Eve the next divas champion.


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
For the second time in a few weeks Eve has pinned Maryse who everyone knows is the divas champion right now. Which leads to the question will Maryse defend her title against Eve on the next PPV Extreme Rules.

So far Maryse hasen't defended her title that much and it would be great for her to face Eve it would be something new instead of another Maryse vs. Melina match. Eve has definatly improved over the last several months. I think that Eve is ready to be given an opportunity at the divas title.

I think that if she was given the chance to go against Maryse she would beat her and then go on to win the womans champion. Eve has real potiental I just hope that Vince's notices it and doesn't waste Eve's talent because she deserves to be one of the main-event divas in the diva division.
Man I didn't even know who the current Divas champ was until I read your post.

I still think Eve needs much more work, although her ring skills have improved times a million. She needs to improve her mic work and develop more of a character. I can't take her seriously enough to be a contender.

I think Gail Kim would be a suitable next Divas champ if given the chance. IMO shes the best female worker WWE has right now.
Eve is next in line but I dont think she would be champion.Maryse is good champion and she would stay champion until somebody more credible comes.A lot depends on draft but if Melina is back to Raw she would probably be champion again but during that time Maryse is ideal for champ.Dont get me wrong,I like Eve but I just dont think she is suitable for championship belt.On the other hand Divas championship is a joke anyway and any of the divas can be champion now(they really need unification of the titles)

As for Gail Kim I think its a shame that she isnt champion but at least we know that her TNA debt is not fully payed yet.My favorite is Alicia Fox but she has to wait until some of the face divas is the champion and they give her more credibility
For the second time in a few weeks Eve has pinned Maryse who everyone knows is the divas champion right now. Which leads to the question will Maryse defend her title against Eve on the next PPV Extreme Rules.

So far Maryse hasen't defended her title that much and it would be great for her to face Eve it would be something new instead of another Maryse vs. Melina match. Eve has definatly improved over the last several months. I think that Eve is ready to be given an opportunity at the divas title.

I think that if she was given the chance to go against Maryse she would beat her and then go on to win the womans champion. Eve has real potiental I just hope that Vince's notices it and doesn't waste Eve's talent because she deserves to be one of the main-event divas in the diva division.

What do you mean another Maryse vs Melina? They haven't faced each other many times, I think only once. Maybe twice, but I could only remember one time which was before Wrestlemania 25, and that was a long time ago too.

Anyways, I think Eve could be good in the future but not good enough now to be champion. Gail Kim should beat Maryse soon and have the belt for a while until some time after Melina returns, where Melina would regain her belt.
Eve truly has gotten better in the ring, I saw her do an arm bar off the top rope (on Maryse) a few weeks back, I remember thinking, that was a cool move. Having said that, I think she still really needs to develop her character a bit more, right now she is just "generic woman wrestler".

As for Gail Kim, I am lost as to why the WWE doesn't do more with her, she should be the champion, hands down. I guess Vince is still bitter she went and kicked so much ass in TNA.
Eve has improve a lot over the last few months, And she might be the next Diva in line to get a title shoot. The only problem is that She might not get a title reign. And that's pretty sad because I think that she might be a good title holder. And we all know that besides Maryse and McCool, Mickie and Melina will always have one of the titles around their waist.

Eve has improve a lot in the ring, IMO she has one of the best Diva finishers in the WWE, That Armbar from the top rope is just awesome.
Eve is definitely next in line to get a title shot but I don't think she's going to win the title, she's not ready. she still botches a lot and that shows she still needs a lot of work. Gail kim should be the next divas champion, I still can't believe she hasn't held that butterfly title yet, it's not like the title is too good for her or something

Maryse is a terrible champion, I've never seen this girl do anymore than 2 moves in a match before and one of them is a hairflip. I can't believe WWE thinks this woman is deserving of a title, she's more deserving of a pink slip imo
Well, Eve won the contendership tonight on Raw.... so she might be the next Divas Champion. :)

I hoped that she would eventually get a shot, myself. Raw needs a top face in their divas division and perhaps Eve can step up now, especially if she wins the title match. I think Eve could be (and should be) the next Divas Champion because she has improved non-stop since her debut after winning the 2007 Divas Search and there's no one better for Maryse to feud with if she retains, maybe Kelly, but Eve's the better option.
I'm fine with it. Maryse's character has gotten a tad bit stale. I think she'd be great if she lost the title and then spent most of her TV time being an absolute evil bitch and trying to regain whats "rightfully hers".

