Demolition = Overrated

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
I think that Demolition was a very good tag team, but people in this forum seem to think that they are one of the greatest tag teams of all time, and that just isn't the case.

I hear people talking about their three title reigns, but let's look at how they got these titles. For their first reign they beat Strike Force (Santana and Martel) which is a good win, but they had to use Mr Fuji's cane to get the victory.

They ended up losing the titles to the Brainbusters (Blanchard and Arn Anderson) and for their second reign they beat the Brainbusters to get the titles back. Again a good win, but they pinned the illegal man to get the victory. Not only that, but the Brainbusters were on their way out of the WWE so they needed to put the titles on somebody and they happened to be feuding with Demolition at that time.

They then lost the titles to the Colossal Connection (Andre and Haku) and once again won the titles back in a rematch. Once again it looks like a solid win, but Bobby Heenan and Haku turned on Andre so this was another case of a tag team breaking up, and Demolition happened to be the team feuding with them so they got the titles.

Their third reign ended with a loss to the Hart Foundation in what was probably the only Demolition match that I would consider "great." This match also happened to be the debut of LOD. It seems strange that as soon as LOD debuted, Demolition's popularity plummeted and they were soon out of the WWE. Maybe it was because people saw LOD as a great tag team and realized that Demolition just wasn't an elite team.

I know Demolition has the longest title reign of any tag team ever, but they didn't really have too many teams to feud with during this reign. The British Bulldogs were on their way out of the WWE, the Hart Foundation was still not quite an elite team and they were in the process of turning face during this period so it didn't make much sense to have two face teams go against each other. They had the titles because they wanted to have a dominant tag team like NWA had with LOD and Demolition was really the only choice at that time. The reign is still impressive, but as I remember Londrick also had a long title reign and I don't see anyone calling them one of the greatest tag teams ever.

Demolition was a good team, but once the Hart Foundation blossomed into an elite team, and LOD was signed, Demolition quickly faded into obscurity because thay were not an elite team.
What you say makes sense. Demolition could never be considered an elite team because of what they lacked in technical wrestling ability. Their teamwork left something to be desired, too, as their frequent tag-ins seemed to lack rhyme or reason. Plus, they employed little strategy in their matches; they simply tagged in and out while pounding their opponents.

On the other hand, the things I just mentioned could also be used to define what was good about Demolition. They were rough, tough big guys who brutalized their opponents, and there is always an appeal in seeing that, if for no other reason than that we're always waiting to see the tables turned on them...... which always happens sooner or later.
Demolition is not overrated. They were a heel tag team, equipped with one of the best heel managers of all time. Of course they won their big matches using illegal tactics! That's the idea of being a true heel. I think because of the lack of definition of heel and face in this age of wrestling, people lose sight of what they really mean.

Demolition played their gimmick nearly flawlessly. They were not techincal wrestlers. But neither was Hulk Hogan, who is considered by many to be the greatest wrestler of all time. Demolition were monsters in a sense. They were going to the ring to beat people up and win matches, not to display intricate holds and high spots.
They were a heel tag team, equipped with one of the best heel managers of all time. Of course they won their big matches using illegal tactics! That's the idea of being a true heel.

Actually for a lot of the time they held the tag titles they were a face team. And they were overrated for a lot more reasons then just the way they won the titles.
I think that Demolition was a very good tag team, but people in this forum seem to think that they are one of the greatest tag teams of all time, and that just isn't the case. .

Fresh meat. Demolition were the best team the WWF has come up with, and them receiving the longest title reign ever, with only one team barely being able to sniff that in 20 years speaks a lot both to there ability, and how over they were not only as faces, but as heels.

I hear people talking about their three title reigns, but let's look at how they got these titles. For their first reign they beat Strike Force (Santana and Martel) which is a good win, but they had to use Mr Fuji's cane to get the victory.

They ended up losing the titles to the Brainbusters (Blanchard and Arn Anderson) and for their second reign they beat the Brainbusters to get the titles back. Again a good win, but they pinned the illegal man to get the victory. Not only that, but the Brainbusters were on their way out of the WWE so they needed to put the titles on somebody and they happened to be feuding with Demolition at that time.

