ERS - Week 6

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The not-so Great Khali

Fireworks go off in the arena as Extremely Raw Smackdown begins!

JR: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Extremely Raw Smackdown. We are live at the Thomas and Mack Centre in Las Vegas Nevada. Sitting alongside me as always is Jerry ”The King” Lawler.
King: Yea and JR what a show we’ve got lined up for tonight. There is going to be a seven-man over the rope battle royal to determine the no.1 contender for the Hardcore Title. JR: And that’s not all. The Brothers of Destruction will team up Bobby Lashley to take on Black To Reality in a six-man tag team match.
King: And with only one week away from out first-ever pay-per-view, Shawn Michaels will face Trevor Murdoch in singles action.
JR: But that’s not all King, as in our main event the three competitors involved in the World Heavyweight Title match at Total Havoc will face each other with a partner of their choosing.
Randy Orton’s music hits as he makes his way down to the ring.
King: And here’s one of them competitors right now.

Orton: Last week I made an offer to Teddy Long for him to name me the new World Heavyweight Champion. Now after defeating Rob Van Dam I’m gonna make my offer again. So here goes. Teddy I’m asking, no, no I’m demanding that you name me champ right now. Come on, get your butt out here and bring my title with you.
Batista’s music plays. Batista walks to the ring, holding a microphone.
Orton: What do you want?
Batista: Hey Randy, there’s no one in the back that’s going to come out here and name you champion just like that.
Orton: And what have you got to do with anything. I’d beat you 1 2 3 any day of the week.
Batista: Oh is that so?
Orton: Yea it is and if you’ve got a problem with that, well then I’ll just have to remind you of how things worked when we was in Evolution together.
Batista: How things worked. The only thing I remember was me destroying you when you got too excited and then me decimating Triple H when he got too big for his boots.
Orton: Well maybe I should knock some sense into you then.
Batista: Well maybe you should then. (Batista takes off his shirt)
John Cena’s music hits. Cena stands at the top of the ramp with a microphone in his hand.
Cena: Hold everything for just a picking minute. Because the champ is here. Now if you two want to take each other out before our title match this Sunday then go right ahead. I’ll just stand here and watch.
Orton: Shut up. You’re no champ. I am the youngest ever champion in history. I am the legend killer. I am the future of this business.
Cena: Well if you’re the future then I suppose I better whip your ass right now in the present.
Batista: Hey not so fast Cena. If anyone if kicking Orton’s butt, it’s me.
Teddy Long’s music hits.
Long: Hold it right there playas. Now I hope you’ve all decided on who your partners are going to be for tonight’s match because that’s the only time when you three are allowed to put your hands on one another. Because if any of you hit lay one finger on one another then you can forget about a title match this Sunday or any other day of the week, you hear me? Now I want all three of ya to leave my ring immediately.


JR: Welcome back folks and before the break our GM had some strong words for Randy Orton, Batista and John Cena.
King: That’s right, he told them that if they touched one another before their tag team match later tonight, then they will be immediately removed from the title match at Total Havoc.

CM Punk music hits first. Finlay comes out next with his shillelagh in hand, followed by Gregory Helms, William Regal, Jamie Noble and Sandman. Edge comes out last. All seven men stare at each other as the referee calls for the bell. Edge pushes Noble into Finlay. He punches him in the face. He continues to attack him as the other five men start to fight each other. Helms is swapping fists with Punk, while Regal and Sandman are going at it in another corner. Edge is standing by himself. Finlay knees Noble to the mat. Finlay throws him out of the ring.

Jamie Noble is eliminated

Regal pokes Sandman in the eye. Punk and Helms are still hitting each other. Finlay goes to walk over to them but Edge spears him. Regal irish whips Edge into the ropes. Regal runs at Edge but Edge moves out of the way, sending Regal into the ring post. Edge lifts him up and hits an edgecator on him, with Regal landing on the ropes. Punk dropkicks Edge into Regal, sending Regal out of the ring.

William Regal is eliminated

Punk and Sandman back flip Edge over their shoulders. Helms runs at them and hit’s a double missile dropkick. Helms taunts to the crowd before turning back around. Edge spears him out of the ring.

