Evan Bourne should Cross the Line


Occasional Pre-Show
Who's with me? I mean this guy is SO talented and he gets little to no air time. He could be the thing that really pumps up the X Division and really make a name for himself.

As everyone knows, cruiserweights don't make much of a splash in the E anymore without a title to battle for, with the exception of Ray. I think WWE is WAY under using him and would be much better suited in TNA. I know it would be yet another guy added to the roster, but I think he would really tie the X Division together, and make it special once again.

I think this under used, under appreciated WWE jobber needs to Cross the Line to TNA and really make a splash in the X Division. What do you guys think?
I guess, but it's not like he'd be bringing much there that they don't already have better in in guys like Moore, Shelley and Sabin already. I suppose if they want an ultra baby-face he'd work, but the kids got the personality of a dial tone – I'm just not sure he'd really be what TNA needs outside of a whiter version of Amazing Red, no?

Worse things could happen, certainly, but I wouldn't hold my breathe in anticipation of him doing much more in TNA than he's doing/has done in the WWE sans performing in front of more smarks on a nightly basis.
Why? Why is Bourne so god damn talented? What is it that everyone sees?

He does the Air Bourne. Alright, it looks kinda cool.

Other than that, what? Any match I've ever seen him in it's just him running around until he can hit the Air Bourne. Nothing in the realm of psychology, in the realm of wrestling, in the realm of entertainment. He just jumps around. At least Rey works on the ankles sometimes to set up the 6-1-9.

Sure, have Evan Bourne go to TNA. But what is he going to do in TNA that people like Sabin, Amazing Red, Moore, and Kendrick aren't doing now? Those people named do everything Bourne can do, but they have the added bonus of making the crowd give a shit. Oh. And they're half-entertaining as well.
Evan Bourne should stay exactly where he is at; at least for the time being. Bourne wrestled in TNA as Matt Sydal back in 2004 (or around there) in some X Division Gauntlet type match. If TNA really wanted Bourne they could have had him then.

Furthermore, I am sure he is making more money in the E right now and he is unique to the company whereas in TNA he would be just another X Division wrestler. He would fall into being a no name in TNA because the X Division is already overcrowded right now and has taken a backseat for so long that it will be a while before people really take notice again.

He may find a better niche in TNA in the future (if they make it) but for now I think he is suited just fine exactly where he is. Do I look for him to be a world champion in WWE? Absolutely not; but he could hold a lower singles title if they allow a character to develop.

And I agree with Razor; Air Bourne is a cool finisher to watch but last time I checked, Billy Kidman did the 7 Year Itch and it was at least fresh then so it's nothing new.
first of all he already crossed the line and got sent right back across it.secondly why do it seems TNA fans have an infatuation with WWE talent. Inside we are WWE FANS and WHOO WHOO WHOO WE All KNOW IT!
Why? Why is Bourne so god damn talented? What is it that everyone sees?

He does the Air Bourne. Alright, it looks kinda cool.

Other than that, what? Any match I've ever seen him in it's just him running around until he can hit the Air Bourne. Nothing in the realm of psychology, in the realm of wrestling, in the realm of entertainment. He just jumps around. At least Rey works on the ankles sometimes to set up the 6-1-9.

Sure, have Evan Bourne go to TNA. But what is he going to do in TNA that people like Sabin, Amazing Red, Moore, and Kendrick aren't doing now? Those people named do everything Bourne can do, but they have the added bonus of making the crowd give a shit. Oh. And they're half-entertaining as well.

Evan Bourne actually has loads of talent that the E just isn't capitalizing on. He can sell moves like it's no ones business. Every time Sheamus hit the Razor's Edge on him, or when he had a feud with Mark Henry on ECW, every single time he was smashed hard on the mat, I freaked. His body can contort in so many ways, making other guys look outstanding.

He isn't the most technically sound, but what were we expecting? He's a tiny guy. Small guys have trouble being technically sound around bigger people. He has a gimmick that works well for him. He's a high-flyer. He's the epitome of what The Hardy Boyz were in their tag-team prime, and now Jeff Hardy is a main eventer, a 2-time major title holder in the E, and is one of the top performers on TNA.

The one thing that can truly turn Evan Bourne's character around is for him to leave the E. They prize themselves on big guys like Cena, Batista, HHH, Undertaker, Sheamus, and guys of the likes. The only reason other guys get a shot is because they're in the biz for years.

If and when Bourne Crosses the Line, he'll have potential to actually develop a character. In my honest opinion, he'll be able to use all his high-flying moves that people love to see to win matches. The more in-ring time he has, the more technical he can get. He'll develop into a great x-division superstar. His personality isn't too stale to learn how to be an actor. He has potential, the E just refuses to maximize on it, which is why everyone thinks he has so little talent, personality, and ability.
Why? Why is Bourne so god damn talented? What is it that everyone sees?

