Gold Standard Wrestling


Dark Match Jobber
Back story:
After spending some time away, and making billions of dollars, Shane McMahon realized he missed the business. Now one of the wealthiest men in the world, he has decided to start his own company. Not much is known about what’s in store for this new company; but what is known is that Shane has already “stolen” some of the competitions top stars, and he has his sights set on becoming the #1 wrestling organization.

Owner: Shane McMahon


Announce Team:

Michael Cole
John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Matt Striker

Backstage Interviewer:
Jeremy "JB" Borash

Gold Standard Wrestling: Tuesdays 7-9pm

Roster:(Blue-Face, Red-Heel, Black-Tweener)

Randy Orton
Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
CM Punk

Jeff Hardy

Ted Dibiase
The Miz

Kofi Kingston

Jay Lethal
Brutus Magnus
Paul Burchill
Vladamir Kozlov
William Regal
Luke Gallows
Dolph Ziggler
Ezekiel Jackson

Mark Henry
Kevin Thorn

James Storm
Robert Roode

Tyson Kidd
David Hart Smith


Katie-Lea Burchill
Velvet Sky

Beth Phoenix
Eve Torres

Tag Teams/Stables:
Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad)
Hart Dynasty (DH Smith, Tyson Kidd & Natalya)
Beer Money (Robert Roode & James Storm)
Straight Edge Society (CM Punk, Luke Gallows & Serena)
British Empire (William Regal, Brutus Magnus, Paul & Katie-Lea Burchill)


GSW World Heavyweight Champion: Vacant
GSW Tag Team Champions: Beer Money Inc.
GSW United States Champion: William Regal
(No pyro goes off, no opening theme music. The jumbo-tron is black when music begins to play.)
Shane McMahon walks out to the stage, he feigns his jumping around routine. He gathers himself and walks down the ramp to the ring.

Shane: I’m back! You know, when I left the wrestling business I thought it was because I was sick of wrestling. I thought I was tired of the days on the road and the daily grind of running a promotion. During my time away I was very successful, and I made a lot of money. But something was missing. Wrestling was calling me. After taking time to think, I realized that I didn’t leave because I was sick of wrestling, I left because I was sick of working with my family. Now don’t get me wrong I love my family, but the way they think a wrestling company should be run and the way I think it should be run are totally different. I was sick of my ideas getting pushed aside for ones that, let’s face it, were horrible. But now I have my own company, and my own show. And things are going to be run the right way, MY WAY! As you may already know our roster contains some of the best wrestlers in the world, we don’t have all the people we want, but with our success hopefully they will have a change of heart and join us. Now, on to tonight, we have three different titles and all three of them will have champions crowned tonight! Our main event will be a four way match, featuring Kurt Angle, CM Punk, Edge and Randy Orton, to determine the new heavyweight champion. For now I think you’ve seen and heard enough of me, so let’s get to the action.

Shane makes his way to the back as the first match is set to begin.

Announcer: The following is a Tag Team match and is for the World Tag Team Championships. Introducing first, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, being accompanied by Natalya, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, The Hart Dynasty!

Announcer: And their opponents at combined weight of 480 pounds, Robert Roode and James Storm, Beer Money Inc.

Hart Dynasty vs. Beer Money
(World Tag Team Championship)​

Kidd and Roode start things off with Kidd getting some quick blows in. Soon Roode gets a hold of Kidd and begins wearing him down with punches and kicks to the gut. Roode hits a clothesline and tags in Storm. They hit a quick flap jack then Storm begins to stomp Kidd. This continues with Storm and Roode getting quick tags in and out and dominating Kidd. Kidd finally catches a break when Storm goes for a suplex but he blocks it and hits and enziguri. Both men are down as the referee starts his count. As he gets to 6 both men are close to their corners. Storm tags in Roode and Smith gets the tag as well. DH is going to town. He clotheslines storm over the top rope to the outside. He gets Roode set up for the Heart Attack. As Kidd goes against the ropes Storm pulls down and Kidd goes to the floor. DH drops Roode and turns around into shoulder block. Storm and Roode hit the DWI for the pin and the win.

