5 guys you despise

Randy Orton. I don't see why people love him so much and given his history I don't see why he continues to get pushes. Plus he went AWOL from the military. I don't see how anyone can defend that to where I would agree that it wasn't bad on his part.

Hulk Hogan. He's just a dirt bag. Plus on Impact last week when he had his segment with Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan after they left the office and Hogan said "Oh I know" and made some stupid face I wanted to punch him.

Batista. I never cared for him in ring and he seems like a jerk talking in his book about cheating on his wife that had cancer because he wasn't getting it from her so he had to find someone else to get it from. Of course that someone else what John Morrison's girlfriend.

Goldberg. Came in and got a giant push that required everyone he faced to put him over then threw a fit about the Jericho stuff.

Alberto Del Rio. He bores me plus he's a whine ass who twice threatened to leave the company unless he got his way (reportedly).

JBL. For his reputation off screen. To his credit I will say he's entertaining. I'm not taking that away from him at all. He's more entertaining than anyone on my list but his reputation kills it for me.
Batista. I never cared for him in ring and he seems like a jerk talking in his book about cheating on his wife that had cancer because he wasn't getting it from her so he had to find someone else to get it from. Of course that someone else what John Morrison's girlfriend.

Punk, Cena, Mysterio, Orton and Bryan really get my goat with all their great wrestling and matches and characters and that. Maybe if you're into that sort of thing. The bastards.
-Dolph Ziggler- People have been seriously overrating him lately. The comparisons to Perfect or HBK are a joke. He is a good midcarder. In all his
years in the WWE he is never had one memorable promo or angle that makes me view him as a future world champ. His ring psychology is weak.
He cant tell a story during his matches. His character is boring and unoriginal and he cant draw heat without Vickie...

-Kelly Kelly- I am very happy she is gone. I hope she never returns

-ECW- Too hard to single out just one wrestler. The entire promotion was a big pile of shit.

-Chris Benoit- I usually dont care what a wrestler does in his private life, but the guy killed his family. I dont know how anybody can like or respect him anymore. Its amazes me that some people still want Vince to honor him and put him in the HOF.

-Garrett Bishoff-Worthless
Edge circa 2004
Dolph Ziggler

In that order.
So in short, you dislike anybody good? Wrestling might not be for you.

The Undertaker was boring, slow, and unmotivated from 1998-2003. He had one great match with HHH in 2001 but he was just horrendous to watch. He faced Rock, Flair, Austin, Hogan, and HHH in five straight PPV's and his best match was with Flair. I love Flair but that shouldn't even have been the case. He couldn't sell an injury if his life depended on it and one guy immensely helped his career (Mankind) and one more than people realize (Batista).
So you hated the American Badass Undertaker? He wasn't unmotivated, he played the character perfectly and you seem to forget Hogan is a slow cripple who never had one good match since he returned to WWE. And The Undertaker always undersold injuries and moves...That was the was one part of his gimmick. How is this a knock on him from 1998 - 2003 but not during the rest of career? Doesn't make any sense to bash a guy for non-selling at one point in his career and not during every other point he did the same thing. I am Undertaker's biggest fan, and even I admit he regularly doesn't sell moves and injuries. I just came to accept that is how they use him and his gimmick, same with Cena.
For me. Since others mention women so will I.

1. Vickie Guerrero - Annoying as fuck. Her voice makes me want to punch babies and she hasn't helped Dolph or Edge at all.
2. The Great Khali - Slow as hell, can't make a move look dangerous to save his life.
3. Batista - Cheated on his sick wife, brags about his sexual conquests and was boring and unmotivated during the tail end of his career.
4. Brock Lesnar - I still resent the guy for leaving the first time, more so since he has poor charisma and seems to not give 2 shits a lot since he came back.
5. John Cena - Charisma wise he is fine, but he is always around the title picture and pushed as the top star even at times over the actual champion. He has had the WWE title 10 times and he is still there, time to build somebody new.
I like Cena, Mysterio, Bryan, and Orton.

Your move, champ.
Yeah, not helping yourself here.

sar·casm[ sr kàzzəm ]
cutting language: remarks that mean the opposite of what they seem to say and are intended to mock or deride
[ Mid-16th century. Directly or via French < late Latin sarcasmus < Greek sarkazein "tear flesh" < sarx "flesh" ]
1) Cena - I suppose it's less him and more the character and how he's booked. When your top face starts getting booed more than he is cheered, he's not your top face any more. Take it on the chin, deal with it, move on. You managed to cope alright when heel Orton started turning face in 2010, accept the facts now.

