Eric Bischoff Promotion (Update)


It's All About Wrestling!
Eric Bischoff is in negotiations with CMT regarding a new wrestling promotion and taking Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling on tour. The new promotion would focus around Bill Goldberg and Hulk Hogan. Bischoff would bring in new talent from the West Coast.

The success of the Celebrity show will make or break the negotiations for the wrestling promotion. The show debuts next month, and if it does well for CMT expect them to take it on tour and possibly start the promotion.


Well, wow, I don't know ho legit PWInsider news is, but the promotion is going to focus around Hulk Hogan, the greedy gold-digging entertainer who's ego is so big it could tip the top of the CN Tower? Yeah, let's focus around Hogan, bring in new talent, and Hogan gets to run a lawn moyer over them not to mention Goldberg? Wrong choice Mr.Bischoff, don't you learn from your business errors? As for the success f the Celebrity show, I'll wait and see how that goes.
That wrestling show is going to suck. Nobody should take there own time to watch it unless your on youtube or any other tv website. Bitchoff will never learn if his new promotion is going to be set around hogan or goldberg it will be a epic failure. All of us wrestling fans will start to phase TNA when Bitchoff's promotion is being worse. We will also phase about how good or great WCW was to.
IF this is true, No chance in hell will you get me watching this. A wrestling promotion centered around stars who are WAY past their prime? I honestly do not think that's what the business is about.

That being said, it's Hulk Hogan. And 99% of fans are in love with him. I know if there was a promotion centered around Shawn Michaels after he retired I'd watch it, so I think it's safe to say many WWE fans will and Bicshoff will make quite a lot from it.
I'd watch for Hogan and Bischoff, massive names. I'm willing to bet that it gets more viewers than TNA and ROH. Maybe not RAW but probably on the same level as Smackdown.

It's a win-win for Hulk Hogan, if the show swims then he furthers his legacy, if it dosen't it really wont matter to him as true wrestling fans will always apreciate hulkamania. I'd also sooner watch a show centered around him than a show centered around Triple H brother.

In retrospect it's impossible to say wether or not the promotion will suck or not whilst its still in the discussion stages.
I'd watch it if it came on TV, a show centered around Hulk Hogan and Goldberg, thereby creating new stars for them to face, its actually a good idea. Could really help get some new guys over.

The only problem I can see with it is Goldberg potentially injuring the entire roster, so that was an exageration but I am not far off. As said by HBK-Aholic 99% of the population regards Hogan as god and anything he's in will attract some ratings, also the presence of Bill Goldberg will bring out the nostalgia for many fans.

If done right this could really be a good thing.
If there is any truth in these rumours, I doubt that it will get off the ground without some serious investment, because Bischoff won't do it, unless he can do it well. I think people would be reluctant to invest in it for the time being, because wrestling is in a trough, so I can't see this getting off the ground for the time being.

However, assuming it does, I think that it will be a big success, at least initially. Ihave no idea how many homes get CMT, or even what CMT is really, but even so having Hulk Hogan on board a wrestling show would immediately send the ratings to higher than that of TNA.

People seem sceptical about who they'd have on the roster, and saying that they wouldn't be able to attract enough talent, but again I'd have to disagree. Between confirming that they were going to do this and actually getting the product on air there would be a long period of preparation. Bischoff could quite easily poach TNA wrestlers who's contracts ran out in that period, and maybe some of disillusioned WWE performers, especially if they could compete with WWE financially.

All in all, if this ever does get off the ground, it will be a decent product, and will probably eclipse TNA as the number 2 company in its frst few months. As I said though, I think this is just a pipe dream for the time being.
Some of you are talking like you'd watch this without Hulk Hogan and Bill Goldberg. You wouldn't. What interest do you have in a bunch of young no-names that are still trying to perfect their craft?

If Bischoff started a promotion like that, which he wouldn't, no one would watch. Being beaten by Hogan and Goldberg will probably be the highlight of these guy's young careers. Who knows, it may even be the making of them. Oh, what injustice, being given a chance to take another step up the ladder. Wait, it's a trap! HAI GAIS! You're going to have to lose to two of the most popular wrestlers ever and the two reasons people even give a shit! Get out while you can!
On one hand, Goldberg and Hogan have the name power to make it a success.

However, outside of those two, there are not many big name free talent at the moent(there is RVD, but he is taking time off and the WWe would be his first choice I presume)

Having loads of new stars doesnt work(look at WSX). It was funny to watch at time, but Vampiro and XPac are not going to draw ratings. If they somehow get in the right talent and build the promotion properly(not just Hogan vs Goldberg) I can see it thriving.

Ring of Honor is too obscure for mainstream wrestling(no talent, matches built around mat based work, no name values etc)

TNA is trying hard, but with Russo booking, it can go either way.
Fucking shit right it would work.

