No Desire
Fireworks go off at the top of the ramp and the crowd is screaming, There is a video of the feud with the SES and The Hart Dynasty, which is up now
Match 1-Tag team title match- The Straightedge Society (Gallows and Lethal) with Serena vs The Hart Dynasty
The Straightedge Society are out first, followed by the Hart Dynasty. Match starts with Kidd and Lethal in the ring, Kidd does alot of work on Lethals arm. He applies an arm bar, Lethal is really feeling pain. Kidd lets go and tags in David Hart, he does some powerhouse moves and really gets stuck into his arm, He throws him to the ropes, but on the rebound Lethal hits a big dropkick, they are down for the count, 1...2...3...4...5...6.. Lethal gets up and tags in Gallows, he hits a flapjack, and goes for a kick to the head, but Hart evades it, and gets him up for the hesitating suplex, and he hits it, The Hart Dynasty are in control, Kidd is tagged in and they go for the springboard Hart Attack, but Serena gets on the apron, and Lethal pushes Kidd off the ropes, Gallows gets out of the bearhug and throws David Hart out, and hits the 12 steps on Kidd, he tags in Lethal who hits a moonsault on kidd, 1...2...3, The Straightedge society are tag team champions!
Winner and the INAUGURAL EHA Tag Team Champions- Luke Gallows and Jay Lethal, the Straightedge Society!
Match 2-Womens Championship Match-Maryse vs Velvet Sky vs Tara vs Angelina Love
Everyone is out in order named, Match starts with everyone beating up Tara, Angelina and the Beautiful People are working together well, but she turns her back, and she is thrown out of the ring, Tara, Maryse and Velvet Sky are in the ring, and Tara starts to beat down Velvet Sky, she walks to Maryse, but Maryse hits a French Kiss DDT! 1...2...3
Winner and INAUGURAL EHA womens champion, MARYSE!!
Teddy Long is in the back consulting the Orton Issue
Teddy-Due to last weeks incident between Orton and Beer Money, Randy Orton will not be able to compete, but I have a very suitable replacement for the match. As for Beer Money, they will not be getting off lightly, you have a match, and it's gonna be, right now!
match 3 Beer Money vs ???
Beer Money are out in the ring, and they look to the ramp to find out who their opponent is... ÍT'S THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS!! their music plays but they aren't at the ramp. They wait, and The Guns come in from the crowd, they are behind Beer Money, and they kick them both in the head, Chris Sabin has Roode on his shoulders, and Shelly hits the Sliced bread #2. 1...2...3
Winners-The Motor City Machine Guns!
Punk and the SES are celebrating in the back.
Punk-Congratulations guys, you really impressed me, but tonight, Im going one better, I am going to become the number one contender to the EHA world championship, but really, good work.
Punk and Serena walk out.
Match 4-EHA TV Title match-Samoa Joe vs The Miz
Joe is out first, followed by the Miz. Action starts with Miz and Joe locking up, Joe throws miz to the corner, and storms over to him. But Miz pulls joe down, face first onto the turnbuckle, and hits the corner clothesline. Miz starts to pick up momentum, he hits the mizard of oz, 1...2. Joe pushes him off. Joe gets in the drivers seat, he hits Miz, and hits a bicycle kick, and Miz rolls out to regroup. But Joe hits a spinning suicide dive. "HOLY SHIT" chants break out, he rolls Miz into the ring, and applies the rear naked choke, and miz taps out
Winner and still EHA TV champion, Samoa Joe!
Joe grabs the mic
Joe- Cut the music, Miz, stay in the ring, I'm challenging you to another match, for your Hardcore title!
Joe runs right back into the ring, and hits the Muscle Buster, 1...2...3
Winner and new Hardcore champion-SAMOA JOE!
Match 5 Legacy vs 3D-No DQ match
Legacy are out first, and then 3D come out with the trolley. DiBiase and D'Von start in the ring, and D'Von hits DiBiase in the head with a chair, and then picks up the kendo stick, and hits him repetitively on the back, D'von tags in Bubba, and they hit a few tag moves, he smacks him in the head with a trash can lid. He then hits a scoop slam, and he tags in D'Von and he has DiBiase's legs split over his head, the crowd knows what is next, Bubba screams WAZZUP!! and dives onto DiBiase.
