Best of team SAWFT?

Best of SAWFT?

  • Big Cass

  • Carmella

  • Enzo

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Gone. For. Good.
So we know that the original SAWFT includes Cass, Enzo and Carmella although Carmella is no more with these two, thanks to brand split.

"Who do you think is the best out of these three mates?"

For me, It's Big Cass all the way on the top followed by Enzo and at last comes Carmella.

I loved Cass' singles stint while Enzo was out injured with a concussion. Unlike most people, I find Cass better on mic than Enzo. Enzo is also good on mic but I think that Cass is much interesting. About in-ring work, I would again chose Cass.
As much as I like Carmella in the ring, I find her annoying on the mic.

Thoughts? :suspic:
I can't really pick between those 3 because for me all 3 have something that make them unique and I don't see them being succesful on their own like we saw with carmella last night on smackdown. Carmella is better as a valet/cheerleader then a wrestler. Enzo is great on the mike but sadly lacks the in ring presence to make him look belivable in the ring by himself and cass isn't great on the mic but still as the size to be something as a single wrestler someday.

has a group they are way better because they all brought something different to the group but as single all three aren't that great.
Enzo is clearly the class of the group in terms of personality at least.

I haven't seen enough of Carmella to form an opinion. Last night's LD doesn't do her any favors though.

Big Cass will get a lot of hate simply because he's a bigger guy. That said, I think most people do underrate that short singles stint he had while Enzo was out. He was fairly decent on the mic at least. I still don't think he's ready for a permanent singles run though. Not like the team should be broken up so soon anyway.
Enzo is clearly the class of the group in terms of personality at least.

I haven't seen enough of Carmella to form an opinion. Last night's LD doesn't do her any favors though.

Big Cass will get a lot of hate simply because he's a bigger guy. That said, I think most people do underrate that short singles stint he had while Enzo was out. He was fairly decent on the mic at least. I still don't think he's ready for a permanent singles run though. Not like the team should be broken up so soon anyway.

Enzo/Cass should not break until atleast 1-2 years from now. Both aren't ready for a permanent singles run. But I do see potential in Cass for a good singles run, good enough for atleast a midcard title stint down in the future. About the same for Enzo, I am doubtful about him as a singles prospect.

Carmella would get better as time goes on. I have seen her improvement in the ring-work in NxT. And her finisher is damn good and impressive.
They each bring a different covered dish to the pool party.

Enzo has the gift of gab........ and you can't teach that.

Cass is a seven foot tall bad ass....... and you can't teach that.

Carmella is slowly give me carpal tunnel........ and you can't teach that.

It is just such a tough call. It would've been nice had WWE not sent Carmella on her own path.
The three of them scream wcw 2000 to me there all terrible dont get enzo at all says gibberish doesnt make sense one bit yet he gets a big pop. Big cass sounds so robotic and everytime he talks its just like hes reading off a script. Carmella against natayla she made it look like shawn michaels versus me in the fact the natayla looked a million miles better than her havent seen anything from her yet other than being a rip off of enzo
I'm not a fan of these guys. I'm judging them based solely on what I've seen, which is their main roster work, because that's all that matters. Enzo is ridiculously repetitive on the mic, and none of his promos have interested me in the slightest. In the ring, he's nothing special, but I've seen worse. Big Cass is just yet another generic big guy. He's like a taller, less interesting Edge with permanent derp-face. And their entrance is so annoying and grating, it makes me want to play the sound of dying cats just to drown it out. All in all, there's nothing special about this team. They're just a generic, uninteresting low-level tag team to me.
I'm not a fan of these guys. I'm judging them based solely on what I've seen, which is their main roster work, because that's all that matters. Enzo is ridiculously repetitive on the mic, and none of his promos have interested me in the slightest. In the ring, he's nothing special, but I've seen worse. Big Cass is just yet another generic big guy. He's like a taller, less interesting Edge with permanent derp-face. And their entrance is so annoying and grating, it makes me want to play the sound of dying cats just to drown it out. All in all, there's nothing special about this team. They're just a generic, uninteresting low-level tag team to me.

I fully agree... ok, not entirely. I don't quite agree that they are "low-level tag team", I think it's still too soon to make that call, but that's besides the point.

The thing is, they got huge pops whenever they come into the ring. Even though I can't relate to the fans reaction, they must be doing something right. Right now, I'm not a fan, and I share almost the same opinion as stated above already.
They all got their weaknesses but I'd say Big Cass got the most potential to be the top of the company. Enzo's gimmick is too goofy.
Honestly, I don't see that much potential in Enzo Amore. Don't get me wrong - he is very talented and charismatic. His mic skills are really good, but his gimmick is just way too goofy and over the top. It's hard to take him seriously, and I think that will keep him primarily in the mid-card/tag team divisions. He should have a good career.