I like Eve. I mean worse comes to worst if she flops as champion it's the DIVAS Title and who cares lol? She should get a run with the belt. Even if she doesn't do well she can job it back to Maryse.
I'm not a Maryse or Eve fan as I don't see either deserving of any championship anywhere other than on the cover of gentlemen's publication like Playboy or Hustler. Seriously? The WWE has what? One legit female wrestler as champion, Michelle McCool, and even her current rule is awful. Divas are just used as eye candy to distract desperate fathers who bring in their children to see Cena or Rey feud against whoever is their nemesis at the time. As a result of this, talent such as Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and even Michelle McCool are wasted on pointless eye candy matches. Even you want to use them as eye candy, fine! Have them pose for Playboy magazine. But on Monday and Friday nights, please let them actually wrestle. More so than anything, the Divas have really been demoted. It is a wonder that some haven't left. But I guess money does pay bills, et cetera. It is the one thing I envy about TNA as a WWE fan. No matter how awful men in the WWE can become, they're still a lot more entertaining to watch than TNA's own. But the women of WWE can't hold a candle to the women of TNA in the wrestling department save for a few, and granted the WWE women talent is already small as it is, it may as well not exist at all anymore. But those fathers who bring in their children must have some sort of distraction, right?
Well I thing if Eve it will be a good change and somethign fresh on a division that has gotten way too stale.

I mean, she has improved a lot, maybe not enough to be Women's champion but you never know until you try. I mean you have to face the fact that the women who cna actually wrestle like Kim, Katie and Jillian are recurred as enhacement talent, sad but true, suere my wish is for Katie to one day be champ but WWE seems to be going in a different direction.

Now from the poll of talent that is left there, have to say that Eve is the bets of the 4 faces left (Kelly and the Bellas) there on Raw (again not counting Kim since WWE does not want her to be champ and has Maryse going over her cleanly every time).

At least it would be nice to se her had a 2 months trial run and then if does not work, you always has someone like Melina (who is very popular and well around diva) to fall back into if they need a good champion.

Right now sorry but the worst thing would be for Maryse to go over, I mena she is good but has come really stale and has barely defend the title, has passed everyone on the roster and beat them clean at least once (including Eve), what else can she do with the belt now, beat Kelly again like every two weeks?