Winners and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Beer Money Inc!

Ted DiBiase walks into an office where Shane is talking to a random backstage employee.

Ted: I need to talk to you.
Shane: Just a second, (motions the backstage guy to leave) Ted, what do you need?
Ted: First off, I just wanted to say thanks for bringing me in. I knew you had a good eye for talent when you called me. But I’ve noticed that you don’t have much flair around here. I mean no pyro, no music, heck, you don’t even have an announce team out there.
Shane: Yeah?
Ted: Well, I’ve also noticed that we don’t have a World Champ yet either. I was thinking that if you were to award me the title, I might be able to make a little donation so you can add to your product.
Shane: You see Ted, the reason I don’t have an announce team is that I couldn’t get the people I wanted for this first show. They will however be here next week. And as far as your donation from your little “trust fund” don’t bother. Your trust fund isn’t even a fraction of what I made with my investments. You may be son of “The Million Dollar Man” but I’m a self made billionaire. I’m sorry to say that you won’t be in the title match tonight, but you will be in action. And you better hurry because your match is next.
Ted: You better be careful Shane, just because you don’t need money doesn’t mean the other guys around here don’t. And you don’t want me as an enemy, it won’t turn out good for you.

Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from West Palm Beach Florida, weighing in at 235 pounds, Ted DiBiase.

Announcer: And his opponent, from Silsbee Texas. Weighing 392 pounds, “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry.

Ted DiBiase vs. Mark Henry

Match starts with DiBiase trying to get the advantage but Henry over powers him. DiBiase starts to battle back and gets Henry down to his knees. DiBiase locks in the Million Dollar Dream and Henry starts to fade. Mark gets back to his feet and slams Ted into the corner. While Henry is recovering DiBiase goes for Dream Street, but Mark is able to counter. Henry is getting going now and clotheslines Ted over the top rope. The Ref begins to count and Henry is playing it up to the crowd. Suddenly DiBiase grabs the Million Dollar Belt and hits Mark in the back of the head and gets the pin and the win.

Winner Ted DiBiase Jr.

After the match Ted grabs and envelope and hands it to the ref who then raises DiBiase’s arm.

To be continued...
Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring. Weighing in at 270 pounds, Kevin Thorn!

Announcer: And his opponent, from Ghana West Africa, weighing in at 221 pounds, Kofi Kingston!

Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Thorn

The match starts with Kofi using his quickness to get some shots in on Thorn. Kevin swings the momentum with a clothesline. Kofi is getting worked over pretty good now, Thorn unleashes brutal right hands. He hits a side suplex, holding Kofi in the air for what had to seem like an eternity. Thorn takes his time getting back to his feet as he feels the match is in the bag. Kofi pulls himself up in the corner with a lot of help for the ropes. Thorn goes for a running splash, but Kofi is able to get out of the way. Kingston hits a cross body from the top rope, boom drop, trouble in paradise, for the pin and the win.

Winner Kofi Kingston

In the back both Kurt Angle and Edge are found laid out. Unconscious and bloody people rush to help them.

Shane McMahon comes out to the entrance ramp.

Shane: Since half of our main event seems to have been take out, Randy Orton and CM Punk will now face off one on one. Provided neither of them had anything to do with the attacks.

Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the United States Championship. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Christian!

Announcer: And his opponent, from Blackpool England, being accompanied by Brutus Magnus, Paul and Katie-Lea Burchill, William Regal!

