Extreme Hardcore Wrestling

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Getting Noticed By Management
Extreme Hardcore Wrestling
Roster-Main event
Triple H
AJ Styles
Randy Orton
D’Angelo Deniro
CM Punk
Desmond Wolfe
Kurt Angle
Jeff Hardy

Mid Card
Drew Mcintyre
Rob Terry
Luke Gallows
Eric Young
John Morrison
Samoa Joe
Mr Anderson
Jay Lethal
Amazing Red

Lacey Von Erich
Madison Rayne
Velvet Sky
Taylor Wylde

Tag Teams and Stables
Team Flair-Ric Flair, AJ styles, Triple H, Desmond Wolfe, Beer Money, Chelsea, Sting.
The Hart Dynasty-Tyson Kidd, David Hart & Natalya
Team 3D-Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Jesse Neal
The Dudebusters-Trent Borreta and Caylen Croft
MCMG-Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin
SES-CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Jay Lethal and Serena
Gen Me-Max & Jeremy Buck
DR Stevie and Raven
Priceless-DiBiase and Rhodes
RVD and Jeff Hardy
Beer Money-Robert Roode and James Storm

Other Personnel

Teddy Long-GM
Jerry Lawler-Commentatorr
Don West-Commentator
Ric Flair-Manager
Shane McMahon-Chairman
Christy Hemme-Interviewer
Josh Matthews-Interviewer
Justin Roberts-Announcer
Back Story
This Wrestling Promotion Began when Shane Mcmahon had a fall out with the one and only VKM, after weeks of fighting Shane decided to start his company, buying many of his fathers main wrestlers, and wrestlers from TNA, and go on to Dominate the pro wrestling world.
Extreme Hardcore Wrestling is held In America, and Tours the world, ratings In thee US of A are around 1.7, 1.8, and have alot of strong, talented wrestlers.
Show one opens to Justin Richards announcing that this is Explosion Wrestling and this is EXTREME HARDCORE ASSOSCIATION!!
Shane McMahon's music plays and he heads down the rap. he has a sack in his hand and starts to go through what has happened and why we are all gathered to watch this one, helluva show,
Shane- With Talent from both TNA and WWE, we are gonna domminate the pro wrestling world!
Kurt Angles Music plays, as he rises through the ramp he starts to talk
Kurt- I came to EHA because TNA was really pissing me off, Titles were handed to Hogans Buddies, it turns out if you know the right people, you will go far in the wrestling world. But me on the other hand, I don't need to know the right people, I get it done, by myself. Oh and, there was one more addition to my contract, wasn't there Shane
Shane- Oh yes, that
He picks up the sack, and unveils the EHA World Title,
Shane- here you go Kurt,
Kurt- Shane, you're a good man,
Commentators West, Lawler and JR are all ecstatic, they have found out who there world champion is. They then proceed to say that we will find out two more champions... Tonight, the hardcore champion in a triple threat between Edge, RVD and Hardy and the Television Title, which is next, and will be contested with Kaz, Miz and Samoa Joe.


Miz is out first, followed by Kaz, Then Samoa Joe.
action starts with Kaz and Joe taking out the Miz, they both hit miz with punches and kicks, Joe then hits a Clothesline to both of his competitors, he is in control of Kazarian, tearing him apart, he hits a suplex and goes for the pin 1..2.. Kick out just before the 3 count. Kaz starts to punch Joe, and the Miz is lurking from behind, They hit a high-low tag team maneuvre on Joe
West-Excellent High-Low by Miz and Kaz
They then roll him out of the ring. Kaz and Miz start fighting eachother, and out of nowhere, Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale, 1...2.. The ref was pulled out of the ring by Samoa Joe
West-What the hell, that's cheating, That's cheating.
Miz is furious, he starts brawling with Joe, but he gets up and hit the Muscle Buster
Joe's pinning miz, ref hurries back in for the count 1...2...3


Joe is in the back and he seems pretty happy about his win, then he is interrupted by the Miz
Miz-Really, really Joe, pulling the ref out when I had that idiot Kaz beat so you could win? really, I wan- no I DESERVE a title shot, BECAUSE I AM THE MIZ, AND I'M AWE...
Miz is cut out by Joe, who puts him in the rear naked choke.
Jay Lethal is now in the ring
I am here right now, to tell you, that I am no longer the Black Machismo, I hate that nickname, I was only ever the Black Machismo for two reasons, because I was on drugs, and I was getting paid well, not anymore though, I am sick of being the clown, so I struck a deal with this man.
CM Punk's Music plays. he is followed by the SES.
Lethal-I want to Join the SES.
Punk thinks about it, and accepts.
Jay, I can let you into the SES, but it is not for the looks, you have to make yourself a straightedge, Make a pledge to never do drugs again
They make a pledge, and Gallows starts to Shave his hair. Jay Lethal is now part of the SES.
Up next is Lacey against Maryse.


Maryse is out first, and then Lacey, with The Beautiful people, while Lacey ducks under the rope to get in the ring, she is hit with the snap DDT! 1...2...3, Maryse wins, and quickly escapes before she is attacked with the ugly stick.

We are in the back with Josh Matthews interviewing Punk and the SES, Punk introduces us to EHA's newest tag team, Luke Gallows and Jay Lethal. as he says this, GM teddy Long walks in
Teddy-If the SES is so great, they will have a match. tonight, and will be against, the Hart Dynasty. so ya better get ready playa, cos it's gonna be right after this match. we head to the commercial as punk looks pissed.


The next match is a triple threat match, and is for the Hardcore title, which is no dq, no countout.
First out is RVD, followed by Edge, and then Hardy.
From the start everyone is fighting everyone, Edge quickly heads out to get the chair, and is hit by RVD eith a suicide dive, Edge is on the floor, RVD is outside and Hardy is in the ring as we head to a commercial break.


We're back and Hardy is now in control, as he hit RVD with a Kendo stick, Hardy chucks RVD out, and turns around, into a spear by Edge, 1...2.. Hardy gets to the rope, as Edge is angry, he gets up, Into a van daminator, Edge is down, and RVD is up for the frog splash, and hits it, 1...2...3 Van Dam wins, and is the Hardcore champion!

SES vs the Hart Dynasty
SES are out first, all of them, followed by the Hart Dynasty, who are out to a massive reaction. Kidd and Lethal start things off, with Kidd quickly gaining the upper hand, he starts to work on the legs. Kidd makes a tag to David Hart Smith, who hits a delayed vertical suplex, 1...2 kickout on 2, we head to the commercial break


We're back and the hart dynasty are still in control, Serena and Natalya have been banned from ringside as they started to brawl, kidd is tagged back in and immediately goes for the sharpshooter, but its reversed into a cradle pin, 1...2...3, SES picks up the win! They then go on to beat up the Hart Dynasty, and Punk hits the GTS on kidd, they then leave the ring.

The Main event for the first show is a number 1 contenders match for Angles World Championship and is Wolfe, AJ styles, Triple H and Randy Orton.
Wolfe and AJ are out first with Ric Flair and Chelsea, followed by Randy Orton and then Triple H, who gives a wink to ric flair.
at the start of the match, AJ and Wolfe shake hands, then Triple H clotheslines both of them out of the ring. he does his signature taunt as we head to the commercial.


As we return Styles and Wolfe are being dominated by Randy and triple H, Randy does his Trademark Stomps and knee drop, and so is Triple H, he than turns around right into the RKO! 1...2...3, Randy wins and is the number one contender for the EHA World title, Everyone is in disbeleif, We go to credits.

Quick Results/Recap
Angle is awarded title
Joe defeats Miz, Kaz for the TV title
Jay Lethal Joins the SES
Maryse beats Lacey
RVD defeats Edge, Jeff Hardy to win the Hardcore Title
The SES defeats the Hart Daynasty
Randy Orton Defeated Styles, Triple H and Desmond Wolfe to be crowned number one contender to Angles Title
Ok first please don't write in yellow.I could just see what you had wrote and I know that some people hate reading red so what will they think about yellow.If you have people speaking than write in Blue, if another person come's into the promo than use Red.If you have another then you go to purple, if you need more then use dark purple and still needing more than write in Dark Blue.All of the different colours on the page looks abit funny in my view.But thats just me!

Found this really hard to find.No heading like most which make's it stand out and lets people know when the promo stops.Then when I did find them it was like 2 line's long and I do understand that it your first go so just some advice to make it better.If your having a announcer talk maybe put it in Quote marks.Or have 2 lines apart from the normal match to show the difference.I found this to be a thing that you need to improve on and again it's your first go and I do understand that your finding your feet.But try and add more info on matchs and if you don't want to right heaps like me or Christian than just have a little info on what happened in the match.And then a couple of line's down the finish and how it ended.

