Evan Bourne and Chavo Guerrero

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
Last night on Raw, Evan Bourne came out to save Hornswoggle from a beatdown by Chavo. I personally hate this. A few weeks ago, it looked like we might have saw a Kofi-Bourne fued, as they put on some great matches. Then Evan Bourne beat Jack Swagger in just over 3 minutes. Now he's fueding with somebody who has lost repetitively to a midget? Is this an attempt to push Chavo into the midcard or bring Evan Bourne into the lower card? Evan Bourne is one of my favorites, and I think he should be on Smackdown where he can feud with the likes of Ziggler, Mysterio, Morrisson etc, but on Raw he just gets lost in the mix.
Bourne is an amazing talent and he deserves much more than a fledgling low-card feud with Charo (thanks Piven). I was excited at prospect of a long battle with Kofi for the US Championship and I'm sure others would've liked it as well. With that aside, I am actually far more excited just because this dreadful Hornswoggle/Chavo feud is mercifully coming to an end. Evan can definitely be a great mid-card talent and with the proper booking and set-up, he could easily be in a position such as Mysterio (small and high-flying) and advance to the top of the card. But alas, WWE dues must be paid.
I think that this will actually be a good feud. It seems that Bourne isn't ready for the US Title and there is no point in Swagger constantly beating the shit out of him, so they gave him Chavo. Despite what we've seen over the past few months, Chavo has the ability to be very good in the ring, given that he isn't wrestling against Hornswoggle every week.

Chavo and Bourne had some very good matches on ECW last year that put Bourne on the map. Many people even considered one of their matches to be a MOTY candidate. You should be thankful for this feud, it means we don't have to see anymore Chavo/Hornswoggle matches.
I know the only reason they keep midget Hornswoggle around because he brings in the curious eyes of other midget children/teens from lots of different places. And I do agree with giving someone with a physical dismay a chance to shine where he/she would've never thought they'd be. It's actually pretty damn rightous - even so more because they already know real wrestling fans like the bunch of us on this website etc.
They STILL put it on the air - they just need to think of a better way to give the midget credit. Because yes I agree with you Evan Bourne belongs competing with the other rising stars - have solid feuds and eventually win the big one. He'd be a perfect addition to the SD! roster - Mysterio-Bourne feud imagine for the IC title? Thats ppv baby ha

and please dont forget Chavo Guerrero - I mean the man's (last) name literally means Warrior! Thats epic - he carries the legacy of a proud mexican history. But he's cursed to be the "funny guy" on the roster. I believe this man's career can still be saved - not really in the mood to make suggestions about it though. I've already noted stuff on that.

now Hornswoggle - ugh. Seriously - a great way to still have him on tv doing whatever it is he actually does on there (attempted humor). Pair him up with some gals backstage - in the locker room. Sort of a ladies man - get the girls giggling - hell I'd even laugh - questioning "how the heck did he get those beautiful ladies?"
these writers these days are desperate - and are willing to destroy someone elses future so they can get through a week of work. Savages.
I personally don't care for the Chavo/Hornswaggle angle anymore, it might have been amusing for the first couple of matches, but to me it's just redundent, and I'm starting to feel sorry for Chavo (how did it all start anyways?). Evan Bourne is one of my favorites WWE Wrestlers, right next to John Cena (who is my top WWE favorite, who is tied with AJ Styles, I like John Cena more, but since he is in WWE he is tied with AJ Styles, who I like as much as I like Evan Bourne, but AJ is my favorite TNA Wrestler, and I like TNA better than WWE, so to me that makes John Cena and AJ Styles tied for my top favorite)

Anyways, I hope Chavo gets out of this angle soon, and get back to the wrestler he is, and if that means he'll start fueding with AJ that's great.

What would be interested is if they brought in another midget wrestler to feud with Hornswaggle
I think it'd be a great move for both of them. While I'm one of the very small minority that actually enjoyed the Hornswoggle/Chavo matches just because they both knew how to really up the slapstick and make it unbelievably silly, its time for that era to end. Horny's had his fun and now it's time for him to get into something where he takes a few hard knocks and maybe comes out more respected for it. I personally think that Hornswoggle really proved himself in the "Illegitimate McMahon" storyline as a somewhat believable dramatic performer rather than just being silly. I'm hoping that Hornswoggle gets into something that allows him to show a little more depth of character rather than just the goofball side of him.

