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Face/Heel Turns You Would Never Expect-TNA

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Lord And Master
Staff member
What character would leave you scratching your head in confusion if he/she turned face/heel?

My pick would probably be Suicide. He's supposed to be a "dark savior". Just what the hell is he supposed to do as a heel? Go bat shit on people for no reason? Force salvation onto those who don't accept it? Unless he gets a major gimmick adjustment, I just can't find Suicide turning heel as something believeble or logical. But thats my own opinion.

What about you? What face/heel turn would you find hard to believe if it happened?
The British Invasion as face would make no sense whatsoever. Both Magnus and Williams would be major failures as faces, IMO, because neither has all that great of a personality to really carry them within a story line. A face run-in save might work momentarily to pole vault them, but they'd have to drop the good guy schtick within weeks, same as Beer Money continually has to do. The closest the British Invasion could get IMO, is anti-hero's a la Austin/Edge.

Amazing Kong would also be equally as horrendous as a face, as we saw for a brief moment for a few weeks prior to her feud with Tara.

More names to throw into the fire because it's simply too early for them to remain relevant as a face (or heel, if they are already a face): Desmond Wolfe, Stevie Richards, Taz, Rhino, Jay Lethal, Daffney, Kiyoshi, Amazing Red and Bashir.
I just can't find Suicide turning heel as something believeble or logical

Just because a turn isn't believable or logical doesn't mean much in TNA.

Suicide as a heel would not be the most ridiculous thing. He goes nuts on someone to teach them a lesson, to save them from their fill-in-the-blank ways. Just imagine Raven's booking him and go from there.

British Invasion as faces would be terrible. As heels, they can get heat by cheating and by playing the Anti-American card. As faces, I just don't know what they'd do.

AJ Styles as a heel would be so, so bad. The audience wants to love him, he doesn't come off as having an edge anyway.

A Sting heel turn always has problems. He's supported by the crowd, he has a twenty-five year Good Guy legacy, and he doesn't have a credible motivation for going heel. Maybe if Hogan comes in and plays face GM Sting could come in jealous? Ehh.

World Elite would have a hard time being more than tweeners--they could save Hernandez from a Racist American faction, but that's about it.

Motor City Machine Guns could go heel, maybe, or maybe the crowd would just support them anyway.

Seriously, TNA's Russo-only booking has been good lately, but that won't stop me from ranting. I think part of it is Russo's aversion to strict face-heel lines, so characters don't "turn" out of nowhere to fit a feud.

There hasn't been a stoopid turn since Samoa Joe's at Slammiversary if you don't count Foley, and I don't since I think turning for no reason is now part of his gimmick.

(Angle's turn was abrupt, but had a fig leaf of logic. The real problem there was that MEM probably deserved a Last Stand before disbanding rather than just sort of fading out.)
There is no one that I would "never expect" to turn.

There are lots of wrestlers who work better as a face or heel, and make sense as one over the other, but at this point in TNA there is no one that I would be shocked to see turn in any way. AJ works better as a face, and the crowed likes him, but if he turned heel I wouldn't be shocked.

No one has been that built up to a point where I would hold them to such a high level that any change would be meaningful for me.
I would have to say Christy Hemme turning to a heel and joining the Beautiful people. No one expects it. I think that she is the only one in TNA that has the ability to replace Angelina Love persona wise. She is hot and has been in play boy. It is a no brainer. I think that they should replace Lacy with Christy. Then Lacy can be a weak face similar to what Kelly Kelly is in the WWE. Christy has never seen eye to eye with TBP, that is why no one would see it coming. Then they can turn the beautiful people from being BFF, to the mean girls.
My pick would probably be Suicide. He's supposed to be a "dark savior". Just what the hell is he supposed to do as a heel? Go bat shit on people for no reason? Force salvation onto those who don't accept it? Unless he gets a major gimmick adjustment, I just can't find Suicide turning heel as something believeble or logical. But thats my own opinion.

The Suicide character is really starting to piss me off. Here's something that TNA could've turned into gold, but it just doesn't make any sense now. The whole Suicide thing is supposed to represent freedom or something like that the last time I remember. But how does Suicide or the act of committing "suicide suppose to represent that?

I'm going to have to go with Dr.Stevie turning face. Could you imagine the whole doctor gimmick as a face? It would be silly. Him being the evil doctor makes much more sense, and Steven Richards pulls it off so well.
Sheik Abdul Bashir even though at this point in his career he is just a jobber in the X division and a lackey for World Elite. I would be utterly shocked if he turned from a heel to a face. I mean the guy has this persona that like makes him the perfect foreign heel for Tna if he was built and utilized better though and if he turned face it would simply not feel right. I don't know how he would get over. But he is one of those wrestlers were I personally won't know how he would transition from a face to a heel.
To be honest, TNA cannot keep anybody a Face/Heel for over two years. It TNA they do not have any kind mine frame for this. I am being honest. I love the fact we have two shows, but how many times have we seen the Dudley's go Heel. Usually, when somebody shows up to TNA; they play the role as a face. Give them 3 to 5 months, that person is playing the Heel role. I cannot understand this. The Dudley's have change their hats more time then I Paris Hilton Change her underrews in One Night!!!
i would say Jay Lethal just getting pissed that he is losing to legends every week and just drops the whole macho man thing he has going and just goes off on Creed that would shock me also another shock for me and it has nothing to due with the whole Face/Heel thing thats going on here but Rob Terry actually wrestling i mean come on that would just shock the shit out of me if he came in and was wrestling and i mean working a match and wasn't in there for like 5 minutes and gets "knocked out", but he was good wrestling for once
As many people have said before, turns are never unexpected in TNA. Once in a while you get a huge one, but they're definitely rare.

For example, Team 3D turning 2 weeks ago was huge, but we've seen them play both sides for so long, that it's easy for them. Kurt Angle went from leading the largest stable since the nWo, to being a top face alongside AJ. It's just not a surprise anymore.

It's a good thing though. Being able to play both sides has helped a lot of the younger guys get characters, and advance them through the card.
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