ERS - week 1

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The Boogeyman

Fireworks go off by the stage as Extremely Raw Smackdown starts!
JR: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you live from the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., to Extremely Raw Smackdown’s season debut. I’m Jim Ross and sitting beside me is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.
King: Yes that’s right JR and what a show it will be.
Teddy Long’s music plays as he struts down to the ring.
Long: Holla, holla, holla to ya playas. Tonight is the television debut of Extremely Raw Smackdown on the USA network. (cheers from crowd) Now currently we have 7 championships that are vacant and that includes the most prestigious title in the world; the World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight just like I promised on two of them titles will be up for grabs tonight and they are the Women’s title and the Hardcore title. (cheers from crowd) There will be a 10 diva over the top rope battle royal for the women’s title and a hardcore triple threat for the hardcore title. Now we’re also gonna have ourselves a little tournament to determine the new world champion. You see I looked through the record books and as it stands we currently have 16 former world champions right here on our roster! Now you feel me? Over the next few weeks those former champions are gonna battle each other to become the new world champion and the leader of this industry. Now, the second match of the tournament is going to be taking place tonight in the main event, and it will be the two former champions with the most number of title reigns; that means it’s going to be 16-time champion ‘the nature boy’ Ric Flair versus 10-time champion ‘the game’ Triple H! (crowd goes insane) The first match of the tournament, however, will take place right now so first of all let me welcome Washington’s own, Batista to the ring. (major cheers from crowd)
Batista’s music plays as he walks down to the ring.
Long: Batista, tonight I’m giving you the choice to choose your opponent for your match in the tournament. Now you can choose anyone on the roster, except Ric Flair and Triple H, who has been champion before. So who ya gonna choose playa?
Batista: Well Teddy first of all I just like to say thanks for this opportunity.
Long: No problem playa.
Batista: And secondly I challenge………the ‘rated r superstar’ Edge! (cheers from crowd)
Long: Ok then if that’s your decision, get me a referee and Edge out here right now.
King: Wow! What an announcement by our GM and what a decision by Batista. Does this mean what I think it means JR?
JR: That sure is King and we also have two former friends and Evolution members going at it in our main event, Triple H and Ric Flair.
King: Don’t forget JR, we also have the Women’s championship and the Hardcore title up for grabs tonight, I can’t believe!
Referee Chad Patton makes his way to the ring. Edge’s music hits as he reluctantly comes out to face Batista.


Commercial: 0:14

JR: We’re back ladies and gentlemen and if you’ve just joined us, then Batista was given a choice of who he wanted as his opponent and he chose Edge.
King: That’s right JR, but it looks like it could backfire here as Edge is on the attack.
Edge has Batista on the floor locked in the edgecator. Batista reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. The referee starts counting: 1...2…3...4... Edge releases Batista. Edge walks over the opposite side of the ring and sets himself up for the spear. Batista slowly gets up turns straight into the spear from Edge. Edge covers him: 1...2... Batista kicks out. Edge strokes his hair as he can’t believe it . He sets himself for another spear. Batista gets up and this time he dodges the spear from Edge. Edge goes straight into the turnbuckle. Batista walks over to Edge and pulls him away from the corner before throwing him straight back into it. Batista signals to the crowd (thumbs up, thumbs down) that this one is over. He goes back to Edge and gives him the batista bomb. He pins Edge: 1...2...3 Batista has won and he advances into the next round of the tournament.
Batista def. Edge @ 0:23
Batista goes to all four corners of the ring and celebrates his victory. He then goes outside the ring and hi-fives the fans.
JR: Batista has done it, he’s through to the next round of the tournament.
King: Yea and I bet Edge is not happy about that JR.
JR: He probably isn’t King, as that means he is out of the tournament and will not be the new world heavyweight champion.

