Extremely Popular Games That You Hate

There are plenty of popular series that I think are overrated, although I love the Zelda series, I do feel that several of the games in the series are vastly overrated, mainly Twilight Princess. However, I still love that series and presuming we are talking strictly Nintendo consoles, Zelda has always been a completely solid series.

As far as popular games I hate, I am afraid I dont really have much to say that hasnt already been said. My favourite FPS series falls between Goldeneye and Rainbow Six, both solid and extremely fun, especially multiplayer.

While I can understand the love for the Modern Warfare series, as they are very well made, that doesnt stop me from hating them. The amount of times friends want to play a COD game, I just dont understand the appeal personally, I never really enjoyed anything in the games, other then that twist halfway through Modern Warfare.

Halo on the other hand, I dont understand the love for, why is it so fun? While it isnt a terrible game of course, I dont get how or why it has been built up as the FPS of the xbox. I dont think I have ever had immense fun with the game in multiplayer, and I tried going through the single player, but just found no appeal at all.

There is one other game I dont understand the appeal of, and I admit that may be my fault as I havent played as much of it as I have COD or Halo. That game is Half Life 2. Gravity gun aside, I dont understand why the game is so beloved, the mods are fun, but the game itself never really interested or gripped me at all. Again I havent played this game very much so perhaps its my fault, but from what I have played I never really saw anything that special.
I've explained this time and time again but yeah, fuck it. One more time can't hurt.

Halo. How does it work?

The popularity of Halo basically stems from the fact that the first, Combat Evolved, is the template for modern first person shooters. Regenerating shield, two stick control, weapon balance (which includes numerous intricacies), level design, cinematics. Things you take for granted these days.

You're basically correct in your assumption that the sequels have added little but shinier graphics - but that's true of 90% of series.

These days, few consider Halo the bastion of single player FPSes. Well, the original maybe - but the sequels aren't really pushing the envelope in that regard. Instead, the likes of Killzone 2 are considered the best, which I tend to agree with. Others will tell you Modern Warfare but there's only a few hours of a single player game to be had there, though it has some interesting ideas.

Where Halo excels these days is online multiplayer. If you want a fun arcadey shooter that dodges COD's mechanic of "I saw you first, you're dead"/"look at all mah perks!" then Halo is for you. It's fast, hectic fun that's actually pretty balanced and very fun to play with friends.

They still need to nerf the grenades in Reach, but that's another story.
My game is the one that everybody in Japan bought... Monster Hunter. I hate the whole series. I bought it on PS2 when it first was released. I watch the intro and was amazed. I knew it would not look like that but it was so detailed on what appeared to be a part of the game.

When the intro was over, I stumbled on more video. I sat and watched every last video. The game had me geek. I was very antsy and was surprised that I watched every video. Then here comes the fun part. I press start for a new game.

OMG. The worst loading time that I had encounter at the time. I had to create a character. It seem like creating a character was on the level of Smackdown vs Raw, horrible. The game play was dirtier then my pops smut magazine. Nothing seem to work. I hated the series, but always giving it another chance everytime a new was is release.

I need my ass kicked for doing that everytime.
I gotta say the game I can't stand that everybody seems to love is Assassins Creed. It's basically climb up to the top of a building look for some villager getting assaulted then do the exact same thing. Just terrible. How people can go on about how great it is astounds me.

Next up I'm going to say Zelda. I played Zelda on the NES and Gameboy and thought that they were quite cool games, but from then on I just couldn't get into them. I've tried but just don't find them appealing. Very overated series of games. I'm not saying they are bad games...just not anywhere near great.