Gregory Helms is eliminated

When Edge turns around, Finlay irish whips him into the ropes. He lands a spine buster. Sandman runs at him and Finlay flips him over. Punk irish whips Finlay into the corner. He stomps on Edge. He elbow drops Edge. Finlay comes over and goes to hit Punk, but Sandman stops him. They trade blows . Punk picks Edge up but he low blows him. Edge goes to spear him but Punk dodges it. Sandman is trying to lift Finlay over the ropes but only has one leg over. Punk goes over to help him. They both try to lift his other leg over but Finlay resists. He hits Sandman in the face, before shoulder blocking Punk. Finlay is standing on the apron, holding his head. Edge runs at Punk and Sandman but they push him towards Finlay. At the last minute, Finlay opens the ropes and Edge goes right through them.

Edge is eliminated

Finlay steps back into the ring. He takes away Sandman’s legs. Punk goes to put Finlay in the anaconda vice but Finlay battles out of it. Finlay drives Punk towards a corner of the ring. He slaps Punk across the chest. He slaps him again. Punk blocks a third attempt. He jabs Finlay in the face. Finlay ignores it and goes to hit Punk again. However, Punk blocked it again and pushed Finlay away from him. Finlay went to run at Punk but Sandman grabbed hold of his right leg. Finlay kicked him in the face with his left leg. Punk jumped on Finlay’s back. He tried to apply a sleeper. Finlay walked backward towards the ropes. Punk started hitting Finlay over the head. Finlay leant back so Punk would fall off. However, Punk held on tightly. Punk raked Finlay’s eyes. This made Finlay wobble and both men got tangled up in the ropes. Sandman slowly walked over to them. He went to choke Finlay with his foot, but Finlay caught his foot and dragged Sandman to the mat. Punk tried to hit Finlay but he was tangled up too much. Sandman kicked Finlay, but Finlay wouldn’t let go of his foot. Finlay grabbed his shillelagh and hit Sandman with it. He went to hit Punk with it but Punk kicked it out of his hand. Punk put Finlay in the triangle choke, while he slowly pulled Sandman out of the ring.

Sandman is eliminated

Finlay begins to tire and feint. Punk applies it even more. Out of nowhere, Hardcore Holly hits Punk across the side with a steel chair. Punk immediately releases the hold on Finlay. Holly stands there smiling. Both men are down in the ring. The ref checks on both of them. Neither one moves. After a while, Punk starts to get up. Finlay slowly regains consciousness. Both men hold onto the ropes for leverage to help them stand up. Punk runs over to Finlay but he reverses it into the celtic cross. Finlay drags Punk towards the ropes. He goes to roll Punk over when Punk holds onto the bottom rope and throws Finlay out of the ring.

Finlay is eliminated

CM Punk def. (in order of elimination) Jamie Noble, William Regal, Gregory Helms, Edge, Sandman and Finlay.

Punk slowly starts to get up. When he finally manages to stand up straight, the referee raises his arm. Then, Holly hits him again with the chair from behind. Punk falls to the mat. Holly stands over him, holding his Hardcore Title high. He trash talks Punk. (crowd boo)

JR: What is up with Hardcore Holly? The match is over.
King: It looks like Holly is sending a message to his opponent at Total Havoc.
JR: Well, CM Punk might not even make it to Total Havoc after that.


Backstage we see Randy Orton walk into a dressing room;
Orton: Hey, there you are I’ve been looking all over for you. So are we still ok for tonight? Great, I’ll see you out there.

JR: Welcome back folks and before the break CM Punk won a seven-man battle royal to be the no.1 contender for the Hardcore Title.
King: Yea but then the champion, Hardcore Holly attacked him with a steel chair. I wonder what kind of shape Punk will be in this Sunday?
JR: Well I also want to know who Randy Orton was talking to just now.
King: It sounded like it was his partner of choice for his match tonight JR.
Redneck Wrecking Crew’s music hit as Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come out to the ring.
JR: And King right now we’ve got a singles match between Trevor Murdoch and Shawn Michaels.
King: Yep and you wonder what kind of role will Triple H and Lance Cade have in this match, leading into this Sunday.
D-Generation X’s music hit as Michaels and H come out to the ring. Cade and Murdoch step outside the ring. The ref tells H to get out of the ring and Murdoch re-enters.

