End of career reign?


Championship Contender
Wwe has a tendency to reward certain active full time wrestlers with different rewards, pushes, etc. towards the end of their careers. Like sticking R-Truth in ppv title matches or feuds with recent KOTR winner Wade Berrett. Putting Kane and Big show in ppv matches main events and "authority" story lines. Putting Mark Henry in the "retirement heel turn against cenacle" angle. And so forth....there's nothing wrong with it and I'm totally for it. It's a sign of respect for years of hard work. My question is would anyone besides me be for a final World Championship win to cap their career??? And if so who is worthy?

Maybe bring the Demon Kane back as a face to take it one final time (from Rollins)? Undertaker one last few month run?? As much as I dislike him, maybe Big Show for a 1 month run??

Seeing as Cena is arguably one of wwe's g.o.a.t putting a record number of straps on him near retirement??
I always thought that in the build up towards Ric Flair's WWE retirement, they should have given him one last run with the big gold belt. He was synonymous with that belt, and deserved one final reign, even if it only lasted a week.
I definitely want Big Show to get one more World title run before he retires.

But the main one for me is Undertaker. His career should end one way, and one way only. He beats Lesnar at SummerSlam. Lesnar wins the title at Survivor Series. Undertaker wins the Royal Rumble. We get the "third" match between the two at WrestleMania 32, in front of 100,000+ in Undertaker's home state. Undertaker wins clean and by submission, avenging the loss of The Streak, and retires the following night on RAW, setting the title up to be decided in a tournament.
With the Undertaker around, it would have been the idea time for Kane to return to the demon persona, which was the only time he was effective. And the Undertaker vs. Lesner angle does nothing for either.
With the Undertaker around, it would have been the idea time for Kane to return to the demon persona, which was the only time he was effective. And the Undertaker vs. Lesner angle does nothing for either.

It's not supposed to "do" anything for Brock Lesnar. The only purpose of the angle is to restore some shred of legitimacy to Undertaker's legacy. Undertaker's legacy is infinitely more important than Lesnar's ego.
I'm ultimately not a fan of what comes off, at least in my eyes, as vanity reigns. Just having a title run as a novelty, to me, cheapens the title. I wasn't at all interested when The Rock won the WWE Championship from CM Punk, for a variety of reasons, but primarily because I saw absolutely no real use in it aside from just simply letting him carry the title on WWE television for a few months. Just because a wrestler is getting older, is near the end of his career and/or has been a loyal employee aren't good reasons for a championship run.

In the cases of guys like Kane and Big Show, there's close to no interest among either casual or hardcore fans to see either of them even be in the hunt for the title, let alone actually win it. As for The Undertaker, it'd be similar to The Rock having the title in that Taker's legacy is long since secured and he's arguably "bigger" than the title; there's also the fact that he's 50 years old, works 1 or 2 matches a year and his physical health in regards to being able to deliver in the ring is a complete crap shoot.

In Cena's case, I think there'd be a backlash against Cena having a vanity run as champion. Cena's going to tie Flair's official record of 16 World Championship wins, it'll happen before his career is done even if it doesn't go down this Sunday; having him tie the record is one thing but breaking the record by, for all intents and purposes, being handed a championship run just because of who he is and he'd be leaving soon would cheapen things in my eyes. Cena's one of the very few guys who comes along every so often that's grown to such a star that he's bigger than the title, he doesn't "need" it to be a mega star or main event staple whenever he comes around. If he ultimately breaks Flair's official record, whenever that might be, I'm of the opinion it shouldn't be done simply because of the novelty of his career coming to an end.
It's a sign of respect for years of hard work.

Which is fine for every stage below championship level, imo. If we see main event matches with 'the same characters every time,' we'd hear plenty of complaints about that. I think it's great to mix it up a bit by sticking a guy like R-Truth in there once in a while.....for a one-match deal or even a short feud. But to win the world title?.....no. The IC or US title?.......maybe.

At this point, the world title storyline is sewn up tight. There are actually only a few contenders vying for it. As Seth Rollins defends it, he's had a major change in his method of operation; earlier, he defended it with a gang.....now, he does it alone......yet, he still has it. Trying to mix a Big Show or Mark Henry into the current list of contenders wouldn't fit.

Mostly, though, I agree with the folks who feel giving those guys a title run just to reward them for years of service cheapens the title.....and with the way we follow storylines for months at a time, I don't think the fans would fully appreciate the stroke of kindness WWE is paying those good 'ol boys.

That was yesterday's pro wrestling.....this is today.
Its a thing about the business that I like, rewarding hard work and loyalty but while Cesaro, Owens, Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt and Neville are just a few of the guys yet to win a World Title the priority should be towards building the new generation and not gifting the older generation. Kane, Henry and Show should get a Tag Team title run or US/IC run as singles but they should not be given a push ahead of the names mentioned above
But the main one for me is Undertaker. His career should end one way, and one way only. He beats Lesnar at SummerSlam. Lesnar wins the title at Survivor Series. Undertaker wins the Royal Rumble. We get the "third" match between the two at WrestleMania 32, in front of 100,000+ in Undertaker's home state. Undertaker wins clean and by submission, avenging the loss of The Streak, and retires the following night on RAW, setting the title up to be decided in a tournament.

