Evan Bourne/Primo to make a new tag team?

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This past Raw when Mark Cuban announced a match to Cody Rhodes, i expected mvp/henry or something but instead, I noticed that Evan Bourne's music hit.. When it hit, I couldn't possibly think of anyone that could team with Bourne that is a face mid low card.

Then outcomes Primo! Now i thought to myself two cruiser weights. ALMOST like MCMGs on TNA.. Well actually nothing like them but to put together a new face team of two cruiser weights is good because Tag Team division is awful in wwe, there are only like 6 teams and 2 or 3 of them are halfway decent.

Now my Question is Do you think that Primo and Evan could make a tag team together and have chemistry in the ring. Instead of Primo only wrestling once in a while on Superstars and losing 75% of the time and Evan jobbing to Swagger and Miz to make them look more credible. Why not just put them together as a team?? Do you think it was just a one time team?? or do you think that the E can actually do something with them?
I think if the WWE took their " tag team division " seriously, then Primo and Evan would stay as a team. However, due to the obvious fact they were just thrown together, I don't see them as a team permanently.

If the WWE took their tag team wrestling seriously, instead of these random one off matches with teams for the belts, we would have witnessed legitimate feuds and we could possibly see Evan and Primo as a team going up against who the champions are.

I can only imagine what will happen with the tag team championships at the pay per view.
As much as I want to see the tag division get better, they need to do it with REAL tag teams. Yes, they're both cruiserweights, but Bourne and Primo are just too random. I'm sick tag teams made from two random guys (MVP/Henry, Jerishow), especially if they're not going to be seriously pushed as a single unit with a single theme/gimmick (ex. Beer Money). They never should have split the Colons and I'd much rather see Bourne on his own, in the US title picture.

If the E wanted to go somewhere with them, they could definitely do it. They need more teams, but I'll pass on this one. Get some real teams in there, WWE.
Now my Question is Do you think that Primo and Evan could make a tag team together and have chemistry in the ring. Instead of Primo only wrestling once in a while on Superstars and losing 75% of the time and Evan jobbing to Swagger and Miz to make them look more credible. Why not just put them together as a team?? Do you think it was just a one time team?? or do you think that the E can actually do something with them?

I think that they might keep them together as a tag team for a bit (like Henry and MVP) but they are still a tag team made up of random jobbers who have nothing else to do and they will never be a legit threat to the tag team titles because of that. It is better than having them job alone.... but I feel that they will go about as far as the Moore/Yang team back in 2008, before splitting up and going back to jobbing.... in other words, nothing noteworthy is going to happen with this team, but at least they will probably put on a couple of entertaining matches.
Well they really need to put Both guys in a Tag Team especially considering they are both getting wasted right now. I just don't think both guys would go together well in the long run. I have nothing against either guy but I didn't think their styles meshed as well as I would of liked (but I'm kind of a wrestling snob anyways so I might just be picky).

Personally I would wait until Danielson and Kaval make their way to the main roster to pair up Bourne with someone. I think Danielson would compliment Evan Bourne much better than Primo does (danielson is the steak and bourne is the sizzle, works perfectly).

With Kaval it would work because they both are great ariel wrestlers and could really bring a lot of flash into the tag division (kind of like how the rockers did). Both guys have been good in tags (Kaval with XXX and Bourne in his makeshift tag team with AJ Styles) and I feel would really compliment each other.

Primo should really go back with Carlito (they did well as a tag team), end of story. Both guys made for a solid tag team and brother teams always have good chemistry
, how can't they? A real good way for Primo to grow as a wrestler, and besides, Primo isn't ready to be by himself.

SIDE NOTE: Why would you split up a perfectly good tag team when you have no plans for either guy, so Carlito can be heel "just because he's good at it"? Note to WWE, unless you plan on giving one of the team members a good push (Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels for example) DON'T SPLIT UP THE TEAM UNLESS THEY REALLY REALLY SUCK!
I think it's a one time deal, but I do think it's the first step out the door for one or both of them. At this point both Bourne and Primo are lower on the card than Hornswoggle, so they will either continue to job on RAW or get cut. Bourne has more upside than Primo, but his size is against him. He'll be nothing more than a hotshot or work pointless low-card feuds. Primo can work, but he seriously needs to be repackaged. So does Carlito at this point.

Dont put any hope in the tag division. Done are the days of great tag teams in WWE. It's only reason for existance is to put straps on main eventers that arent in the world title hunt.
Has Primo won a singles match besides his debut? Primo NEEDS a partner badly, he has no charisma by himself whatsoever. I like Evan Bourne and honestly thought he should have stayed on ecw where he was allowed to win matches. i actually thought Bourne would win the us title when he beat kofi in a non title match but nothin ever came of that.

