There shouldn't be anything romantic going on between them, nor do I think Vickie should be used as the punch line of jokes and skits going forward.
As I suppose was the point of the segment last night. Ryback was 'comforting' towards Vickie, but there wasn't th slightest hint of sexual tension between the two. It was extremely awkward seeing Vickie locking lips(and more) with Edge and Ziggler. But Ryback? That goes beyond suspending disbelief. A musclebound meathead, as he's portrayed, hooking up with Vickie Guerrero? It just wouldn't work in that way.
As it stands, it's time for a change for both Vickie and Ryback. I'm all for the pairing, but if things don't change for the both, it won't work. Vickie has spent too much time in the GM or manager/lover of the man she's with, with the former growing old and the latter a terrible fit for Ryback. Vickie would be everything that Ryback is not: composed, eloquent, and able to draw great heat. Pairing her with Ryback would transfer that heat to Ryback until he's able to seperate from Vickie and draw heat on his own, or become a face again.
All rumors point to a "McMahon" match being one of the featured events on the card at Wrestlemania 30. Last night, Vince was paired firmly in Vickies corner, and with Vickie in Ryback's corner, it wouldn't be a stretch to see Ryback as Vince's representative for whatever goes down at Wrestlemania. The Vince comforting Vickie transferred to Ryback comforting her wasn't simply just for show, there's always an angle involved in such situations. In this case, it may be long-term planning, and perhaps more importantly, a return for Ryback to relevancy.
It could mean the same for Vickie as well.