William Regal vs. Christian
(United States Championship)​

Christian starts off with the advantage, he hits a standing dropkick and goes for a quick cover. Regal kicks out. Christian hits a cross body and tries to hit the Killswitch. Regal counters and pushes Christian to the outside. Regal distracts the referee as Magnus and Paul beat down Christian. The beat down goes on for a while, with Regal doing a great job of distracting the ref. They finally throw Christian back into the ring. Regal grinds away at Christian with punches and elbows. He puts Christian in the Regal Stretch. Christian does everything he can to get to the ropes, but can’t get there. He’s writhing in pain, but refuses to give up. Regal has no signs of releasing the hold anytime soon. Christian appears to have passed out from the pain. The referee raises Christians arm once, twice, three times. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner and NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION William Regal!

The World Heavyweight Belt is brought out and put on a stand outside the ring.

CM Punk’s music hits. Punk along with Serena and Luke Gallows come out to the ring.

CM Punk: I wanted to make my way out here before I was attacked like the Edge and Kurt. Those attacks prove that I am needed here. I came here to save you all, save you from your addictions. Save you, from yourselves. I came here to show you all the way of the straight edged lifestyle. People at my last stop were reluctant to accept me as their savior, so I decided to start new. I know all you people are tired of taking drugs to solve your problems, you sick of getting drunk or high to make yourselves feel better. You’re just not as strong or have the same will power that I do. But that’s ok, I will forgive you. All you have to do is pledge to longer succumb to your addictions, pledge to live the straight edge lifestyle. Pledge to accept me, CM Punk, as your straight edge savior. I will start my crusade tonight, by winning and becoming the first ever World Heavyweight Champion.

Announcer: The following is your main event for the evening, is scheduled for one fall and is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, already in the ring, accompanied by the Straight Edge Society, CM Punk!

Announcer: And his opponent, from St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, The Viper, Randy Orton!

CM Punk w/SES vs. Randy Orton
(World Heavyweight Championship)​

Match begins with Gallows and Serena at ringside. It’s back and forth with no one getting the upper hand. Serena distracts the ref and Gallows comes in and hits Orton in the back with a chair. Punk is now in complete control, working on the back and neck of Orton. Punk has Orton set up for the GTS when Kane’s music hits. Gallows meets Kane on the ramp, but Kane makes quick work of him. Punk hits the GTS as Kane gets into the ring. Kane hits Punk with a big boot and then goes for a Tombstone. Serena hits Kane in the back with a chair. Kane drops Punk, turns and choke slams Serena. Punk staggers to his feet and Kane hits the Tombstone pile driver. Orton is finally back to his feet and he Kane trade blows with Kane eventually overpowering Orton. He choke slams Orton from inside the ring to the floor outside. Kane gets out of the ring grabs the belt from ringside and walks up the ramp. When he gets to the top of the ramp he raises the belt as flames shoot up from the ring posts.

Quick Results:
Hart Dynasty d. Beer Money (Tag Team Championship)
Ted DiBiase d. Mark Henry
Kofi Kingston d. Kevin Thorn
William Regal d. Christian (US Championship)
CM Punk v. Randy Orton No Contest
I find it funny how Shelton Benjamin isn't apart of this company, considering he is the Gold Standard... then again, the booking of him would be a bitch.

I like the idea of using something from scratch as it gives people an interest into what you are going to write. The problem with these promotions is that you need to start things off with a bang, and you did just that with a couple of things. There is already tension between the owner and the wrestlers, as well as a potential storyline with Kane being a destructive force. I see you've also got Orton and Kane as tweeners... good luck with that. They can be hard or easy to book, depending on how you book... but so far Kane's booking has been pretty good.

There are a couple of formatting issues like leaving one line between dialogues like the Ted/Shane conversation and the announcer not having a specific colour... but other than that, it's pretty solid. It's a textbook BT where you only refer to the match psychology instead of writing the entire thing out... if you keep that up, I think you can get away with commentators, but you'll definitely need an interviewer and an announcer.

Good work, Cody.
*Here Comes the Money*
Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring.

Shane: Last week this show ended in chaos. I am not about to let one man run rampant on my show. So Kane, get out here so we can set this strait.