As for the possible feud between Bourne and Chavo, that has the potential for some absolutely great matches. They're both tremendous high fliers, but this also gives Chavo, the veteran, a chance to pass on some of his knowledge to Bourne, the rookie. This could be a great youth vs. experience storyline and actually has a good chance at getting personal which is what both of them really need for a push.
well to start things off it really looked like Kofi was going to fued with the Miz and Carlito in the mix but this is like a way for wwe to stop enbarassing chavo but then agian even bourn was been not been pushed latley I think that even bourne is not the future of wwe no more after that ankle injure Vince said ''screw him''.
It nice to see Chavo get out of the comedy bit and hopefully have a meaningful feud with Bourne. Chavo will complement Bourne's style well and in essence will see if Bourne is ready to go to the next level (mid-card). Chavo is a great worker when creative lets him. Truth is the jury is still out on Bourne (much like Kennedy who got injured when they were ready to give him his shot), and Chavo will be the test to see if Bourne gets pushed, or stays were he is. Bourne needs to become less of a spot monkey and able to work with all styles and all sizes of competitors before moving to the upper-card level.
I'm just gald Chavo is done with this crap angle with hornswoggle, Kudos to you wwe for replacing something stupid with something that could potentially would be good.
I hope this feud between Chavo & Evan is good. I'm a Chavo fan and they've been doing him wrong. This thing with Hornswoggle was bull from the start. Plus I don't think Chavo's done really anything good since Eddie was alive.
IMO, i think Hornswoggle is actually a pretty good wrestler. If you watch the mini royal rumble, he actually puled off osme good power moves, and it makes you wonder, would he be a good wrestler if he was normal sized?

So i reckon they should bring in a midget wrestler, give hornswoggle and the midget some good traini, and have them put on an incredibly surprisingly good match.

That should fix Hornswoggle.

As for Chavo, this feud should bring him back some credibility- so long as it doesnt just destroy bournes credibility.
Chavo Guerrero is being buried so deep by this feud with Hornswoggle, we're gunna be struggling to ever see him at his best again. Guerrero is one of the most under-used wrestlers in the WWE right now, and I don't understand why someone who is as talented as Chavo is being forced into a humiliating and degrading feud with Hornswoggle week after week. It was funny at first but now it's starting to just get down right irritating. The moment Hornswoggle gave Chavo that Stinkface during one of their matches, I immediately thought that Chavo's career has really gone down the shitter.

Evan Bourne is one of the most talented young wrestlers in the WWE and is proving himself to be not just one of the very best high-flyers of this generation, but one of the most exciting wrestlers around today. His version of the Shooting Star Press takes my breath away every time I see, it's actually beautiful to watch.
The feud means nothing unless they cut some damn promos. Evan needs to connect to the crowd, as we don't know a damn thing about him. All we know is that he does a nice little flip off the ropes. Get him a character in a feud with Chavo and you have success. Just have them come out and have matches with Bourne going over with no build up on the mic, then we are wasting our time.
fire hornswoglle.he was enrtranteining,now he is boring.i hate him.he does his litlle frog splash,wins and does that dance but seing divas do it makes me puke.the only good thing about it is imagining that you were in chavo`s place(divas holding).it`s like parenthood.you have a wife(divas holding chavo) , unfoutunately you get a child(hornswoglle`s frog splash)and your life(the match) is ruined(over)
I hate to be a buzzkill but this might not even be a feud? Markswoggle has disappeared suddenly, it could just be something for a week sadly.

I say sadly, cause I don't want this Hornswoggle-Chavo thing to continue.

I'm on the fence about this if it is a feud however. I am a BIG fan of Evan Bourne. I do think Chavo and Evan's ringstyles will mash quite well but it all depends on how they would tell the story. Would Chavo still be the funny guy? If this is going to happen I would like to see a return of the more serious Chavo like during his ECW Championship reign. As long as this keeps Evan Bourne on television then I'm happy for it, I'm still not convinced RAW is the right place for such a talent that doesn't bare the same attributes as many of the main eventers. Though I'm happy to see him get air-time.
This is not how I'd want to see Evan Bourne get on the show. The Hornswoggle/Chavo "feud" is about played out now, but Evan has nothing to benefit from getting mixed in this sham of a program. Evan is a smaller guy yes, but he deserves better than being put in this. Chavo is about done as well. This would work for a few weeks at best and then the fans would hate it for sure.
This is not how I'd want to see Evan Bourne get on the show. The Hornswoggle/Chavo "feud" is about played out now, but Evan has nothing to benefit from getting mixed in this sham of a program. Evan is a smaller guy yes, but he deserves better than being put in this. Chavo is about done as well. This would work for a few weeks at best and then the fans would hate it for sure.

News Flash. In pro wrestling you start from the bottom and work your way up to the top. Last I checked Evan Bourne and Chavo were at the bottom.

Who would you have Bourne work a program with if not Chavo right now? Right now he doesn't deserve better than Chavo because there are people in front of him in line. Let's have him actually work a program and cut a promo before you say he deserves better. Chavo is a good starting point.
Who would you have Bourne work a program with if not Chavo right now?

