masters of their craft.

#2. L.O.D. - Two energy packed warriors who could make the crowd become electric. With their power and charisma they always could steel the show.

#1. The British Bulldogs - With Davey, the powerhouse, and Dynamite, they high flyer, they could do it all. A true face tag team that was loved by the masses wherever they went. They were the true embodiment of two good guys with the ability to be the best at what they did. Matilda was a cute addition too!(lol)
Here is my personal list (not the teams I think are the all around best):

The New Age Outlaws - My favorite of all time, they had such chemistry and a late reminder of what tag teams should be all about.

LOD/Road Warriors - Come on, one of the few teams to stick together and kick ass around the globe.

The Dudley Boyz - The first ECW match I watched featured the Dudleys and I was a fan ever since.

Bushwackers - The definition of 'LOL' to a young kid like me back in the day.

The Hardys - Was always a fan of Jeff more than Matt, but they worked so well together and (almost) shared the same amount of bumps.
5. The Rock 'n' Sock connection- To me this was the best team during the Attitude Era. The Rock was a title contender and it was an odd pairing, but him and Mick were gold as a team. Plus the vignettes between the two were funny (Rock's This Is Your Life).

4. APA- Originally when Simmons and Bradshaw were simply an extension of Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness. But eventually they broke off and became Acolyte Protection Agency, I think first hired by the Mean Street Posse. From There they held the tag title while also being one of the most physically imposing tag teams for WWF for quite some time.

3. The Mega Powers- Some of you might disagree with me on this, but this was one of my favorite teams in the late 80's. Although this was created as a year long build up to their WM5 championship match, putting Hulk Hogan and Macho Man together was a dream team for me. Arguably the most popular tag team to finish out the 80's

2. The Dudleys- I got exposed to the Dudleys right before they left ECW. Even though they had to tone down their gimmick when they jumped to WWF, they nonetheless made an immediate impact, whether it was beating down refs, putting on incredible TLC matches with E&C and the Hardys, or putting valets through tables. Bubba and Devon are truly one of the industry's storied tag teams, accumulating well over 23 title reigns in three different promotions.

1. Demolition- Some folks look at Ax and Smash (and later Crush) as a knockoff of the Road Warriors. That might very well be true, but there is no denying that Demolition was the best tag team WWF towards the end of the 80's. Love them or hate them, they had a badass look, a smashmouth style in the ring, and had the best in mic work and charisma among the tag team division during that time. Truly my all time favorite tag team.
My picks are probably cliche, but I'm going to be sincere. Also, sorry for the essay.

Honorable Mention - The Eliminators - Now that I have all sorts of ECW tapes and DVDs at my disposal, this is a team that I grew to love long after the fact, so I'm putting them in as a honorable mention. As you'll see on down, I loved the Dudleys, back when they were relevant, and the Eliminators were a pretty classic rivalry, for them. It's a real shame what happened to Saturn, later in his career, and it's a full blown tragedy what happened to Kronus. These two would have ran house in the WWF, I'm convinced, and they're the most underrated tag team I can think of, IMHO.

#5) - E & C - If I were making a list of who I thought the greatest tag teams of all-time were, they'd be at least two spots higher. TLC 1 & 2 breathed new life into my life-long wrestling love after it was finally starting to wane, and E & C were a tremendous part of those matches. I feel as though the Dudleys were the foundation for the matches, what with their history in reinventing the use of the tables, but in my eyes, E & C were the skeleton of that structure; they kept everything in check and controlled those matches. If it weren't for them, in two different ways, those matches would have been nothing at all but spot fests. They still were, but E & C kept things grounded, and that match needed that. I honestly didn't really like the Hardys...ever, and so the Dudleys were my favorite team in those matches. Now that I'm older, though, I realize just how important Edge and Christian were to TLC. They really were the ones who dictated the flow, and the won because they were the best team. They were really funny, though at times I found them more annoying, but the fact that they were both able to build singles success is a testament to how great the two were. One of the best tag teams ever, hands down.