I'd do that but I'd change the Summerslam result to Brock going over Taker again. That way you could build it Brock has Taker's number and the storyline could be that Undertaker is bowing out but wants to drag Brock and the title to hell with him.
I'd do that but I'd change the Summerslam result to Brock going over Taker again. That way you could build it Brock has Taker's number and the storyline could be that Undertaker is bowing out but wants to drag Brock and the title to hell with him.

Brock has beaten Undertaker in every one-on-one PPV match they've had, with the exception of their first where they got a double DQ. I think they reached the "Brock has Undertaker's number" threshold a LONG time ago.
The problem with this is there is nobody who really deserves an "end of his career" reign with the World title. I mean maybe if The Big Show still generated some interest from the casuals, or anybody for that matter, you can justify putting him in the mix. Same goes with Kane and Henry, but putting the WORLD title on somebody just because they've been there for a long while cheapens the title as others have said. Perhaps if Taker decided to wrestle full-time for a year, than it would be a different story, but you can't put a title on someone who wrestles twice a year.

Right now the focus should be on building for the future, not throwing a title reign to an old-timer just because. Not right now at least. I'm sure a few years from now when Orton is at the twilight of his career, he'll get a send-off reign. Cena may as well.
One guy who I want to see hold the WWE title before finally hanging up the boots is Sting. I know he has done nothing in the WWE but his legacy outside of the WWE makes him deserve a single reign at least before he is done.

I believe Kane could get a serious run with the US or IC title and I could say the same for Mark Henry and The Big Show but thats about as far up the title ranks as I want to see them.

The man who I would actually love to see hold the WWE championship before its all said and done is The Game...HHH. I've been a fan of his since I was little. He more then deserves another reign and its been a long time since he was last champ. The storyline could be fresh and be seen as a way to finally send him into retirement with a angle similar to Ric Flairs where the next match HHH loses, he has to retire and become an executive only.
I think Mark Henry and R-Truth should team up, they could have a final run together as Tag Team Champs. The same goes for Big Show and Kane they would make for a great Tag Team. I feel none of the above should get a World Title run, that you could leave to HHH and maybe Undertaker if he commits to more T.V. time. Brock holding the Title was a joke please do not do the same thing to Undertaker or any part timer.
Kane is by far not a part timer and could carry the title a good 2-3 month stretch. And the title would be on TV every week, as Kane always has been except for vacation. Except for this vacation, he's been consistently a TV performer and relevant in every storyline. Besides this stupid corporate Kane bull crap. He would have to come back as the devils favorite demon. I know the top of the card is full but KO is kinda leveling out...Cenas feud won't last. It doesn't have to be done right away. I'm sure he's been injured so no need to be a "smart" about it, but has Kane had a career threatening injury??? Kane is really the only legit one right now. Besides HHH and Undertaker. And my other fav Y2J!!!!
I'm sorry but I don't think that anyone should have any sort of a title reign just because they might be retiring soon. The time to win titles is when you're at your best. At the height of your career so to speak.

When you start out, you learn the ropes, make your way up the ladder and eventually if they deem you fit, you will win a title. Wrestlers like Kane, Show, Jericho and others have gone past their sell by date.

I don't mean they still can't go in the ring, but let's face it they're best years are behind them. This is the time for them to be helping put the future stars of the WWE over, helping the younger guys coming up through the system.

Might be wrong, but that's how it should work. They should always be looking to the future.
Typically I don't have a problem with it, when done right nostalgia sells and fans love to see their old time faves getting one last major run....WWE gave it to HBK with his World Title Win in 2002 and gave him a great send off in 2010, when he was nearing 50!! WWE gave Hogan one last run, plus a tag team title run, after he returned in 2002, Flair didn't get the World Title but he got a pretty good IC Title run that included winning the title clean on PPV, beating Edge & HHH on PPV in title defenses, and wrestling a classic match vs Kurt Angle in a tournament to get a WM title shot, not too mention a prime role in Evolution and notable tag title run with Batista....

Given the right storyline, assuming you're getting full time work (if only for a short time) from the star, this type of move always sells tickets and merchandise. They did it with The Rock a few years ago!

On the roster now Kane has been so damaged from inconsistent and poor booking Im not sure he could pull it off, it would take some terrific storytelling and I don't think WWE has it in them. Giant/Big Show wouldn't be such a stretch, but again the storyline is important here. Taker is the obvious choice, maybe with a win or retire match at Mania as World Champ against either A) Sting (another great choice for such a run if he would commit to 2-3 months steady work) B) Whoever the next great champ is on WWE Horizon C) Cena ttrying to tie and/or break Flair's record for World Title Wins.
Brock has beaten Undertaker in every one-on-one PPV match they've had, with the exception of their first where they got a double DQ. I think they reached the "Brock has Undertaker's number" threshold a LONG time ago.

