Enzo Attack & Cass Heel Turn Discussion

They shouldn't be breaking up a legit tag team when there's so few of them on the face side of the Raw Roster. Other than the Hardy's I can't think of any. Slater and Rhyno just got squashed. I've got no interest in a Cass singles run and there seems missed potential in not giving them a tag title run.

The way they're handling it makes it seem too obvious to be Cass but wrestling isn't known for subtlety. Could be someone out of left-field. I liked GSB's suggestion of Goldust.
I like to see two fractions battling it out for control if its done right it good be really good.I agree some how angle is behind the attacks maybe using big show has his hitman

It's Cass. The storyline will be he wanted to take Enzo out because he thought he was holding him down. He obviously staged the attack on himself too.
I don't really care. I have lost interest in Enzo & Cass for a long time now. For some reason. Maybe I was too hyped for New Day vs Enzo & Cass and it never happened and it bothered me.

However, it shouldn't be Cass. They shouldn't spli. RAW lacks midcard babyfaces at the moment. Who's going to challenge the Miz? Ambrose, Balor and Rollins are not players who they want around the midcard. Plus, Cass w/ Enzo vs Miz can be gold.
I don't really care. I have lost interest in Enzo & Cass for a long time now. For some reason. Maybe I was too hyped for New Day vs Enzo & Cass and it never happened and it bothered me.

However, it shouldn't be Cass. They shouldn't spli. RAW lacks midcard babyfaces at the moment. Who's going to challenge the Miz? Ambrose, Balor and Rollins are not players who they want around the midcard. Plus, Cass w/ Enzo vs Miz can be gold.
WWE hasn't really made us care about Enzo and Big Cass. Same about Bayley & American Alpha.

The record title reign of New Day affected both Enzo-Cass and Gallows-Anderson badly. Enzo-Cass never got the titles, even in NXT. Gallows-Anderson got them but it was too late.

Most of the times, Enzo-Cass were lackies in a feud. Like AJ Styles Vs. John Cena.
I'm starting to feel stronger about this being Titus and Crews. Enzo and Cass have done a ton of advertising spots for WWE's advertisers. Titus' whole character is about being a brand. Taking out Enzo and Cass gets Titus (in his mind) that much closer to doing more advertising.
Big Cass - It's too early to break up Enzo and Cass. They should at least win the tag titles.

The Revival - Seems too obvious. Almost like a smokescreen.

So I don't know. I'm interested, so it really doesn't matter.

I'm starting to feel stronger about this being Titus and Crews. Enzo and Cass have done a ton of advertising spots for WWE's advertisers. Titus' whole character is about being a brand. Taking out Enzo and Cass gets Titus (in his mind) that much closer to doing more advertising.

This would be a huge letdown. I doubt anyone wants this to be Titus and Crews.
This would be a huge letdown. I doubt anyone wants this to be Titus and Crews.

Why would this be such a bad idea? Think about it. Cass is the absolute worst possibility. Enzo and Cass deserve a Raw Tag Team Championship reign. They have missed far too many opportunities to hold a set of tag titles together and they are such a popular team. So Cass is (hopefully) out. The Revival seems too obvious. If it ends up being them I fine with that since it would set up a great Enzo & Cass VS The Revival match. Titus and Crews would benefit from a feud with Enzo and Cass, so why not? I'm all for it being pretty much anyone but Cass honestly, including Titus/Crews.
and as accurately predicted two weeks ago, they went the exact way they needed to with this. Big Show now defends Enzo, and Cass steamrolls through him. Cass will be a fresh face in the upper mid card division, maybe joins The Revival and a clique, mentored by Trips perhaps for his eventual return for Summerslam
I definitely think Big Cass needs to join a stable. I think he has great potential and probably could do it alone but I would like to see him make the most of his opportunity and learn from others. Aligning him with Triple H would be a smart move. Bring up Bobby Roode as the present and Big Cass and Elias Samson as the future.
Enzo doesn't have enough to go alone. He has a unique look and is good on the mic but his character isn't believable or strong enough. I would like to see him in a tag team again because I think that is where he is strongest.

R-Truth - silly clothes, silly dance moves, silly singing/raps - kids love that sh*t and they will get super over.

Mojo Rawley - would be annoying as f*ck but would work well together. Lots of charisma there.

Heath Slater - I like Slater, very underrated. Him and Enzo could be a very good comedy duo.
I definitely think Big Cass needs to join a stable. I think he has great potential and probably could do it alone but I would like to see him make the most of his opportunity and learn from others. Aligning him with Triple H would be a smart move. Bring up Bobby Roode as the present and Big Cass and Elias Samson as the future.