The thing that I thought that was the big problem was the Commercials in your show.IMO I don't use them and I do think there a waste of time but thats just me.Some people like to use them and put real things off Youtube for them.Thats a good use of a commercial.So just a thing to cut back one as you had 7 in your show and not spaced at all.

The only other thing was how Kurt was given the Championship.Didn't you already tell us that he was Champion?Why were West and everybody happy that he was given the title and not saying "hey this was announced on our website already".Just a point that you should look at about storylines, I would have liked to see a surprise that Kurt get it.And then cut a promo on TNA and have to put it on the line then and there.

Just some points that you can look at and if you want just not read them or have a look and help you make the best show's you can.Good first try IMO.
Show 2 opens with a highlight reel of last weeks main event, which brings us to the ring with Triple H
Triple H-Randy Orton, congratulations, that was some win last week, honestly, I was thinking of doing the same thing. you cheated me, and you did it damn well. now I am inviting you down to my ring
Randy makes his way to the ring.
Triple H-Randy, you were great last week, and I was thinking, I have a proposition for you.
Randy-What makes you think I want your help?
Triple H-Let me finish, anyway, I was thinking that we, should form an alliance, how great would it be, just like the evolution days
Randy-Hunter, I don't need you.
Triple H- I think you do
Say that once more, and I will kick you right in the skull. I don't need you!
Wrong Descision
Triple H hits him and sets him up for the pedigree, but randy flips him over, and hits the RKO!
Match One-Samoa Joe vs Mr Anderson
Samoa Joe is out first, and Anderson follows. Joe is dominating in the early stages, Anderson is getting thrown all around the squared circle. Joe hits a back suplex, Joe does his trademark punches and bicycle kick combo. Joe has him up for the muscle buster, but Miz' music plays, he drops Anderson and looks towards the ramp, but nobody is there, he walks straight back and Anderson hits the mic check, 1...2...3 Anderson wins. Miz runs in from the crowd and hits the Skull Crushing Finale.
Miz- 3 weeks from this sunday, at EHA's first pay per view, you and I are going to have a little dance, for your TV title. BECAUSE I AM THE MIZ, AND I AM AWWWWESSSSOMEEEEEE!!!!

We are in the back in the female locker room. We see maryse and she is aproached by the beautiful people.
Velvet Sky-Maryse, well done last week, you know maryse, we we're thinking, and I think you should be a part of the beautiful peoplr, so, what do you say? Do you want to join?
Maryse- I dont know, give me a while to think about it.
Match two- Serena vs Natalya
Natalya is out first with th Hart Dynasty, and Serena and the SES are out second. The two lock up and Natalya overpowers Serena, pushing her straight to the ground. Serena starts to run at Netalya, and Natlaya reverses, and applies a leg lock. She starts to work on th legs. Natlaya applies the Sharpshooter, Serena taps, Natalya wins.
Daniel Bryan is in the ring with the mic.
Bryan- Hello people, my name, is Bryan Danielson! I am the American Dragon! I never liked the name Daniel Brya-
He is cut off and the lights turn off, the gong goes and the lights turn on, Danielson is in the middle of the ring, with blood in his mouth.
Match three- RVD vs Eric Young for the Hardcore Title
Match starts and Eric Young Eye gauges RVD, and hits him with Brass knucks. 1...2...3, Eric Young is the new champ. Hardy comes out and challenges Young for the title. he hits a Twist of Fate, and immediately hits a swanton. 1...2...3. Hardy wins.
Match four- Jay Lethal vs Tyson Kidd.
Hart Dynasty are out
Natalya- where so I start, oh, the Straight Edge Society, the Skinheads and thugs, my boys David Hart and Tyson Kidd will vs Jay and Gallows at No Desire, and it is for the Tag team Championship!
Lethal is out and they start. Jay starts beating up Kidd, he clotheslines him and stomps on him. he lays him out and hits a moonsault. 1...2...3, Lethal wins and grabs the mic
Lethal-I told you I was better, and at No Desire, you're luck is out.

We are now in the back with Triple H and Ric Flair.
Ric- Hunter, you don't need that chump Randy Orton, what you do need is twam Flair, we have the talent, and of course, we have the women.

Hunter- I'm in, but I'm not up for any tag team crap, I'n on it alone.
Main event- Abyss vs Sting
Abyss is out first, and he is going down the ramp, Sting hits him from behind with the bat, and rolls him into the ring. The whole of team flair come in to beat down abyss, they all hit their finishers and Abyss is out cold. we go to credits.

Quick Result/Recap
Orton rejects triple H
Mr Anderson beats Samoa Joe
Maryse is offered a spot in the Beautiful People
Natalya beats Serena
Taker beats down Danielson
Eric Young wins the Hardcore title, then loses it to hardy
Lethal Beats Kidd
Triple H joins team flair
Team Flair beat down Abyss
Show opens with team flair in the ring
Triple H-Wow boys, that was fun, we took that fat peice of crap out no sweat, it shows that team flair is that damn good. I advise any of you SOB's in the back to stay out of Team Flair's way
Robert Roode-Yes, we did beat that guy up didnt we, but Beer Money haven't had a match here yet. We are getting angry and restless, and nobody, I SAID NOBODY wants an angry cowboy. So, Teddy Long, I say you get your ass right the hell out here and put us in a match
Teddy Long comes out.
Teddy- You guys must think your pretty tough dont you playa's, well beer money, if you are so tough, you can have a match, a gauntlet match, youre opponents will be Stevie Richards and Raven, The Motorcity Machine Guns, Cryme Tyme and if you make it through that, you will have a surpruse last match
Team Flair are pissed
oh, and, if any of you happen to interfere, YOU'RE FIRED
team flair are even more pissed and they are sent to the back

Match one-Legacy vs 3D
Match starts with DiBiase and Bubba Ray. Legacy dominates the match and gets the win.

we are in the back with the beautiful people and maryse
Velvet-Maryse, did you think about our offer?
Maryse-Yes, and I decided to accept your offer
The beautiful people all hug maryse, but Lacey holds on longer
Maryse-Lacey, get off of me

Match 2-The Miz vs Rob Terry
Terry dominates most of the match Miz reverses a move and hits a skull crushing finale. Miz wins. Samoa Joe storms down to the ring and beats down Miz.

Were in back with Josh Matthews and the SES
Josh- Lethal, Gallows, in two weeks at No Desire you guys have a match with the Hart Dynasty for the tag titles. But Luke, next week you have a match against David Hart, what are your thoughts.
Luke Gallows- yes, we do have a great opportunity to become tag champions, an last week jay defeated tyson kidd, The Hart Dynasty are easy for us, and oh, we will win
The SES walk off.

Match 3-Taylor Wilde and Sarita vs The beautiful people for the Womens tag team championship
Velvet Sky and Maryse are out first, followed by Taylor Wilde and Sarita. Maryse hits the french kiss DDT for the win, TBP are champions

Match 4 Brian Danielson vs Kurt Angle​
Angle has the momentum for most of the match, danielson puts in his leg submission hold for a few minutes. and Angle taps
after the match The Undertaker beats danielson down, again

Match 5-Gauntlet match​
Beer money are out, and their first opponent is Stevie Richards and Raven. pin comes when Beer Money hit the DWI and got the pin.

next out is The Motorcity Machineguns. They hit a few Tag moves but get pinned when Storm hits Sabin with the beer bottle while the ref was distracted.

