Extreme Rising/5 Guys Wrestling DVD's?


Getting Noticed By Management
Okay, I hoppe that this is in the right place. Not sure where else to put it. If in the wrong place, can I please have it moved.

Now onto what I am getting at. Has anyone else had problems with these guys? They are distributing Extreme Rising's DVD's and Merchandise, but at this point, I have to ask, why? This is twice now that I have waited to hear something about my order. First time it took almost a month to get my DVD's and I had to file a Paypal claim to get a response from them. I sent an email now about my "Remember November" DVD and have heard nothing back as it has been "Pending" since I paid for it on November 30th. This is the same thing that happened last time I ordered from these guys. As if Extreme Rising isn't already an underdog at this point due to being the ECW "Reunion" company, now you have to deal with crappy customer service from their distributor? Never have had this happen from RF Video, Big Visions when they were still around, TNA or WWE. What gives? I can't be the only one to have this issue. Anyone? if this is a constant problem, I think that fans need to know.

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