EXCUSE ME!!!! Vickie & Ryback Discussion: Keep It Here

There shouldn't be anything romantic going on between them, nor do I think Vickie should be used as the punch line of jokes and skits going forward.

As I suppose was the point of the segment last night. Ryback was 'comforting' towards Vickie, but there wasn't th slightest hint of sexual tension between the two. It was extremely awkward seeing Vickie locking lips(and more) with Edge and Ziggler. But Ryback? That goes beyond suspending disbelief. A musclebound meathead, as he's portrayed, hooking up with Vickie Guerrero? It just wouldn't work in that way.

As it stands, it's time for a change for both Vickie and Ryback. I'm all for the pairing, but if things don't change for the both, it won't work. Vickie has spent too much time in the GM or manager/lover of the man she's with, with the former growing old and the latter a terrible fit for Ryback. Vickie would be everything that Ryback is not: composed, eloquent, and able to draw great heat. Pairing her with Ryback would transfer that heat to Ryback until he's able to seperate from Vickie and draw heat on his own, or become a face again.

All rumors point to a "McMahon" match being one of the featured events on the card at Wrestlemania 30. Last night, Vince was paired firmly in Vickies corner, and with Vickie in Ryback's corner, it wouldn't be a stretch to see Ryback as Vince's representative for whatever goes down at Wrestlemania. The Vince comforting Vickie transferred to Ryback comforting her wasn't simply just for show, there's always an angle involved in such situations. In this case, it may be long-term planning, and perhaps more importantly, a return for Ryback to relevancy.

It could mean the same for Vickie as well.
I think it's a good idea, Vickie is very good at what she does and I think it would benefit Ryback who needs another reboot after this bizarre choice to label him Cryback.

I'd like to see a different Vickie, she was broken after Raw so I'd like to see her use Ryback to get her revenge on the people she feels wronged her and become unhinged and vindictive. This in turn will get Ryback rolling again as a destroyer.
The best way to go with this is Dolph Ziggler winning at MITB and then Ryback being led by Vickie taking out Ziggler and going after the WHC as a way of Vickie getting revenge over Ziggler for ditching her
Well for one thing Ryback while not the best talker is not the worse. Im Sick of the Stigma that monsters cant talk and all they do is destroy people. I like this pairing i do. Vickie was incredibly crushed last night as well she should have been. I thought Vickie did good as GM. When Ryback gave her a hug in the hallway sure it was a glimpse into the future.

This is going to be strictly professional with Vickie able to Intervene when necessary for Ryback talk for him when she needs to do so.. Hell with this Pairing Ryback could be a future WHC. Ryback needs a change of scenery so does Vickie. I know pretty much the brand extension is dead but Ryback on Smackdown could do great things. Vickie as Rybacks manager,good things can only happen
Maybe this sets up a Ryback vs Triple H match in the future? I can see Vickie using Ryback to get back at those who did her wrong, especially Triple H who was in favor of her getting fired last night.
As long as they have Ryback stop doing goofy stuff like hugging Vickie or verbally submitting matches like he did with Miz, then Vickie as his mouthpiece is a great idea, and hopefully something to kick him back into the gear.

The idea of yet another monster heel doesn't excite me though, I preferred Ryback's monster face character better as it was different, this just feels like it will get lost in the shuffle with Show,Henry and Lesnar.
I started this exact thread about a month or so ago stating that Vickie and Ryback are the perfect combo. It would be a great way to get Ryback way over as a heel. Now that Vince appears to be heel for the time being and siding with Vickie, he could also be involved with Ryback.

Funny though, everyone at that time said it was a "dumb" idea and that it's not a good pairing and yada yada yada.... Funny how now it's suddenly a good idea. Gotta love the IWC......

Check out the "EXCUSE ME!" thread to see what I'm talking about.
With the Ryback and Vickie interaction on RAW, could this be the direction they're actually going in? Throw heel Vince in the picture and that will get Ryback mega over as a heel. I think it will work.
Vickie helped Ziggler and Edge. I guess she could help Ryback. They will probably outline it as a professional relationship with Vickie being desperate to be in employment. Ryback has cut some good promos, some bad promos. I guess she can make sure that doesn't happen. Limit what he has to say to the important things. He will just have to learn gradually and become a top star similar to what Ziggler did.