I thing at least for a few weeks there should be a change and Eve presents a good opportunity for it.
Personally I think Eve is the best current option we have for New Divas Champ. She has improved greatly since being Traded to Raw. She is Trained in Jujitsu which is an added bonus.
I think her mic skills are okay. During the segment with Jerry Springer she showed excellent mic skills but That was probably the only time shes done that.
All the signs point to Maryse retaining. Eve's current and rampant "push" is nothing more than a lucid filler that has been churned out to exhaust time until the time comes for Melina to re-enter the womens divison. It's a rehash of the Gail feud, only this time they've given Maryse's opponent credibility and prospect. Eve's too green to occupy the title, while she's sharpened and bettered herself in the ring dramatically since signing with the company, there's been subordinate times where she's declined to nail her finisher on target, flourishing presages of sloppiness. She also carries an inadequate amount of crowd support, despite being babied by the WWE since 2007, albeit I hold creative liable, but the WWE just doesn't appear to have any long-term faith in Eve as far as championships/pushes are concerned. And if she does win the title, it'll be due to Maryse possibly being drafted to Smackdown.
I'm shocked Eve won the title. I was sure Maryse would hold on to the title for a very long time because with Melina on the shelf, she's easily the top diva on Raw. Eve has been riding a pretty strong push for a while, and now she's the Diva's champion. I don't expect her to hold on to the title for long, but it's nice to see a shake up in the Women's division on Raw. Maybe Eve winning the title will be a "fresh" trend as far as the divas go on Raw.
I'm glad that Eve won the title and honestly not that surprised. WWE picked the right girl to push and they hopefully will give Eve a decently long reign. They have needed to find someone new to build the future of the division around and Eve might be the one. Eve deserves to be Divas Champion because she has improved tremendously since her debut and has superior abilities in the ring as well as on the mic compared to most of the divas. I marked out for her win, something I have not done during a divas match in a really long time.
I completely agree with Dagger. Eve in my opinion is the future of the WWE divas and this tittle win came at the perfect time. The divas on Smackdown are currently running a program which actually has a plot which I haven't seen in the Divas division in quite sometime. I personally would like to see a plot with Eve and the divas tittle not just matches because the Divas division needs exposure.
I must admit, I almost cried when Maryse lost the title. But once I wiped my tears (lol), I thought about it a bit. And after seeing Eve's attempted moonsault, I got a bit nostalgic and was reminded of women like Lita and Trish Stratus. Now, if I thought this way, I'm sure WWE management noticed this a while ago. Hence, the reason why she won the title.

Now, I honestly feel that out of all of the women on the Divas roster, from a "character" standpoint, Maryse is the only one that "gets it". She stays in character throughout her entire match, and showed this in full color last night. From her hand gestures to the referee and audience to her laughter after Eve missed the moonsault, Maryse has really proven herself as a force in the Divas division. All she needs is a little more work in the ring.

But, if there's anyone on the current roster that could be the Yin to Maryse's Yang, it's Eve. Since she debuted as an in-ring talent, Eve has turned a lot of heads. Her athleticism really shows in the ring. Not to mention that she's believable due to the fact that she's tall, in tremendous shape, and is gorgeous.

So, even though I hate the fact that Maryse lost, I can totally understand why. I wish Eve all the luck in the world. She has a lot of work to do in order to clean up that travesty of a division.
Eve has really come along but still needs to develop a character. She should just be that tough girl that beats all the odds. She's dethroned Maryse and should beat her in a rematch or two then beat all the other divas along the way. Have a decent feud with Gail Kim to put her over in the end and swap wins with the Bella Twins, which a program with them could be extended. When Melina returns, that should be the real test and have Eve beat her the first time or so and then have Melina go over.

Eve has the look to be a real dominant diva and her championship match with Maryse wasn't anything special, but that moonsault did look very good. I think she can put on decent matches as long as they are extended a little bit. All shorts matches with the exception of a squash for a monster heel is always a lose lose situation, but hopefully Eve will get to shine.
Am I the only one who is NOT happy with Eve winning the title?

Sure Eve might have improved, but she is still bad in the ring. Most of the time when she wrestles, she botches. Every time she is in the ring, it feels like the opponent or needs to carry her. I just don't see how wrestling wise she deserved it.
More importantly, NOBODY cares about her. She is just dead as a character. No one popped in the ring when she won and I can't blame them. She has not been built AT ALL... she is just another diva with a boring character.
The best thing to do was to keep the title on Maryse as much as I hate her. She is the best overall character and should keep the title untill someone better comes along.
If they just wanted to give the title on someone new, they could have picked Gail since she atleast is a better wrestler....
I just don't get it at all....

I just hope now that they burried the title, they can think of something to get it back out of the hole... The only way I can accept this is if they build eve's character... and ofcourse she needs to imporve as well...
One thing though... I was impressed that she actually did a moonsault... She is just still not good enough -__-
Well, I said on this same topic, this is something fresh for the Division, now if the WWE can give them a little bit of more exposure, mostly right exposure and it can be a success.