Cryme tyme are out now and Shad is in first, he picks up some momentum and he tags in JTG, who loses all momentum and gets pinned after a DWI

Beer Money are waiting for there final opponents. there is a pause, and then edge's music plays. he stands on the stage and his partner is... RANDY ORTON!!! they sprint down to the ring and start the beat down. The pin comes whe edge hits a spear on roode and orton hits an RKO on Storm. Rated RKO pose as we head to credits
Show 4​
Rated RKO is in the ring
Randy-Triple H, team Flair, you saw what we did to your guys Beer Money last week, I strongly advise you to stay away, we will dominate, this is Rated RKO's time, care to agree edge.
Egde-Yes, yes I do Randy, lets just hope that they are smart enough to stay away
Ric Flair comes to the ring
Ric Flair-Shut up, just shut up, I can't believe you are boasting about winning. Well, if you really are better than Beer Money, you will have a rematch, and Randy, if Rated RKO lose,Randy, you lose your title shot, oh and, whoever wins the triple threat match tonight, will be entered into the title match at No Desire. WOOO!!!
Match one-Luke Gallows vs David Hart
Gallows and Jay Lethal make their way to the ring, followed by David Hart and the Hart Dynasty
The match starts with Gallows taking control, he throws him into the corner, corner, and goes for a corner clothesline, but it is reversed be David Hart, he hits a Running Powerslam, and then locks in the Sharpshooter. Gallows taps out.
Winner-David Hart

Match 2-Jeff Hardy vs Raven for the Hardcore Championship
Hardy is out first, but as he is walking down, Raven hits him in the back with a chair, Hardy is unconscious, Raven and Stevie put him in the ring, 1...2...3
Raven wins, Stevie gets in the ring, and hits a Stevie T 1...2...3
Winner and New Hardcore Champion, Stevie Richards

Christy Hemme and Alex Shelly are in the back.
Christy-Alex Shelly, Last week in the gauntlet match, Beer Money smashed your partners head with a Beer Bottle, what are your thoughts towards this
Shelly- My thoughts, what do you thiknk my thoughts are, I just saw my partner get his head smashed by a beer bottle?!? I am damn pissed, in fact, I am challenging one of them to a match, and it's going to be next
Match 3- Alex Shelly vs a member of Beer Money
Alex Shelly is out first
Robert Roode has a mic
Robert Roode- ok Alex, your not going to get one of us. No, you are going to get both of us
they rush to the ring but Alex Shelley explodes, he hits a dropkick on Roode, and a clothesline on Storm, he hits more moves and then he goes for a sliced bread#2, but Roode catches him, and Beer Money hit the DWI, 1...2...3. they dont leave then, they hit another DWI, and then they hit him on the head with a beer bottle.
Winner-Beer Money

We are in the back with the Beautiful People
Velvet sky- Oh my god, girls, The Beautiful People are Champions, and at No Desire, Maryse and I have an opportunity to become the first EHA Womens champion, which I will win
Maryse-I'm sorry, but I plan to be winning, and becoming the most dominant female wrestling
Velvet-Sorry Maryse, but this, is mine
Lacey-sorry Vel, but I think Maryse will win
Velvet-We'll see
Madison and Velvet walk out
Maryse-Thanks for sticking up for me Lacey
Lacey-No worries, hey Maryse, I need to tell you something
Maryse-yeah, what is it
Lacey-Maryse, I love you
she kisses Maryse. Maryse looks disguisted and Lacey walks out
Match 4-The Undertaker vs The Pope D'angelo Deniro
Pope is out first, then Taker makes his entrance. Not much happens in the opening minutes. Taker eventually picks up some momentum, he hits the old school and pope is holding his arm, He does some power moves on his arm, and has him up for a tombstone Piledriver.
Brian Danielson's music plays
Undertaker is distracted, and danielson is on the stage, he stands there and Pope rolls the Undertaker up 1...2...3
Winner-D'angelo Deniro
Main Event-Triple Threat number one contenders match. Triple H vs AJ Styles vs Desmond Wolfe​
Triple H is out, then AJ, then Wolfe. Triple H gets double teamed by Wolfe and Styles, and gets thrown out of the ring, AJ and Wolfe start to brawl, and styles is gaining the upper hand. He throws Wolfe out and does the running swanton out on both of them. they are lying out and Styles and Triple H get back in the ring and styles hits a flying forearm and goes to the top, but wolfe comes in and hits the tower of london. 1...2...3
Winner-Desmond Wolfe
Match 1-Mr Anderson vs Samoa Joe​
Match starts with Joe taking control, he hits his perfected moves, and then he does the slit throat taunt, but Anderson hits a low blow. He is DQ'd, he continues to beat down Joe, and Miz's mmusic plays, he starts to walk down to the ring, but Joe gets Anderson in the corner. He starts to kick at anderson, and then he gets him up for the Muscle buster, and hits it, Miz starts to run to the back, and Joe starts to chase.
Winner by DQ-Samoa Joe.

We're in the back with Josh Matthews and Bryan Danielson.
Josh Matthews-Bryan Danielson, for two weeks in a row, you have been attacked by the Undertaker, and now, you have a match with him at No Desire. What are your thoughts?Danielson-Lets see, Undertaker has attacked me 2 weeks in a row, so I decide to cost him a match with Pope, fair, I think so, and now, we have ourselves a little match at No Desire, my thoughts on that? Undertaker, you can tap, or you can snap!!

Match 2-Generation Me vs the Dudebusters
The Dudebusters are out first, and Boretta grabs the mic
Boretta-Guys, listen up, we are the Dudebusters, we are lifelong best friends, we are capable of anything, being future tag team champions, I advise you watch out for us.
Croft-About that capable of anything, remember last week, 100,000 points on Guitar Hero. Extreme Difficulty, I'm not sure how many people can do that. Anyway, we are going to hit the big points, a win on Debut here in EHA WRESTLING!
Generation Me are out now, and the action starts with Jeremy and Boretta are in first. Lots of Cruiserweight stuff to start off, The Dudebusters make alot of quick tags and tag moves. Jeremy finally majes a hot tag, and then Max is now dominating, he goes for a hurricanrana, but Boretta reverses and hits a big Dropkick, He makes a tag to croft and they hit their finishing tag team move. 1...2...3, Dudebusters pick up the win.

Lacey and Maryse are in the back,
Lacey-Hey Maryse, I'm really sorry about last week, I really couldnt help myself.
Maryse-Lacey, it's ok, you think that I haven't been kissed by a girl before?
Maryse leans over to kiss Lacey on the cheek. She walks out, and Lacey looks pleased.

Match 3-Stevie Richards with Raven vs Amazing Red for the EHA Hardcore title
Stevie and Raven are out first, followed by Red. Stevie goes for a clothesline straight away, but Red trips him up. As Stevie gets to his knees, Red hits a Hurricanrana. Stevie hits a clothesline this time, and goes fir the stevie T, but Red reverses it and hits a code red pin. 1...2...3, Red is the champion. But before Red can even celebrate, Raven runs in and hits him with a chair on the back of the head, Red gets up, and he is up for a DDT, 1...2...3, Raven is champion. Miz's music now plays and it is his turn, he runs to the ring, He throws Raven into the corner, and Miz hits the corner clothesline. Miz then hits a Skull Crushing Finale, 1...2....3, Miz is the Hardcore champion.
Winner and new Hardcore Champion- THE MIZ

Team 3D is shown in the back taping up. Legacy creeps up on them, and Ambush them.

Match 4-Legacy vs Team 3D
Legacy are out first, followed by 3D. Their music plays, but they aren't coming out. It plays again, still, nobody their. The ref gives a count of ten.
Winners via countout-Legacy
Teddy Long's music plays
Teddy-Wait, Legacy, you stay right there, you aren't going anywhere. I don't like you guys, and I don't like the way you won that match Playa, so, you are gonna have a rematch, this Sunday. Oh and, also this Sunday, there will be a Battle Royal to determine the new number one contender to the EHA world Championship!
Legacy are angry as they make their way to the back.

Match 5-Rated RKO vs Beer Money
Rated RKO are out first, followed by Beer Money. Edge and Roode start things off, Edge hits a few moves, and then hits an Inverted DDT, he goes for a spear, but Roode dodges it and Edge goes right into the ringpost, Roode tags in Storm, and they hit a double Suplex, Storm starts to Work on Edge's shoulder, Edge hits a massive shoulder block to change the momentum, but it does alot of damage to himself aswell, but he tags in Randy, Randy Explodes, he hits Roode right off the apron, and hits a backbreaker on Storm, and has an evil glint in his eye, the crowd erupts, we all know whats going to happen, he falls to the fall, stalking Storm, he is hitting the ground. Storm gets up and Randy hits the RKO!! 1...2...3
Winners-Rated RKO
Their celebrations are cut short though, Roode goes into the ring, and smashes a beer bottle on his head. Edge doesn't notice until Beer Money leave, Edge is furious as his partner lays motionless in the middle of the ring.

Christy Hemme is in the back with CM Punk and the Straightedge Society
Christy-CM Punk, tonight you have your first match here in EHA, But it is against The Cereberal Assasain Triple H.
Punk-You know Christy, I honestly do not care who my opponent is tonight, all I know is that I am going to win tonight, and become number one contender this Sunday. You know why? because I am a Straightedge, that means I am better then you, Triple H, Ric Flair, anybody on the EHA roster. So Triple H, get ready.