I made a thread about this when the news FIRST broke at the beginning of the year, and I still feel the same way. Wrestling fans will watch Hogan. He alone could probably rival TNA's ratings. Add to this you have Bischoff the main mind behind the machine, and they could do well, very very well. True, the pool isnt real deep, but people would jump. LOTS of people would jump, eventually.

I am entirely convinced a promotion with Hogan, and others, would sell out areas were people dont get to see live wrestling too often, namely the mid north west, and north west areas. They would sell out England. This could do very well. And country ass people are pretty much genetically pre disposed to enjoy wrestling. So CMT is a perfect home for this. Of course Hogan wont carry it forever, but that will be up to them to decide how to deal with.

Starting with a clean slate, Bischoff's (and Hogans) creative minds, and WWE and TNA as examples of whats wrong, and they could do big things. They could even contract out OVW as their farm league, as WWE is no longer associated with them.

if they were smart, they would stage thier programming on nights when there is no WWE (wednsday nights) and PPVs when there is no WWE or TNA PPVs. If they are the only show in town, they will make money with Hogan.
IF this is true, No chance in hell will you get me watching this. A wrestling promotion centered around stars who are WAY past their prime? I honestly do not think that's what the business is about.

That being said, it's Hulk Hogan. And 99% of fans are in love with him. I know if there was a promotion centered around Shawn Michaels after he retired I'd watch it, so I think it's safe to say many WWE fans will and Bicshoff will make quite a lot from it.

The Irony of that statement is beyond me. A company like WWE which in the last years at the main event of it's biggest stage has seen the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H wrestle for the championship. The WWE is still centered around it's 40 year old plus crew that are ten years removed from being in their primes. It's exactly what the business is about, and has always been about, holding onto the spot as long as you can.

I think that it could work. CMT plays right into the south, a big fanbase that has pretty much been alienated since the monopoly began. Those ratings that the business was getting ten years ago, the WWE didn't keep those people, they left. There is a huge group of people that used to watch wrestling, but the WWE simply doesn't do it for them.

Eric Bischoff is smart, and realizes this, and he is playing right into that crowd. Vince McMahon monumentally fucked up by burying WCW, and it's fans. That fanbase never joined on the WWE train. CMT is a perfect network for this type of promotion, and if it catches on, it could work.
Hogan in the South?!

Hogan was more associated with the Northern, when it was Flair who was for the rasslin industry! Bischoff was more interestedin pissing off Vince during his last reign in WCW, instead of trying to turn things around.

As for the Hogan thing selling out England, probabaly. But then again, nearly every major promotion sells out England when they tour here, be it TNA, WWE or even ROH.
Wrong choice Mr.Bischoff, don't you learn from your business errors?
Yes, because hiring Hulk Hogan back in 1994 clearly never did anything for Eric Bischoff and WCW. Well, except for that whole period from 1994-1998 where they went from losing millions of dollars a year to being the biggest wrestling promotion on Earth.

But yes, aside from that tiny fact, clearly Hogan never did anything for Bischoff the first time.

Bitchoff will never learn if his new promotion is going to be set around hogan or goldberg it will be a epic failure.
Yes, because starting a promotion with the biggest draw of all-time and a man who so huge he beat that biggest draw of all-time clean on free TV just isn't the way to go.

No, he'd be much better off picking no name wrestlers from the indy promotions. THAT'S how you become a successful business. Isn't that right ROH?

IF this is true, No chance in hell will you get me watching this. A wrestling promotion centered around stars who are WAY past their prime? I honestly do not think that's what the business is about.
You're a fan of Shawn fucking Michaels, who has been past his prime since 1997, and is 42 years old and damn near able to collect Social Security.

What the hell are you talking about?

Hogan in the South?!

Hogan was more associated with the Northern, when it was Flair who was for the rasslin industry! Bischoff was more interestedin pissing off Vince during his last reign in WCW, instead of trying to turn things around.
Yeah, Hogan has no history in the southern states.

Well, except for that nWo thing. That was a decent angle for a while. Made a little bit of money. But, outside of that, what has Hogan done?


Let's put it this way wanna-be smarks. Hogan's drawing power > Every independent wrestler combined. I don't know if this will happen, or if it will work, but if Bischoff is able to get Hogan and Goldberg on board, it's got a great chance.
You're a fan of Shawn fucking Michaels, who has been past his prime since 1997, and is 42 years old and damn near able to collect Social Security.

What the hell are you talking about?

And yet Shawn Michaels is still incredibly entertaining, is in a title match at No Mercy, and currently involved in one of the best feuds of the last few years. Which, as much as you like to say, is not solely down to Chris Jericho.