Commercial @ 0:25


Bobby Lashley’s music hit first as he makes his way to the ring. He receives a lot of cheers from the crowd. Carlito’s music then plays as he cockily walks to the ring; apple in hand. The two young competitors lock up in the middle of the ring when Carlito kicks Lashley in the groin and then beats him down to the floor. Carlito picks up his apple and turns to the crowd and says “that’s cool”. He takes a bit of his apple as the ref yells at him to put it down. Carlito turns back towards Lashley and bang…… Lashley hits Carlito with an unexpected spear. Lashley quickly covers him: 1...2...3 Bobby Lashley has the win rather quickly.
Bobby Lashley def. Carlito @ 0:31
JR: Lashley has just picked up an excellent win in quite possibly the quickest match of his career!
King: Unbelievable!
Black To Reality’s music plays as Jonathan Coachman makes his way out to the stage.
Coach: Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, congratulations on the win. But I’m here to ask you to join Black To Reality and take a stand against the one man who is standing between you and a championship; Teddy Long. You see Teddy Long is a racist! (boos from crowd) He can’t stand other black men having successful careers. That’s why he put you in a match against Carlito and not in the main event. So Bobby what do you say? Join me and my men against Theodore Long and rise to the top of this show.
Lashley: Well coach you can stick your invitation right up you’re a***! (cheers from crowd)

Commercial @ 0:34


The Hardy Boyz music plays as they come out first for this tag team match. The crowd all stand up and cheer them. The Highlanders are out next as the crowd boo them loudly. Jeff Hardy and Robbie McAllister are going to start. Robbie turns towards Rory for some last minute advice whilst he scratches his head. Jeff sees an opportunity and runs up to Robbie at full speed, however Robbie sidesteps the attack at the last second sending Jeff into the ring post shoulder first. Robbie punches Jeff in the gut repeatedly and then hits him in the head. This sends Jeff crashing to the floor. Referee Charles Robinson tells Robbie to back away from Jeff, which lets Rory swing Jeff’s arm into the ring post again. Matt tries to get into the ring to help his brother but the referee keeps him out. Rory comes into the ring and he and Robbie double team Jeff into a double hotscot slingshot. Robbie gets out of the ring as they tell the ref they tagged. Rory continues to work on Jeff’s injured left shoulder. Rory tags in Robbie and they get ready for the scot drop. Jeff gets up slowly and the Highlanders both knee him the gut. They lift him up and bounce him onto the ropes but then Matt runs into the ring and dropkicks Rory in the face, which sends all three men to the ground with Jeff on the outside. Matt gets up and gives standing dropkicks to Robbie and Rory consecutively. Matt picks up Robbie up and goes for the twist of fate but Robbie reversed it into a ddt. As Robbie and Rory look at each other, Jeff jumps off the top rope and takes down both of the native Scotsmen. Jeff gets up and raises his arm to the crowd, to which they respond with cheers. He goes to the top rope again but this time Rory also makes his way to the top rope and they he holds onto Jeff trying to suplex him off but he can’t. Jeff gives Rory a blow to the head and he falls to the mat. He stands up for the swanton bomb and he connects: 1...2... Robbie breaks it up with an axe handle to Jeff. Robbie then walks over to Matt and stomps on him repeatedly. He kicks him out of the ring. Jeff then chucks Robbie over the ropes as well. He then goes back to Rory who surprises him by rolling him up for the pin while holding onto the ropes: 1...2...3 Rory gets the pin by cheating but the referee didn’t see it. He scarpers from the ring as quickly as he could.
The Highlanders def. The Hardy Boyz @ 0:42
JR: Those rotten Highlanders have stolen one here tonight King.
King: I know JR, I thought Jeff Hardy was in control but then Rory held onto the ropes and the referee didn’t see it.
The Highlanders celebrate their win whilst holding their heads. Jeff picks Matt up on the outside as he looks on at The Highlanders.

Commercial @ 0:43

Teddy Long‘s office; Bobby Lashley walks in.
Lashley: Hey teddy what was Coach on about earlier saying all that stuff?“
Long: I don’t know playa but I’m sure gonna find out.

Backstage Todd Grisham interviews Ric Flair
Todd: Ric let me ask you, how you feel after you’ve been given the chance to become a 17-time world champion?
Flair: Todd, it feels great and tonight when the referee calls for the bell after Triple H has tapped out to the figure-four leg lock I will be partying all night long, wooo!