Match 6-CM Punk vs Triple H
CM Punk and thhe Straightedge Society are out first, followed by Triple H and the whole of Team Flair. Match starts with Triple H and CM Punk trade blows, Triple H starts to get in ccontrol as he hits a Knee to the face and a Clothesline, Flair is cheering him on and Triple H hits a spinebuster, Serena distracts The ref, and Gallows and Lethal beat up Triple H, Wolfe and Beer Money enter the ring and they start to brawl, the Ref tells them to get out, but they keep brawling, everyone is in the ring now and the Hart Dynasty run in to beat up Gallows and Lethal. All hell has broken loose, The match has resulted in a double disqualification but they continue to brawl, we head to credits, tune in tomorrow as EHA's first Pay Per View No Desire will be posted!
No Desire
Fireworks go off at the top of the ramp and the crowd is screaming, There is a video of the feud with the SES and The Hart Dynasty, which is up now

Match 1-Tag team title match- The Straightedge Society (Gallows and Lethal) with Serena vs The Hart Dynasty
The Straightedge Society are out first, followed by the Hart Dynasty. Match starts with Kidd and Lethal in the ring, Kidd does alot of work on Lethals arm. He applies an arm bar, Lethal is really feeling pain. Kidd lets go and tags in David Hart, he does some powerhouse moves and really gets stuck into his arm, He throws him to the ropes, but on the rebound Lethal hits a big dropkick, they are down for the count, 1...2...3...4...5...6.. Lethal gets up and tags in Gallows, he hits a flapjack, and goes for a kick to the head, but Hart evades it, and gets him up for the hesitating suplex, and he hits it, The Hart Dynasty are in control, Kidd is tagged in and they go for the springboard Hart Attack, but Serena gets on the apron, and Lethal pushes Kidd off the ropes, Gallows gets out of the bearhug and throws David Hart out, and hits the 12 steps on Kidd, he tags in Lethal who hits a moonsault on kidd, 1...2...3, The Straightedge society are tag team champions!
Winner and the INAUGURAL EHA Tag Team Champions- Luke Gallows and Jay Lethal, the Straightedge Society!

Match 2-Womens Championship Match-Maryse vs Velvet Sky vs Tara vs Angelina Love
Everyone is out in order named, Match starts with everyone beating up Tara, Angelina and the Beautiful People are working together well, but she turns her back, and she is thrown out of the ring, Tara, Maryse and Velvet Sky are in the ring, and Tara starts to beat down Velvet Sky, she walks to Maryse, but Maryse hits a French Kiss DDT! 1...2...3
Winner and INAUGURAL EHA womens champion, MARYSE!!

Teddy Long is in the back consulting the Orton Issue
Teddy-Due to last weeks incident between Orton and Beer Money, Randy Orton will not be able to compete, but I have a very suitable replacement for the match. As for Beer Money, they will not be getting off lightly, you have a match, and it's gonna be, right now!

match 3 Beer Money vs ???
Beer Money are out in the ring, and they look to the ramp to find out who their opponent is... ÍT'S THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS!! their music plays but they aren't at the ramp. They wait, and The Guns come in from the crowd, they are behind Beer Money, and they kick them both in the head, Chris Sabin has Roode on his shoulders, and Shelly hits the Sliced bread #2. 1...2...3
Winners-The Motor City Machine Guns!

Punk and the SES are celebrating in the back.
Punk-Congratulations guys, you really impressed me, but tonight, I’m going one better, I am going to become the number one contender to the EHA world championship, but really, good work.
Punk and Serena walk out.

Match 4-EHA TV Title match-Samoa Joe vs The Miz
Joe is out first, followed by the Miz. Action starts with Miz and Joe locking up, Joe throws miz to the corner, and storms over to him. But Miz pulls joe down, face first onto the turnbuckle, and hits the corner clothesline. Miz starts to pick up momentum, he hits the mizard of oz, 1...2. Joe pushes him off. Joe gets in the drivers seat, he hits Miz, and hits a bicycle kick, and Miz rolls out to regroup. But Joe hits a spinning suicide dive. "HOLY SHIT" chants break out, he rolls Miz into the ring, and applies the rear naked choke, and miz taps out
Winner and still EHA TV champion, Samoa Joe!
Joe grabs the mic
Joe- Cut the music, Miz, stay in the ring, I'm challenging you to another match, for your Hardcore title!
Joe runs right back into the ring, and hits the Muscle Buster, 1...2...3
Winner and new Hardcore champion-SAMOA JOE!

Match 5 Legacy vs 3D-No DQ match
Legacy are out first, and then 3D come out with the trolley. DiBiase and D'Von start in the ring, and D'Von hits DiBiase in the head with a chair, and then picks up the kendo stick, and hits him repetitively on the back, D'von tags in Bubba, and they hit a few tag moves, he smacks him in the head with a trash can lid. He then hits a scoop slam, and he tags in D'Von and he has DiBiase's legs split over his head, the crowd knows what is next, Bubba screams WAZZUP!! and dives onto DiBiase.
1...2...3 GET THE TABLES,
D'von goes under the ring to get ther table, and Cody Rhodes runs into the ring, but Bubba Ray hits him with a Trash can lid. D'von whips him to the ropes, and the hit the 3D and put DiBiase through the table, 1...2...3, 3D win
Winners-Team 3D
Cody Rhodes gets into the ring, and looks dissapointed, he helps DiBiase up, and they walk to the back.

Match 6- 8 man Battle Royal
The participants in the battle Royal are (entered as named) RVD, Hardy, Edge, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, D'Angelo Dinero, Triple H and AJ Styles. All of them are in the ring and the team Flair guys are in the corner. Everyone goes for Jericho, and eliminates him. Hardy and Edge start to battle it out, and Edge eliminates Hardy, straight after RVD eliminates Edge. Dinero is surrounded by both of the Team Flair guys, they both start to attack him, but then RVD makes the save, and throws Styles out. We are now down to four. Serena runs down to the ring. Triple h and RVD are going at it, as are Punk and dinero. Dinero throws Punk out, but Serena gets under him before his feet touch the floor, Punk gets straight back in and eliminates Dinero. As this happened, RVD was eliminated. Punk and Triple H start to go at it now, Triple H is gaining the upper hand, he hits a spinebuster, and throws him to the rope, he goes for a clothesline, but punk pulls down the ropes, and Triple h is eliminated!
Winner and The Number One contender, C-M PUNKKK!

Match 7- The Undertaker vs Brian Danielson
Danielson is out first, followed by Taker. Match starts with Danielson being put in a headlock, Undertaker does some big powerhouse moves, and Danielson is being ddominated. Undertaker hits a few more powerhouse moves, but Danielson reverses one. He gains the upper hand and goes to the top, and hits a missile dropkick. He gets back up and puts in a leglock. Undertaker is struggling, and Danielson has the move locked on tight, Undertaker finally reaches the ropes, and Danielson is forced to release the hold. He gets up and raises his hand, but walks right into Undertakers boot, a massive big boot and both competitors are down for the count, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.Undertaker sits up. He is sizing Danielson up for the chokeslam, but Danielson reverses it and hits a full nelson suplex. 1...2.kickout. Undertaker starts to gain control, and out of nowhere, he hits the Last Ride, 1...2.. Kickout.Danielson takes his time to get up, but when he does, Undertaker gets him up for the tombstone, and he hits it, REST...IN...PEACE. the crowd chant, Undertaker wins.

Main event-Triple threat match for the EHA world title- Kurt Angle vs Desmond Wolfe vs ???
Wolfe is out first, followed by Angle, and they wait to see who is out next....IT'S THE MONSTER ABYSS!!
Wolfe is going spastic in the ring, and Kurt angle looks quite calm. Abyss runs into the ring, and starts beating Wolfe up, Angle stays in the corner and watches Abyss demolish Wolfe. He hits a big boot, and when Wolfe gets up, he hits the shock treatment. 1...2..Kurt Angle breaks it up, and now Abyss and Angle are fighting, Wolfe rolls out of the ring and Abyss goes for a big boot, but Angle sidesteps and hits a German suplex, and another, and another. and another, and another, 1...2..Wolfe breaks it up, Angle gets up and throws Wolfe straight out, Abyss is still down and Angle hits a Moonsault, Abyss rolls out of the ring, Wolfe sneaks up behind Angle, and hits a massive clothesline, 1...2.. Angle kicks out. Angle is in the corner, and Wolfe hits a corner clothesline, he tries to get Angle up for the Tower of London, But Angle stays up, Wolfe gets up and tries a superplex, but Angle reverses it, and hits an Angle slam to the outside, they are both down for nearly a minute. They all get in the ring, and Angle is thrown out, Abyss is set up for the Tower of London, and Wolfe hits it, 1...2...3, Wolfe is the new champion!
Winner and the new EHA World Champion, Desmond Wolfe!
Angle gets in the ring, and starts to beat down Abyss, we go to credits.
Desmond Wolfe and Team Flair are in the ring.
Wolfe- Last Sunday at No Desire, I beat two other guys to win my title, and now, it's time for the reign of the Wolfe.
Ric Flair-Damn right he did, now, he is the man, and to be the man, you gotta beat the man, WOOO!
Triple H-Woah Naitch, are you forgeting that I am a 13 time world champion, I think I am still the man![/
Flair-Hunter, don't you remember that I am a 16 time world champion? I sa that righgt now, Desmond Wolfe is the man.
Hunter-Ok, but I'm issuing a challenge to the man, next week, 1 on 1, I want a title shot.
Wolfe-Ok Hunter, bring it on.