*Man on Fire*
Kane comes to the ring, belt in hand.

Shane: Now Kane, I don’t know what you were thinking last week. Were you upset I didn’t put you in the title match? (Kane says nothing) That you weren’t on the card at all? (Again nothing) Do you not want to be here? There are better ways to get what you want. Come talk to me if you’re upset, we can work something out. (Kane still does nothing) What do you want? Say something! Anything!

Kane: You want to know why I did what I did last week? Do you Shane? I took everyone out last week because I can. I do what I want when I want to. And last week I wanted this. (He raises the belt)

Shane: That’s great you want to be champion, but there’s a certain way to go about it. Now since you didn’t actually win a match last week you’re going to have to give the belt back.

Kane: if you want this belt you going to have to take it from me. And I don’t think you have it in you.
(Kane is laughing and smirking)

Shane: You’re right, I can’t physically take it from you. But I know someone who can.


(Kane’s smile quickly disappears)

Angle is bandaged up from the attack last week. He wastes no time getting to the ring. Kane gets a couple of shots in before Angle takes him down. Angle looks possessed and unleashes on him. Kane manages to roll out of the ring; he grabs the belt before making a quick retreat to the back.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Gold Standard Wrestling or as we like to call it, GSW. I’m Michael Cole joined by my broadcast partners John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield and Matt Striker.

Matt Striker: I’m excited to be her, even if I have to work with you Michael. Looks like me and the ‘Wrestling God’ JBL will have to carry the show.

JBL: I’m used to carrying the sorry excuse for a commentator Michael Cole, but I might not last long with your extra weight.

Striker: Speaking of not lasting long, I thought you were done with the wrestling business.

Cole: Yeah!?

JBL: Shut up Cole. And the key word there is business. This is a business decision. This is a great way to build up my already spectacular portfolio.

Cole: Anyways, let’s get to show. We’re going to have plenty of action tonight, and just announced our main event will see CM Punk take on the menace of GSW Kane.

*Kevin Thorn’s Theme*
Announcer: The following match is schedule for one fall. Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 270 pounds, Kevin Thorn.

*La Vittoria e Mia*
Announcer: And his opponent, from Calabria Italy, Santino Marella.

Kevin Thorn vs. Santino Marella

Santino is very hesitant to start the match. He keeps his distance while try to sweep Thorn’s legs. Santino finally musters up enough courage to take a swing, it lands on Thorn’s chest who is unfazed. Santino tries again, this time Thorn counters with a massive clothesline. It’s all Thorn now. He hits power move after power move. Thorn lifts up Santino for a suplex and holds him there for what seems like forever. He finishes the suplex and goes for the pin.

Santino gets a foot on the bottom rope. Thorn thinks it was 3 and argues with the ref. Santino comes to and sees Thorn with his back turned. He wraps up Thorn with a schoolboy and the ref counts

Santino high tails it out of the ring as Thorn is going mental. He is screaming at the ref. When he has said everything he had to say he gets fed up and levels the ref with a right hand.

Winner Santino Marella​

Cole: I can’t believe what just happened.

JBL: I know, how in the hell did Santino just win?

Cole: What!? What about Kevin Thorn knocking out the referee?

JBL: He had it coming, why did he make Thorn so angry?

Striker: Your right John, that ref was way out of line.

JBL: Shut up you little kiss-ass. No one wants to hear you talk. This ref should be fired for the way he just treated Kevin Thorn.

Cole: You cannot be serious, the ref was just doing his job.


William Regal, Brutus Magnus, Katie-Lea and Paul Burchill make their way to the ring.