Finally FIFA games 1998-current. There has not been a good FIFA football(Soccer) game out since before Road to France 98. Ever since then they have just been poorly made games. Goalkeepers barely moved on it and you could pass the ball into the net from 40 yards away. They have just been horrible games. I played FIFA 09 shortly after it came out and it was still the same poor play. Pro Evolution came along and stole the spotlight back in early 2000's and It has just been so much better. You could argue that FIFA is trying to come back with FIFA 10 which isn't as bad as previous FIFAs but still not anywhere near as good as Pro Evolution.
Metal Gear Solid 4. It pains me to say it because I honestly love the first two games, but MGS4 marks the moment when Hideo Kojima's ego went too far. The storyline and cutscenes are boring, pretentious wankery and the little gameplay there is just lacks the pure fun factor of the earlier games. I still can't bring myself to complete it.
I'm not fond of (and never have been) Pro Evolution Soccer. What is wrong with them I here you ask? Remember when noahconstrictor got ripped to shreds in the cage for his London for World Champions talk, that was because of this game franchise. Is it really that difficult to get the name of the team to be licensed, clearly not seeing as they get some of them. Also, some of the fun of the games was the fact that you got to play as your favourite players, not in this franchise. Just like the team names, your players names were all scrambled up. While some were easy to identify, others were not so and that was just a sheer pain in the arse.
I Hate halo and all Fp futuristic shooters i cant get behind them seriously tthey are just dumb and really gay i played Halo 2 and they are obbssed with plasma/energy its plasma rifle this energy knife thing that plus really,really overrated honestly tell me whats so damn good about it? its more overrated then Twihards

secondanly is Borderlanded fans of this game are dumb saying

"borderlands is better then splinter cell and splinter cell is the greatest game" wouldn't that make Borderlands the greatest game i said that to ihim he replied "no because BL is just that good

and from every of its fans that join the show


responded with
"do you play bordderlands?"
if answer is no then it brings

"Then you arent allowed to say Heyoooo

so they need permisssion from people they never met and most likely never will to say something?

and also the game loojs like like a bad cartoon
Just for starters to make it simple I will just come out and say I HATE FPS games. I think it is the most idiotic and pointless genre in the gaming world. Something about aimlessly walking around an environment to kill people while all I can see is a gun and whatever the drunk camera controls show me doesn't trip my trigger. These games have become WAY too intricate, with way too many buttons, way too many commands, and it all seems like pointless violence to me. I think the controls for these games are horrible and I can never adjust to the cameras, it's far more complex than it needs to be, so then you are getting to a point where games are complicated just to be complicated which is a pretty stupid concept as well.

Really I have to think "What the fuck is wrong with you, that you like to play games where you are simulating mass murder?" I guess I just don't want to kill people or something and so none of it makes sense to me. Even when it's zombies or monsters of some kind, it's like these people get off on killing things and all they are doing is acting out their fantasies of doing just that. I say if you want to kill something or someone so bad, here is a straight razor, and I'll get the tub full of water for you so it looks really dramatic.

I hate the military games the most. To me it just seems like a bunch of people who are too big of *****es to just join the military, so they act out that murdering spree through these style of games, pretending their some kind of soldier, when more often than not their some fucking geek who couldn't beat their meat, let alone another man in a real life confrontation. So, what do they do? They become multiplayer tough guys of the internet gaming community. This community is also where you find the biggest group of bitches ever assembled as most feel it prudent to talk as much shit as possible from the safety of their couch.

I played Doom and Wolfenstein when they originally came out on PC years ago, and those were good games. Since then the only shooters of any kind I have been able to play and enjoy have been Mafia and Dead to Rights. That's about as far in as I've ever got. Resident Evil, Metal Gear, all the other shooters never really did it for me and they never will. Give me Time Crisis in the Arcade, Area 51 in the Arcade, Virtua Cop 2 and I am fine and dandy. Those are good shooting games. All this other stuff, including the wave of "Futuristic Shooters"(Crackdown for example) to me are crap. They might be great games to their audiences and they very well may be good games in some aspects of the development but I find this genre pretty much useless.

More to come in the next post.
Besides Halo, I'll have to go with Final Fantasy. I loved the early Final Fantasy games, especially Final Fantasy 7. The other games have amazing graphics, but the game play is long and tedious. After 20 hours into FF 13 I just stopped. You can buy the strategy guides or watch the different levels and bosses on you tube, but some bosses are too complicated to beat. To much time and energy is wasted on these games nowadays and it doesn't even matter considering the characters and the story is flat.