There is also the potential for Ryback to attack HHH to gain some revenge on behalf of Vickie. A feud between the two could help get Ryback over.
I hope that this leads to a revived push for Ryback. Vickie is infinitely better as a manager rather than being any type of authority figure. Ryback will need a way to get a little more momentum and regain his heel heat if he is going to challenge for another world title. Vickie can get the entire building to hate anyone she is helping. What better way to give them both something to do? It could be really good for both of them. I honestly see nothing bad happening as a result of it, other than fans having to endure more Vickie promos but they are supposed to hate heels anyhow.

They need to go about it differently though. It needs to be NOTHING like the Vickie & Dolph alliance. It should be strictly business. Vickie sees potential in Ryback within kayfabe and wants to show the world what an unstoppable monster he can be while cutting promos about him in between a long string of matches against jobbers or guys lower on the card to build him back up. This is the role Vickie should be in onscreen regardless of if it is Ryback as her client or another wrestler. Her run as GM (Managing Supervisor or whatever that other title was counts as the exact same thing) needed to end years ago. I'll gladly give a Ryback & Vickie alliance a chance as it can greatly benefit them both, they each need something to do when it all comes down to it, so this fixes that problem easily.
I hope that this leads to a revived push for Ryback. Vickie is infinitely better as a manager rather than being any type of authority figure. Ryback will need a way to get a little more momentum and regain his heel heat if he is going to challenge for another world title. Vickie can get the entire building to hate anyone she is helping. What better way to give them both something to do? It could be really good for both of them. I honestly see nothing bad happening as a result of it, other than fans having to endure more Vickie promos but they are supposed to hate heels anyhow.

They need to go about it differently though. It needs to be NOTHING like the Vickie & Dolph alliance. It should be strictly business. Vickie sees potential in Ryback within kayfabe and wants to show the world what an unstoppable monster he can be while cutting promos about him in between a long string of matches against jobbers or guys lower on the card to build him back up. This is the role Vickie should be in onscreen regardless of if it is Ryback as her client or another wrestler. Her run as GM (Managing Supervisor or whatever that other title was counts as the exact same thing) needed to end years ago. I'll gladly give a Ryback & Vickie alliance a chance as it can greatly benefit them both, they each need something to do when it all comes down to it, so this fixes that problem easily.

Good points. I think they need to and will involve Vince in this little alliance as well. Maybe Vickie Guerrero is going to try to prove herself to Vince McMahon (and the fans) by managing Ryback and leading him to the top or something. I could also see some type of fued with Ryback (managed by Vickie, with Vince's backing) against someone backed by Stephanie and Triple H.

As you stated, Vickie can get all the fans to hate anyone based on her association with them. She draws MASSIVE HEEL heat and that will help Ryback immensely.
Ryback's needed a manager for a while now. My pick would've been John Laurinaitis but Vickie is just as good a choice. Ryback will definitely get over more with the crowd as a heel because Vickie will pass it onto him! There's no downfall as it gives Vickie something fresh to do and gives Ryback someone to talk for him as it's not his strongest point. Smart move by WWE.
Im sorry, annoying heat really doesn't fly with the Monster heat you want for Ryback. Actually, mid sentence there I thought I might be wrong.

Consider this, Vickie is annoying as all shit. We all know it, most of us hate it. But could you imagine, someone that fucking annoying, with Ryback behind her? Someone who can back up all her BS physically in the ring? How immensely irritating that would be.

Of course the problem here, as with everyone Vickie manages, is that she is the heel, very rarely do we really see that from the superstar. We just hate her, and therefore boo anyone associated until they end that connection. But the heat is not sustainable, nor does it really belong to the superstar if that makes any sense (1am posting here), we are just booing Vickey.

SO I went from No, to Yes, to No in one post.

I hope that this leads to a revived push for Ryback. Vickie is infinitely better as a manager rather than being any type of authority figure. Ryback will need a way to get a little more momentum and regain his heel heat if he is going to challenge for another world title. Vickie can get the entire building to hate anyone she is helping. What better way to give them both something to do? It could be really good for both of them. I honestly see nothing bad happening as a result of it, other than fans having to endure more Vickie promos but they are supposed to hate heels anyhow

I actually think Vickie is at her best when she was both a manager and an authority figure. She would use her power and give advantages to the wrestlers she managed, because she was so obsessed with them. That's when she had her most successful run with Edge, Chavo and the Edgeheads.

Im sorry, annoying heat really doesn't fly with the Monster heat you want for Ryback. Actually, mid sentence there I thought I might be wrong.

That's what I thought too. Besides for Edge who else that she managed actually got some of her heat from the crowd? They boo Vickie because she is annoying and booing her is fun, it's not monster heat or "I want to see her get the hell beat out of her" heat.

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