2) Ziggler - Somewhere in the mass amounts of under-achieving, what really irks me is that you almost get the sense that Ziggler DOES believe he's been hard done to. Unless you can learn to have a character which doesn;t centre on a simple phrase and stop speaking like there's a guy with cue cards in the audience, you don't deserve some of the things you've already had.

3) HHH - People like to pretend it isn't true, but there's clearly been times where HHH has totally overbooked himself, especially as one of the most boring top faces of the last decade. HHH is a top tier talent in the ring, but he's never been anything special on the mic, yet you wouldn't realize that if you pull out his championship accomplishments. If Cena get's decimated by a returning Brock Lesnar, what right have you to have an even match with the guy? Just one example.

4) Kevin Nash - If for nothing else than that from listening to him talk about his past, he's one guy who seems like the only reason he was ever in the business for money. As a fan, I can't engage with someone who I know is smiling only because they know how much money is going into their bank account at the end of a night. That and he was, y'know, not as he ought to have been to have had his amount of success.

5) New Jack - Nobody should have to ask why.
4) Kevin Nash - If for nothing else than that from listening to him talk about his past, he's one guy who seems like the only reason he was ever in the business for money. As a fan, I can't engage with someone who I know is smiling only because they know how much money is going into their bank account at the end of a night. That and he was, y'know, not as he ought to have been to have had his amount of success.
Yep. Nash was all about the money and people who knew him admit that. Him and Goldberg.
Yep. Nash was all about the money and people who knew him admit that. Him and Goldberg.

I mean, from the stand point of a guy trying to earn as much money as he can, it's fair enough. But Nash had no allies, no loyalty, just whoever was going to pay him more won. I just don't like it myself.
Has R-Truth ever had a good match in the WWE? Were his ones with John Morrison worth watching?
No on both counts.

I just hate how Angle never focuses on the ankle during a match and applies it fifteen times during a match.
I'm not a huge Angle fan and I certainly don't have kind things to say about his psychology. I just feel the need to ask how you manage to reconcile those two seemingly contradictory thoughts.
The Miz - I wanted to go with important wrestlers, but he was in the main event at WrestleMania. That has to count. But, yeah, not very good... at anything.

Earthquake - Wasn't intimidating, considering the guys Hogan had already taken down (Andre and Bundy). He didn't look tough, just old and fat. Never got the appeal.

Matt Hardy - It took wrestling executives too long to figure out just how badly he stunk.

John Morrison - No, he wasn't something special. Neither is Dolph Ziggler. Neither is Kofi. Athletic guys who can't tell stories bother me.

Lex Luger - When you get past the matches he had with Flair, there's nothing much to talk about. All of his big pushes fell flat, as did much of his career. And he killed Elizabeth. Maybe he didn't, but I'm saying he did. Fuck him.
Alberto Del Rio- He has been given everything anybody could want in WWE and yet he still isn't happy. Shut the hell up and stop whining you worthless piece of crap. You suck anyway and your ring announcer gets more of a reaction then you ever will.

Batista- Very overrated performer and a horrible human being. The fact John Morrison never punched this guy in the face is frickin sad.

Brock Lesnar- He is probably making more then 95% of the roster to sit at home and do nothing. He seems like a total douche and he's all about the money, He shouldn't have returned if he was gonna do this crap.

The Rock since he came back- I know I might get crap for this and I know at this point it's just a hobby for him but the fact he is going to beat CM Punk at Royal Rumble pisses me off so much. Also at this point he's slow and just not in ring shape. I wish he never came back and just stayed in Hollywood making crappy movies.

Sheamus He only made it to the top of the business because he is workout buddies with Triple H. He has wrestled the same match for over a year at this point now and easily the worst King Of The Ring winner ever and probably the reason we haven't had a King Of The Ring tournament since his win.
3) HHH - People like to pretend it isn't true, but there's clearly been times where HHH has totally overbooked himself, especially as one of the most boring top faces of the last decade. HHH is a top tier talent in the ring, but he's never been anything special on the mic, yet you wouldn't realize that if you pull out his championship accomplishments. If Cena get's decimated by a returning Brock Lesnar, what right have you to have an even match with the guy? Just one example.

Cena beat Lesnar

Triple H lost and ended up with a "broken arm"

And he has the right to an even match as Triple H is far better in the ring than John Cena could ever hope to be.
I can't think of 5 right now but nobody is bothering me more in wrestling right now than John Cena and Sheamus.