Legacy vs Generation Me

Legacy are out first, and DiBiase grabs the mic
DiBiase- Last Sunday, Team 3D fluked a win over the Legacy, but I assure you, we are still as good as ever. And we can prove it to youGeneration Me are out now, and the match starts with Jeremy and DiBiase, DiBiase hits his perfected moves, but Jeremy reverses one, he hits a dropkick, and tags in Max, Max hits a hurricanrana, and DiBiase is thrown out of the ring, Max hits a moonsault from the ropes. DiBiase is out for the count, 1...2...3...4...5..DiBiase gets back in, and goes for a clothesline, but Max reverses it, and tags Jeremy, he hits a moonsault, and Max hits a 450 and then Jeremy hits a spiral tap, 1...2...3


Rhodes gets in, and he is very angry. He helps DiBiase up, and then hits the Cross Rhodes. he leaves

We are in the Straightedge Society's Locker room.
Punk-Last Sunday, was without a doubt the Straightedge Society's night, we took out the tag titles, and the number one contenders spot. In 5 weeks at Surrender, I will lock in the Anaconda Vise to win the world title. On that note, I am issuing a call out to anybody who wants to change their life for the better, join the Society, we need you.

Match 2-Abyss vs Raven
Raven is out with Stevie Richards, followed by Abyss, he looks really angry. At the start, Abyss hits a big boot, and thenm picks him up for a shock treatment, he hits a leg drop, and then picks him up, and hits a black hole slam, 1...2...3,
Abyss grabs the mic
Abyss walks down to the back.

Match 3-Samoa Joe vs Kaz for the Hardcore Championship.
Kaz is out first, followed by Joe. From the start Joe starts to pound kaz. He works him into the corner, and stomps on his chest, Kaz falls outside, and then Samoa Joe goes for a spinning suicide dive, but Kaz steps out of the wayand Joe hits the ground hard, kaz gets joe bup, and rolls him into the ring, he hits a springboard leg drop, 1...2 kickout, Kaz goes up to the top rope, but Joe stops him, and has him up for a muscle buster, but Kaz gets out of it, and rolls joe up, 1...2...3
winner and NEW hardcore champion, Kaz!
Kaz grabs the mic
Kaz-I'm not going to waste my time here, I'll just say what I have to say, I am joining the straightedgre society, because like them, I am better than you!

Kaz is shown in the back and he is approached by CM Punk,
Well done Kaz, you have really stepped up to the occasin, I think I'lkl reward you by swapping your hardcore title for the Luke's Tag title, I prefer him as a single wrestler, you know, EHA's best kept secret, but now, Ihave a question, are you ready?
Kaz-Hell yeah I am ready.

Miz is shown in the back, and Anderson comes up to him,
Anderson- Miz, I was thinking just the other day, that you and I are alot alike, like the fact that we are both winners, and we are both great, so, I have a preposition for you.
Miz-I'm listening
Anderson-Well, how about we become a tag team, we can be called something like Awesome and Awesomer, or something like that, what do you say?
Miz- I say we can give it a shot.
they both walk out.

Match 4-Rated RKO vs Beer Money-Number one contenders match for the four way elimination match at Surrender
Rated RKO are out first, and Beer Money follow, Orton has cuts on his head and he is bandaged up, Edge and Storm start things off, Storm has the upper hand early on, he hits an underhook DDT, 1...2. kickout. Roode is tagged in, he hits a spinebuster, 1...2.kickout, Beer Money are keeping Edge on their side of the ring,they do lots of tags and tag moves, but then Edge hits a clothesline, both men are down for the count, 1...2...3...4...5.. Edge gets up and makes the tag, Orton goes ballistic, he hits roode of the Apron and starts to stalk storm, he is about to hit the RKO, but Roode hits him, Roode is tagged in and they hit the DWI, 1...2...3.
Winners-Beer Money
after the match, four guys in black hoodies hit the ring, one of them hit a GTS on Roode, and one hits a Moonsault on him, another hits the 12 steps on Storm, and another hit a body splash, team flair hit the ring and the four scatter over the arena,

Match 5-Bryan Danielson vs The Pope
Danielson is ou tfirst, followed by The Pope,Match starts with headlocks and reversals, Danielson starts to pick up the pace, he starts to work on pope's leg, he applies a leg lock. Pope gets to the ropes, Danielson has a count of 5 to break it up, 1...2...3...4 he releases, he hits a Missile Dropkick now, and hits it, 1...2 kickout, he goes to pick Pope up, nut Pope puts in a cradle pin, 1...2...3,
winner-The Pope
After the match, Danielson looks angry, the lights go out, and Undertaker appers in front of Danielson, he sticks his hand out to shake, and Danielson accepts, but Undertaker sucker punches him, and hits the Tombstone, we go to credits.
Writers note-Storylines are picking up where they left off when I stopped.

Team Flair are in the ring apart from Beer Money.

Flair-Punk!! Straightedge Society!! Get out here right now!
Punk's music plays, and the SES follow.
Punk-What do you want Flair?
Flair-What do you think Punk? Who is Team Flair missing in this ring? That's right, the team you took out last week, Beer Money.
Punk-Oh yeah, that, we didn't like what Beer Money stand for, the Straightedge Society is elite, we do not want losers like Beer Money around us, so we chose to take them out, it isn't that hard Flair. I also don't really like you guys either, so why wouldn't we have done that?
Flair-You guys can't just go around doing that without consiquence, they are the best tag team in the world, and they will prove that at Surrender when they take your tag team titles in the fourway elimination match.
Punk-Oh really? We will seee about that. Come on guys, we have some planning to do.

Match 1- Fourway tag team title qualification match Miz and Anderson vs Team 3D
Miz and Anderson are out first, Followed by 3D. Anderson starts off with Devon, Anderson kicks Devons legs, and throws him into the corner, he runs to him and hits a clothesline and goes to the top. He hits a missile dropkick, 1...2 kick out, he goes to Miz and tags him in, Miz picks Devon up and hits a neckbreaker/backbreaker combo. 1...2... Kickout. Miz throws Devon into the corner, and runs for a corner clothesline, but Devon dodges it, Miz gets out of the corner and Devon pushes Miz back, he runs at Miz, and he hits a shoulder block, but miz hits a clothesline aswell, they are both down for the count, 1...2...3...4...5 Devon tags in Bubba Ray, and Anderson is tagged in by the Miz. Bubba ray hits a big boot, 1...2... kick out. Ray goes for a punching combo, but Anderson pokes him in the eye just as he goes for the last punch. He tags in Miz, and they hit a Skull Crushing Finale/Mic Check combo. 1...2...3. Miz and Anderson win and are in the fourway match at Surrender.

Bryan Danielson is in the back with Josh Matthews.
Josh-Bryan, last week at the end of the show, you were sucker punched by The Undertaker. How do you feel now? What are your thoughts?
Bryan-What are my thoughts? Well, first of all, you need to come up with more ending lines, not "What are your thoughts"every single time. Anyway, Undertaker,you sucker punch me every single week, I am sick of it, you beat me at No Desire, and that isn't good enough? Well, I am challenging you to a rematch at Surrender, Submission style!