He does the Air Bourne. Alright, it looks kinda cool.

Other than that, what? Any match I've ever seen him in it's just him running around until he can hit the Air Bourne. Nothing in the realm of psychology, in the realm of wrestling, in the realm of entertainment. He just jumps around. At least Rey works on the ankles sometimes to set up the 6-1-9.

Sure, have Evan Bourne go to TNA. But what is he going to do in TNA that people like Sabin, Amazing Red, Moore, and Kendrick aren't doing now? Those people named do everything Bourne can do, but they have the added bonus of making the crowd give a shit. Oh. And they're half-entertaining as well.

Bourne in WWE is doing 1% of the moves he does outside of it. Have you seen his matches against AJ Styles in the indies? In Japan? The guy can outshine any X-Division star with ease.
omg guys, just because bourne isnt getting a push in wwe means he will get a bigger push in tna. give wwe a chance in how they handle him. i swear, for every person in wwe who isnt getting a push, theres a topic about how he should goto tna.
I haven't seen this guy in the indies and WWE doesn't really give him a chance to shine so I can't say much for his abilities. However, I've never heard the guy speak and TNA isn't exactly at a stage where they're letting their x-division style athletes any chance to shine. That being said from what I've seen I don't see him as anymore than mid carder if that. I'd love to see what he's got but if he's making decent money without putting his body at an unneeded amount of risk he's better off for it.
Busting in Jobbers from the WWE hasnt exactly worked soo far.

If they had no real plan for him why bother, they have blokes like Kaz/Daniels who the fans would rather see in a feud for the title rather then Evan Bourne, no offense to the guy but at least pick someone who doesnt lose every Raw.
Talented he might be. Talented he most certainly is, and I have no doubt he has more to offer than the WWE are letting him show. However, pure in-ring talent is not enough to get by, especially in the WWE. From what I've seen of him, he has little charisma, and is not that good on the mic. But whoop-de-fucking-doo, he can do a Shooting Star Press! Let's make him WWE Champion.


The point is, you can have all the in-ring skills in the world, but if you can't find a platform in the ring to connect in some way with the audience, then you ain't gonna make it very far. The only guy I can remember that working for was Chris Benoit, but that was a very rare case. And like some of the comments above, if he moved to TNA, he'd get lost in the shuffle of guys who are more athletic and quite frankly better than him. At least in the WWE, he can offer something unique to that company, even if he only gets to show it on 2 minute squash matches every week on RAW.
Bourne has alot of freaking talent, I say why Not? WWE is not using him at all, He's basically just jobbing to the entire WWE roster. I could easily see him as the X-Division champion on TNA. He will be awesome in the x-division especially with the awesome wrestling skills that he has and that shooting star as a finisher. Bourne will be gold inside a TNA ring.
Evan should definitely jump ship. WWE is obviously not using him right and it seems like every match he's in he jobs. Maybe he should go down to Mexico in AAA. then he can hang out with Jack Evans.
Evan Bourne should definitely stay exactly where he is. Better to be a mid-carder, or a jobber, or whatever role he is asked to fill in the WWE, rather than to cross the line and be unemployed in 6-12 months.

All of you TNA fans are unrealistic purists. I really respect the passion you bring to the wrestling organization you obviously love. But why would Evan Bourne leave the greatest wrestling organization in the world, where I'm sure he's paid quite well, to go to TNA at this stage of the game? Because spin it however you like, but TNA is brutal at the moment. If I were a pro wrestler, I'd be embarrassed to be affiliated with the current TNA product.

Jesus, between OJ dripping sperm off his face, or the knockouts settling their title situation via opening locked boxes, not to mention the parade of former WWE talent, combined with embarrassingly low numbers in every respect, I really don't know how so many of you can continually come on here and defend the product, I really don't.

The Orlando Jordan situation is possibly the worst storyline in the history of pro wrestling, or for sure it's well up there. When a company is struggling for survival, and it has to resort to a storyline which almost forces you to change the station, bearing in mind there's not many viewers in the first place to lose, that's problematic.

And Evan Bourne should leave the WWE and go to this? From appearing at Wrestlemania and possibly soon becoming involved in mid-card belt scenarios, to a company that I truly believe won't survive beyond 2011, would be career suicide. Just ask Jeff Hardy.
Evan Bourne should definitely stay exactly where he is. Better to be a mid-carder, or a jobber, or whatever role he is asked to fill in the WWE, rather than to cross the line and be unemployed in 6-12 months.