#4) - Demolition - Ax and Smash were clones of Hawk and Animal, I get that and I get that there's no getting around that. But, I didn't ever watch NWA, aside from the first Starrcade (which I'll never forget,) and these guys were a new concept, when I first saw them. They dressed even more like Mad Max than the Road Warriors did, but I thought it looked awesome. Of course, when I id finally lay eyes on L.O.D. I was old enough and jaded enough to realize what the WWF had done, but when I first saw them, they were something I had never seen before, and I loved it. I want to say I was watching live (though I probably wasn't,) when they won their first tag titles. Either way, I marked out. Great tag team, even if they were rip offs.

#3) - The Hart Foundation - I remember just thinking about these guys, once they became babyfaces, that they were just damn cool. People always like to say that Bret's promos were bad, but I thought that he was a hell of a cool cat. He wore that jacket, he had those bad-ass shades, by 80's standards, and he never seemed really bothered by anything. Then you had big Jim Neidhart, who was the hot head and the bruiser, and when he came into the match, you know he was going to rough up the guy across from him. They had an awesome dynamic between them, and they were just really exciting to watch. I know nobody needs me to ramble on about how great a Hall of Fame tag team was, but they really were and I loved them...once they went babyface, of course.

#2) - The Dudley Boys: D-Von and Bubba Ray are the greatest heel tag team ever, and I don't care who else you throw at me. I've never seen anyone incite a riot with the crowd as much as Bubba Ray used to in ECW. I didn't trade tapes, but I rented them like crazy whenever they popped up in our local video store. My sister-in-law absolutely hated them, and refused to let my nephew watch. A big part of that were the Dudleys. They were gross, they were vulgar, and they knew how to eat away at the audience. They trump The New Age Outlaws in my book as the best hardcore tag team, and they're proof that fledgling companies like ECW and ROH, today, can get over on great tag teams. TLC 1 & 2 were a milestone in wrestling history and a triumph of the Attitude Era, and because of what these guys did in their time before WWF, I'll say they were the foundation. Unbelievably great all-time tag team.

#1) - The Road Warriors - To this day, I'm not sure how the IWC can love the legacy of the Road Warriors. Their wrestling wasn't great, their promos weren't masterpieces, and all they really got by on were their awesome look and entrance. But, when I was a kid, I worshiped these guys, especially when I was in high school and they finally came over to the WWF. I knew who they were from the few magazines that I had that weren't WWF affiliated, and I always used to see them and think, "these guys are awesome."

Outside from their look, I actually loved their promos. Animal would just spout off something about their opponent, but when it got to Hawk, man I would mark. He was an absolute lunatic, but he would sometimes say some of the most hilariously awesome lines. I'll never forget from the '92 Rumble, when the Road Warriors were facing the Natural Disasters (I saw this on tape when it hit the shelves,), and Hawk said something to the effect of, "...they wanna throw their weight around! Well, that's okay, we wanna throw their weight around, too!" Oh my God, my brother and I still to this day laugh about that and love it. It was just the way Hawk said it. "WEEEELLLLL!" is still a beloved joke among my brother and I, and I always loved seeing the Road Warriors. They changed tag team wrestling forever, and with good reason. That's why they're my favorite tag team of all-time.
5 - The Hart Foundation - The first real heel team that got my attention, mainly due to Bret Hart's ring work and Neidhart's beard... that was definitely one that scared the children... When I first saw them they had the crappy blue gear but they were the only guys who ever made "Pink and Black Attack" sound like something you wanted to see...

4 - The Rockers - These guys were sooo underused in WWE, they could have been massive as the tag champs if the top rope didn't snap... The syncronised moves and even their catchprases were exciting... Go back and look at the whole last year of their run and you see a team that shouldn't have split when they did... they had one great run left, THEN do the turn and both guys would have bypassed the mid card and been huge.

3 - The Steiner Brothers - Their attitude stunted their careers, but they were at least dedicated to tag team wrestling. to the detriment of their solo prospects. Scott famously turned down a main event push in 93 cos he refused to fued with Rick... by the time his chance came his mobility was shot... but for a long time he and Rick were my favourite team... and he could have been where Bret ended up...