Agree wholeheartedly. Though I see HHH with a group of a turning Balor, who is lost and a much BETTER heel, Cass and The Revival. Have a 4-4 at Summerslam vs Big Show, Enzo and Sheamus/Cesaro or soemthing where they get a dominant win
Easy. 205 Live. He is small enough and would be welcome not being on Raw. His act is stale, a one trick pony. Served him well, but hes too small to feud with anybody on either brand, whack him on 205, or use him as a Manager and mouthpiece.
The weird thing that I just realise is that this is the exact angle that they did with cryme time back in 2010. I never really realise it until now and look what happened with them after the breakup. Both guys failed and got release. I don't think that this is what's going to happen but I don't see a lot of upside for both of them as single star.

Enzo is a great talker but not really the best wrestler. He could fit in the cruiserweight division which need big stars right now.

As for big cass, the guy as the look and he's a decent big guy but I don't see him being a main event star, I don't even see him as a upper mid card guy. I see him get lost in the shuffle in the mid card because just like crymetime, what made them so great was that they had a great talker and a great big guy. Now it's just 2 guys trying to make it as single.
I ultimately like how they went about this, there are still a few holes in the logic but there are always logic holes in pro wrestling storylines. I mean...c'mon, professional wrestling itself is really one big logic hole.

They could've gone the traditional route and had Cass just suddenly jump Enzo out of the blue, which still would've been okay with me, but I've no doubt some would've labeled it as lazy booking. Cass showed good fire on the mic and his reasons for turning on Enzo have a ring of truth to them if you watch them and listen to Corey Graves on commentary. Enzo does talk a lotta smack, he does get his ass handed to him without Cass watching his back and Enzo is the one who's gotten pinned every time he & Cass have lost a tag match.

At the same time, Enzo came off really sympathetic last night as the guy looked stunned; I was watching last night with my 10 year old niece and she said that Enzo looked "like a little lost puppy" and I thought it was a pretty apt description of his expression. There were no exaggerated histrionics, no macho comeback on the mice, no strange mannerisms, just a guy who got blindsided and came across as so shocked that he looked sorta numb.

As for what happens with Cass, I can see the scenario thebarber presented as something that could realistically go down. You'll notice that Show angry at Angle & Cass last night and that Enzo has never accused Show of anything; I could see Show coming to Enzo's defense at some point, confronting Cass, having a match at either Great Balls of Fire or SummerSlam, getting a solidified win and being an upper mid-card heel that makes occasional trips into the main event picture.

As for Enzo, I could see him in the Cruiserweight Division at some point soon. He's not all that great inside the ring, at least based on what we've seen of him in one on one outings, but he's loaded with personality and charisma and is someone that fans really enjoy listening to.
I think Cass has more personality potential than I see him being given credit for. Granted, with scripted promos and the like, I am sure many personalities are suffocated by the powers that be. But Cass reminds me of a young Edge. I remember when Jericho said something like "I wasn't talking to you." and Cass just calmly said "You were looking directly at me.", it had subtle comedic value that I appreciate. I think if they would give him some room to maneuver, he could become much better than a lot of people here are predicting. Regarding Enzo, I think he could go the route of an 80s manager who is a mouthpiece that occasionally takes a whooping. He could also dish a little bit out himself, depending on the angle. But, I would not go forward with him as a full-time competitor.

Cass needs to get (or keep) the fans on his side quick before the stigma of Drew McIntyre or Roman Reigns is put on him and he becomes hated for no other reason than because he is in line for a future run. It can cut him off at the knees and, like I said, I see much more potential with him than he seems to be giving credit for.

As for the revelation of the culprit, while it may work for many, I see it as a missed opportunity for creative to have gotten some interest going. Swerves, disproven theories...this group is low enough on the card where the mystery could have been given time to breathe before going stale. A shame to me, but nothing more. I certainly won't be one of these grown men wide-eyed and pulling their hair out at ringside when Jinder pins Orton. Ok, maybe you expected Orton to win, but outside of Undertaker getting pinned by Brock, how can anything in wrestling shock people so much once they are 13 or older? It's apparently "still real" to way more people than will admit it. And although I realize that today's fans are hooked--no losing them regardless of what is put out--it would be nice if WWE would stray for their own creative pride. Maybe put more thought into an interview than generic introduction, followed by useless monologue, ending with interviewer staring off camera as interviewee walks away. Is 10,000 the maximum number of times this interview can be held? Nope! Still counting. As long as things like that go unchanged, meatier angles like this one have no shot at big payoffs.
As a native of NJ (living 10 minutes from where Enzo grew up,) this saddens me. Especially since I feel this tag team had so much more to bring to the table and never won the tag titles. However, I understand why this was done and agree with most of it.

