Enzo Attack & Cass Heel Turn Discussion

Only problem I see here is how they expect Cass to be a heel when he just beat up most annoying turd they have in their roster. Or how they expect him to make us care if he feuds with likes of Big Show who is maybe heel or face. Or maybe he will turn again to other pretty soon.

Anyway, they really have nothing to do so they decided to split them up. Will see how it goes, but Cass should be counted as in line for major push. Maybe not right away but next year we could see some "Jinder" push if he switches brands.
Agree wholeheartedly. Though I see HHH with a group of a turning Balor, who is lost and a much BETTER heel, Cass and The Revival. Have a 4-4 at Summerslam vs Big Show, Enzo and Sheamus/Cesaro or soemthing where they get a dominant win

Would be great to see Triple H, Finn Balor and Big Cass in a faction vs The Bullet Club.
Happy to see Big Cass turning heel and get away on his own. I think that he has the tools to go on his own. I've always found him a lot more entertaining and interesting than Enzo.

Can't tell if he'll be a main eventer someday. But if handled correctly, he could be a major player in the midcard & above division.
I hope a name change is in order. I was watching Raw on Monday and when Cass turned on Enzo my wife came in the room, not really knowing a whole lot of WWE asked what was going on and I said "Big Cass just turned on Enzo" and she said "did you say his name was Big Ass?" I mean I guess it's better than Colin Cassidy but even then they could change it around.

Never was really into Big Cass as much as other people. Just don't see the appeal personally. I'm willing to give him a chance and see how he does though. Enzo can breathe some life into the awful Cruiserweight division however.
I hope they don't actually have Enzo and Cass wrestle. Not even believable. I would kind of have Enzo cut a sad promo, then he announces he is going to the CW division and the deal with him and Cass end right now. No need for a match or more Cass beat downs on Enzo. But i am sure they are coming to try to get him over more as a heel.
I hope a name change is in order. I was watching Raw on Monday and when Cass turned on Enzo my wife came in the room, not really knowing a whole lot of WWE asked what was going on and I said "Big Cass just turned on Enzo" and she said "did you say his name was Big Ass?" I mean I guess it's better than Colin Cassidy but even then they could change it around.

Either you or your wife need new material. Your post from May 30th said the same thing about the (unfunny) Big Ass comment. So did she make the same stupid mistake 3 weeks later? Or was that a big joke for you and we didn't give you the reaction you wanted?

Oh wait a second! According to your first post...
"However, he almost has to change his name. My wife watches very little wrestling so when she saw it was on she was like what did I miss? and I said that Big Cass is freaking out someone attacked Enzo and she said "...did you say his name was Big Ass?" I read a rumor a while back saying they were thinking of changing it to Colin Cass. Weak, but far better sounding than Big Cass."

So, was Big Cass freaking out because someone attacked Enzo or did Big Cass turn on Enzo? Apparently wifey poo never watches wrestling but still walked by and asked the same dumb question after coincidentally--yet absolutely honestly--mishearing Cass as Ass on two separate occasions.

Admit it. We didn't laugh as much as you'd hoped, so you tried again.
Fine segment but not great. It kinda dragged and lacked drama.

Cass is clearly in position for the upper mid-card. He needs some work on the mic, but he's good in the ring and has a great look.

Enzo can go to 205 Live. Like I said in the LD, the division needs character and personality, and Enzo brings that.
Knew it was Cass from the 1st 15 seconds of the Raw segment. They didn't have a random lower mid card tag match as a payoff and it's beyond apparent what they think of Enzo in comparison to Cass. Cass is big, orange, has long hair, is big, is tall, is big, and can do a Big boot. He also has 6th grade power point presentation skills on the Mic, but if he talks louder his deep voice will make him sound like a big meany. I hope Enzo is ready, because I have a feeling at Great Balls of Fire... Cass will shut him up with a knuckle sandwich and a running power slam (assisted by big boot spot #2 and Irish whip). The WWE Universe will be on the edge of their seats for that one.
I am kind of hoping Enzo steals a victory in this feud. Yes Cass will ultimately go over more, but wouldn't it be neat to see Enzo get a win? Maybe in the first match?
Didn't know where to put it. So I'll put it here.

I was actually favoring Cass after the heel turn. The points he made looked valid to me. But Enzo's promo this recent week helped me care for Enzo. This is the Enzo I like. Not the one doing stupid antics. Even more interested in the feud now. :)
This is obviously a terrible idea.

We had a hot act the fans actually liked and could get behind, an act that had not even won the tag team titles yet...and they've been split up. The idea is now to make Cass a monster heel at the expense of Enzo, even though he's green as grass and clearly worked better in a team where his weaknesses could be concealed. This naturally raises the question, well what about Enzo? What happens to Enzo after this? This answer from WWE management is going to be "who cares." Pretty amazing given that on the mic he's literally the best in the company. A business built 50% around promos, here's a guy that's actually THE BEST at cutting promos, and he's an afterthought.

I'm not against pushing Cass as a singles star, I'm against making him a monster heel. For fuck sakes they need to be more creative than this. Why not keep them both as babyfaces and move Enzo into more of a mouthpiece/manager role, it would still help protect Cass and allow him to be singles star at the same time. Also you wouldn't be completely killing one of the very few things your fans ACTUALLY LIKE.

On a side note, I'm also an advocate for a Big E singles push. I think he's great. But that doesn't mean he should turn on the New Day and become a monster heel. The New Day allowed him to show his natural charisma and legitimately got the fans behind him as a hot babyface. Some common sense is NOT TO KILL THAT GIMMICK. Ride the momentum and carry it forward into a singles push. Not everybody is Triple H. Killing babyface DX to give Triple H a heel push did eventually work, but that was an era where Rock and Austin were both peaking as babyfaces. This is the era of no top babyfaces.

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