Yes, Eve still needs a lot of work, also Maryse needs to get off the ring rust, the match last night was nothing special but given the amount fo time they were give, it was a decent bout and the way Eve pinned Maryse was a way to try to showcase her abilities as a more technical wrestler.

Also who knows that they are doing as rematch? maybe some kind of stipulation or something to make it special.

Melina won't be around until July so they need to spice it up at least until then, also the draft is in two weeks, who knows what is going to happen there.
Eve truly has gotten better in the ring, I saw her do an arm bar off the top rope (on Maryse) a few weeks back, I remember thinking, that was a cool move. Having said that, I think she still really needs to develop her character a bit more, right now she is just "generic woman wrestler".

As for Gail Kim, I am lost as to why the WWE doesn't do more with her, she should be the champion, hands down. I guess Vince is still bitter she went and kicked so much ass in TNA.

I agree after seeing that move off the top rope I think they need to develop her into a semi High-flyer (based off the moonsault) or a mat technician (kinda like michelle) I think the E need more submission specialist in their Divas. I get tired of seeing divas do the same moves on each other (i.e head scissors) Eve winning is the best thing to happen to the title since melina's reign was short due to injury.
Am I the only one who is NOT happy with Eve winning the title?

You seem to be.

Sure Eve might have improved, but she is still bad in the ring. Most of the time when she wrestles, she botches. Every time she is in the ring, it feels like the opponent or needs to carry her. I just don't see how wrestling wise she deserved it.

She is better than most of the other divas both in the ring and on the mic..... improved tremendously since her debut.... and wants to continue improving.... The question that should be asked instead is how does she NOT deserve it?

More importantly, NOBODY cares about her.

If NOBODY cared about her then this thread would have zero responses.

She is just dead as a character. No one popped in the ring when she won and I can't blame them. She has not been built AT ALL... she is just another diva with a boring character.

Her win might not have gotten a huge reaction, but that is only due to people caring less about the divas these days. How can you say she has not been built at all? What about winning the number one contendership? Impressive wins in matches? Improvement in the ring? I think you're just being unfair to Eve out of dislike.

The best thing to do was to keep the title on Maryse as much as I hate her. She is the best overall character and should keep the title untill someone better comes along.

Maryse had no one else they could have put her in a feud with. Eve as champion opens the door for many new refreshing feuds, some of which have never been done before.

If they just wanted to give the title on someone new, they could have picked Gail since she atleast is a better wrestler....

Or they could pick someone the fans like to root for who doesn't suck. Someone like Eve. She's the future of the division. I was saying it months ago when we had that endless Mickie VS Trish debate, and I'm still saying it now.

I just don't get it at all....

I don't either, I really thought you would have acknowledged Eve's abilities in the ring and on the mic by now. What exactly do you not like about her?

I just hope now that they burried the title, they can think of something to get it back out of the hole... The only way I can accept this is if they build eve's character... and ofcourse she needs to imporve as well...

How has the title been buried???? Eve holding the title is something new and something the fans wanted. Of course she will improve. She has been doing so non-stop since her debut, which cannot be said about most of the divas.

One thing though... I was impressed that she actually did a moonsault... She is just still not good enough -__-

Why? What's it going to take for you to finally admit that Eve is the future of the divas division? She IS good enough because she is top tier among the Raw divas and continues to get better.
I personally I don't see a drawback to putting the title on Eve, I mean who else is Maryse really going to Fued with for the title? Mickie and Beth are on smackdown, and Gail Kim has gotten a few title shots, While I would have loved to see her take it off Maryse, obviously they weren't going to do it, or they would have sooner.

Now you have another legitmate threat in the WWE Womens division, I mean every single womens match you pretty much knew who was going to win, sure they threw us a swerve when Jillian won the divas title but that lasted what, 3 seconds? They have burried the divas division on raw to become virtially meaningless and developing more competitors for the title is the first small step in a long , and tedious job of rebuilding the Womens division. I mean as much fun as it is to see Beth/Melina/Mickie/Maryse/Michelle McCool play hot potato for years with TWO titles it's just not compelling television, especially when your only two legitmate Faces went out with serious injurys.

