FalKon's Magical Land of Bronydom: The [Official] MLP Thread

Give me a couple of days and I'll be good. I haven't been this sad since... well I can't remember the last time I shed tears of sadness.

I've got Game of Thrones season 2, the entire series of Dexter/Sons of Anarchy/Boardwalk Empire to keep me company... and that's only the beginning of the plethora of shows I've got.
And Pinkie Pie does bring her party cannon everywhere... and her name is Vinyl Scratch.

When Equestria Daily first named her, it was virtually a dead tie between DJ PON-3 and Vinyl Scratch. I prefer Scratch, myself.
When Equestria Daily first named her, it was virtually a dead tie between DJ PON-3 and Vinyl Scratch. I prefer Scratch, myself.

P0N-3 is her canon name, per "Equestria Girls". Plus, I think her regular name is Scratch, and DJ P0N-3 is her stage name.
Having a hard time deciding which Princess to be a devotee of. My heart says Cadence, my brain says Celestia, and my love of evil-turned-good says Luna. In the words of Rainbow Dash: What to do, WHAT TO DO?!
So I started playing a game again that I used to play ages ago (at least until D3) comes out, and I don't know when this got patched in but suddenly a pony showed up and started kicking ridiculous amounts of ass, and buffing the shit out of me


I don't... I don't know what just happened. It's still following me, too.
Having a hard time deciding which Princess to be a devotee of. My heart says Cadence, my brain says Celestia, and my love of evil-turned-good says Luna. In the words of Rainbow Dash: What to do, WHAT TO DO?!


I tried sleeping... can't sleep... listening to pony songs to sleep. Best pony song:

"This Day" is definitely one of the best pieces the show's had so far. Right up there with "Winter Wrap Up" and "At the Gala".

FalKon, is this to what you were referring to in the WZCW thread?

I also wanted to post my thoughts on the end of the season. The last four episodes are phenomenal. Hurricane Fluttershy is a little cliche but it's always nice to see a Fluttershy episode. MMMMystery was classic. The references were just so well done. The finale was superb. Totally superb. Songs were fantastic, there was some stellar animation, and I was shocked to the degree of maturity the episode showed. Case in point: Queen Chrysalis taking down Celestia one on one was shocking. I expected her to be incapacitated by some trick or something, but no, just straight up down. The changeling fight scene was epic. Cadence is a great character. Season 3 hopefully will include more Shining Armor and Cadence along with some Luna. I was actually a little disappointed about Luna's absence in the finale; I was kind of holding out hope that after they failed to get the Elements of Harmony, Luna would just come in and be a fucking badass and end shit. But, alas.

I hope that the last couple of episodes are indicative of a new trend. The mystery and the finale were way more mature than a lot of what's been seen so far and more of it would be very welcome.
Luna works the night shift. It was during the day that the Changeling's attacked. Apparently that's enough reasoning to not include her as much in the finale... speaking of, I think we'll see this quality for the first couple of episodes of season 3 but after that its back to cruise control for a bit as they do. I don't mind, as long as we see some episodes centred around cameo ponies like Big Mac and Scootaloo.

And yes, that is the reference.

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