Facebook or Google+

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I got an invite to Google+ last month, and I've spent a lot of time checking it out. I am also a huge Google supporter, and would be the first to jump-ship from the Facebook...if they had anything worth going for.

When Facebook first came out to the general public, Myspace fans fled in force because FB had everything. Chat was huge, messaging was better, finding and communicating with friends was easier, and of course...the Wall. Once it became popular enough that most of your friend were online, Facebook was the only real way to go.

But I have to ask...what does Google+ have that will put it over as the best social networking site out there? And even if it is better, what's going to be the hook to steal away the hundreds of millions of Facebook users? Don't get me wrong, I like Google+. I think it's simpler, "Hangouts" are a revolutionary idea, and...you're annoying relatives aren't there yet! You can also easily select which "Circles" can see specific posts you make. Those are cool advancements, but now that Facebook has integrated Skype video calling and fixed a lot of chat bugs, I can't find a reason to keep coming back to Google+. How does everyone else feel about it?
I hope Google+ overtakes Facebook. Anonomyus better hack the shit out of Facebook too. Facebook is the worst thing to happen to modern society.
I hope Google+ overtakes Facebook. Anonomyus better hack the shit out of Facebook too. Facebook is the worst thing to happen to modern society.
I know, the nerve of Mark Zuckerberg, making a website were people can post what they want. :rolleyes:

I'm going to stay on Facebook until something happens. Everyone is there already, its easy to use, and I'm tired of making more and more social networking accounts.

Btw I love how people will shit on Facebook because their friends spend a lot of time on it and rather post on walls than talk on the phone or face to face. Do you really think the trend wont continue with Google+? Its modernization, get over it.
It is not modernization. It's a fad. It happened with MySpace, it'll soon happen with Facebook, and it'll happen with Google+ in the future, plus no one can't post what they want on Facebook. It's a dictatorship. If you want to post radical opinions on Facebook go ahead, but be prepared to go to jail. Facebook is nothing special.
Its a clever marketing strategy by Google. They have basically acknowledged that they can't take out facebook (or overtake it), but there is a lot of open playground in this field to co-exist with facebook. When Google+ was launched, they send the invite to limited number of people, just the they did it with gmail initially when it was launched. Because of Google's brand value and its image, there was a lot of curiosity in people to be part of it. But since the invite was sent to limited users (existing gmail users), suddenly having a google+ account became a thing of pride and achievement. I have heard people have been selling google+ invites. Almost all of my friends have the google+ accounts now. I won't be surprised to know that google+ may already be having more than 10 million users already, though i would be surprised if all those users are spending as much time as facebook on google+.
I know, the nerve of Mark Zuckerberg, making a website were people can post what they want. :rolleyes:

I'm going to stay on Facebook until something happens. Everyone is there already, its easy to use, and I'm tired of making more and more social networking accounts.

Btw I love how people will shit on Facebook because their friends spend a lot of time on it and rather post on walls than talk on the phone or face to face. Do you really think the trend wont continue with Google+? Its modernization, get over it.

I totally agree with H33LTurn's post.

But tbh, what's this Google+?

I'm checking out that site right away. Lol.

I swear this is the first time I hear of it. O__O

And about overtaking Facebook, I don't get it..

If it's developed and good enough to "overtake" Facebook,

Wouldn't it be as bad a thing that happened to the Modern Society? :/
I hope Google+ overtakes Facebook. Anonomyus better hack the shit out of Facebook too. Facebook is the worst thing to happen to modern society.
Yes, because Google is such a trusted name in the Internet world. :rolleyes:

Please do tell how Facebook is the worst thing to happen to modern society? Because it revolutionized how people are able to keep in contact with each other? Because it broadens the avenues for artists to reach their fans and keep in touch, especially the struggling musicians who rely on such support? Because it provides numerous and wonderful opportunities for teachers to connect to their students in the educational arena? Because they provide a voluntary service for free?

It is not modernization. It's a fad.
It was a revolution in the online world. If Facebook were to die tomorrow, the effects they had upon the web will still be felt for years to come.

plus no one can't post what they want on Facebook. It's a dictatorship. If you want to post radical opinions on Facebook go ahead, but be prepared to go to jail. Facebook is nothing special.
Why would I go to jail, unless I threatened to kill someone, or committed some other legal violation which I would be sent to jail for no matter which medium I chose to say it in?
It is not modernization. It's a fad. It happened with MySpace, it'll soon happen with Facebook, and it'll happen with Google+ in the future, plus no one can't post what they want on Facebook. It's a dictatorship. If you want to post radical opinions on Facebook go ahead, but be prepared to go to jail. Facebook is nothing special.
The internet is not a "fad". When you have something like social networking come about its going to last forever unless the internet itself is destroyed. You dont go to jail for posting radical things on Facebook. I've made fun of the presidential limousine and the fact that theres a rumor that theres buckets of the presidents blood in the back trunk (which I didnt find out by snooping around, it was on a history channel documentary). The only reason you would go to jail for a facebook post is if you make a threat, which Sly pointed out. You'd go to jail if you threatened someone on facebook, in person, over the phone, in a letter, or by f'n telegram.
It is not modernization. It's a fad. It happened with MySpace, it'll soon happen with Facebook, and it'll happen with Google+ in the future, plus no one can't post what they want on Facebook. It's a dictatorship. If you want to post radical opinions on Facebook go ahead, but be prepared to go to jail. Facebook is nothing special.

Facebook is certainly not a fad. It's been around for years and has shown no signs of disappearing anytime soon. People who trash Facebook always make me laugh. "Everyone else does it? Well not me. I'm going to be edgy and non-conformist Herp Derp." Get over yourself.

Also, who has went to jail over Facebook? Did they admit to a crime? Did they post pictures of them using drugs or something? Then they fucking deserve to go to jail. You don't have the freedom to do illegal shit anywhere, why would Facebook be different?

As for the question at hand, I received an invitation to Google+ a while back and honestly, I'm just not into it. Mostly because the majority of my friends aren't there. Maybe if they joined up I would be more into it, but for now, it's just kinda lame. I do like how you can edit your status updates or whatever though. What a novel idea.
Right now there is nothing that will convince facebook supporters to switch over. Granted there is always the chance that things can change over time. Facebook used to be VERY different. I have had facebook since April of 2005. Back then it was exclusive to college students and only a certain few colleges had been added to it. There was no chat, no newsfeed, no profile linking for significant others or family, and the wall was a mess and very difficult to see who wrote what. If facebook can go from THAT to what it is today, then Google+ has a chance. It is just a matter of them coming up with the right idea at the right time because facebook's popularity skyrocketed after they changed up their site a bit.
Facebook is the worst thing to happen to modern society.

Nope, that's Twitter

Half of it's user base is hipster douchebags and older people trying to be hip

And I rage every single time I see a tv-show with a twitter hashtag or one in a commercial

Twitter is just Facebook's little friend update box and nothing else

There was an interview with the creator of it recently and I lost it when he said he got the idea from something trucker's use, when it's painfully obvious that he didn't

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