2: The Hollywood Blondes - I can't believe noone has mentioned these guys yet. People credit the Outlaws with revitalising Tag Teaming, but the Blondes did more in their run... For a scratch team to within a year become the only must see thing on WCW TV was pretty impressive. It's quite scary to think that Bischoff choosing to end this "lightning in a bottle" team was at the time such a small thing, but ultimately cost WCW the monday night wars and made a lot of his good decisions redundant.

1 - The British Bulldogs - No question, these guys completely owned tag team wrestling in the 80's... People talk about the Road Warriors, but they were built to be invincible... The Bulldogs made themselves invincible... Dynamite Kid was the best of his generation and Davey Boy Smith was the best tag team wrestler ever... Disagree? Number 6 on my list is Davey and Owen... and it's a very close call they ain't higher...
Ok here goes (in no particular order)

5. The Hardyz- two young boys started out wrestling on trampolines. Fast forward to their early twenties, and their creating tlc match history and winning multiple tag titles! These guys defined high flying in late 90s/early 2000s! Sure, HBK jump off a ladder couple times (big whoop). But, these maniacs did moonsalts and swan dives off of 20 foot ladders/ledges only to land on on their opponent, through a table. Nuff said.

4. Harlem Heat- these guys made tag team wrestling in WCW. One of the few all black tag teams, they did accomplish quite a bit. The fact that they were real life brothers, and to see where they came from in their childhood, makes me appreciate them even more!

3. Edge and Christian- charisma, heat drawing, attention getting, death defeying, long blonde haired team that also help revolutionize TLC matches in the early 2000s. From their early days in the brood, you could see the chemistry between these guys. They were simply made to be a tag team together. When they split in 2002, they were never the same. 5 . . . second . . . pose! lol

2. New Age Outlaws- how, in the dark blue hell, can you hate these guys? When you heard "Oh you didn't know?" on the speakers, you knew you were about to get a show! They were extremely charismatic, highly over with the crowd (heels or faces) and funny as hell! Plus, they both had God-given talent in the ring! Why, Mr. Mcmahon, did you not make these guys WWF champion?

1. The Dudley Boys- those damned Dudleys! The highlight of my childhood :)! See, my name is DeVon. Back when I was a little kid (6 or 7), me and my dad would watch wrestling together. And everytime, Bubbah got that look in his eyes, my dad would look at me and yell, "DeVon, get the TABLES!!!!". Very, very funny. It didn't matter where we were, he'd always do it. But enough about me. These guys have competed in damn near every wrestling promotion in the WORLD! They are 20x tag team champions (you read that right). For years, they've put on classic matches with some of the best tag teams in history. The Dudleys will always be THE # 1 tag team. Nobody can/will surpass them.
5) Hart Foundation- With Bret carrying the load as far as real technical wrestling goes, and Anvil as the power guy and the mouthpiece of the pair, these guys were a great compliment to one another and will always be a fav of mine.
4) The Outsiders- The invasion of WCW angle helped propel these two even further in their careers, even though they were two big stars already. Great chemistry, good in ring work, great on the mic especially Hall. Always felt that Hall was one of the best to never win a world title too.
3)The Steiner Bro's- Great in ring work and wrestling skill. The greatest repetoire of suplexes ever! Good chemistry came from being brothers obviously and Rick was funny as hell.
2)L.O.D.- The most bad ass team in wrestling history! The face paint, spiked shoulder pads, stiff as hell in the ring, even though they lacked a little on the technical side of things they were still fun to watch and they were supposed to be beasts who do everything with power, not grace, anyway. It worked!
1) The Hardy's- For me these guys were the shit! I know a lot of you will probably have some dumb ass remarks about how they were high spot marks or whatever but thats part of who they were. Not everyone can, or even will, try the things that they did and that deserves credit in itself. So exciting to watch. Will never forget the TLC matches...some of the most epic matches ever.