1...2...3 GET THE TABLES,
D'von goes under the ring to get ther table, and Cody Rhodes runs into the ring, but Bubba Ray hits him with a Trash can lid. D'von whips him to the ropes, and the hit the 3D and put DiBiase through the table, 1...2...3, 3D win
Winners-Team 3D
Cody Rhodes gets into the ring, and looks dissapointed, he helps DiBiase up, and they walk to the back.
Match 6- 8 man Battle Royal
The participants in the battle Royal are (entered as named) RVD, Hardy, Edge, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, D'Angelo Dinero, Triple H and AJ Styles. All of them are in the ring and the team Flair guys are in the corner. Everyone goes for Jericho, and eliminates him. Hardy and Edge start to battle it out, and Edge eliminates Hardy, straight after RVD eliminates Edge. Dinero is surrounded by both of the Team Flair guys, they both start to attack him, but then RVD makes the save, and throws Styles out. We are now down to four. Serena runs down to the ring. Triple h and RVD are going at it, as are Punk and dinero. Dinero throws Punk out, but Serena gets under him before his feet touch the floor, Punk gets straight back in and eliminates Dinero. As this happened, RVD was eliminated. Punk and Triple H start to go at it now, Triple H is gaining the upper hand, he hits a spinebuster, and throws him to the rope, he goes for a clothesline, but punk pulls down the ropes, and Triple h is eliminated!
Winner and The Number One contender, C-M PUNKKK!
Match 7- The Undertaker vs Brian Danielson
Danielson is out first, followed by Taker. Match starts with Danielson being put in a headlock, Undertaker does some big powerhouse moves, and Danielson is being ddominated. Undertaker hits a few more powerhouse moves, but Danielson reverses one. He gains the upper hand and goes to the top, and hits a missile dropkick. He gets back up and puts in a leglock. Undertaker is struggling, and Danielson has the move locked on tight, Undertaker finally reaches the ropes, and Danielson is forced to release the hold. He gets up and raises his hand, but walks right into Undertakers boot, a massive big boot and both competitors are down for the count, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.Undertaker sits up. He is sizing Danielson up for the chokeslam, but Danielson reverses it and hits a full nelson suplex. 1...2.kickout. Undertaker starts to gain control, and out of nowhere, he hits the Last Ride, 1...2.. Kickout.Danielson takes his time to get up, but when he does, Undertaker gets him up for the tombstone, and he hits it, REST...IN...PEACE. the crowd chant, Undertaker wins.
Main event-Triple threat match for the EHA world title- Kurt Angle vs Desmond Wolfe vs ???
Wolfe is out first, followed by Angle, and they wait to see who is out next....IT'S THE MONSTER ABYSS!!
Wolfe is going spastic in the ring, and Kurt angle looks quite calm. Abyss runs into the ring, and starts beating Wolfe up, Angle stays in the corner and watches Abyss demolish Wolfe. He hits a big boot, and when Wolfe gets up, he hits the shock treatment. 1...2..Kurt Angle breaks it up, and now Abyss and Angle are fighting, Wolfe rolls out of the ring and Abyss goes for a big boot, but Angle sidesteps and hits a German suplex, and another, and another. and another, and another, 1...2..Wolfe breaks it up, Angle gets up and throws Wolfe straight out, Abyss is still down and Angle hits a Moonsault, Abyss rolls out of the ring, Wolfe sneaks up behind Angle, and hits a massive clothesline, 1...2.. Angle kicks out. Angle is in the corner, and Wolfe hits a corner clothesline, he tries to get Angle up for the Tower of London, But Angle stays up, Wolfe gets up and tries a superplex, but Angle reverses it, and hits an Angle slam to the outside, they are both down for nearly a minute. They all get in the ring, and Angle is thrown out, Abyss is set up for the Tower of London, and Wolfe hits it, 1...2...3, Wolfe is the new champion!
Winner and the new EHA World Champion, Desmond Wolfe!
Angle gets in the ring, and starts to beat down Abyss, we go to credits.