Regal: Last week you were introduced to the greatest collection of wrestlers ever assembled. Better than Evolution, the NWO, Degeneration-X, even the 4 Horsemen. We are the British Empire, and soon we will conquer all of Gold Standard Wrestling. It started last week with my decisive victory over Christian to win the United States Championship. Which, henceforth, shall be known as the United Kingdom Championship. Now, my countrymen Paul and Magnus were not in action last week, but if they had been they would have easily become the tag team champions. Instead they were only able to accompany me to the ring to witness my dominant victory.

*Just Close Your Eyes*

Christian: Now hold on one minute there Willy, I’m pretty sure your boys there did a whole lot more than just watch our match.

Regal: Regardless of the matter it goes down as a victory for me, and the British Empire.

Christian: You really think you’re something, huh? But do you really think you could beat me in a fair fight?

Regal doesn’t say anything into the mic, he just yells up at Christian.

Christian: All right then, you seem pretty confident, how about a rematch? Right here, right now! Send your boys to the back and let’s do this.

Regal: That’s sounds like a lovely idea, except. Except I tweaked my neck last week and I am not medically cleared to wrestle tonight. But Magnus and Paul are more than willing to step in the ring. If you can find a partner that is…

Christian: I thought you might weasel out of a match so I do have a partner, and he is more than ready to come out right now.

Magnus: it doesn’t matter who your partner is, me and Paul will make quick work of you.

*No More Words*

Jeff Hardy comes out and meets Christian on the ramp. Brutus and Paul’s look of confidence quickly change to concern. Jeff and Christian share a quick embrace and come down the ring.

Jeff Hardy & Christian vs. British Empire (Brutus/Paul)

Match starts with Christian and Magnus squaring off. They circle the ring a few times then Christian turns, slides out of the ring and starts wailing away on Regal. The ref yells at Christian to get back in the ring. Paul comes to Regal’s aid and clubs Christian in the back of the head. He kicks him a few times while he’s down before tossing him back in the ring. Magnus gives Christian a few stomps and then locks in a sleeper hold. Christian battles his way back up to his feet and elbows Magnus in the gut and breaks the hold. Christian starts to swing momentum his way with some right hands to the head. Just when it looks like he’s in trouble Magnus connects with a massive european uppercut. He pulls Christian over to his corner and tags in Burchill. Paul goes to work on Christian, he stomps away, then picks him up and throws him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Paul and Magnus take turns working on Christians shoulder while making quick tags. Christian and Magnus in the ring now, Magnus still working on the shoulder. Magnus has him in a shoulder lock and Christian reverses with elbows to the head. Groggy, Magnus goes for a clothesline, Christian ducks out of the way. When he turns around Magnus is hit by a dropkick. Both men are crawling to their corners and make the tag at the same time. Hardy comes in on fire, knocking down Burchill time after time with short clotheslines. Magnus is back up and goes for Hardy, who low-bridges the ropes and Magnus falls to the outside. Christian gets in the ring and hits the Killswitch on Burchill, then dives through the ropes landing on Magnus. Jeff climbs to the ropes looking to hit the Swanton, but Paul rolls out of the ring. Katie-Lea gets up on the apron and gets the refs attention. Regal then pushes Hardy of the top rope while the refs back is turned. Paul gets back in and hits the Curb-Stomp and covers Hardy for the win. Christian slowly makes his way back into the ring with a puzzled look on his face. He checks on Jeff as Regal and the rest of the British Empire celebrate on their way up the ramp.

Winners British Empire​

JBL: What a win for the British Empire!

Striker: That right there makes me wish I was British.

Cole: Win? They just stole that match.

JBL: Say what you want, but that was a demonstration of dominance.

Cole: If you call distracting the ref and cheating dominance then yeah.

JBL: It doesn’t matter how you do it as long as you win.

Striker: The record book will show a W and that’s all that matters.

JBL: Shut up Matt. I told you nobody wants to hear you talk.

Ted DiBiase walks into Shane McMahons office.

Ted: You wanted to see me?

Shane: Yeah, I do, that little stunt you pulled last week, that’s not going to happen again.

Ted: I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I did was win my match.