Commercial @ 0:49

Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for the Women’s Championship battle royal. (cheers from crowd) The way to win this match is to throw your opponents over the top rope. The winner will be the last diva left in the ring!
King: Puppies!

Mickie James hit’s the ring first. She is followed by Lita, Trinity, Melina, Maria, Candice, Michelle, Ashley, Victoria and finally Torrie. The divas all look at Candice as she does the go-daddy dance.
King: Chad Patton is a very lucky man.

Commercial @ 0:56

JR: We’re back folks and the actions already started.
King: Yes, we’re down to the last six divas JR. Candice Michelle, Ashley, Victoria and Trinity have all been eliminated.
Michelle McCool and Melina are double teaming Maria and Torrie in one corner, whilst Mickie and long-term rival Lita are going at it as well. Lita gives Mickie a Russian leg sweep and goes over to the other corner to help out Melina and Michelle McCool. The trio are stomping away at Maria and Torrie, when Mickie pulls Lita away and throws her into the turnbuckle. Michelle McCool then looks around and gets a mick kick to the face, which sends her over the ropes.
Michelle McCool is eliminated @ 1:02
Melina then turns Mickie around and throws her against the ropes and gets ready to eliminate her, when Maria and Torrie double clothesline her to the floor. Lita then gets up and goes for Maria and Torrie, but they duck and she goes into Mickie, thus eliminating herself and Mickie together.
Mickie James and Lita are both eliminated @ 1:04
Maria and Torrie both go over to the ropes to look at Mickie James and Lita on the outside of the ring. Melina steadies herself and looks angry. She sees her chance so see goes over to them both. While Maria and Torrie are still looking on at the outside, Melina lifts Maria up and throws her to the outside.
Maria is eliminated @ 1:06
Torrie looks shocked and terrified as Melina screams at her. Melina backs Torrie into a corner and then pulls Torrie’s hair for the hair pulling mat slam, sending Torrie half-way across the ring. Melina screams again. She picks Torrie up and places her in a surfboard submission. Torrie yells “I give up”, but the only way to win is to throw your opponents over the top rope. After continuous yells from Torrie, Melina walks over to ropes and throws Torrie out of the ring. This gives her the win.
Torrie Wilson eliminated @ 1:10
Melina def. (in order of elimination) Candice Michelle, Ashley, Victoria, Trinity, Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Lita, Maria and Torrie Wilson @ 1:10

Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match and your NEW Woman’s Champion is Melina!
Melina screams with delight as the referee gives her the women’s title.

Commercial @ 1:11

JR: Ladies and gentlemen we’re back live from Washington D.C. where we have just crowned a new women’s champion.
King: We sure have JR and Melina is that women. I wonder how all the other divas are feeling and also, do you think Melina would want me to help her celebrate tonight?
JR: No, I don’t think she would King.

D-Generation X’s locker room; Todd Grisham interviews Triple H, Shawn Michaels in background
Todd: Triple H, what do you think are your chances of beating Ric Flair tonight and then going on to reach the finals?
Triple H: Are you stupid or something? I am the game, the king of kings, a 10-time former champion, of course I’m going to win this stupid little tournament and capture the gold at the end it.
Shawn: I wouldn’t bet on that H, because I am Shawn Michaels, the heartbreak kid, the showstopper and I am going to win the tournament.
Triple H: Shawn, your meant to be my partner and back me up.
Shawn: Ok Hunter, I tell you what, I’ll back you up tonight in your match against Ric Flair but when we meet in the finals, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to give you some sweet chin music, nothing personal.
Triple H: Don’t be stupid Shawn cos I got two words for ya……
Shawn: Oh no you don’t. I’ve got two words for you……
Triple H whispers something in Shawn’s ear.
DX: Todd Grisham, we’re D-Generation X and if your not down with that, we’ve got two words for ya…… suck it!

Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for the Hardcore Championship match. This match will be a triple threat match with no count-outs and no disqualification.
King: This will be a hellacious match JR with basically no rules. I can’t wait to find out who’s in it.
JR: Nor can I king.

Sabu’s music plays first. Hardcore Holly comes out next, followed by Sandman, who brings his singapore cane with him. All three receive cheers from the crowd. The bell rings as all three men look anxiously at each other. Hardcore Holly goes after Sabu and they lock up. Sandman bizarrely starts hitting himself with his cane.