If they had one womens title, this is a completly different conversation, but they have two, and they do not have the depth in the divas division to support two titles, so they have rush the development of there future talent. back in the days of lita/trish/mickie/ ect. eve might still be waiting for a title shot, let alone a title reign, but with two womens title they despertly needed to add depth, and Eve was the best women available, and has made great improvement in-ring over the past few months.

Now lets see a Maryse - Miz Storyline FFS we've been waiting on that for a long time... Hell it could set up a Maryse vs Natayla Feud, which is one Is something I would be intresting in seeing!
I'm really happy Eve won the title. I think she has the potential to be a great champ. She improved alot. Plus, it's a fresh change in the champ's we've been seeing. Plus she's sexy and is a hip hop diva so I think she's awesome!
You seem to be.


She is better than most of the other divas both in the ring and on the mic..... improved tremendously since her debut.... and wants to continue improving.... The question that should be asked instead is how does she NOT deserve it?

Yes, she has improved since her debut and mosst likely want to coninue imporving. But that does not mean she has improved enough to hold the title. She still is to basic and boring in the ring and has barely any charisma. No fans cheers for her and well, I can't remember her getting some mic time.. I would not say she is better in the ring that most divas. Even if we are only talking about the raw divas.

If NOBODY cared about her then this thread would have zero responses.

Which is the response she gets ALL the time. ZERO... did u hear anything when she won the title? Not me.

Her win might not have gotten a huge reaction, but that is only due to people caring less about the divas these days. How can you say she has not been built at all? What about winning the number one contendership? Impressive wins in matches? Improvement in the ring? I think you're just being unfair to Eve out of dislike.

Barely anything at all. People do care about the divas division... much more then u think. But if u are going to give some random diva the title, how can they care. Sure she has been recently built up to win the title, but she still has no character that fans would cheer for her.

Maryse had no one else they could have put her in a feud with. Eve as champion opens the door for many new refreshing feuds, some of which have never been done before.

I agree with that part, new feuds will happen and it will be interesting the next few weeks to see what will happen. But that does not mean that tehy had to put it on her. They could have also put the title on Gail Kim, or dare I say it Kelly Kelly, and there would still be the new refreshing feuds. Atleast Gail can wrestle and atleast fans care more about Kelly Kelly.

Or they could pick someone the fans like to root for who doesn't suck. Someone like Eve. She's the future of the division. I was saying it months ago when we had that endless Mickie VS Trish debate, and I'm still saying it now.

Someone fans like to root for= Kelly Kelly
Someone that could wreslte= Gail Kim
Eve is not popular at all and I dont see people caring (besides the little few). Thats why I said they should put it the title on Gail. Nobody cares for her either (besides the little few) but at least she can wrestle.

I don't either, I really thought you would have acknowledged Eve's abilities in the ring and on the mic by now. What exactly do you not like about her?

I am not saying Eve sucks. I just think she still needed a long way to go b4 holding the title. It's too early for her and Kelly Kelly to even be thinking about it. I just think that they need more build up character wise AND need to wrestle better b4 holding the title. I was happy with Eve getting a shot at the title. But she doesn't deserve to hold it. Atleast not yet.

How has the title been buried???? Eve holding the title is something new and something the fans wanted. Of course she will improve. She has been doing so non-stop since her debut, which cannot be said about most of the divas.

Most divas don't imporve because of the lack of time. But thats a different story.
The title has been burried because of person with no history that can NOT wreslte is holding it. Atleast all the other divas that held it could wrestle.

Why? What's it going to take for you to finally admit that Eve is the future of the divas division? She IS good enough because she is top tier among the Raw divas and continues to get better.

She might be the future of the division, but right now she is not and I can't take her holding the title seriously. She is not the top tier on Raw yet, there are far more talented divas on raw that should be holding the title then her. I even rank Kelly Kelly above her because atleast she gets a cheer.

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