Honorable mentions-New Age Outlaws, DX, Dudleys, Edge and Christian, Rockers, Brain Busters. The tag team division in the 80's and 90's was so much better I could prob list ten more teams so forgive me if I left anyone out.
5) Money Inc. - Man I hated these guys, and thats what makes a great heel tag team. I remember when I was a kid I was at a youth dance wearing my LOD sweatshirt and went to request a song. The DJ looked at my shirt and told me that Money Inc had just won the tagstraps from them the day before (house show). I was afraid to go ask for another song the rest of the night. Honestly though as I get older the more I love these two and it was a great gimmick

4) Lenny and Lodi - Oh yeah I know I will get flack over this , but they really were Billy and Chuck, before Billy and Chuck. Their inring skills were alright . Personally I was just a fan of Lodis signs

3) Demolition - I loved these guys they were just so monstrous, plus their feud with LOD was epic

2) The Smoking Gunns - Billy Gunn would never have been an Outlaw had he not have proven his worth with his bro Bart in a great forgotten tag team

1) The Headbangers - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Vince bring these guys back, their entrance, kilts, makeup , bald heads, make all 90s grunge fans smile. PLEASE bring them back
I think a good indicator of my favorite tag teams would be if one or both members of the team shined while together as a team, but one or both never made it a singles wrestler. I think there are a lot of stragglers in WWE right now that could get over if they had a tag team chemistry with someone else.

My top 5 favorite teams...

5) Dudley Boyz - Neither guy can get over as a singles wrestler, but as a team, in their hey day, they had main event heat.

4) Road Warriors - Another case where neither guy was ever taken seriously as a singles wrestler, but together they were the most popular and well known name in the business.

3) Hart Foundation - Bret would go on to bigger and better things, but as a team, Anvil shined as well and they really put tag team wrestling on the map in the late 80's.

2) The British Bulldogs - Davey Boy Smith would end up finding some success in singles, and Dynamite Kid would end up getting hurt and giving his gimmick to Chris Benoit, but together, these guys put on some of the most spectacular matches in the 80's. They were the first guys that were all about work rate in WWF, and led the way for guys like Bret Hart and Steve Austin to be main eventers later on. They proved that great matches were the highlight of the show, and what people would remember.

1) The Steiner Brothers - the most natural chemistry, due to being actually brothers. In their prime, I think these were the baddest dudes on the planet. They made suplexes cool, and led the way for the Taz's and Kurt Angles of the world to get over with a similar move set. Steiner Brothers matches from the earlier 90's are the best tag matches of all time. Scott Steiner would go on to be a champion in WCW, but I don't think he ever reached the same popularity as he did when he was with his brother Rick. These guys also had the coolest ring attire. Custom tights for every match, much like RVD. Theres something to be said for wearing wild neon colored tights, that attact the eye. I wish it were still the early 90's, because ring attire today is not nearly as cool.
Here are my Fave Five in no particular order.

Edge & Christian: When I first begun to watch wrestling back in the mid to late nineties I remember these guys and their 'Poses'. "For those of you with the benefit of flash photography." As a kid I didnt over analyse these guys or their performance as i may do now but as i got older i came to appreciate what talents these two guys really were in the tag team division.

The Dudley Boyz: "Devon!!....Get the tables!!" Just like with E & C these two guys took the tag division to new levels along with the Hardyz, I feel lucky that I got to watch these three tag teams evolve the tag division and take it to places that I had never seen before or since. TLC matches, the feuds, the talents. These guys were part of the triumvirate of teams that managed to make tag team a main event while around them guys like the Rock,Austin,HHH,Mankind,Taker and Kane fought it out. Now that says something of the excitement we got out of the tag division at this time for it to hold its own against these storylines.

The Hardy Boyz: All the same reasons as above, also the fact I was all of about 10-12 years of age at the time so I like many other boys that age was a mark for the Hardyz.

Los Guerroros: "If your not cheating, your not trying." Eddie and Chavo worked so well together, and made a successful gimmick out of a side joke. This tag team got over on its own accord while still Heel and went on to be in some classic matches like the fatal four way tag team elimination match at SS. And contained one of the true greats of the business Eddie Guerrero. RIP.

The Rock and Sock Connection Puuuuure entertainment! always enjoyed watching these two guys team up. Also as i was still a kid then I marked out for them every time lol.


Who doesn't like getting high??

Just my humble opinion

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