Everything you ever wanted to know about Slyfox...


Excellence of Execution
...and possibly some things you didn't. Ask any question you ever wanted to know about Slyfox here.
Why will a rapper never be the voice of a generation that can think for itself?

When you said that I thought you were speaking out against rap, but I've come to think that it might be more of a statement that no one person can speak for a generation that is so immensely diverse and individual.
Who is your favourite wrestler out of Cena and Hogan?

How long have you been teaching HPE (sport)?

Why does it amuse you to have an age you are actually not, in your profile?

That's all I have for now.
This will most likely be posted by many many posters, so I'll get it out of the way now.

Sly what are your true, honest opinions of all the WZ regulars? Tell us now so we can all cry ourselves to sleep.
You can change the result of one wrestling match in history, what match would you change and why?
Well all the mean people are usually really good looking, and Slyfox is kinda mean. So maybe he's good looking too.
I've always thought of Slyfox as sort of a..

He's a cartoon character. An evil scientist kind of guy. Everyone here I see as either a wrestler or a cartoon.
I envision anyone over the internet to be fat and nerdy (glasses, bowl cuts and stubble) while sitting at their computer surrounded by food, taking a break from their video games to sit there anxiously trying to think of funny things to say to people through the internet.

Am I close to anyone with that description?
Proud nerd
20/20 vision
Short hair, not bowl cut
Wear a goatee but shaved today
No food, unless I'm having dinner
Haven't played a vg that's new in over a year
And I'm not funny.
pleasantly plumb
Blind in one eye, can't see out the other.
I only play NCAA Football 2009
My hair is short
Bad Mustache
I can be quite the character sometimes
pleasantly plumb
Blind in one eye, can't see out the other.I only play NCAA Football 2009
My hair is short
Bad Mustache
I can be quite the character sometimes

Blind as in full blind, or just bad sight?

Anyway Slyfox, do you hate posters sucking up to you?
Why will a rapper never be the voice of a generation that can think for itself?

When you said that I thought you were speaking out against rap, but I've come to think that it might be more of a statement that no one person can speak for a generation that is so immensely diverse and individual.
Well, I was speaking out against rap, because rap sucks.

But, the thing you said applies as well. In addition, unless society's morals decay to almost nothingness, rap will never be the musical choice of most individuals over the age of 25. The reason for this is because the good majority of popular rappers rap about morally despicable things, and as people get older, they tend to become less tolerant of such ideas and concepts.

Who is your favourite wrestler out of Cena and Hogan?

How long have you been teaching HPE (sport)?

Why does it amuse you to have an age you are actually not, in your profile?

That's all I have for now.

1) Hogan
2) 1 full year now
3) Because when people who don't know me try to debate me, they think I'm 10, and make stupid arguments. It's psychological.

This will most likely be posted by many many posters, so I'll get it out of the way now.

Sly what are your true, honest opinions of all the WZ regulars? Tell us now so we can all cry ourselves to sleep.
Most of them aren't very good posters. They hide in the Bar Room to try mask the fact they don't know much about wrestling. Then, they make immature posts in the Bar Room and pick on people they feel are inferior to them. At least when I pick on people, it's because they deserve it. Some people, like the one who "called out CCS" the other day, do it because they get some kind of self-esteem boost by e-bullying other posters.

Most of the good "regulars" are now mods. There are a few who are not, but most are.
Make that the mod staff as well.
klunderbunker - A good mod, sometimes misguided as a poster. Does present intelligent arguments, just usually flawed ones. Is desperate to prove to people he's on my level as a poster.

kung FLU naKi - E-Fed mod...have no idea

Most Valuable Shango - Need to remove him as mod of Non Wrestling forums, and just make him the Bar Room mod, since it's the only place you'll ever find him. Seriously, I just looked at his last 100 posts, and probably 80 of them were in the Bar Room, and the others were also in forums where post count is off.