Hulk Hogan hasn't been in a ring for how long? Hasn't been training to for how long? The show will probably hit it off because of Hogans reputation. But I have a hard time thinking he'll be anywhere near as good as he was in the WWE.
Hulk Hogan hasn't been in a ring for how long? Hasn't been training to for how long? The show will probably hit it off because of Hogans reputation. But I have a hard time thinking he'll be anywhere near as good as he was in the WWE.


and how the fuck do YOU know how much Hulk Hogan has been training?? From what is siad, he still avidly bodybuilds even when he isnt active in the ring, and just notches up the cardio before making in ring runs. Has he ever shown up on TV without being in incredible physical condition for someone his age??

And yea, fine example. As if Hulk Hogan WOULDNT be highly involved in No Mercy, and a high profile feud this weekend were he on the roster. Just becuase HBk is your favorite favorite, and Hogan isnt your taste, doesnt excuse being hypocritical, which is what Sly was pointing out.

And of course he wont be quite as good as he was. You slow down with age. But his work style wasnt based off flips and dropkicks anyway, so the slowdown wouldnt be as noticeable. And its HULK HOGAN for fucks sake. Anything booked with him as the mega babyface against evil, is every last thing pro wrestling is supposed to be about. Anyone who is interested in watching the programming, will watch this.
Of course he won't be as good as he was before it's common sense, everyone gets older so everyone gets a bit slower but for a man of Hulk Hogans age he is in good shape as despite what you thought, he still does work out, like NorCal pointed out. When Shawn Michaels gets even older and to Hulks age will you critisize him if he is a bit slower?

Anyway, despite what people think, I think that it will draw because lets face it, Hulk Hogan is the biggest face ever and with his name associated with it along with Goldberg and Eric Bischoff people will tune it because they will remember that Biscoff stuck it to Vince for a long time.

Biscoff is a smart man and I know he could do something good because he has worked for Vince and knows how the WWE operates and he knows whats wrong with WWE and what worked with WCW and he will be able to produce a decent show.

I know I would check it out but I don't know about it being shown here.
It's never going to be a threat, but it's a smart move by Bischoff. Focus on reality TV and get two of the biggest names in Hogan and Goldberg and you have at least a curiosity getter.

Despite all the negativity regarding Hogan and Goldberg, they made it big and were the main draw for their companies at the time of their peak.

My opinion - Celebrity wrestling in the UK flopped, but with Hogan and Goldberg's names (as opposed to Roddy Piper and D'lo Brown), it'll probably get a few looks, despite the fact it's not going to be a credible federation
Yes, because hiring Hulk Hogan back in 1994 clearly never did anything for Eric Bischoff and WCW. Well, except for that whole period from 1994-1998 where they went from losing millions of dollars a year to being the biggest wrestling promotion on Earth.

But yes, aside from that tiny fact, clearly Hogan never did anything for Bischoff the first time.

Hey, I never said don't bring in Hogan and Goldberg. But if you're gonna center around the both of them which both have huge egos, likely no talent is going to grow. I mean, Goldberg doesn't even have talent to make people look good. He's just a lawn moyer period. As for Hogan, yeah, if he's willing. He wasn't willing to do so for Orton at SummerSlam in 2006. Perhaps, he won't want to jeopardize that pretty "celebrity status" of his further than how Nick Hogan has already done.
This definitely has potential to work. I mean, finding a time to air should not be an issue, Wednesdays are wrestling free, plus I think it could easily top ECW or TNA. Or if Friday's your day, we know Bischoff will blurt out Smackdown.

As for saying you can not build a promotion based solely on Hogan and Goldberg, this thing has time, you have Carlito's and Batista's in the WWE who are unhappy with WWE, and you know Bischoff would pick them up. How many contracts could be up between now and if/when this promotion becomes reality? Let's face it, Goldberg and Hogan are huge, and WWE has gone on a cutting spree getting rid of a lot of talent, I think they can at least get some credible talent to join. It will take time, but I think they have a good thing to start. You get Hogan and Goldberg to carry the thing on name power, and while they draw, give other guys time to develop. And imagine if they could get RVD, it's a whole new ball game. I mean, I think it is safe to say most wrestling fans would tune into a show to see Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, and/or RVD. Plus with Bischoff being the brains behind it, you know he'll pull something off
For all of you who want to see Eric Bischoff start a new promotion, we MUST watch the Celebrity Wrestling show. Even if you hate the idea of the show, you MUST watch it. If the show brings in amazing ratings, CMT will help Bischoff bring us a new promotion. If we don't support this show, well, we'll be stuck with the crap WWE and TNA keeps throwing at us every week. The future of the wrestling industry is in our hands!!!


Watch it! Tell your friends to watch it! Let CMT know that you want wrestling to be great again!

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