I dont think makin them a team would do anything for either of them except losing to the hart dynasty on superstars. The colons should have never lost the titles or split so early they weren't even together a year were they? i say send primo to smackdown to team with escobar bc i dont see him goin anywhere either now that hes a face and they can be a jobber tag team and send evan bourne back to ecw and let him team wit yoshi tatsu and they can feud with that caylen croft and the other new guy

totally off topic but what happened to tyler reks?
If this is the way most of the new tag teams are going to come up, then so be it. That said, I support this team. Yeah they've jobbed a lot, but they are on Raw for Gods sake! What did you honestly expect? They are however an agile, quick and speedy team that could pack some excitement.

Primo is a good talent, but needs some repackaging and some charisma. He's a little bigger than Bourne, and has some good ring skills. Evan can get the crowd into the match, and although his size hurts him a lot, his skill set amazes fans. Together, these guys could put on some exciting matches. Sure they may be the jobber team, but let them get some upset wins to give them some momentum. This would be a fun team to watch.

off topic ofcourse, but really guys where the hell is tyler reks?!?
I am looking forward to seeing what comes from these two. It is no secret that they have found it hard to find their niche since joining Raw and I do think that something great can come from this. Well, that is my hope at least. Bourne has really faded in the last couple of months and it is a shame to see such a talent jobbing on every occasion that he is in the ring. I feel as though WWE have spoiled Bourne to an extent. He started off strong and got a great reputation on ECW as a great superstar that really gave us everything. Now on Raw, he seems to have lost every bit of momentum that he had gained on ECW. What they need to do is give him a little bit of mic time and see how it goes. However, that is another story.

His teaming with Primo is sort of strange and took me by surprise if I am honest. Primo is in exactly the same position as Bourne is in and looked certain to be out of the exit within the next few months if he did not find something. As he is now teaming with Bourne, I would like to see what both of them can give is. Do I think that they will be able to top a team like Biog Show and Jericho or DX. No I don't. However, they could certainly have a good run in a lacklustre tag division and hopefully both of these guys can get back some of their momentum.
I'd be fine with this tag team on one condition. I mean, an extra tag team will do no harm to the division, and those guys are doing nothing anyway. But the problem is, they actually have to do something as a team. They have to be part of the division, I don't want another MVP/Henry situation. They're not doing anything. Been a team for months now and haven't even got a title shot. Now, I know the tag team division has been dominated by Jerishow and now DX since summer. But even Cryme Time have had a damn title shot at some point. So if Bourne and Primo just end up flailing around in Raw's midcard, then it's really not worth it.

If they do get pushed, it could be very interesting. Primo has already been a tag champ before and he was quite decent. And Bourne needs a strap right about now. They could be like Londrick or MCMG, without the chemistry and with less talent. That wouldn't be too bad, right?
I say give both men different tag team partners. I remember the few times Rey and Bourne teamed they had great chemistry. So do that or have Bourne team up with another new star that's about to debut and have them be a legit Tag Team. Everybody keeps talking about Escobar and Primo so hell give it a shot and see if that works. Carlito and Primo really should have stuck together. If they were both still heels I'd say put Masters and Carlito back together again but it seems Masters is about to be full fledged face real soon.

Bourne and Primo need partners I just don't necessarily think it should be each other. On a side note I really wished they would have kept Jackson and Kozlov together. Their team actually made me give a damn about each of them and they were one of the few legit teams that actually look like they have a fighting champs taking the straps off Jerishow or DX no matter who won at TLC.
Im a big supporter of a better tag-team division inside WWE. However: I think this is just an OK pairing. I think they would be better with other partners tho.

Primo & Carlito should have never been split up in the 1st place! I still dont get that at all. But thats another story for another time.

So- I guess all I can say is: Im OK with the pairing. I just think it could be better. 2 small guys together in a tag-team usually dont do it for me. Put Primo back with Carlito & pair up Bourne with...HELL...I dont know who!! What about the newly turned face: Chris "titty-bounce" Masters???

Just my :twocents:
I can't indicate my disgust enough for slapped-together tag teams like we see today. I would rather see teams like we used to see in the late 80's and 90's that represent a true Tag Team division ... that mirror or complement each other ... and when the time comes to split the team up, you can always assign the wrestlers new characters.

But this is an okay pairing at best because the two really have nothing in common with each other, other than their aerial ring style. But that's all it takes to be paired together in WWE in this day and age.
I personally think if your going to team two guys up to give them something to do, each partner ideally should hide the others weakness, or both be good at it all. The thing is, they are both good at the same thing(High flying), and suck at the same thing(Actually showing abit of character/charisma).
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