All of you TNA fans are unrealistic purists. I really respect the passion you bring to the wrestling organization you obviously love. But why would Evan Bourne leave the greatest wrestling organization in the world, where I'm sure he's paid quite well, to go to TNA at this stage of the game? Because spin it however you like, but TNA is brutal at the moment. If I were a pro wrestler, I'd be embarrassed to be affiliated with the current TNA product.

Jesus, between OJ dripping sperm off his face, or the knockouts settling their title situation via opening locked boxes, not to mention the parade of former WWE talent, combined with embarrassingly low numbers in every respect, I really don't know how so many of you can continually come on here and defend the product, I really don't.

The Orlando Jordan situation is possibly the worst storyline in the history of pro wrestling, or for sure it's well up there. When a company is struggling for survival, and it has to resort to a storyline which almost forces you to change the station, bearing in mind there's not many viewers in the first place to lose, that's problematic.

And Evan Bourne should leave the WWE and go to this? From appearing at Wrestlemania and possibly soon becoming involved in mid-card belt scenarios, to a company that I truly believe won't survive beyond 2011, would be career suicide. Just ask Jeff Hardy.

Couldn't have said it better,why would Evan Bourne leave WWE? So he can job to Hall & Nash for weeks at a time or be lost in the big shuffle that is the TNA Roster. I agree that Orlando Jordan thing was hideous and has no place in Today's Wrestling,it may have worked in 1998-1999 when Val Venis was around but not now. I almost threw up in my mouth when I saw that before I flipped over to USA. Besides Evan was at Wrestlemania incase anyone forgot.
Evan Bourne actually has loads of talent that the E just isn't capitalizing on. He can sell moves like it's no ones business. Every time Sheamus hit the Razor's Edge on him, or when he had a feud with Mark Henry on ECW, every single time he was smashed hard on the mat, I freaked. His body can contort in so many ways, making other guys look outstanding.

He isn't the most technically sound, but what were we expecting? He's a tiny guy. Small guys have trouble being technically sound around bigger people. He has a gimmick that works well for him. He's a high-flyer. He's the epitome of what The Hardy Boyz were in their tag-team prime, and now Jeff Hardy is a main eventer, a 2-time major title holder in the E, and is one of the top performers on TNA.

The one thing that can truly turn Evan Bourne's character around is for him to leave the E. They prize themselves on big guys like Cena, Batista, HHH, Undertaker, Sheamus, and guys of the likes. The only reason other guys get a shot is because they're in the biz for years.

If and when Bourne Crosses the Line, he'll have potential to actually develop a character. In my honest opinion, he'll be able to use all his high-flying moves that people love to see to win matches. The more in-ring time he has, the more technical he can get. He'll develop into a great x-division superstar. His personality isn't too stale to learn how to be an actor. He has potential, the E just refuses to maximize on it, which is why everyone thinks he has so little talent, personality, and ability.

That is why Bourne should stay in the WWE. They need a guy who can sell for the bigger guys and Bourne can most certainly do that. He tends to oversell at times but he does good for the most part. Bourne is simply not over with the crowd except for one move. The Hardys were over thoroughout their whole careers (mainly Jeff) and Bourne hasn't plain and simple. If he goes to TNA, he will just get lost in the shuffle like Kendrick and they have plenty of guys who do what he does so why does he need to go to TNA?
That is why Bourne should stay in the WWE. They need a guy who can sell for the bigger guys and Bourne can most certainly do that. He tends to oversell at times but he does good for the most part.

That is the role of the modern cruiserweight in WWE these days. To help promote the bigger dudes. Hell, does anyone actually think JTG is going to be doing anything of interest in 3 months time once he's finished getting squashed by Shad on free TV for 6 weeks? Hell no. If I were Dixie/Eric/Hulk, and i had to choose which wrestler to sign out of Bourne and JTG, i'd pick JTG immediately, because we know he can connect with the crowd, much like R-Truth does, or even in he way he did in TNA, plus he can work a fast match pace, and JTG has even come up with a few innovative moves to help him stnad out amongst the roster. Bourne does the SSP and that's literally about it.

Bourne is simply not over with the crowd except for one move. The Hardys were over thoroughout their whole careers (mainly Jeff) and Bourne hasn't plain and simple.

Bourne's major problem is that he's joined WWE 10 years too late. If he'd joined up when the 24/7 Hardcore angle was going, or when nearly every fued involved a ladder match or tables match, he'd be getting 'Holy Shit' chants every night, and therefore the marks that are there for spot monkeys would have wanted to see more of him, and he'd have reached a cruiserweight status that only guys like Crash Holly, Jerry Lynn, Psicosis, Juvi Guerrera, and Rey Mysterio achieved. Those are the cruiserweights that we actually remember and aer likely to be remembered in 10 years time. Ok, so most of the were spot monkeys as well, but others like Lynn and Mysterio know/knew how to put on amazing matches without resorting to high spots repeatedly in order to get over.