Commercial @ 1:23

JR: We‘re back folks, and this hardcore match has been just that.
King: That’s right JR and it hasn’t stopped.
Sabu is laying on the floor outside the ring after he missed a triple jump ddt on Hardcore Holly. Holly is currently in control of the match as he has sandman locked in a full nelson. The crowd start to cheer on Sandman as he tries to break the lock. He slowly drags himself and Holly towards the ropes, but he is still struggling to break free. Unaware to them, Sabu has regained consciousness and has placed a chair in the ring as he goes for the flying arabian skull crusher to the back of Holly’s head. He bounces of the ropes and climbs the steel chair and he connects, sending both of his opponents to the ground. Sabu points to the crowd, as they cheer. Sandman starts to stand up, and Sabu sees this so he picks up the chair and hits him with an arabian face buster, sending Sandman to the outside. Seeing that Holly is still down, Sabu goes to the outside of the ring to get another weapon. He looks under the ring and pulls out a trash can. He throws it into the ring and follows it. He positions it inside a turnbuckle and goes to attack Holly once more. However, Holly is up and he stops Sabu with a series of punches. Holly confidently goes outside and grabs Sandman’s cane. He slides into the ring and goes to hit Sabu with it when…… Sandman grabs it from behind him. Holly looks around stunned and receives a blow to the head, busting him open. Sandman hits him again before turning his attention to Sabu. He goes to hit Sabu but Sabu trips him into the trash can in the corner of the ring. Sabu proceeds to attack Sandman with his own cane. He then throws it into the crowd. Sabu looks to finish this match when, out of nowhere, Hardcore Holly hits him with the already dented steel chair, busting him open as well. Sabu is down and Holly goes for the pin: 1...2...3 He has it. Sandman couldn’t get there quick enough and Sabu didn’t kick out so Hardcore Holly is the new champ.
Hardcore Holly def. Sabu and Sandman @ 1:41
Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match and your NEW Hardcore Champion, Hardcore Holly.
Holly clenches his fists as he celebrates. He goes to the outside and the referee hands over the title. Holly grabs it tightly and wipes his blood over it. (crowd applaud all three competitors)
King: He done it JR, Hardcore Holly is the new champ.
JR: He sure is King and what a match that was. And it’s not over yet as next is Ric Flair versus Triple H.

Commercial @1:42

JR: Welcome back folks, we are just about to witness our main event for the evening and it’s going to be Triple H one-on-one with Ric Flair.
King: These two men are former members of Evolution and they were also very good friends.

D-Generation X’s music hits first as Triple H and Shawn Michaels make their way down to the ring. Both of them are carrying microphones.
Triple H (to audience): Are you ready?…… I said are you ready? Then, for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching at home. Let's get ready to suck it!
Michaels: And if you're not down with that, then we got two words for ya…………
(crowd): Suck it!
Ric Flair’s music plays as he comes down to the ring.
Flair and Triple H square up in the middle of the ring, as Shawn looks on from the outside. They lock arms and Triple H gets the better of Flair. Flair is down to his knees whilst still holding onto H. H kicks him in the gut, sending him to the floor. He drops his knee to Flair’s face. Flair wriggles in agony. H picks Flair up and throws him into the ropes, landing a high knee on Flair. H goes to pick Flair up again but Flair resists and hits H with a punch to the face. Flair hits him again as he tries to stand up. Once to his feet, Flair gives H a slap to the chest. And another, and another, and another. (crowd chants wooo every time Flair slaps H on the chest) Triple H is down. Flair goes to put H in his figure-four leg lock but he kicks out of it, sending Flair into the turnbuckle. All of a sudden, two men appear from the crowd and run to the ring. It’s Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Shawn Michaels sees this and goes after them. He gives Murdoch some sweet chin music, but Lance Cade runs over to Ric Flair and hands him some brass knuckles. Triple H and the referee aren’t looking as they are watching Shawn throw Murdoch back over the barricades and running him off. When Triple H turns around, Flair hits him in the face and he goes straight down. Flair covers him and the referee starts counting: 1...2...3 Ric Flair is victorious. Lance Cade quickly enter the ring and they start stomping away on H. Cade holds H up as Flair hits him with the brass knuckles again. H is now wearing a crimson mask. Shawn Michaels rushes back into the ring as Cade and Flair scarper.
Ric Flair def. Triple H @ 1:56
JR: How rotten was that plan by Flair. No wonder he’s called the dirtiest player in the game.
King: Yea, but it worked and he’s through to the next round.
JR: But what I don’t understand is what business is it of Cade’s and Murdoch’s.
Teddy Long’s music plays as he stands on the stage.
Long: Hold on a minute playas. Now Ric Flair you may of got the victory tonight, but this is not the last you’ll see of DX. Now next week it will be you and the Redneck Wrecking Crew versus D-Generation X! (crowd cheers)
Long’s music plays again as he leaves the stage.
JR: Well there you have it folks, next week it will Flair, Cade and Murdoch versus DX.
King: And I’m sure DX wants some payback.
JR: They sure will King, but for now it’s goodnight. And don’t forget, as always tune in to for more information.