Match 2-Cody Rhodes vs John Morrison​
Rhodes is out first, followed by Morrison. Match starts with Morrison being beaten down. He hits a few moves and then a springboard kick, he is getting all of the offensive. He keeps it up, and he hits the Alabama slam, 1...2.. Kick out. He goes up top, and he tries a moonssault, but he misses. Morrison hits a Springboard Leg Drop, 1...2 kickout, Morrison starts to rally up the crowd. When Rhodes gets up, Morrison goes for a Springboard Bicycle kick, but Rhodes pulls the ropes, Morrison is groggy, and Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes, 1...2...3, Rhodes picks up the win.
Rhodes-Last week was the last you will ever see of the Legacy. I have had enough, losing matches is bad enough, but not even being tagged in?!? come on, this is ridiculous. The only reason I stayed with him is because he payed me, and I liked the money, but enough is enough, the Legacy is over. I have had i---
DiBiase runs into the ring and starrts to beat down Rhodes. He gets him up and he hits the Dream Street. He stays in the ring because his match is next.

We see Abyss laid out in the back.

Match 3-TV Title number one contenders match-RVD vs Eric Young vs DiBiase vs Jeff Hardy​
Match starts and DiBiase throws EY out, RVD hits DiBiase and throws him out, Hardy and RVD both run and hit Suicide dives on both opponents. Hardy throws Young in the ring. they throw punches at eachother, a series of Boo's and Yeah's echo around the arena. Hardy then throws Young into the corner, and hits a clothesline, as this happens, DiBiase has been dominating RVD, he grabs his arm and throws it into the ring post, DiBiase goes into the ring and hits Hardy in the back of the head and throws him out. He goes for a clothesline, but Young ducks and DiBiase hits the ref. Young hits a low blow on DiBiase, and then pulls out Brass Knuckles from his tights. he raises his fist for the crowd to show them the knucks. DiBiase gets up, and Young hits his head. he pins him, but their is no ref, RVD pulls Young off, and throws him out, and then goes up top for the frog splash. he pins him, no ref. Hardy gets into the ring and pulls RVD off and throws him out, and then hits a swanton bomb. The ref gets up for a slow count, 1.......2........3 Hardy wins and is the number one contender for Joe's title.

Anderson and Miz are talking in the back.
Anderson-Man, how good was that. I think this tag team can be the start of an Awesome revolution.
Miz- Ken, we are the Awesome revolution.
Anderson-The Awesome Revolution, I like it!

Match 4-Tag Team title Qualification match-Rated RKO vs the Hart Dynasty
Rated RKO are out first, followed by the Hart Dynasty. Edge and Kidd start things off, Kidd locks an Armbar on Edge, Edge breaks out, he tags in Randy, and he hits a clothesline. He stomps all over Kidd's body, and hits a knee drop. 1...2. kickout. Kidd gets up, and Orton hits a Backbreaker. He starts to stalk Kidd, but Roode and Storm run to the ring, and start to beat up Edge and Orton, The ref calls for the bell
Winner-Rated RKO via DQ
The Hart Dynasty are furious. They start to beat up Beer Money. They have Storm up for The Hart Attack, and hit it. When they are celebrating, Rated RKO approach them from behind, and hit their finishers. They pose over the carnage left in the ring.
We are in the back, and Punk is with Morrison and another guy. They shake hands.

Match 5- EHA World title match- Wolfe vs Triple H
Triple H is out with Styles, and Wolfe is out with Chelsea and Flair. Both men lock up, Triple H pushes him away. They try again, and the same result. Wolfe gets up, and Triple H hits a clothesline. 1...2 Kickout. He keeps the offensive up, and throws him to the ropes, on the rebound Triple H hits a Facebuster, 1...2.. Ric Flair pulls the ref out of the ring. While Triple H and the ref distracted, Wolfe hits a Lariat. 1...2...3, Wolfe wins. Styles gets in the ring after, and hits a Pele Kick. The Straightedge Society come out with a bald John Morrison and Joey Mercury. They all start to beat down Wolfe and Flair. They all stand tall over Flair and Wolfe and their hands are all raised as we head to credits.
The Straightedge Society and Triple H and Styles are in the ring.

Punk-From this day forth, the Straightedge Society and the team of "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, and "The Game" have struck an alliance.

Triple H-Damn right we did, Phenomenal Inc have had enough of Wolfe and Flair. These guys are alot better. But, we aren't going to shave our heads.

Rated RKO's music plays.

Edge-Phenomenal Inc? Really? You aren't a tag team, you are two guys who want tag team gold, don't you? Well, that is what we will have in 2 weeks time, we will have the tag team championships!

AJ-We don't want tag gold, we want Wolfe and Flair out of here, and we won't stop until they are both out.

Triple H- Oh and, we are the best tag team in the world at this minute, and to prove that, we are issuing an open challenge for Surrender. Anybody who think that they are capable of beating us, bring it on!

They all leave the ring, and go to the back.

Match one-Luke Gallows vs Stevie Richards

Gallows is out solo, and Stevie is out with Raven. Gallows goes for a clothesline straight away, but Stevie dodges. Raven throws a chair to the ropes where Gallows runs. He goes into the ring with it. AAnd he has the chair set up. Stevie picks galllows up, and throws him to Raven, Raven hits a drop toe hold onto the chair. They both pick him up and ddeliver a double DDT. 1...2...3! Richards is the new champion!


Kurt Angle is in the back with Christy Hemme.

Christy-Kurt, in 2 weeks, you have a match with "The Monster" Abyss. He has been pretty angry lately, what is your mentality like heading into this match?

Kurt-Well Christy, the thing is, I don't care about how angry Abyss is, I can beat him, and that---

Abyss knocks him over from behind. He picks him up and hits the shock treatment.

Abyss-Get ready Kurt.

Samoa Joe is in his locker room, getting ready for his match. Jeff Hardy walks in.

Jeff- Hey man, I’ve been looking for you. I just wanted to wish you luck for Surrender. With our capabilities, we can put on a brilliant match.

Hardy lends a hand to Joe, and Joe takes it. But when Hardy turns around, Joe pulls Hardy towards him, and hits a muscle buster, and then applies the Rear Naked Choke. Hardy passes out, and Joe leaves the room, with a small chuckle.

Match 3- Miz and Anderson vs Samoa Joe and Rob Terry

Awesome are out first, followed by Joe, then Terry, who enter separately. Miz and Terry start things off, Terry starts to take the driver’s seat, he hits a few basic moves, and then hits a shoulder block. 1...2.. Kick out. Terry keeps the attack up. He picks up Miz and hits a running powerslam. He makes the cover, 1...2.. Anderson breaks things up. Joe then runs into the ring, and takes Anderson out. Terry has the Miz, and holds him up for a chokeslam, Joe is still fighting Anderson on the outside, and has the ref distracted. Miz jumps over Terry, and hits a Low Blow. Terry is bending over, and Miz capitalizes, hitting the Skull Crushing Finale, 1...2...3! Awesome win.
Joe comes back in the ring, and he goes straight to Terry, and hits a muscle buster. All of a sudden, two men run into the ring from the crowd. They both hit Superkicks, and they hit splashes from the top rope. They go back up, and both hit splashes on Terry. Joe then grabs a mic.

Joe-Boys, that is enough for now. EHA, this is The Nation of Violence!

Jimmy- That’s right, and we gonna run this joint here in EHA!


Match 4- The Undertaker vs The Amazing Red

Red is already out, and Undertaker follows, with his normal entrance.
Undertaker stares down a much smaller Red, and goes for a clothesline, Red ducks under, and kicks Taker in the back of the head, Taker hardly feels a thing there. Red tries another kick, but it ends in the same result. He goes for a third kick, but Taker pushes him in mid air and Red ends up falling outside. 1...2...3. Red gets up, and Taker pulls him up by the head. When Red gets in the ring, Taker grabs his throat. He holds him high in the air, and shows the hold crowd, walking in a circle, and throws him straight down. He doesn’t go for a pin though, he does his signature slit throat taunt, and grabs Red’s arm. He falls down, and locks the Hell’s Gate submission in. Red taps out, and Taker picks up the win. He grabs a mic.

Taker- Danielson, for weeks, you have been complaining about how I always beat you up. See here is the thing; you always claim to be the best in the world at wrestling. Really, you are just another wrestler that hasn’t proved himself against the Phenom, The Undertaker. Join the shelf with the likes of Batista, Edge, The Big Show, Randy Orton, The Heart Break Kid Shawn Micheals and many more. So Danielson, you’re on at Surrender! I will beat you again like I did at No Desire!

We are in Phenomenal Inc’s locker room. Ric Flair walks in.

Ric-Boys, you have really let me down, I really thought that you were better than that, you just ditched Team Flai---

AJ- Ric, you just don’t get it, don’t you. We don’t want to be lackeys to you, and that SOB Desmond Wolfe.