Michaels turns to H as he takes off his shirt. Murdoch attacks him and sends him to the mat. Murdoch starts choking Michaels with his shirt. The ref starts counting: 1...2...3...4... Murdoch takes the shirt off from Michaels. He throws it outside the ring near Triple H. H jumps onto the apron and tries to get in the ring but Mike Chioda stops him. This allows Cade to get in the ring and he and Murdoch hit sweet and sour. Murdoch goes for the cover: 1...2... Michaels kicks out. Murdoch can’t believe it. H walks around the outside of the ring towards Cade. Cade sees this and starts running. The ref leans in between the ropes to try and stop them. However, H continues chasing Cade so the ref gets out of the ring. Murdoch starts stomping on Michaels. Then the referee yells at Triple H, telling him he has to leave the ring area. H pleads but the ref isn’t listening as Cade starts laughing. H slams his hands on the steel steps as Cade jumps on the apron. The ref walks H half way down the ramp. Murdoch picks Michaels up but Michaels gives him a face buster. He then gives Cade sweet chin music as falls off the apron. When Michaels turns around, Murdoch hits him with a double axe-handle and a ddt. As Murdoch covers him, the ref slides back into the ring: 1...2... Michaels kicks out again. Murdoch looks confused as the ref points out that it was a 2-count. Then Michaels rolls him up from behind, holding the tights for more leverage: 1...2...3 And Michaels sneaks the win.

Shawn Michaels def. Trevor Murdoch

Suddenly, Cade enters the ring and starts kicking Michaels. Murdoch joins in as well. They pick Michaels up and hit sweet and sour on him. Then, Triple H runs down to the ring and they scarper through the crowd. H checks on Michaels.

JR: Thank god for Triple H. Thank god. Shawn Michaels could’ve been beaten to death if it wasn’t for Triple H.
King: Come on JR, it wasn’t that bad. Cade and Murdoch just wanted to soften him up before Sunday.

Backstage we see John Cena warming up when someone enters the room;
Cena: Hey, glad you could make it. It’s going to be a pleasure teaming up with you tonight.


JR: Hello once again ladies and gentlemen and just before the break, Redneck Wrecking Crew nearly tore Shawn Michaels in half with a viscous assault. Triple H made the save in the nick of time.
King: Yea but I’m just too excited about out main event after we just saw John Cena greet his partner of choice.
BoD’s music hit as the lights went out. Kane and Undertaker slowly made their way out to the ring. Bobby Lashley then came out. Lashley grabbed a microphone.

Lashley: Booker T, I accept your challenge to a match at Total Havoc. Now get your ass out here so I can give you a small dose of what you can expect if you turn up this Sunday. Lashley, Kane and Undertaker stood in the ring as Black To Reality’s music hit. All four members came out, with Jonathan Coachman leading them.

Black To Reality surrounded the outside of the ring. They slowly teased getting in the ring. Lashley then jumped over the ropes onto Booker. Mad Shad Gaspard and Shelton Benjamin then run into the ring as Kane and Undertaker was looking at Lashley. They hit them from behind as they try to get an early advantage. The referee rings the bell. Coach goes over to Lashley and Booker as they’re still down. Benjamin and Gaspard continue beating down Kane and Undertaker respectively. However, they start to fight back and they irish whip Gaspard and Benjamin into the same corner. Undertaker then clotheslines them. Kane follows suit. On the outside, Lashley and Booker are up and Lashley slams Booker’s head onto the steel steps. Coach looked on worried. Kane and Undertaker continue to keep Benjamin and Gaspard in the ring. Lashley catches sight of Coach. He slams Booker’s head onto the steps once more before letting him go. Lashley starts walking after Coach. Coach flees into the ring. However, Undertaker grabs him from behind. Kane gives high boots to Benjamin and Gaspard. Lashley takes Coach from Undertaker and he gives him a dominator. Kane goes to choke slam Benjamin but Gaspard kicks him in the head, forcing him to the mat. Gaspard and Benjamin begin stomping and kicking Kane. Undertaker and Lashley come to his rescue. Undertaker gets into a fist fight with Gaspard, while Lashley and Benjamin battle it out in a corner. Booker gets into the ring and goes to help Benjamin but Kane stops him. Booker pokes Kane in the eye and hit’s a scissor kick on him. He covers him: 1... Lashley breaks it up. Undertaker takes Gaspard old school. Benjamin comes running at Lashley but he ducks and Benjamin goes outside the ring. Undertaker clotheslines Gaspard out of the ring. Undertaker and Lashley stare at Booker. Booker gets up but he doesn’t know which way to turn. Lashley and Undertaker slowly walk towards him. He backs away but suddenly he bumps into Kane. Booker turns his head to see what is behind him and when he sees Kane he quickly moves away. However, Lashley hits him with a spear. Undertaker and Kane make sure Benjamin and Gaspard don’t enter the ring as Lashley covers Booker: 1...2...3 And Lashley gets the pin.