Shane: You paid off the referee so you could cheat.

Ted: Oh that, I just owed him some money from the other night. We went out and I forgot my wallet so he picked up the check.

Shane: I don’t care what your story is. Just know that I’ve talked with the refs and if any of them take a bribe again they will be fired on the spot.

Ted: Is that all?

Shane: Oh, I almost forgot the best part. If you try to pay any of them off you will be suspended, indefinitely, without pay.

Ted: You can’t be serious. This is completely unfair.

Shane: And one last thing. You have a match tonight, against someone who might have a bit of a problem with you, Mark Henry!

Ted Walks out of Shane's office, with an obviously foul look on his face.

To Be Continued...
Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, he is professional wrestling’s only Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Angle!

Announcer: And his opponent, from St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is The Viper, Randy Orton!

Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton

Both men are showing respect for the other with an odd hesitance to make the first move. They lock up, but neither man can get the advantages, so they break. They try another tie-up and Angle quickly gets Orton in a side headlock. Angle wrenches on Orton’s head for a bit before Orton throws him into the ropes. Angle comes back and knocks Orton down with a shoulder block. Back to his feet quick, Orton battles back with a knee to the gut and some uppercuts. Orton goes for a knockout blow, but Angle ducks underneath and gives Orton a suplex. He keeps his grip and hits two more suplexes. Edge appears on the stage and slowly starts to creep down the ramp. Angle is distracted momentarily, but that is all Orton needs to take advantage. He takes Angle down with a chop block, and then starts stomping away on him. After he makes his way around Angle’s body he begins to work on his knee and leg. Angle is favoring his knee pretty bad moving around the ring. He charges Orton who hits a scoopslam. He coils up for the RKO, as Edge creeps up on to the ring apron. Orton goes for the RKO, but Angle blocks it and pushes Orton towards Edge, who takes a swing at him but misses. Orton turns around, after the close call with Edge, right into an Angle Slam. Angle lowers the straps and gets Orton in the ankle lock. Orton struggles to try and break the hold, but Angle drops down and grapevines his leg. Orton tries to get to the ropes but he’s too far away, Orton has no choice but to tap.

Winner Kurt Angle​

After the match Orton rolls out of the ring to tend to his ankle. The ref raises Angles arm and Edge gets into the ring, when Angle turns around Edge nails him with a Spear. Edge takes some time to soak in what he just did. The longer he stares at Angle the more intense and twisted his look gets. The crowd all of a sudden begins to cheer, and Edge finally looks up to see what is going on. He turns around only to see Orton standing there, he hits the RKO on Edge and the crowd goes nuts. He walks over to Angle and helps him up. He raises Angles arm to congratulate him. Angle seems to trust Orton, which was a mistake. Orton RKO’s Angle as well. He looks around at the carnage he created then makes his way to the back.

*It’s a New Day*
Announcer: Making his way to the ring from West Palm Beach Florida, weighing in at 235 pounds, Ted DiBiase!

Ted: Because of the actions of the ref in my match last week I have been informed that if I try to pay off the ref this week I will be suspended. Also, if the ref doesn’t call the match right down the middle he will be fired on the spot. So it looks like I’ll just have to take care of Mark Henry myself.

*Some Bodies Gonna Get It*
Announcer: And his opponent, weighing in at 392 pounds, from Silsbee Texas, The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

Ted DiBiase vs. Mark Henry

As the match begins Mark Henry isn’t messing around. He goes right after Ted, who retreats into the ropes and the ref has to restrain Henry. Now that Ted seems to be ready to start he locks up with Henry. Mark Henry shows off his superior strength by throwing Ted down to the ground. They go for another lock up but Ted slips underneath and clubs Henry in the back. Mark turns around seemingly unfazed, Ted takes a swing at him, but Henry blocks and pulls Ted in for a short arm clothesline. Ted pulls himself up with help from the turnbuckle. Henry goes in for a running splash, but Ted is able to move out of the way. Mark crashes into the corner. Ted tries to mount some offense, but Henry is able to get Ted up for a military press. Ted comes down awkwardly on his ankle and looks to be in a lot of pain. Ted is on the ground holding his ankle and the ref comes over to check on him. Ezekiel Jackson comes down and hits Henry with The Book of Ezekiel. Zeke gets out of the ring and Ted is right back up and covers Henry for the win.