Please review my show and I will review yours if you have one, thanks.
Great Show, it had some good ideas, relistic promos, and generally was quite solid. The "Black to Reality" thing is great, though I see them as having a possible face turn some time down the track? The highlight was the Hardcore match and the Lashley/Carlito/Coachman thing was good. Batista vs. Edge and HHH vs. Flair could have been longer, and the diva battle royal could have had a little more spice to it. Overall, 9.2/10. Another thing I noticed was that the matches endings said:

"Batista wins at 0:42" or something. Does this mean Batista won after 42 minutes of the show, or seconds of the match. If it is the latter more lengthy and realistic time frames could be used.

Shawn Sousa said:
Nice show but you should have a backstory for it,

my show is XWE check it out

Just a friendly warning, I'm not a mod, but awhile back the mods posted a thread outlining a new rule, which was that while you could ask someone to review your show, any mentioning/plugging/advertising of your show is prohibited. They will give you an official warning (unlike this one) if they see evidence of this.
Thanks man^^^, yea, (to Shawn Sousa) put more to your posts, you've been warned, so don't do it again, a review structure is in the Book this Rules thread so you can check it out there.
"Batista wins at 0:42" or something. Does this mean Batista won after 42 minutes of the show, or seconds of the match. If it is the latter more lengthy and realistic time frames could be used.

Yea its 42minutes of the show. Do u think i should have this or jst leave it out in future?
I like the fact you have Teddy Long as GM of a mastercard promotion... I also like your color coding... however, the bright green is hard on the eyes... and I think you've given us a little of 1) what we've seen in the past and 2) things we wish we'd see (which is why people like it) but I also think you need to prepare a show that's worth "watching" but I did like 'Black to Reality' as a gimmick and I think it's funnier that Coachman is heading it... you made me believe that he was actually in the ring talking... you wrote him well... overall, I have it a mediocre 3 out of 5 stars...

I think after write a few more, you'll get the hang of it... keep it up... *thumbs up*
ok cheers 4 dat, ill change the bright green colouring.

p.s. could you explain wat i have wrote that other ppl have done b4 me? thanks
Pretty good show but your some of your matches and promos were as short as hell.

Quick match but ya gotta love Batista's win.

Very short match, nothing to mention.

Good long match with Highlanders cheating? I guess there heels in your business.

Melina winning was pretty surprising but what's up with the first four eliminations not being shown?

Vicious match with good ending. Off all three, i thought Sabu was inning this one.

Good match with alot of action. Glad HHH won but not surpised.

Overall: not the best show Ive ever read, but definatly not the worst. You got potential. 7/10
thanks 4 dat & yea the Highlanders r heels in my promotion. btw, the reason the first 4 eliminations werent shown was because they happened during a commercial break.
I thought the show was good if you decide to write another one I would read it. I have a show also it's called Showtyme style wrestlemaina recap and raw#1 it would be nice if you took a look at it and told me what you think.
thanks 4 dat. Yea im currently writing wk2 & i will review ur show aswell.
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