Bobby Lashley and BoD def. Booker T, Mad Shad Gaspard and Shelton Benjamin

Coach, Benjamin and Gaspard stand outside the ring as Lashley, Undertaker and Kane stand over Booker. Teddy Long’s music hit.
Long: Now if that was anything like what’s going to happen this Sunday, then you fans are in for a real treat. However, if I know Jonathan Coachman then he will already have conducted a plan to make sure his man gets the win. So as General Manager I am going to ban all other members of Black To Reality from ringside and to make sure that happens I am also going to name two special enforcers for that match. And there names are Kane and Undertaker. Holla, holla, holla. (crowd cheers)
Coach can’t believe what Teddy Long just said. He starts fuming as Lashley looks on laughing. He high fives Kane and Undertaker.

King: Wow special enforcers.
JR: And not just any special enforcers, there Kane and Undertaker, Brothers of Destruction.
King: I guess Booker T isn’t so confident now, not only does he has to face Bobby Lashley alone, there will be two monsters waiting outside the ring for him.

Backstage Todd Grisham interviews Batista;
Todd: Ladies and gentlemen standing with me is one of the competitors competing for the World Heavyweight Title at Total Havoc, ‘the animal’ Batista.
Batista: Thanks Todd but you forgot to add that I’m also going to win that match at Total Havoc. (Batista’s phone starts ringing) Hey, one minute please. (He answers his phone)
Batista: (to caller) Hello. Ah wonderful it’s you now about tonight I was thinking that maybe we could do that thing we planned you know when I come out and say please welcome my partner for this evening and then there’s like a silence and then you eventually make your way out to the ring. What do you think?
Batista: (to Todd) Could we do this some other time maybe, this is important, thanks.
He walks off down the corridor talking to his phone.


Teddy Long’s office; Jonathan Coachman bursts in the door;
Long: Coach what can I do for you playa?
Coach: What can you do. What do you think I want you to do? Why on earth have you put those two freaks on bodyguard watch. I mean it’s insane. How do you expect Booker T to bring his ‘A’ game this Sunday if I’m not at ringside. I’m his manager for god’s sake.
Long: Hey slow down a minute playa. Now I’m sure Booker T doesn’t need you or anyone else up his backside twenty four seven. You feel me? Oh and by the way did you see that tag team match for the titles a few weeks back, you know when The Highlanders won?
Coach: Yea, why?
Long: Well that match was so damn good that I’ve decided that at Total Havoc The Highlanders will defend their titles in a tag team turmoil contest and I was thinking about including Shelton Benjamin and Mad Shad Gaspard as a team. What do you think?
Coach: Well since they can’t be at ringside for Booker’s match then I suppose a shot at the Tag Team Titles will have to do.
Long: Oh great because they’ll be in the ring first against The Hardy Boyz see ya Sunday.
Coach walks out.
Long: (to himself) It’s great being a general manager.
Long: (to audience) Oh I nearly forgot. The week after Total Havoc I won’t be here. You see the board of directors have been so impressed with the ratings, they’ve given me a week off. So I’ve come up with another master plan to name your acting GM for a week. Now during the World Heavyweight Title match at this Sunday, suspended above the ring next to the belt will be a briefcase. That briefcase will have a contract inside stating that whoever pulls down the briefcase first will be the GM for the week. Holla.

King: Did you hear that JR. Either, Batista, John Cena or Randy Orton will be our GM for a week. All hell could break loose.
JR: I’m sure it will King. But let’s take a look at the scheduled matches taking place at Total Havoc.
King: In a no-disqualification match it will Rey Mysterio versus Big Show. And in this one there are no rules so anything can happen. My money’s on Big Show.
JR: Well a match confirmed earlier, it will be CM Punk taking on Hardcore Holly for the Hardcore Title. And after that attack by Holly, you wonder what condition CM Punk will be in this Sunday.
King: A match I’ve got mixed emotions about is this next one. Five divas enter the ring but only four return. Whichever diva loses, loses their job. I’ve got a tear in my eye.
JR: Well a street fight between The Redneck Wrecking Crew and D-Generation X will certainly be hellacious. I don’t think either team will be 100% after this one.
King: No but I’m more worried about Booker T. Because his match with Bobby Lashley will have two special enforcers outside the ring making sure no one else from Black To Reality interferes.
JR: Well that was a common sense move by our GM. And another was to have a tag team turmoil match for the Tag Team Titles. It will be Black To Reality, The Highlanders, The Hardy Boyz, London & Kendrick and Scotty 2 Hotty and The Miz. Which team will walk out Tag Team Champions?
King: And don’t forget the most important match of all, the triple threat ladder match for the World Heavyweight Title. And also, above the ring will be a contract to name our General Manager for a week. Who will walk out GM and who will walk out Champ?