Winner Ted DiBiase​

The ref raises Ted’s hand and Big Zeke gets back into the ring. He picks Henry up and hits another Book of Ezekiel. Ted grabs a steel chair from ringside as Zeke picks Henry back up. He holds Mark up as Ted hits him in the head. They drag his body over to the corner and place his ankle in the chair. Ted climbs up to the second rope and he jumps down on to the chair. Henry is in tremendous pain, holding his ankle and rolling around. Ted then hands Zeke an envelope and they walk to the back.

Cole: We need to get some help out here. Mark Henry could be seriously hurt.

JBL: He shouldn’t have messed with Ted DiBiase. That’s what you get when you get in over your head.

Cole: You’re actually blaming Mark Henry for this?

JBL: Yeah I am. He stepped into the ring, he knew the risks.

Striker: When you step in the ring with someone as vicious as Ted DiBiase you’re risking your health.

JBL: How many times to I have to tell you to shut the hell up?

Cole: The medical staff has made their way out. Hopefully Mark will be ok.

JBL: Hopefully Mark will learn from this and stay away from Ted.

*This Fire Burns*
Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening. Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois, being accompanied by the Straight Edge Society, CM Punk!

*Man on Fire*
Announcer: And his opponent, weighing in at 323 pounds, Kane!

Kane vs. CM Punk w/ S.E.S.

Kane comes out on fire as soon as the bell rings. It looks like it’s going to be a quick finish after Kane hits a side slam then goes to the top rope. CM Punk is out on the mat and Luke Gallows pulls him out of harm’s way. Kane gets down from the turnbuckle and joins them outside. Gallows is in between Kane and Punk trying to protect him. Kane hits him with an uppercut then throws him into the steel steps. Punk takes advantage with kicks to the legs of Kane. He gets a few more shots in then rolls Kane back into the ring. Punk gets back into the ring and hits an enziguri. Kane falls to the mat and Punk locks in the anaconda vise. Kane struggles for a bit but then he stands up with Punk still keeping the hold. Kane is able to break the hold and hit Punk with a side slam. Kane tries to whip Punk into the ropes but he reverses it and sends Kane into the ropes. Gallows grabs Kane’s foot, Kane turns to face Gallows who backs up quickly. When he turns around Punk unleashes with a flurry of kicks and forearms. Punk is control of the match now. He sets Kane up for the GTS but Kane is frantically trying to escape. Kane does an awesome reverse and goes straight from the GTS to the Tombstone. He hits the piledriver and pins Punk for the win.

Winner Kane​

After the match Gallows and Serena get into the ring. Gallows tries to hit Kane with a big boot, but he moves out of the way and Gallows hits Serena who was standing behind Kane. Gallows can’t believe what he did and tends to Serena. Kane clubs Luke in the back of the head and gives him a chokeslam. Gallows and Punk are out, Kane grabs the GSW belt and begins to make his way to the back. He stops turns around with an evil grin on his face. He walks back to the ring and picks up Serena’s lifeless body, throws her over his shoulder and walks to back.

Quick Results
Santino d. Kevin Thorn
British Empire d. Christian & Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle d. Randy Orton
Ted DiBiase d. Mark Henry
Kane d. CM Punk​
Michael Cole: Welcome to another edition of Gold Standard Wrestling. I’m Michael Cole alongside Matt Striker and John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield.

Matt Striker: Michael I’m excited to get things going. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen after last week.