Let's be real... these guys have been floundering, as of late. Right now, the tag division consists of:

Cesaro and Sheamus (Champions)
The Hardy Boyz
The Revival
Gallows and Anderson
Heath Slater and Rhyno

You have the current champs, a team of veterans on borrowed (nostalgic) time, rookies with TONS of potential, another veteran team with established roots in other promotions and who are also former champs, and a team that's barely gotten TV time since they've moved onto the show. If Enzo and Cass stuck around (and with the return of the Revival,) we'd be lucky if Slater/Rhyno would ever get any TV time again. And with the tag division getting only one (maybe two) segment(s) on TV per week, the time just isn't being utilized wisely.

In addition, 205 Live is a complete and utter failure. Aries is taking time off, leaving Neville as the only one in that division that people give a shit about. This is a division that has 1-2 segments on Raw per week and THEIR OWN SHOW ON THE NETWORK (which is also miserably failing.) This show needs a major jolt and Enzo could possibly be the key to draw interest.

Cass is a good up-and-comer with decent mic skills, all the potential in the world, and AMAZING in-ring talent for someone of his size. Big Show is on borrowed time and will inevitably leave a giant gap (pun intended) in the roster for a big man to be in contrast to Stroman. As a heel, the amount of doors for him to open will be endless and he will have incredible feuds with many of the top talents on the show.

Lastly, just because they're breaking up now doesn't mean they won't get back together in the future and grab that brass ring when the time is right. They're both in their primes and in their 2nd year on the main roster. If you don't think there's plenty in store for them, you're all sadly mistaken.

So, I (for one) am sad yet optimistic of this move by the WWE. I'm also patient, knowing these guys will get back together at the proper time.
I'm upset. if they wanted Cass to go solo why not have Enzo as his manager. There is a reason Cass failed in FCW and NXT... Enzo completed him.
If any team are destined to be thrown back together, it's this one. It's too soon for Cass, especially on Raw.
The only problem I have with it is why didn't Cass just come out and say it to Enzo? If he hated him that much why are you saying you will be around his side 24/7? If you wanna hurt him ask Angle for a street fight or something and let your anger out. I just don't see the point of him hiding it. Apart from that I'm sad that's Enzo and Cass are no more. They just got ruined by the New Days year long reign. Guess WWEs main players will be Reigns, Strowman, Corbin and Cass at some point down the line.
They did a terrific promo that night, and yet, few people see or appreciate the promo like I did. You may not agree with the directions they were heading, but THAT promo was beautifully and perfectly executed in my eyes. Given what they wanted to convey, they really couldn't have done a better job. And they also leave us guessing and anticipating as to what's to come in the future.

He didn't say it directly to Enzo's face because that is what heels do. His dislike/hatred for Enzo grew so much that he wanted to see how stupid Enzo is. And, his dislike for Enzo wasn't a one off thing either, it's been building up inside of him and eating him up.
Don't know about anyone else, but they were probably right in breaking these two up. Shame they had never won a belt before it happened, if they had then it wouldn't have made much sense would it.

I can see where Cass is coming from. He felt like he is the powerhouse of the team and Enzo was holding him back. He's probably right i that regard as Enzo was the won who ate most of the pins when they did lose.

Now that they are no more Enzo really doesn't have a place on this roster in my opinion. He's not great in the ring, most of his really big moves where a result of Cass launching him into people. If the WWE wants 205 to thrive then there is a place over there for him, send Kalisto over as well.

With Big Show in the twilight of his career I suppose Cass will step into his shoes. Wonder what they will do with him and how his booking will unfold. It will be interesting to say the least. The one thing he does have over Show is he moves a lot quicker for a big guy than Show ever did. Don't really know if he's main event worthy yet, give him at least another 6 months on his own first.
I always thought that Cass with Enzo as his manager would more successful, but I get why they had to split. Pro wrestling is solo sport. Enzo staying as Cass' manager would mean that:
a) Cass can't go on his own
b) Enzo is no better than a manager

Don't forget that Enzo is also a wrestler. He needs to have a career of his own. Enzo in the CW would do wonders.

As for Cass being a heel.. I have problem. His next feuds are obviously Big Show and Enzo, but what comes after that? I can't picture Cass feuding with Rollins or Balor on his way to the top.

I'm also wondering, if Cass will end up siding with Triple H, due to the involvement of Corey Graves. There has beem talks about HHH running a new stable some months ago, consistinf of Owens and Joe. I'm wondering if there are plans for Cass and Joe to back up Triple H.
Eh, Enzo doesn't need to wrestle. He could go to the CW division, but I have a hard time believing he could keep up with those guys in the ring. I honestly think the best direction for Enzo is to go the James Ellsworth route. Have this short feud end with Cass destroying Amore, get Enzo to find somebody to be his champion in the next trial by combat, and then slowly transition him into a manager role with somebody who could really use it.

He could of course still wrestle here and there, but his skills seem best suited to help somebody else out rather than himself. I don't see him going very far on his own. Cass should be fine if they take it slowly with him and don't strap the rocket to his ass before he's ready.

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