Randy Orton’s music hit as he made his way down to the ring. He grabbed a microphone.
Orton: Ladies and gentlemen this Sunday I will walk out of Albany, New York not only your new World Heavyweight Champion but your new General Manager and I promise that I will make Batista’s and Cena’s lives a living hell. So without further ado my partner tonight is a 7 foot tall, 500 pound giant.
Big Show’s music hit as he made his way to the ring.
JR: Oh my Big Show is Orton’s partner.
King: Well you can’t get much bigger than that. What a choice.
John Cena’s music hit. He starts clapping sarcastically.
Cena: Oh please, Randy you might as well of picked a diva. Because that blob that stands right next you is nothing more than a fat bastard. (crowd cheers)
Show: Hey wait until you get in this ring I’ll……
Cena: You’ll what beat me. Aren’t you forgetting that I’ve already beaten you on my way to getting to the final of this tournament. Now some hush please as I welcome my tag team partner. Oh yea and Show he beat you last week. That’s right his name is Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit’s music hit as he came out from the back. He and Cena hugged before they walked towards the ring. Orton and Show got out. Cena and Benoit eyed them up as
King: It’s Benoit. Chris Benoit is here.
JR: And he is one of the best technical wrestlers ever.
Batista’s music hit.
Batista: Cena I’ve got to give it to ya, Benoit’s a tough one.
Benoit: That’s damn right and tonight your gonna find out what it feels like to tap out to the cross face.
Batista: Oh is that right?
Benoit: That’s’ damn right.
Batista: Well maybe this man will have something to say about it.
Mr Kennedy’s music hit. (crowd cheers)
Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, Randy Orton, Big Show, John Cena, Chris Benoit I am the man who is single-handily going to beat each and every one of your carcases to a bloody pulp.
King: Mr Kennedy. Wow, what a choice by Batista.
JR: That sure is King.

Cena and Benoit wait in the ring for Batista and Kennedy as Orton and Show back away. Suddenly, Orton and Show attack Cena and Benoit from behind. Batista and Kennedy rush into the ring to try and dismantle the melee. Batista goes after Show, while Kennedy and Orton trade punches. Batista clotheslines Show out of the ring. Cena and Benoit are up and they go over to Batista. Kennedy and Orton are still swapping blows in the corner. Cena and Benoit double suplex Batista. Benoit climbs the ropes as Cena stands over Batista. Benoit goes to jump but Show pushes him off. Orton takes away Cena’s knees from behind. Kennedy then hit Orton from behind. Show tries to get back in the ring but as he goes to step over the ropes, Kennedy missile dropkicks him, sending him tumbling to the floor. Orton is up and steadies himself for an rko to Kennedy. But Kennedy reverses it and Batista spears Orton. Batista covers him: 1... Cena breaks it up. Kennedy is straight in there, pulling Cena away. Kennedy irish whips Cena into the ropes but goes for the move too early as Cena kicks him in the head. Cena lifts Kennedy up for an f-u, when Batista kicks him in the mid-section, Benoit then german suplexes Batista. Kennedy rolls Cena up: 1...2... Show drags him off and out of the ring. He whips Kennedy into the steel steps. Benoit climbs the ropes. Suddenly Orton rolls his body on top of Batista’s. The ref starts counting: 1...2... Benoit lands a head butt onto Orton breaking up the pin. He also hit Batista. Cena quickly locks in the stfu on Batista. Batista can’t move and he’s in the middle of the ring. Suddenly, Show stomps on Cena’s head to break it up. Show picks Cena by the back of the neck. He grabs him by the throat. Benoit comes running at Show, but he grabs Benoit with his other hand. Show double choke slams them. Show covers Cena: 1...2... Batista stretches out and breaks it up. Show and Batista trade punches as they both try and stand up. Show runs at Batista who trips Show up. Show lands face first into the ropes. Out of nowhere, Rey Mysterio runs into the ring and hits 619 on Show. He then quickly gets out of the ring. Kennedy slowly climbs the ropes from the outside. He lands a green bay plunge on Orton. He covers him: 1...2...3 Kennedy picks up the win for Batista.

Mr Kennedy and Batista def. Randy Orton and Big Show and John Cena and Chris Benoit.

