Evolution vs The Shield


Pre-Show Stalwart
Just wanted to hear your thaughts. I think this wasn't a good send off for the Extreme Rules match.

Yesterday when I was watching the whole segment (BTW There is no reason that we saw them for the first time in the last 20 minutes of the show if they are going to treat this as your main event feud) and it seemed botched.

Flair looked bad, and when he left I was like WTF was that, what did he say? Why? Is he with Evolution or Shield? You had Cole and JBL selling the shit out of a Shield endorsement by Flair but it wasn't freakin clear.

The match started, and the crowd seemed to be behind Orton, at least a good 30-40% of it. The match was good but the interference was cheap, I mean I didn't feel a lot of work went into that segment.

Even worst, they beat down the Shield for a good 6-7 minutes, and out of no where Rollins comes in and saves the day, did he eat spinach on the outside? That wasn't believable for me.

The spear was also botched, Trips sold it like it was 1 million bucks but it was poorly executed.

I don't know what they will do with that story, but to be quite honest, my interest in the Shield is weaken every week of that feud.

I just want to know if I'm the only one who's interest in that feud is less today than it was the RAW after Mania.

First and foremost, you should BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!!!!!!!!

Secondly, I kind of agree that the whole segment/match wasn't that great but it could've been a whole lot worse. I guess they're trying to make fans guess who has the advantage going into ER by having both teams beat each other down before the "Special Event". And honestly I thought more than 40% of the crowd was behind Orton, but that's maybe because they were in St. Louis, y'know, Orton's hometown?
I thought it was good... I was connected all the way through the entire segment. I understood what Flair was saying, he had a moment of nostalgia speaking about Evolution and he basically stated that the future is The Shield. I thought it was a great endorsement but I also am thinking that there may be a swerve coming at ER involving Flair.

We're watching live TV... if a move is not perfectly done, we can't just tear down the entire segment because of it. I think people are forgetting to just sit back and enjoy the show... it is entertainment...

It's no different than watching a Sci Fi movie and complaining that there's no way you can have something catch fire in space when things blow up because there's no oxygen.
Yes. I absolutely agree with you. I think the better twist in the story can be added if evolution wins by Ambrose joining Evolution . Then let Ric Flair do some magic by helping Rollins and Ambrose . Add new member to shield.
WWE can literally do nothing that would make me lose interest in this feud, or should I say, this match. I thought the ending was decent, but Flair kind of looked rough and depressed and it hurt the whole match because I know I for one, was super pumped about Ric Flair's promo and tbh it was a let down.

I agree the ending was kind of weak. The Shield got destroyed and than all of a sudden came back like a house on fire but I think it was just to build both teams up as legitimate ass kickers.

Also I think people were cheering for Orton because they were in his hometown... I'm surprised and Orton chant didn't get going during the match tbh.
Concerning the placement of this.... Once again HHH putting himself into the Main Event.

Daniel Bryan is getting cut off at the knees before his run even begins.

Shield vs Evolution was put over as the main storyline last week, and once again this week.

The lead promo of the show, and the lead storyline to start raw was Cena.

And somewhere squished in the middle is DB.

I love the feud, as it's very compelling and has several layers of drama to it. But HHH's decision to make himself the star of raw is disgusting. Though it's always been his way. Always will be.
I never thought about it until someone posted it here, but the idea that D. Bryan is World Champ yet isnt main eventing reminds me a lot of what Hogan & Bischoff did to Goldberg, giving him a huge feel good moment win to be crowned champ, then making him wrestle under promoted mid card matches at the next 3 PPV while Hogan main evented before sharing Co-Main Event status at Halloween Havoc (GB vs DDP-Hogan VS Warrior II), four months into his title reign.

Hogan was notorious for his backstage politics, this I think is different. Here, I dont think WWE thinks Bryan can carry a major show on his own. Also, after months of lackluster booking that kind of wasted The Shield they are finally being showcased. In that regard I dont have a problem with HHH making this a headliner.

As far as Bryan, time will tell if WWE really puts its faith in Bryan or leaves him as a secondary figure behind Cena & Evolution. One thing is certain, a champ is only as good as his opposition, if Bryan gets quality opponents and feuds (and not hastily thrown together tilts against mid carders or ageing veterans less likely to win the title) then he will swim or sink on his merits. Otherwise he has no chance to be successful.

As for the PPV, I dont see Flair appearing. He did his job in his promo, making Evolution look like they had been passed by, as time had "Evolved" and the dominant group now is The Shield. Granted, after putting them over to the fans it would make perfect sense given The characters of Flair & HHH to have him swerve The Shield and hand Evolution the win (which Orton & Batista havent had much of lately) but it's unecessary, WWE has established The Shield as the good guys and Evolution as the villains and elevated The Shield at the same time. I expect Evolution to win this match but lose the feud, building The Shield for the future.
Just wanted to hear your thaughts. I think this wasn't a good send off for the Extreme Rules match.

Yesterday when I was watching the whole segment (BTW There is no reason that we saw them for the first time in the last 20 minutes of the show if they are going to treat this as your main event feud) and it seemed botched.

Flair looked bad, and when he left I was like WTF was that, what did he say? Why? Is he with Evolution or Shield? You had Cole and JBL selling the shit out of a Shield endorsement by Flair but it wasn't freakin clear.

The match started, and the crowd seemed to be behind Orton, at least a good 30-40% of it. The match was good but the interference was cheap, I mean I didn't feel a lot of work went into that segment.

Even worst, they beat down the Shield for a good 6-7 minutes, and out of no where Rollins comes in and saves the day, did he eat spinach on the outside? That wasn't believable for me.

The spear was also botched, Trips sold it like it was 1 million bucks but it was poorly executed.

I don't know what they will do with that story, but to be quite honest, my interest in the Shield is weaken every week of that feud.

I just want to know if I'm the only one who's interest in that feud is less today than it was the RAW after Mania.


Flair always talks that way and many people don't understand what he says. With that said, Orton was in his hometown, so of course most people would be behind him, even though I think there was no reaction. The Shield was beaten down for 6-7 minutes? More like 2-3...

Seriously, I think you are trolling.
Flair always talks that way and many people don't understand what he says. With that said, Orton was in his hometown, so of course most people would be behind him, even though I think there was no reaction. The Shield was beaten down for 6-7 minutes? More like 2-3...

Seriously, I think you are trolling.

Lol how am I trolling ? Come on man why saying some ridiculous shit like that after a decent post. Makes you look like a IW : Internet wannabe

Flair was specially not articulating that night. Go see any of his promos the past 10 years he's worst than usual in that one.

Can't believe ur gonna say im trolling lol lil punk
I've read articles about how Ric Flair has passed the torch to The Shield after last Monday Night Raw. Not that I know anything for sure, but I believe its part of the deceit from Flairs part. Him winking at Triple H is suspect. They don't call him the dirtiest player in the game for nothing. I have a hunch that he's up to something and might possibly show up on Extreme Rules. But that's just me. If Evolution wins then it certainly wont be a clean win. Ric Flair might be the main reason making a sudden appearance only to ruin The Shields chance of beating Evolution on their first ever match with them. If The Shield wins, oh well. It wont be a surprise.

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