Ricky Maivia - E-Fed mod...have no idea. Solid poster though.

The C.M. - Hardly ever posts. Usually on top of the giving Infractions thing though.

The Notorious P:W_C - Seems to be doing a decent job as mod, decent poster...hasn't been around for a while though it seems.

TheOneBigWill - Speaking of not being around for a while...

The Rainbow Haired Monkey - Why is this guy a Wrestling Forums mod? He starts almost ZERO threads, and in his last 100 posts, he has FOUR posts in wrestling forums that have post count on. The others were in Raw Live Discussions, Bar Room and E-Fed. Why is he a Wrestling Forums mod?

HBK-aholic - Average poster, decent mod. Used to be a VERY good G-Mod, but then I think school started kicking her ass a little. But, for a while, over the summer and a little after, I considered her probably the best mod on the board.

Luther_Hull - He's Luther_Hull...you all know.

Slyfox696 - The greatest poster I have ever seen

Stone Cold Mighty NorCal - Very good poster, good mod, if a bit overzealous at times. Knows how to not give a fuck, which seems to be a rare commodity around here sometimes.

Uncle Sam - Overrated as a poster, decent but not great. Good mod. Deserves G-Mod status.

Mr. IrishCanadian25 - Still trying to get out of my shadow. I can't really rate his admin work, as I'm not sure what all admins can do, besides bannings and forums.

Shock Lesnar - Very good poster, still hasn't had admin access

You can change the result of one wrestling match in history, what match would you change and why?
Starrcade '97.

Not only would I change the finish, I would change the booking. That match should have been absolute dominance by Sting, a few minutes where it looks like Hogan is going to win, a Sting comeback, 7 guys from the NWO coming out to interfere, only to be fought off by Sting...then the entire WCW locker room comes out and clears the NWO from ringside, as Sting pins Hogan for a clean 1-2-3.

Crowd goes nuts, WCW celebrates.

If it had happened like that, WCW may still be in business today.
What do you look like?
Incredibly striking and handsome.
He's 5'10 and 195, I know that. I bet it's all muscle. He probably is built much like my Algebra 2 teacher. He's a marathon runner and track coach. I always pictured Sly like that.
I'm 6'2" and 195.

And yes, there's not fat on me. And I'm a basketball coach, not a marathon runner. I hate running.

I envision anyone over the internet to be fat and nerdy (glasses, bowl cuts and stubble) while sitting at their computer surrounded by food, taking a break from their video games to sit there anxiously trying to think of funny things to say to people through the internet.

Am I close to anyone with that description?
Not me.

Anyway Slyfox, do you hate posters sucking up to you?
I don't consider people telling me I'm a good poster to be sucking up. I consider that to just be an accurate observation.
Do you enjoy being a mod?

& what match/show first got you into wrestling?
I enjoy being a mod, I just wish G-Mods had a little more power.

I couldn't give you a specific show or match. I've been watching wrestling since before I can remember. I'd go to my grandfather's on Sundays and watch wrestling at 10 or 11 a.m. (after church) with him, while my g-ma made lunch. Hulk Hogan was easily my favorite though.
I enjoy being a mod, I just wish G-Mods had a little more power.

I couldn't give you a specific show or match. I've been watching wrestling since before I can remember. I'd go to my grandfather's on Sundays and watch wrestling at 10 or 11 a.m. (after church) with him, while my g-ma made lunch. Hulk Hogan was easily my favorite though.

Cool. Ah, that sounds nice. Good family memory of it. I think anyone around your age (not 10 lol) must have got into wrestling because of Hogan.

Since i'm younger, it was Goldberg for me at first. Him & Sting.

Ah, then my brother introduced me to the WWF.
HBK-aholic - Average poster, decent mod. Used to be a VERY good G-Mod, but then I think school started kicking her ass a little. But, for a while, over the summer and a little after, I considered her probably the best mod on the board.


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