On the other hand, I do see more potential in Big Cass. He has the look and size. He's good on the mic and better in the ring. He's also a lot more 'serious' though that may not be the best way to describe it. I just think Cass has 'it'. It's hard to explain. He'll probably have a lengthy career as an upper mid-carder and occasional main eventer.
I'm shocked that the OP thinks Big Cass is a better talker than Enzo but I can certainly respect that opinion. I personally think that none of the 3 members of "team SAWFT" are complete wrestlers, but rather each individual member adds a specific value that makes them the ultimate tag team:

Enzo Amore is perhaps the single most charismatic person on the whole roster, his jokes are original and funny and his in-ring antics are both unique and entertaining.

Big Cass is obviously the muscle of the team, at (allegedly) 7-feet tall he is usually the recipient of the hot tag and scores the pinfalls for the team. I will also agree with the notion that his little solo run while Enzo was hurt was very good and I enjoyed it.

I actually think it's unfair to include Carmella on this list and I think it was unfair to debut her to the main roster the way they did. Her main roster run is falling flat and she's consistently coming out to crickets despite being one of the most talented wrestlers in her division. While I mostly saw her as a valet in the early days of NXT, by the time the boys of "team SAWFT" were called up Carmella had successfully established herself as an all-around talent. She had the cool simultaneous promo/entrance that made Enzo so popular, and showed the in-ring prowess that Cass brought to the table. I think you can make an argument that of the 3, she was the best all-around competitor but they kinda shot her in the foot by making her debut alone in anti-climactic fashion on SD as opposed to Enzo & Cass's memorable debut on the RAW after WrestleMania.

All in all though, I actually voted for Big Cass because I actually think he has the biggest future of the 3. While he might not be the second coming of the Rock, he's way better on the mic than Enzo is in the ring, making him the more complete of the 2. As he showed while Enzo was out, he can hold his own in a war of words and can put on a good singles match without knocking himself out. I know the WWE is changing and now tiny men like Finn Balor can become #! contender for a World Title but it still pays to be large, just ask Braun Strowman. A 7-foot stud who can talk, can move in the ring well, and is already massively over? How do you not choose him number one!?
Enzo Amore is perhaps the single most charismatic person on the whole roster, his jokes are original and funny and his in-ring antics are both unique and entertaining.

I hate to turn this into a Enzo Amore bashing thread, but I simply don't agree.

I have no problem with wrestlers taking ideas from elsewhere and using it. But to your point that his jokes are original? How can they be original when I've heard them all before? His jokes aren't original, if not, I would've have giving him props myself otherwise.

His in-ring antics may uniquely identify him, but again they are not original, down to the poses he makes. I've seen people made those poses and actions before, even in animes that were from more than 8 years ago.

Moreover before these couple of weeks, his promos have been very repetitive.

I'll say this though, he is capable of delivering promos (even long ones) to a live audience, most wrestlers can't. That is his strength, and the reason why I'm still paying attention to him.
I see why Enzo is over, he has a strong voice and can talk all day..for me personally though I was sick of him the third time I heard "my name is Enzo Amore and I am a.." you know the rest. I'd agree that given his size and Vince's love of big men that Cass has the most main event potential. If Enzo had more in ring ability he could go pretty far but from what I've seen he is very lacking between the ropes.
As for Carmella I don't know much about her other than she's a pretty face, that used to go a long way in the old divas division but now not so much. I haven't watched her enough to praise or bash her, she could still be a valet of course but it looks like they plan on putting her in the ring regularly.
One thing you have to remember when speaking about Enzo and Cass stems from the fact that they were never given an opportunity to run with the NXT tag titles. I've always wondered about that because here you have a team that was voted 2015 NXT tag team of the year by WWE fans but yet never wore the gold. So why should our expectations for them on the main roster be any higher? Individually, you would think that Big Cass has the most potential, but only under the right circumstances.
The best by a landslide is Enzo. He's top tier on the mic, good in the ring, and is destined for greatness whether in a tag team with Cass or by himself. If we're looking at them as individuals then Enzo's got the best odds for succeeding. Cass comes in second place. While Cass is good in the ring, Enzo is significantly better on the mic. If they were to split, then Cass might not do so well without Enzo helping him in a managerial role or as a tag team partner. Even when Enzo was out injured for a bit, the interest Cass generated came mainly from people wanting to see Enzo back with him. Last place out of the three is Carmella. I've never liked her. When she managed Enzo and Cass in NXT, I could put up with her because she was getting momentum from them. By herself, she sucks. Absolutely sucks. There's better in-ring workers than her and her promos, while not horrible, just don't do it for me. I have zero interest in her. Either put her back together with Enzo and Cass as their manager or make her a jobber, because a singles push for her won't work in the long run.

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