I mean, why do people actually believe that the Hardy's got over? Honestly, why do you (not aiming this at LJL, this is general, to everyone) why do you think people actually cared about them?

Because they were pretty boy spot monkeys who thought up some semi-original moves and nothing else (Poetry in Motion? That's just Air Sabu but no chair isn't it?). Prior to their 1999 fued with Edge and Christian, nobody cared about the Hardy Boyz. A few girls screamed but that was about it. Fuck man, they needed to be lumped with Gangrel before Creative gave them a real chance, and that's the same trap that Edge and Christian had just got out of.

Once they started having regular ladder matches and hardcore matches people warmed up to them and they got over by doing 20 foot high Swanton's or being powerbombed through a bajillion tables.

If Matt and Jeff debuted now, as individuals, with the talents they had then, we'd be having this thread about them. Or if they debuted as a team, we'd be discussing how many weeks before they get split up?

It's why they never do anything with Matt. He was always the least popular of the two, because he took less dangerous bumps. Fans of the Hardyz tag team want him to succeed, but everyone else can see exactly why he isn't. Because unless he's jumping off something or being smacked round the head, no one, truly, cares.

Jeff became a ME'er because the crowd would explode every time he appeared, although that really was just the young women and under 13's. Did you ever hear a Hardy chant that had a predominant male voice behind it, or did it just sound like girls in the front row of a Justin Timberlake concert chanting for Jeff?

If he goes to TNA, he will just get lost in the shuffle like Kendrick and they have plenty of guys who do what he does so why does he need to go to TNA?

Exactly. Let's add one more spot monkey to an ever growing list. TNA need to figure out a good balance of what did work from 1999-2009, and then infuse it with the ideas that WWE are doing now.

I don't mean PG rated angles or any of that, but slow, methodical build ups, that actually make sense. Otherwise, TNA aren't building a wrestling promotion to rival WWE, they're building a circus with nothing but trapeze acts in it, and trying to rival WWE.
I think we all know, there is no title in the "E" for evan bourne to win, well the tag titles, thats about it, i mean, we don't think he'll become the us or ic champion anytime soon do we? well i don't, there is a title for him at TNA, the x division title. However he shouldn't cross the line to TNA, he can become a valuabe asset to the "E" and VKM knows it, being popular with the kids especially.
Last Monday on Raw was the first time I've seen him wrestle a match on Raw that he actually won in a long time. Usually, Bourne is offered up as fodder on Raw to bigger stars like Kofi or DiBiase or The Big Show or Sheamus or whomever. I'm actually hoping that last Monday could potentially be the beginning of some sort of push for him. He's typically shown in a better light on Superstars and has had some pretty enjoyable matches, so I'd like to see something positive happen with him.

As for him going to TNA, I doubt that things would be all that much better for him, if they were better for him at all. I don't particularly think that Hulk Hogan is all that fond of the under 200 pound crowd in TNA. The smaller wrestlers in TNA, for much of Hogan's reign thus far, have been used as fodder for larger guys, have received little time on tv or have just plain been misused overall. With the exception of Shannon Moore, most of the smaller wrestlers haven't really done squat in 2010. Last Monday on iMPACT!, for instance, Matt Morgan pretty much dominated the MCMGs single handedly and then completely punked out Amazing Red after Amazing Red scored the pinfall. Three examples of well known X Division wrestlers all being used as fodder for Matt Morgan's heel turn in one night and in one match. I doubt very much that Evan Bourne would get treated any better.
The true queston on whether Evan Bourne should Cross the Line is who much he value he puts on being able to smoke his pot and not be fined or depushed. As I doubt he would make more as a member of the X-Division.
No...no not really.

TNA has WAY too many people already. Think about it for a minute. There are so many people on Impact that they can't fit all of the angles on back to back weeks. On Raw, you get a majority of the guys on the roster on the show every week. There is way too much going on in TNA and Bourne would just get lost in the shuffle. "But KB, he could be in the X Division!" To anyone that says this, they need to wake up and realize the X DIvision has meant dick for about 4 and a half years now. They get a quick shot like the DX PPV a month or so ago and then they're relegated to a single storyline that gets 5 minutes or so a week before being dropped to nothing again. Bourne is in WAY better shape on Raw, getting praised for his high spots and getting small pushes here and there. He wouldn't be showcasing himself nearly as much in TNA and he would be doing so for far less pay. Stay in WWE, period.
He should go but even if he does he will be in the same position he is in the WWE just stuck in a big mess with no air time and a match once every two weeks. The only difference is he would get on ppv's and he might even get a belt.

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