Some other games I can't stand because my friends play them for hours on end are the NBA, NFL, and UFC games. It really doesn't matter what game it is because they are boring as hell. Great graphics and I'm sure they are fun for some people, but if you have played one of these games you have played them all. That goes for Baseball, Hockey, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto too.
Now that I've went through the FPS genre there is another that I absolutely LOATHE!!! The RPG/Action Adventure genre. What am I talking about exactly? Oh stuff like Final Fantasy, Fable, Morrowind, even into games like God of War and Devil May Cry. Now even though DMC and GOW aren't full blown RPG's they still capture the essence of the RPG and offer better gameplay, but barely. I can't tell you how many hours upon hours I've had to sit through Morrowind, Fable, and Final Fantasy with friends of mine who absolutely loved those games. Morrowind is the one I reeeeally hate. I thought that was the dumbest, most uninteresting and un-entertaining games I have ever witnessed. You walk across a seemingly endless map and all you see is a hand or two hands, whatever. Then on top of that, mostly all you do is go and rob people, or kill the occasional monster in a battle that consists of your character performing one downward strike, utterly riveting wouldn't you say?

The GOW and DMC games aren't as bad, and at least you can see your character, and you have a more goal driven environment, but the hack and slash technique adopted into these games makes them perfectly useless and annoying to me. I can't say much for the other Adventure games like GTA, Assassins Creed, or games like Dead Rising either. All of them are repetitive, and ultimately pointless. The thing I hate about these games and the ones I mentioned in my previous post is that once you beat them, that is it, there is really nothing else to do, and your left with doing the same thing you just did which was already repetitive and boring enough as is. Graphically a lot of these games are pretty awesome which is why I've ever given any of them the time of day. I appreciate that stuff quite a bit, but I really can't stand just about everything else about them.

The other BIG thing I hate about the RPG's and Action/Adventure games are the menus and items. Final Fantasy and Morrowind are the main culprits in this dastardly plot. How many freaking items do you seriously need, how many different menus to artlessly organize all this SHIT do you really need? I'm sorry I don't want to spend half my gaming experience sorting through spells, magic, attacks, power ups, and add-ons just to fight 1 enemy, only to have that attack show me a point readout and a couple flashes of light or something. WTF man???? All that bark and that little bite? I also don't really care for the length of these games as most of the experience is built around collecting and hunting down all these items to put in all those menus. If you want my to have to upgrade my weapons and abilities, give me a more comprehensive way of doing so, this isn't cutting it.

For the record, I obviously play the wrestling games(Whole other rant there), I like racing games, the different sports games, and fighting games. Really, that covers a whole lot of game titles. It may not be a lot of genres but I like more than I dislike. I think there are a few problems with the industry itself which I will cover in a new thread soon to be released.
I'm goin with gran turismo the controls sucked ass most of da cars were shotty at best.worst racing game ever I'd rather play burnout
Just thought of one. Half-Life. Well, more specifically, Half-Life 2. Maybe it's because I played it on Xbox and not the sacred monolith that is the PC with its non-physical media and technical flabberdygibbers.

I just don't get it. Valve's physics engine is impressive, sure. That's it. I gave up after three hours of play. Could be that it's the fourth hour that makes it the greatest game of all-time. I'll never know, because I couldn't be bothered after three hours of turgid, unremarkable, sub-par FPS gameplay.

I hear stuff about how it's so good because of the story and I have a couple of points to bring up about that:

  • Who the fuck plays games for the story? Only one game has had an objectively good story, that's fact. Bioshock. And even that has a dodgy ending. And it's ripped from an Ayn Rand book.
  • Stories in videogames are as necessary as stories in pornos. They're not even important enough to be considered supplementary. It's just "Here's the scenerio, I'd explain it more but-- BOOM-BOOM-KABOOM-BLAMMO!"
  • Half-Life doesn't even have a good story by videogame standards. Now, Portal - that's how you do it.

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