Evan Bourne; The perfect transitional champion


Dark Match Winner
This guy, is quite possibly the best transitional champion the WWE has to offer right now, if a title needs to be put on someone for a short time, he's the guy, and the reason I say this, is because he can sell better than 80% of the roster.

He's the perfect candidate for this, a mid-card/low-card talent jobbing, however he's somewhat over with the fans, putting him an angle with a title and a heel would do wonders for his career, and not to mention give the next champion credibility.

For example, the current champion gets hurt and they need to find someone to hold the title for a month, they would have Evan Bourne win it fairly fast, and hold onto for a couple of weeks.

When they decide on a new champion, have him completely destroy Evan Bourne, to the point where he's awarded the title on a TKO, this will allow the new champion to look dominant, and Evan Bourne fighting for a rematch claiming if the match went on, he would win. This feud would go on for a few months, seeing Evan screwed out of every match by the champions stable.

Come around PPV time, we could have the champion claiming he can beat anyone in the company, in any match, out comes Evan Bourne. Evan would cut a promo about how he's high-flying etc etc, and challenge the champ to a ladder match at the PPV, the champion at first refuses, but after Evan trash talks the champion, he accepts.

At the PPV, we would see the champions stable interfering in the match only to be run off by whomever they decide to align with Evan, this match would be very close throughout, and towards the end, the champions stable will, once again, run out to the ring and attack Evan, while Evan would be on the outside taking care of the stable, the champion could set up a ladder, and climb it, Evan would destroy the stable only to see the champion would be halfway up the ladder, thinking fast, Evan climbs the turnbuckle and jumps across the ring onto the ladder, by this time the champion would have the belt in his hands, and nearly winning the match, Evan would climb the rest of the way up the ladder, and by the time he got there the champion would of won the match.

Not only would this be a great boost for Evan's career, but it would also give the champion a lot of heat from the fans.

What do you guys think?
The problem is, it would ruin whoever he beat for that title. Sure, Bourne is a great seller, but the win over Regal to get into the MITB match was the only win I've seen him get in almost 6 months. What sense would it make to have him, literally, in this case, go from "hardly ever winning" to "champion," in the course of a single promo and match?

A proper transitional champion is someone who, while they only held the title for a short time, that title reign isn't seen as an insult to the title. Mick Foley winning the WWE title from Stone Cold at Summerslam, only to lose it to Triple H the next night is a perfect example of this. So was the Iron Shiek. At no point has anyone, to my knowledge, asked "why the hell was he ever champion?" That question would happen a lot with Evan Bourne. Even more than it did with Sheamus.
i really dont think the E would let bourne a world title
but that would b fine for a mid title coz he doesnt hav the world title look
I agree with caitiff to an extent. if he BEATS some one to win the title for a month, then there's a problem. I can't see John Cena, batista, or....uh...is there even still an intercontinental champion still??? any way, if some one who was champ got beat by bourne, they'd look weak as hell. BUT if some one was hurt and they just gave it to him (for some reason) then it MIGHT could work but there would need to be a very good reason to give it to bourne.

as for criss....there is this really cool invention on computers now, you can even use it AUTOMATICALLY on webpages now. it's called spell check. it's for people who are too lazy (or stupid) to spell their own language the right way
i agree with caitiff to an extent. if he BEATS some one to win the title for a month, then there's a problem. I can't see John Cena, batista, or....uh...is there even still an intercontinental champion still??? any way, if some one who was champ got beat by bourne, they'd look weak as hell. BUT if some one was hurt and they just gave it to him (for some reason) then it MIGHT could work but there would need to be a very good reason to give it to bourne.

as for criss....there is this really cool invention on computers now, you can even use it AUTOMATICALLY on webpages now. it's called spell check. it's for people who are too lazy (or stupid) to spell their own language the right way

Homeboy Homeboy Homeboy. If you're going to criticize someone for their lacking of the English language. Be sure you complete BASIC sentences the proper way.

As far as Bourne being a transit. champion I'd ask WHY!? That's like Rey beating the Big Show after Big Show pounded him in the ground for 6 months straight. Bourne needs to develop himself a bit more before being considered for a transitional champion. Right now Matt Hardy is better suited to be a transitional champion IMO as he's BEEN a champion before and he's established himself as a credible superstar, to an EXTENT.
Yeah what does the person bourne beat for the title look like. WEAK. I mean come on lets say if Chavo was champion now if bourne beat him it wouldn't be that bad (no disrespect to chavo). But for a person Kofi now that is going to be bad for him. So even if he Bourne has a title for a little while the person he beats looks real weak.
Yeah, the guy's too small to really win a title. At least for now:

I loved his part in the MitB match at WM tonight... Total underdog, might have come through after that Air Bourne from the ladder, the next Rey Mysterio, etc. etc.

He might end up taking Rey's role after he retires in a couple years, yeah? I don't find that totally improbable. But he'll DEFINITELY have to start winning some important matches before then. Losing in weird two random heels vs two random faces tag matches won't give him the title.

So, he's getting closer!! His MitB performance was great! But he's still not far enough removed from jobber-status to hold a title. IMHO.
Sorry but WWE only like untalented wrestlers who they can milk out for as little amount of effort ( John Cena )...Evan bourne is too talented to hold the world title his being held down, im just angry that people think his not credible but Cena making a bada$$ like Batista Tap out at Wrestlemania26 is ? talk about fake
Sorry but WWE only like untalented wrestlers who they can milk out for as little amount of effort ( John Cena )...Evan bourne is too talented to hold the world title his being held down, im just angry that people think his not credible but Cena making a bada$$ like Batista Tap out at Wrestlemania26 is ? talk about fake

Outside of WWE, Evan Bourne (or Matt Sydel, if you prefer) could be a credible champion. In TNA, for instance, it's not a very big difference in size between Bourne and AJ Styles. So, a person could understand him beating someone fairly close to his own size.