Carlito. It doesn't seem like they're doing anything with Carlito/Primo, so why not have Bourne/Carlito feud? Carlito could get some much needed heat by doing some heel things to Bourne, as he's over with the crowd. Bourne gets a legitimate feud with a talented guy who still has some credibility, as opposed to an underutilized guy who can't beat a midget and has no credibility anymore. Then you can stop the Chavo/Hornswoggle stuff and eventually do Chavo/Primo, as Primo isn't on the level of Bourne yet with the crowd and could have a decent feud with Chavo.

Bourne feuding with Chavo does absolutely nothing for him, at all. He's already had a short feud with him on ECW, and even if Bourne DESTROYS Chavo - which you know he won't - it'll still be a step down. Chavo can't beat Hornswoggle no matter what he tries, and yet GUARANTEED if they feud him with Evan Bourne, they'll make it so Chavo can actually put up a fight. They'll just tell Cole and Lawler to repeat that Chavo is a veteran and "a former ECW champion in his own right" over and over and over again and hope that that justifies Chavo being able to beat (or even come close to beating) a younger, faster person who isn't a dwarf.
Im looking forward to a Evan and Chavo feud, it'll be able to actually showcase some return of a cruiserweight feud with two high flyers that are very talented especially Evan. It puts them both in a feud that can take Chavo away from Hornswoggle, Bourne isn't ready for further title contention yet though but hopefully this feud will elevate him further.
Chavo is a great wrestler, I used to love Los Guerreros and not just for Eddie Guerrero(RIP). Hopefully a good programme between the two of these guys will elivate them both out of the s**t up into the midcard, I just cant see it happening on Raw though.

Hopefully next draft they will both move over to Smackdown where they have a good chance of at least working decent mid card programmes.
I think th is feud with bee good for Evan Bourne, it'll help elevate him more. Granted to some, Chavo doesn't appear to be very credible anymore after losing to Hornswoggle so much and is such ridiculous stipulations, however breath free haters, for that feud is over. But... I still Chavo is still very credible and still very able to get others as was witnessed in his feud with Hornswoggle, he got him even more over. I am sure that while Chavo will get some clean wins, he'll also elevate and get Bourne over even that much more. Bourne will come out of this feud on top and charging up the roster. If you think about it, since being on Raw he hasn't really proved himself in a feud or program yet. While his matches have been great, he has really only been used in a filler role. So now I think the WWE is going to move on from that and who better to test the waters with, to see if he can hold a feud on his end on Raw that Chavo? If he does great in this feud which I am sure he will, then this is just the beginning of big things for Evan.
This a really far fetched idea, but imagine if this feud could (again, probably not gunna happen) lead a build up to the cruiserweight championship! Like weeks of this, leading up to Survivor Series, where Vince will tell these two that enough of this crap on his tv, saying that this feud is meaningless, now lets make it worth while, and he calls like, idk, Hornswoggle out with the cruiserweight championship, then Chavo and Evan have their match, and Evan wins his first title in the WWE, makes Chavo mad, and continues their feud. Any one think this is good, sem-good, or plain out bad?
People, or at least most people, in this thread are missing the point a little bit. Chavo has acheived loads more in the WWE than Evan Bourne, and despite the fact he's been in this shit feud with Hornswoggle, he is capable of a decent match, and that beating Chavo will actually help Bourne quite a lot.

Because of his size, Bourne takes more building up than the majority of other midcarders, and this is a good starting point. My only hope is that it doesn't end up being a sideshow to the Hornswoggle and Chavo feud, because that will hurt him. The sooner Hornswoggle becomes a diva's manager, the better.
Personally I think this is great. I do agree that Bourne does seem to get lost in the mix on Raw, but hopefully this fued will throw both of them into the spotlight for a little bit. I think/hope, this fued is a way of getting both of them a little more over, unless they just completely drop the entire angle like they did with Bourne/Kingston, Bourne/Swagger, which would be a shame because Chavo REALLY REALLY needs somewhat of a push and Bourne is extremely talented and these two can put on an awesome match. It just seems like they're getting held back due to their size which is a shame because Chavo is a decent performer and Bourne is probably the most talented guy on the roster bar none.
No no. Evan Bourne doesn't deserve to be involved in the Chavo/Hornswoggle feud. He has a lot of talent in the ring and would've been better off in the U.S. Championship fatal 4-way on RAW last night and removing the Miz, who has no mic skills let alone in-ring skills, from the 4-way AND the U.S. championship picture altogether instead of being involved with Chavo and Hornswoggle. The WWE needs to push Evan Bourne not get him caught up in such a pointless feud.

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