Ric- Boys, I am a wrestling God! You should thrive to be with the Nature Boy!

Triple H-Naitch, I have so much respect for you, but honestly, I didn’t come to EHA to here Desmond Rant about how he is the best in the world, and all that BS. I respect AJ Styles and CM Punk, not Desmond, now leave Ric, you are not needed here. AJ needs to get ready.

Match 5-AJ Styles vs Desmond Wolfe

AJ comes out first, followed by Desmond and Ric. The match starts, and the two lock up. Desmond tries to hit a DDT, but AJ grabs onto the rope, and Desmond falls back. AJ picks him up, and throws him to the ropes; on the rebound AJ hits a dropkick to Wolfe’s face. 1...2. Kick out. Wolfe gets up,and Styles hits another dropkick. Outside the ring, 2 guys in hoods attack Beer Money, one of them hits a spear, and the other hits a cutter. Wolfe gets distracted, and AJ chucks him out the ring. Flair helps him up, and AJ jumps onto both of them. The ref starts the count, with the guys in hoods are still attacking Beer Money. 1...2...3...4...5...6... AJ makes it back in. 7...8...9.. Wolfe just makes it back in. AJ runs to the ropes, but Wolfe gets up, and hits a huge Chin Lariat! 1...2...3. Wolfe wins. Beer money have now got the upper hand on the two, and they get chucked in the ring. Beer Money, Flair and Wolfe start beating on the three in the ring. Soon enough Triple H runs into the ring to even things up. He hits a Spinebuster on James Storm, the brawl keeps up, and the SES run down to the ring. Punk hits a GTS on Wolfe, and we go to credits, with SES, Phenomenal inc and The guys in hoods posing in the ring.

Show 9 opens with Flair, Wolfe and Beer Money in the ring.

Desmond-2 weeks in a row, 2 WEEKS I have beat Triple H and AJ Styles in singles competition, and then those sore losers beat me up with the Straightedge Society. I have never been so disrespected in my career!

Ric-I feel exactly the same, I have helped AJ and Triple H so much throughout their careers, and this is how the repay me? By turning on me?!? The wrestling god!

Desmond-Well anyway, I have pulled a few strings in higher management, and I have got myself a handicap match, it will be me and Beer Money here, against those baboons Triple H and AJ Styles. Oh and, if anybody happens to interfere, they are suspended indefinitely! The Wolfe has spoken!

They leave the ring.

Match one- Hardcore title match Stevie Richards vs Luke Gallows

Stevie and Raven are out first, followed by Gallows and the Straightedge Disciples. The match starts, and they lock up, without Gallows knowing, Raven gets into the ring with a steel chair. He hits Gallows on the back, The Disciples enter the ring, but Raven hits them as they fall down to the floor. Stevie is blocking Gallows’ view in the corner, Raven has the chair set up, and Stevie throws him to Raven, Raven hits his signature drop toe hold onto the chair. Stevie then locks in the General Anesthesia. Gallows passes out, and Stevie gets the win. He then grabs the mic.

Stevie-Since Raven and I are the original Anarchists, we are going to change the rules of the Hardcore title. Rule 1, we are changing the 24/7 rule, over the 9 weeks, there have been about, 20 champions. Rule 2, we will be defending the title under the Freebird rule, so either of us can defend the title. But there is still the original rule; all matches will be hardcore rules! That is all for now, but don’t hold back, expect more rules!


Samoa Joe is backstage with the Nation of Violence.

Joe- Boys, I advise that you win your match tonight, and do it fast, I don’t think I can accompany you to the ring, because RVD is probably pissed off at me for what I did to Jeff Hardy, and Rob Terry is probably just as pissed with you, so I advise you get in there, and win the match as quick as you can, then run before they can get to you, or you might feel a lot of pain.

The Usos nod, and leave the locker room. As Joe is about to stand up, somebody ambushes him, we see that it is RVD, he barges in kicking and punching Joe, and he grabs a chair. He starts hitting him repetitively with the chair, and Joe falls unconscious. RVD grabs Joe’s trademark towel, and leaves the room.

Match 2- RVD and Rob Terry vs The Usos

The Usos are out, than Terry follows. RVD’s music plays, but he doesn’t emerge from the back, it plays again, and after a while, we see RVD come out with Joe’s towel. The Usos look oddly at RVD, who has a smirk on his face. He points to the titanron, and we see Joe being helped in an ambulance. The Usos are steaming, they run straight to RVD, who is taunting them, RVD clotheslines one of them, and kicks the other, Terry makes his way to the top, and hits a chokeslam on both of them, and poses over them.


We are in the back with Christy Hemme and Bryan Danielson.

Christy-Bryan, you have the Undertaker in a submission match at Surrender, you do know that The Undertaker has never actually tapped out, right?

Bryan-Yes, I am fully aware of that, but what other alternative does he have against me? You only have two options when you wrestle me, you can either tap, or you can SNAP! So if he wants to keep to his record, he might just have to snap, won’t he?

Bryan walks out.

Match 3- Rated RKO vs The Straightedge Disciples

Edge grabs a mic

Edge- Woah, we haven’t had a match here in a few weeks, haven’t we Randy, well anyway, since we have your attention, we are going to send a message to the tag team champions, and to all other so called competitors, and who is it going to be against?... That’s right, the Straightedge Disciples!

The Disciples are out; with them are Kaz and Jay Lethal.

Edge and Morrison start things off. Edge kicks Morrison in the stomach, Morrison is cringing onto Edge’s chest, Edge pushes him back, and kicks him again. He picks him up again and throws him into Rated RKO’s corner, he tags in Randy, and they double clothesline Morrison, Randy does his trademark stomps, and tags in Edge, who joins in on the stomps, looking at Kaz and Lethal as if to say “This is in store for you!” Morrison gets up, and Edge throws him into the ropes, on the rebound, Edge hits the Edge-O-Matic, 1…2… Edge lifts Morrison’s head up. He picks himself up and holds the devils horns high up, aimed at Kaz and Lethal. He tags in Randy, who goes straight to the other side of the ring to knock Mercury off, Edge has the Sharpshooter locked in, and Randy is sizing Morrison up, he has a glare in his eye, and runs straight to the other side of the ring, where he delivers the punt. 1…2… Randy picks up his head, he taunts to Kaz and Lethal. Edge picks Morrison up, and they hit a double RKO, 1…2…3!
After the match, Mercury motions for medics to come out and help Morrison. They put him on a stretcher with a neck brace, Kaz and Lethal look at the disciples in disguist.


We are in the back with Josh Matthews and Kurt Angle.

Matthews-Kurt in 9 days you have a match against Abyss at Surrender, I think it is safe to say that you have definitely enraged the monster.

Kurt- Josh, do you not know who I am? I am an Olympic gold medalist for wrestling, what is Abyss? Some loser that has escaped from the mental hospital? At Surrender, I will be putting Abyss back in a hospital, whether it be a mental hospital, or a general hospital, I will beat him, and put him back where he belongs, oh its real, it’s DAMN real!

A commercial airs for EHA’s newest brand, RumPus, which starts in 3 weeks.

Match 4-Abyss vs Cryme Tyme

Cryme Tyme are already out, and the Monster makes his entrance, he looks incredibly pissed off, and he ambushes Cryme Tyme before the bell, he headbutts JTG, and pushes Shad back, JTG gets back up, and hits Abyss on the back, Abyss turns around, and grabs JTG’s throat, he lifts him up, and hits a chokeslam, Shad runs at Abyss, but Abyss hits the black hole slam, 1…2…3. Abyss grabs a mic

Abyss-Kurt, I hope you are watching, because I was going easy on those so called wrestlers, I have much bigger things planned for you at Surrender, so buckle up Kurt, you’re in for a ride!

Wolfe and Beer Money are shown in the back, discussing their up coming match.

Match 5-Handicap match-Beer Money and Desmond Wolfe vs Phenomenal Inc

Phenomenal Inc are out first, followed by Wolfe and Beer Money, accompanied by Ric Flair, Triple H and Wolfe start in the ring, they lock up, and Triple H pushes Wolfe off, Wolfe goes back to Triple H, but gets pushed over again, he runs at Triple H now, and tries for a lariat, but ducks, and hits a knee to the face as Desmond rebounds, 1…2 Kickout, Triple H picks up Desmond, and throws him towards the ropes, on the rebound, he hits a Spinebuster, 1…2… Beer Money break things up, Triple H tags in AJ, who goes Springboard, he hits a flying forearm on Desmond, 1…2… Kickout, Desmond gets up, and is hit with a dropkick by Styles, he does his signature taunt, but Desmond is up, and hits him with a chop block, he gets AJ up, and hits a hammer DDT onto his arm, he then applies an Armbar, AJ grabs the ropes, but Wolfe isn’t letting go, Triple H accidentally gets the ref’s attention, which allows Wolfe to get up and stomp AJ on the head, he tags in Storm who is sizing Styles up for a Superkick, and hits it. as he is falling, he tags in Triple H, Storm is pinning AJ, but the ref isn’t counting as he saw the tag, Triple H knocks his opponents off of the apron, and hits Storm with the Pedigree, 1…2…3! Phenomenal Inc win. They pose over the carnage in the ring, as we go to credits.