In WWE, however, it's important to remember that Bourne is about 5'8" and around 180 pounds. The smallest champion in WWE is Chris Jericho, who has 4inches in height and almost 50 pounds on him. While I could see him outpacing Jericho, and pulling out a win, maybe, the problem gets worse when dealing with other recent champions. John Cena is almost 80 pounds larger than Bourne, and say whatever you like about his wrestling ability, we can all agree that John Cena is ungodly strong. So, I'd be shocked if Bourne didn't just bounce off the guy.

And, going a bit farther back, that problem only gets more pronounced with other recent champions. Batista, Sheamus, and the Undertaker all have 100 or more pounds on the guy. Bourne would suffer from pretty much the exact same isses as champion that Rey Mysterio did. But, that's as much a matter of how WWE is booked, with McMahon's well known preference for larger wrestlers, as it is with anything else.
Sorry but WWE only like untalented wrestlers who they can milk out for as little amount of effort ( John Cena )

Chris Jericho? Edge? Triple H? Undertaker? Randy Orton? You're saying they're untalented wrestlers? Hmmmmm, random idea that

Cena making a bada$$ like Batista Tap out at Wrestlemania26 is ? talk about fake

Was Batista such a bad ass when he was getting the crap kicked out of him by Booker T backstage (in a fight Batista got the first sucker punch in and started I might add)?

Fact is Bourne is talented but with his size, unless you've got an equally talented partner at your side to get you a tag title run, he's never going to go that high in WWE and, honestly, it's the right thing. You want to watch these bigger then life stars fight in bigger then life situations. Nobody would talk Bourne or the title seriously as, looking at him, I think my 3 week old baby son would have a chance of kicking his ass for the title, and that's no way to do business!
No, just no. Evan Bourne is fun to watch in certain matches but would not make a good transitional champion at all. He would make whoever he beat look like a total can. Evan Bourne should be nowhere near any title other then the Tag Titles or if the WWE ever brought back the Cruiserweight title. At the very least he is not believable beating most of the guys who contend for any of the top titles especially the way he has jobbed for most of his WWE stint. Now if the WWE turned him heel like when he went by Matt Sydel then maybe I could buy into him competing for a U.S. title but it is still a reach.

WWE should keep Bourne doing what he is doing now and maybe feed him a sporadic IC title beat down to make the champ look strong. He should in no way hold a championship even in a transitional situation.
I think the idea of Evan Bourne ever holding a title in the WWE is the worst idea anyone has ever had. Evan Bourne is completely worthless to the company as anything beyond enhancement talent. He is not over one bit with the crowd. One of his moves is over. There is a big difference. Evan Bourne has no charisma whatsoever, and this world renowned selling ability is overstated. Evan Bourne should not even be on the roster, much less a champion.

First of all, Bourne is not over. The SSP is over, but the corwd could not care less about him or his match until that move happens. The reason he is not over is because he is completely unable to deliver a D promo, much less a promo that a champion would give. Even the midcard champions have to talk, and Bourne is unable to do so. He is stiff and looks scared. Do we really want a guy telling us how he is the best while seeing nothing but fear in his eyes and piss running down his legs? Of course not.

Furthermore, this selling ability everyone talks about isn't really there. He limps and then does two flips? He never makes it apparent that the beating he took took anything out of him. Good wrestlers sell an injury for weeks, but Bourne is unable to do so for minutes. He can tell a story in the ring, his psychology, at best, is the worst in the history of wrestling. His matches make no sense, and I see no reason for him to even draw a paycheck.

He is enhancement talent, and I use that term loosely. He exists to be throw really far by big guys. Even at that, he isn't very good. The idea of his holding a belt in the WWE is laughable. He should go to TNA and job to Sharkboy. That is all he is good for.
Evan Bourne is going nowhere fast on Raw, it was a big mistake to even have him on the brand in the first place as with many of the ECW guys that where moved over to the raw roster.

Bourne has alot of potential but at the moment he is a jobber who is used as fodder to further other more important members of the WWE roster.

If given any chance for his career to survive Bourne needs to move to smackdown and should be given a chance in the top of the midcard because the Us title is going nowhere at the moment and is being used to elevate the miz even though he has yet to defend the belt to any competitor not named MVP.

As for the transitional champion, Im sorry but why give the WWE or World Heavyweight championship to a jobber who has not been elevated even into the midcard as of yet?, I know alot of you are gonna argue with the what about Swagger winning the MITB, hopefully Swagger can show that he is worthy of the case by having some credible midcard feuds before cashing the case in as for Bourne pulling the trigger on him without a proper push would not only devalue the title but would destroy any credibility any of the main eventers chasing him will have, its just not a good idea.
This would never work. Bourne is not over as some people might think. Sure he gets decent pops every now and then, but he is far being over. I couldn't even picture Bourne holding the US or IC title. Also, I don't think Bourne could cut a decent promo to save his life. He always looks so rigid, and he even looks uncomfortable when he smiles.

Bourne always seems to wow the crowd with his shooting star press, but that's about it. I seriously can't remember one good match he's had recently. Bourne will be used to make guys like Sheamus, Swagger, and Big Show look like dominant forces. He will not be a transitional champion.
I honsetly think he would fit well in the tag division. His brother's coming through the indy's right now isn't he? Well then, WWE could offer him a deal and there you go, Bourne (with the little credibility he has left) teams up with his brother and like Londrick, the Hardy's before them and the Rockers before them become the new high flying tag team in the WWE.

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