JBL: Oh my God, don’t start up already. Why do you even open your mouth? Nobody wants to hear what you have to say.

Striker: I’m sure the fans out there love listening to me talk.

JBL: No, they don’t. You’re a pathetic little twit who couldn’t cut it as a wrestler, so you turned to commentating.

Striker: You’re a prick! I’m outta here.

As Matt gets up and leaves the desk.

JBL: Oh, no, please don’t go.

Cole: You happy with yourself?

JBL: Yeah Michael, I am. Now we can do some real commentating without being interrupted.

Cole: Whatever you say John, let’s get to our first match.

*Just Close Your Eyes*
Announcer: Introducing first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Christian!

*Kevin Thorn’s Theme*
Announcer: And his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds, Kevin Thorn!

Christian vs. Kevin Thorn

Before the match begins William Regal makes his way to ringside. He grabs a chair and sits down.

As the match begins Christian is a little off his game, allowing Thorn to get the early advantage. Thorn gets him into a side head lock. Christian throws him into the ropes and when Thorn comes back Christian leap frogs him. Thorn stops quickly and when Christian turns around he is met with a clothesline. He is up quick and gets hit with another clothesline. Christian rolls out of the ring to regain his composure but he rolls out right in front of Regal. Christian realizes this and is ready for an attack but Regal doesn’t move. With his attention on Regal, Thorn comes out and continues his beat down on Christian. He clubs him in the back of the head and then rams his back into the ring. He then throws Christian into the steel ring steps. He picks up Christian’s almost lifeless body and rolls him into the ring. Thorn goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Thorn picks him up, gives him a couple of shots then throws him hard into the corner. Thorn goes for a running splash, but Christian is able to get an elbow up to counter. Christian goes to the top rope and attempts a cross body but is caught. Christian elbows him in the head to get free. He goes against the ropes for some extra momentum and hits Thorn with a clothesline but he doesn’t drop. Christian does it a second time and Thorn goes down. Christian puts Thorn in a leg lock and starts working on his left leg. He drags Thorn over to the ropes and sets his leg up on the bottom rope. He jumps up and stomps on Thorns leg. Christian goes set Thorn’s leg up again, but he uses his other leg to push Christian to the outside. Thorn follows him to the outside looking to take advantage. He picks Christian up and is met with an elbow to the gut. Christian grabs him and smashes his head into the announce table. Christian rolls Thorn into the ring and climbs to the top rope. He hits a frogsplash and covers Thorn for the win.

After the match Regal stands from his chair and applauds Christian. Christian has a confused look on his face as the ref raises his arm in victory.

Winner Christian

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen joining me at this time is Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle: Jeremy, nice to see you again.

JB: Thanks Kurt, same here. Now Kurt, what is your reaction to what transpired last week?

KA: Well JB, after a grueling match with Randy Orton I was attacked, not once but twice. And make no mistake about it, I will exact my revenge.

Orton walks up and Angle looks ready for a fight.

Randy Orton: Now Kurt, before you try and pound my face in, listen to what I have to say.

Angle: Make it quick, and it better be good.

Orton: See Kurt, you’re not the only one who has a problem with Edge.

Angle: Yeah, but you attacked me too.

Orton: That was nothing personal Kurt. But the way I see I was only getting you before you got me. Let’s be honest, you wouldn’t hesitate to knock me down a peg if you had the chance.

Angle: Well, that’s probably true.

Orton: But the way I see it now, with a common enemy and all, I have a proposal for you. Tonight, one night only, we team up and put this nonsense with Edge to rest.

Angle: How do I know you won’t just leave me out there by myself, or try and pull what you did last week?

Orton: I guess you’ll just have to trust me on this one.

Angle: Alright, but just know I’ll be ready for you.

Orton: Edge, I hope you can find someone to be your partner. You have till the end of the night. But partner or not, tonight you’re going down.

Kurt and Randy walk off as the camera fades to black.

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