They then lost the titles to the Colossal Connection (Andre and Haku) and once again won the titles back in a rematch. Once again it looks like a solid win, but Bobby Heenan and Haku turned on Andre so this was another case of a tag team breaking up, and Demolition happened to be the team feuding with them so they got the titles..

Actually, Demolition is criminally under rated and hated on by just about every one on almost every forum I've been too. They don't do shooting star presses, they don't do submission moves, they are slow powerful guys that beat the hell out of you, and that's not a good thing according to the iwc (see hulk Hogan for further proof of this).

So what if they used Mr. Fuji's cane to win the titles, they were heels, heels cheat to win. Countless other teams have won titles by cheating, but did they hold onto them for nearly a year and a half beating every single team placed in front of them along the way, nope.
Their third reign ended with a loss to the Hart Foundation in what was probably the only Demolition match that I would consider "great." This match also happened to be the debut of LOD. It seems strange that as soon as LOD debuted, Demolition's popularity plummeted and they were soon out of the WWE. Maybe it was because people saw LOD as a great tag team and realized that Demolition just wasn't an elite team.

I know Demolition has the longest title reign of any tag team ever, but they didn't really have too many teams to feud with during this reign. The British Bulldogs were on their way out of the WWE, the Hart Foundation was still not quite an elite team and they were in the process of turning face during this period so it didn't make much sense to have two face teams go against each other. They had the titles because they wanted to have a dominant tag team like NWA had with LOD and Demolition was really the only choice at that time. The reign is still impressive, but as I remember Londrick also had a long title reign and I don't see anyone calling them one of the greatest tag teams ever.

Demolition was a good team, but once the Hart Foundation blossomed into an elite team, and LOD was signed, Demolition quickly faded into obscurity because thay were not an elite team.

Demolition beat everyone in front of them, plain and simple. Whether it be the jobber team of the bees, to the elite teams like Bulldogs or Harts, and even the fledgling Rockers, Demolition beat them all, and beat them soundly.

Demolition phased out not because of LOD, but because Ax was injured and Crush simply didn't have the it factor that Ax brought to that team. Demolition was an aging team that had 3 1/2 good years, with most of that time as WWF tag team champions. Name me another team that had 3 1/2 years with a company, and were tag team champions for as long as Demolition were. Demolition fading away had nothing to do with LOD, and everything to do with father time catching up with them.
They then lost the titles to the Colossal Connection (Andre and Haku) and once again won the titles back in a rematch. Once again it looks like a solid win, but Bobby Heenan and Haku turned on Andre so this was another case of a tag team breaking up, and Demolition happened to be the team feuding with them so they got the titles.

uh...WHAT??? did you watch the show?? Demolition were EXTREMELY over at that time, they won the belts on their merit. it is booked, you know this right??? the match was booked so the colossal connection broke up. Demolition gets an INCREDIBLE reaction upon entering the SkyDome. This is a gross amount of underrating you are doing here.

Demolition also put on the greatest tag team match of all time, when they lost to the Hart Foundation at SummerSlam That match should be shown to people in training as an example of how tag team wrestling works. Its an amazing story of a heel turn, survival, and perseverance. Great storytelling, and work from everyone. To say Demoliton is OVERRATED is just absolutely incorrect in about as many ways as it can be.
What's is kinda funny here is reading post about this subject writing by people that weren't even born when Demolition was at their peak. I still remember the first time i saw Demolition in action and they quickly became one of my favorite team to watch. Outside of Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior, there the reason why i got hook to watching Pro wrestling. So now, i read on alot of wrestling boards how LOD was a great team and how the Hart foundation were a great team but you will really have somebody come out and talk about Demolition so to me, i think they are underrated and i don'T think that watching there matches on You tube compares to watching on TV.