Mysterio looks on as Kennedy and Batista celebrate in the ring.
JR: Well there you have it folks. Batista and Mr Kennedy got the win and this means that Batista has the momentum heading into this Sunday.
King: Yea but that was cheating. You we’re only allowed one partner, not two.
JR: What ever do you mean King?
King: Batista had help from Mr Kennedy and Rey Mysterio. That was basically a three on two on two match.
JR: Don’t be so ridiculous. Goodnight everyone and we’ll see you Sunday for what promises to be Total Havoc.
King: You can say that again, goodbye.

Updated Total Havoc Card:

World Heavyweight Title + GM For 1 Week
Triple Threat Ladder Match
Batista vs John Cena vs Randy Orton

Street Fight
D-Generation X vs The Redneck Wrecking Crew

Tag Team Titles - Tag Team Turmoil
The Highlanders (c) vs Scotty 2 Hotty and The Miz vs London & Kendrick vs The Hardy Boyz vs Shelton Benjamin and Mad Shad Gaspard

No-Disqualification Match
Big Show vs Rey Mysterio

Hardcore Title
Hardcore Holly (c) vs CM Punk

Bobby Lashley vs Booker T
Special Enforcers - BoD

Women's Title - Loser Gets Fired
Melina (c) vs Lita vs Maria vs Mickie James vs Torrie Wilson

Please review my show and check out the website for my show at the link below:
yo I like the hype. I think it was cool how you made BoD the special inforcers for the Bobby Lashley vs Booker T.
Thanks, I just thought that they had been involved in the feud too much and it also meant that it wouldn't turn into a 4-on-1 match.

P.S. don't forget the PPV will be up this Sunday (hopefully)
Great show, a really good one just before the PPV. The Tag Triple Threat Main Event was my MOTN by far, and the spot where Cena was going for the FU and Batista kicked him in the gut only to have Benoit german suplex him was great. The Bobby Lashley & BoD vs. Black To Reality was your typical face squash match in the lead up to the PPV, though, to credit it, BTR did get some offense in. This was a good, traditional and well done match, though I thought Coachman could have had some influence (that's what he's there for, right?). HBK vs. Trevor Murdoch, was solid, but was my least favourite match. Somehow the ending lacked spice. Just a rollup then a beatdown, I thought something was missing, but the match was well written and expressed. The Battle Royal for #1 contendorship was good, especially the early stages, but you lost me with CM Punkand Finlay getting tangled in the ropes and Sandman's elimination, but again, no real faults in this one. Overall, 8.5-9/10, great show!
Thanks for that review - I prefer it when people add a long review and a rating as it helps me when I come to write the next show.

Regarding Coach, I think most of the time a member of Black To Reality was outside the ring so he was checking on them and also with Lashley, Kane and Undertaker being 3 powerhouses, Coach was probably too scared to do anything. (lol)
Regarding Punk/Finlay/Sandman, I even confused myself a little bit on the finish as I was trying to do something different.
What's up Vito sorry I took so long to review but I was busy, I truly enjoyed the whole show expectually the promo's you have a gift of having the promo fit the wrestlers and I thought they were your greatest yet, I did have trouble following the action in the battle royal, first the edgecator is a submission hold but you made it sound as it was a active move, was it a over the top battle royal? beacuse if it was Edge flew through the ropes and their for shouldn't have been eliminated, and I didn't fully understand the sandman elimination either, but I loved Punk getting the win and Holly laying him out before their match, I diffenetly like how the rednecks can hold their own against the DX members and i'm hopeing they got one more good trick up their sleave for the PPV, How could you be so crule to Booker(lol) haveing him face Lashley with BOD as the enforcers your a sick man(lol), loved the main event and the tainted win by Kennedy and Batista but I was secretly rooting for Show and Orton to pull it out though, overall it was a great show and I can't wait to read what happens next.
Thanks for the review and the battle royal wasn't an over the top rope one, it was just over the ropes, lol.

P.S. I have already reviewed ur Raw show and i'll review ur SD show very soon.
Hey man what happened to JTG? But seriously awesome show, man! I like the whole Lashley/Black to Reality storyline. That is genius! I look forward to the ppv. Also, In my show ACW TurBo, I use 619 in a interference situation. I didn't read yours until now so please don't think I copied. I just like Mysterio. Oh...that HBK/Murdock match didn't grab my attention however the DX feud is cool. I would rate this show a 9.5/10 because of that match.
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