Show 10 opens with Teddy Long in the ring

Teddy-Holla EHA fans! I am so excited playas, we got Surrender in just 2 days! Tonight, we gonna have ourselves a little fun with matches like Kaz and Jay Lethal vs The Hart Dynasty! CM Punk vs Kurt Angle! EHA World Champion Desmond Wolfe vs EHA Television champion Samoa Joe vs EHA Hardcore Champion, Stevie Richards in a triple threat match, and now we have a 6 man battle royale to determine the Hardcore title’s number one contender! So let’s get straight to it playas. Lets start with the Battle Royale!

Match 1- Battle Royale
Luke Gallows vs Amazing Red vs Rob Terry vs Eric Young vs RVD vs The Pope

Everyone is out in order named. From the start everyone runs to Rob Terry, but Terry pushes them all away. Amazing Red runs to Terry, but Terry picks him up, and throws him over the top rope, Red is eliminated. Rob Van Dam and The Pope D’Angelo Dinero are righting near the ropes, The Pope pushes RVD, but then Gallows clotheslines the Pope out of nowhere. Eric Young runs at RVD, but RVD throws him over the edge. Young flips out; he chokes Pope out, and starts to choke referees. There are three left in the ring, RVD, Terry and Gallows. Gallows clotheslines RVD, and kicks Terry in the head, he does the Pledge, and then he picks up RVD, and turns to Terry, who hits a huge clothesline. RVD and Terry shake hands, and the Usos come down to the ring, distracting the two. They start mouthing off, but then the Usos point to Gallows, who is standing behind them, waiting for them to turn around, they do and Gallows clotheslines both of them out of the ring. Gallows wins and earns himself a Hardcore Title shot at Surrender. RVD and Terry are both pissed off, they go to clothesline the Usos, but they duck, and hit Superkicks on both of them, and they stand tall over RVD and Rob Terry.


Samoa Joe is backstage in his locker room.

Joe-Last week RVD brutally attacked me, but don’t worry, I will be fine to successfully defend my title against a much, less fortunate Hardy. You see, this match is a Submission match, how can Hardy possibly win? He doesn’t even have a Submission manoeuvre. I on the other hand, am the Samoan Submission machine; he can’t possibly beat me this Sunday, so why bother?

Match 2-Kaz and Jay Lethal vs The Hart Dynasty
The Champions are out first, followed by the Hart Dynasty. Kaz starts things off with Tyson Kidd. Kaz is glaring at Kidd, and kicks him right in the mouth. Kaz picks Kidd up, and slings him to the ropes, on the rebound he hits a huge dropkick. As he gets up, he raises his hand high in the air to a chorus of boos. He drags Kidd into the Straightedge Society’s corner; he tags in Lethal, who goes to the top rope. Kaz grabs Lethal’s arms, and flips him onto Kidd; he goes for the pin, 1...2... Kickout. Kidd gets up, and Lethal runs to the ropes. He lands a cartwheel, and hits Lethal with his back. 1...2... Kickout. Lethal poses to the crowd, but this only allows Kidd to get straight back up. From behind, Kidd hits a clothesline; he then makes a hot tag to David Hart, who bursts onto the scene. He hits Lethal with a shoulder block; he then knocks Kaz off the apron. Hart has Lethal up for a vertical suplex; and he drops him straight down, 1...2... Kaz breaks things up, Kidd gets straight into the ring, and throws Kaz out. Hart has Lethal up for a powerbomb, and Kidd tags himself in. Kidd goes springboard, and flips over Hart, grabbing Lethal’s head. Hart drops for a Powerbomb. 1...2...3! The Hart Dynasty have upset the champions! They celebrate, and Kaz is pissed off at Lethal.


Teddy Long is backstage watching with a smile on his face. Shane McMahon walks in.

Shane-Hey Teddy, good match making skills, I liked it very much! Just one thing, umm, you have quite a pay check, and EHA really needs all the money it can get at this stage, and you haven’t appeared in a few weeks, it was a tough decision for me, but I am afraid I have to relieve you of you duties as General Manager, sorry Teddy.

The smile is wiped off Teddy’s face; security takes him out of the office.

Shane-I apologise for that EHA world, a new General Manager will be revealed at Sunday’s Pay Per View, now, let us get back to the show!

Match 3-CM Punk vs Kurt Angle

CM Punk is out with Gallows and the Disciples, where Morrison is in a neck brace after the affects of last week, Kurt Angle is out and the match is under way. The two lock up, and Angle grabs Punk around the stomach. He throws Punk with a Belly to Back Suplex. Punk gets straight back up, and Angle runs to Punk, but Punk pulls down the ropes. Angle falls to ringside, the ref starts the count. 1...2...3...4, Punk does a suicide dive onto Angle, both men are down. 1...2...3...4...5... Punk and Angle both get back in. They start going punch for punch, and punk throws him into the corner, he follows and hits a knee to the face, followed up by a bulldog. Angle looks at the ref in rage, and signals that he should have had a 3. From behind, Angle attempts a roll up, 1...2... Kickout. Both men get up, and they are face to face, suddenly Punk slaps him with his right hand, then left and, then he spins around and hits a backhand. Angle pushes him back, but then Punk retaliates with a Buzzsaw kick, Angle falls, and Punk goes for the pin, 1...2... kickout. Punk picks Angle up, and throws him into the corner, he tries for a knee to the face again, but Angle ducks out of the way. Punk is on the ropes, and the Angle hits a German Suplex from the top. 1...2... Gallows pulls the ref out of the ring. He is distracting him, and the Disciples get in the ring, Mercury hits a Neckbreaker, and Morrison hits him with the chair. They help Punk up, and exit the ring before the ref gets back in. Punk holds Angle on his shoulder, and hits the GTS, 1...2...3! Punk picks up the victory!

Punk-Everybody, this is what you will be witnessing this Sunday at Surrender, me standing tall over Desmond Wolfe, with the titles in hand, I am a straightedge, that means that I am better than you, I do not poison my body with Alcohol, or I don’t need to bulk myself up with Steroids, or take substances for a good time, I pride myself over who I am, and I am a Straightedge, I am a winner!


We are in the locker room of Stevie and Raven.

Josh- earlier tonight we saw Luke Gallows win a title shot at Surrender, can we find out who he will be facing?

Stevie-Do we have to tell you? I want to keep the surprise, makes for a better match, doesn’t it?

Josh-Sorry but you have to tell us. They are the rules

Stevie-Sorry, but rules are made to be broken. We are the Original Anarchists; we don’t have to answer to anybody. Now, get out of out locker room. NOW!!

Josh Matthews walks out, looking rejected.

Match 4-Desmond Wolfe vs Samoa Joe vs Stevie Richards.

Desmond Wolfe is out with Ric Flair, Joe is out with the Usos, and Stevie is out with Raven. As the match starts, Desmond leaves the ring and lets Joe and Stevie fight. Stevie pushes Joe to the ropes, but on the rebound, Joe hits a dropkick, he goes outside to Wolfe, and kicks him in the face, he throws him into the ring. As Joe re enters the ring, Desmond hits a Lariat on him. But behind Joe stands Stevie, who hits a Superkick. Desmond rolls out of the ring before anyone can make the cover. Joe and Stevie start to brawl again, but as they do, Jeff Hardy runs down to ringside, he hits a Twist of Fate on Jimmy, and gets behind Jay, he locks in a sleeper hold on him. Jay is out cold, and Joe only just notices, he comes to Jay’s aid. Inside the ring, Desmond gets in, and throws Stevie out onto Joe, he gives the fans the bird, as he stands tall in the ring. Joe and Stevie start brawling outside, and out of nowhere, Stevie hits a superkick, he rolls him into the ring, but when he gets up to the apron, Desmond kicks him off, and covers Joe, 1...2...3! Wolfe wins, he poses with Flair and the title. Tune in this weekend as Surrender will take place!

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