So i know alot of people in the IWS are not old enough to remember these guys at there prime, but Guys like Demoliton were the reason why i started whatching wrestling and if more guys where wrestling there style of wrestling instead of the scientific or high spot crap where seeing today, maybe we would get a lot less injured wrestlers.
I think Demolition are rated around where they should be rated. They were a top team in their time, but that was during a low in tag teams. The same can be said about London and Kendrick. But without a Demolition, teams like the Hart Foundation could never have been given the push that they were. Demolition was a great tag team, but they were less exciting compared to LOD. I think people know will not truly understand what Demolition was about. In fact, I have seen them compared to drag queens. I don't think that any teams that faced them would call them that. They truly were a great power team, who will go down as a top 20 tag team of all time, but not a top 5.
Demolition was overrated. They have the longest reigning title reign in WWF history? Well, Londrick is up there too with a very long title reign, does that mean they're one of the best tag teams in the history of tag team wrestling? There's many reasons for Demolition's reign, and for their domination during their hay day. But the fact is; nothing about Demolition was unique or original. They took their gimmick from LOD, both in the style of wrestling they used in the ring and in similarities with their very appearance.. later on they took the "Freebird gimmick" and used it when they had three members. They faded because LOD came to the WWF and no one cared about Demolition anymore because LOD did everything Demolition had, but better. Because they were the innovators of that style and gmmick.

Then Ax left the WWF, then Smash and Crush because simply jobbers first as a tag team and then as singles when they were separated. Demolition, in the beginning, fit well together and did a good job at what they did. But to say they're one of the best teams ever is highly overrating them.
They have the longest reigning title reign in WWF history? Well, Londrick is up there too with a very long title reign, does that mean they're one of the best tag teams in the history of tag team wrestling?

Should I point out the difference between defending your belts every couple of weeks against Deuce & Domino, and between wrestling The Hart Foundation, Bulldogs & others weekly?

There's many reasons for Demolition's reign, and for their domination during their hay day.

Like? Because The Killer Bees weren't quite ready yet?

But the fact is; nothing about Demolition was unique or original. They took their gimmick from LOD, both in the style of wrestling they used in the ring and in similarities with their very appearance..

The team that resembled the Road Warriors more were The Powers Of Pain, in look, in the ring, everything. Demolition may well have originated as a LOD rip off, but they developed into something more. If they didn't then wouldn't they be held in lesser regard just like The Powers Of Pain?

later on they took the "Freebird gimmick" and used it when they had three members.

For all of a couple of months when Ax had heart problems. It was done to keep the gimmick going. Notice how Ax spent very little time in the ring when there were the three of them.

They faded because LOD came to the WWF and no one cared about Demolition anymore

Maybe, it was nice of WWE to promote a feud between the two first. Instead of shipping them off right away.

because LOD did everything Demolition had, but better. Because they were the innovators of that style and gmmick.

I think you're confusing what LOD had as bigger, not better. Watch the LOD DVD and you'll notice that most of the matches are made up of squash matches. Notice that on the rare occasions that demolition appear on a DVD they're usually in a long competitive match.

Then Ax left the WWF,

Due to ill health.

then Smash and Crush because simply jobbers

From what I remember they were only made to look like jobbers weeks before they vanished off TV.

If we're comparing Demolition to LOD, I could point out the same.

first as a tag team and then as singles when they were separated.

For a jobber Crush sure had a good run. I distinctly remember him having an alliance with the biggest heel on the roster, and an important match at WrestleMania X.

Demolition, in the beginning, fit well together and did a good job at what they did. But to say they're one of the best teams ever is highly overrating them.

They're not exactly overrated when the only people who remember them are the people who grew up watching them.
Demolition was awesome, because of there look, theme music and the era they were in.
Thats about it.

They could be considered one of the most influential tag-teams in history, being the first WWF team to ever Three-Pete as winners of the tag titles.

Both Axe and Smash had cool mic yelling skills too, but thats it. They were WWF's way of trying to copy the Road Warriors who they failed to recruit at the time.
Speaking of which Legion of Doom/Road Warriors were a much better team overall.

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