FACE OFF SERIES demolition vs team 3d

which team is the best

  • demolition

  • team 3d

  • equal

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Championship Contender
ok another FACE OFF where each time two wrestlers or tag teams face off to see who is the best. this time demolition take on team 3d. demolition hold the record off longest wwe title reign in history. while team 3d have one of the most impressive title hauls in history. also at some point or another both teams have featured three members with spike dudley joining team 3d and crush joining demolition. but which team is better. its up to you.
This is a toss up. Demolition is my all time favorite tag team, yet I was huge fan of the Dudleys as well. I'm going to remain neutral here. Both teams had the edge to them and were just plain in your face. Big, bad, and bold. Smashmouth style of wrestlers. I would probably say the Dudleys were more hardcore in style, mostly using tables, but they're equal to Demolition in a straight up tag team match.
I have to go with Ax and Smash for this match.

A little more bias than AJ vs. HBK for sure due to Demolition being my all time favorite team but they are in my opinion the most dominant tag team in WWE history. That theme song of theirs is one of the most memorable by far and they were a great tag team. They didn't have the longevity of The Dudley's but in the 3-4 years Demolition was together they spent almost all their time at the top of the tag team division and considering the competition they had at the time that is mighty impressive, much more impressive than anything the Dudley's have done.

Simple yet effective I gotta take Demolition here. Besides, I have and always will feel the Dudley's although entertaining to watch were vastly overrated and don't think for one second they would have the success they did if the competition was so scarce. When you really think about it they had no real competition outside E & C and the Hardyz.
Dudley Boyz (Team 3D) get it for me over demolition.

Not sure if it's when I grew up watching wrestling but looking back at longevity and achievements of the teams, Dudley Boyz lasted from 1996-2010 which is 14 years and went across countless promotions where they had 23 championships and have had feuds with some of the best teams at there time. Demolition was from 1987-1991 which was only 4 years and had 3 championship reigns and although one was the longest for that company it doesn't come nearly as close as the Dudley Boyz who had 23. Match quality was also much higher by the Dudleys.

Dudleys made more of an impact on the tag team division and are much more memorable then Demolition and if the teams were to face off they'd probably trade a few wins back and forth but I believe the Dudley Boyz would've come out on top.

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