WWE & Cena both seem to be aware that the fans are pretty sick of Cena 7 times out of 10 but they just ignore it and will continue to do so. So in order to stay cheered most of the time John Cena jumps on bandwagons of popularity. A good example of this was the RAW after Wrestlemania when he started a YES chant after these chants had been going on for the whole show, hell even a Rock promo had these chants in it. Cena then afterward states "Daniel Bryan owes me one". For what? Another example is when he spoke French in Canada. I've watched quite a lot of the Attitude Era RAW's on cassettes i have(I know but Austin is the last face of the company that i consistently saw a lot of) and Austin never did shit like this. Look at all Cena does for love, from taking credit for Evan Bourne's short lived push, to wishing Daniel Bryan back(When according to Richard Gray of WNW Cena was one of the people who had gotten him fired. Not even taking the fact that he must come out on top of nearly any feud he's involved in and must main event nearly every PPV then he's on my list.

Sheamus isn't as bad but is no saint either. Recently his match with Wade Barrett in England where he actually thanked English fans for cheering Barrett and not him was fucking stupid. At least Cena didn't thank Chicago or Philly for booing him out of the building. Sheamus' promos have degenerated into shit and his feuds are stagnant and fall flat nearly all the time except for the recent one with Show.
3. Batista - ... and was boring and unmotivated during the tail end of his career.

We're not talking about when Batista dug his feet into the ground, tensed up, forcefully grew a personality (i.e. one of the best characters of the last ten years) and had terrific matches with John Cena, are we? Because I just couldn't agree.

Anybody saying John Morrison - and I wonder why people would "despise" him, even if they do dislike him - I'd have to disagree with. Seems to me that he'd have probably been a world champion if he weren't so heavily, heavily pussy-whipped.

Again, I'd wonder why people would despise Sheamus, but he's shown himself to be more than capable. Was anybody expecting to Sheamus versus Big Show to be as good as it was?

I'll see if I can come up with an actual list. Despise might be a bit strong - I'm not such a mark that I often seethe while watching a television program - but I definitely don't like the following:

1. Jeff Hardy:
Talented wrestler, toilet of a human being, nail-on-chalkboard level of irritating, irksome promos.

2. Alberto Del Rio:
White noise.

3. Sin Cara:
Not a touch on Rey Mysterio. No. Stop it. Shut up. You're wrong. He's shit.

4. The Rock:
I like The Rock as a person, as an actor (fuck you, Fast Five is the first classic blockbuster of this decade) and even previously as a wrestler. The Rock character right now is just fucking repugnant. An arrogant, spotlight-stealing bully with no humility. Yeah, I might be taking it too seriously.

5. Chavo Guerrero:
"I'm not saying I'm a legend - these people are saying I'm a legend." Fuck off, Chavo, nobody's saying that. #WTTCOTW4LYFE
Alberto Del Rio
Chavo G
Rosa Mendez
Sin Cara
Honorable mentions- Camacho, Hernandez

And here I thought that throwing The Rock and Jeff Hardy in there would disguise my unadulterated disdain for Mexicans.
Cena beat Lesnar

Triple H lost and ended up with a "broken arm"

On paper that's what happened, but I'm sure you watched the matches. Cena is begrudgingly the top draw, the most over permanent roster member and the guy booked highest aside from The Undertaker if you want to count him. HHH is a guy who is supposed to be resigned to an office position but I have to accept that he could come back and beat anybody if he really felt like it. If Cena managed to only hit Lesnar twice in their entire 25 minute match, HHH ought not to be able to manage that if you want people to not question the legitimacy of John Cena's position.

And he has the right to an even match as Triple H is far better in the ring than John Cena could ever hope to be.

Whilst I don't dispute that, I do dispute that it should warrant what we got. It's very much up for debate as to whether HHH is a better professional wrestler as a whole than Cena, whether HHH really has any real drawing power any more at all even. And yet we get situations where he can swoop in and take on the cream of the crop at a moments notice and appear often as if he's going to win. If HHH is as good as they book him to be, keep him in a semi-contracted wrestling position. If not then just let him do the backstage work, there's no need for him to get involved in any matches, any more, ever.
LOLZ at anybody who whines about somebody being in it for the money.

They're ALL in it for the money you fucking idiots.
There's a difference between trying to get in, make as much money as possible and then get out.

Obviously they all want to get paid. People aren't saying that. There are however wrestlers who actually enjoy doing what they love to do. Do you honestly think a guy like Terry Funk is just in the business to make money?

Huge difference between your comment and what people are implying in theirs.
1. Dolph Ziggler - it saddens me this guy's gonna be champ soon. Learn how to tell a story.

2. Tensai - I've had a better time watching people sand drywall.

3. Every WWE Diva - get the FUCK off my television set and onto my bookmarked porn websites.

4. Chavo - Eddie has been dead 7 years and he's still the only way you can get any reaction whatsoever.

5. Matt Hardy - nothing but a steaming pile of useless.

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