That's the key isn't it? 1-on-1?

Undertaker pinned Lesnar in 2003 in a triple threat with Big Show (#1 contenders match I believe). Also he won (3x) in a handicap match vs Lesnar & Big Show in late '03, which set up the Buried Alive Match with Vince.

I realize, this was 12 years ago. But it still happened.
I think it depends on when and how it is done.

I was a big fan of Kane and Mark Henry both getting decent-length reigns as World Champions a few years back because I felt they deserved it at that point, in fact, it was long overdue and both talents delivered strong performances during their reigns. Unfortunately, Henry's was cut short due to his injury and probably because he didn't become champ until later in his career, but none the less, I enjoyed his run because he was presented as the tough, strong, almost indestructible monster that is his best persona.

I haven't been too much of a fan of Big Show's title wins in recent years. I think what hurt him in my eyes, and perhaps the eyes of other WWE fans is that during his earlier days in WWE, even though he did win the WWE title, he didn't hold it for that long and even after the Attitude Era he didn't hold the WWE or even the World title for a - pardon the pun - giant reign!

I think if Big Show had held the WWE or World title as long as say, JBL, held the WWE title on SmackDown all those years ago then Big Show would have more long standing legitimacy today. Not taking anything away from the man's talent or work ethic, both are excellent for a man his size! He still has value but he's been so flip floppy with his persona from face to heel and such that a late career title reign doesn't do much.

Actually, I think WWE missed the boat AGAIN with Big Show two years ago with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale at WrestleMania. The FIRST Battle Royale should have been the one Big Show won so he could say HE is the best giant in history and have something to back it up with. Then, he could go into a feud with Cesaro (who did win the first Battle Royal but it wasn't until this year that he really got a push) where Cesaro takes on the Big Show to prove he is a Giant Killer or something like that.

As for the current crop of probably soon-to-be retired WWE talent, I have some feelings about how I think they should end their careers. For Kane, I think he should come back one last time as the Demon Kane and feud with Rollins and then feud with Bray Wyatt and the Family as Bray Wyatt beats Kane and Kane JOINS the family but not like Daniel Bryan, Kane actually sees and believes in the ways of Wyatt and he joins the family for a while until Undertaker comes back at Royal Rumble and asks Kane to come back to his REAL (kayfabe) family and Undertaker and Kane (Brothers of Destruction) take on Harper & Rowan, the Wyatt Family, at WrestleMania.

For Big Show, I really don't care much at this point, I give him all the props he deserves and I know he is destined for the Hall of Fame but he really doesn't draw any interest from me in the ring with any angle I can imagine. Him against Ryback and Miz for the IC title should be okay and hopefully give Ryback that chance to show off his strength and then MAYBE use Big Show on Raw or SmackDown against Ryback for Ryback to win big a few more times as solidify himself as "The (New) Big Guy" but after that? I don't know. I really don't.

For Mark Henry, I've been a fan of his for a while and glad he got his World Title run and that PPV match and angle with Cena for the WWE title. I think since Henry is from Texas he should find a way to get on the WM card and face maybe a guy like Big E, who might be trying to break out again as a strongman heel, in a retirement match and let Big E get a very close pinfall win on Henry but then mock Henry after the match and allow Henry to do a final World's Strongest Slam on Big E to end his last match on a high note.

I think R-Truth may not get a built up final match. He might be like Christian, Rey Mysterio or Santion who didn't really get a well promoted final match. I think in those guys' cases it was because they were injured too much and their contract expired or was nearing expiry and instead of bringing them back WWE just let them go. That may happen for R-Truth and that's okay because he got a lot of nice things at the tail end of his career like a few years back he got a good angle and top match against Cena for the WWE title, he got a few Tag Title reigns and kept getting on PPV cards here and there.
If Sheamus has taught me anything, it's that any jack-off can wander into the WWE and get handed their world championship simply for existing.

We're a savvy bunch of smarks, so we demand high quality in our world title reigns. At this point, we're used to the WWE telling us to sit and spin when it comes to their inability to fulfill our expectations. A big part of all that is probably due to the more simple minded marks being more willing to buy into whatever pointless bullshit the WWE is selling. Right now we have Seth Rollins doing a piss poor impression of an actual champion by having never had a single decisive title defense on PPV, not his fault but still.

In terms of granting an outgoing performer a pity title reign, I have nothing against the WWE doing that. Just give them a money in the bank briefcase, and the rest writes itself.
They have the hall of fame to honour their chosen employees not the world title The world title should be more prestigious than that and should only be the best holding it not just used as a thank you to their long term employees, I think it would be great if if a guy like Undertaker wanted to go after the title one last time but for the storyline not for a thank you and certainly not a regular thing.
There are only two guys who should have one last run with the world title. But they both need to work for it.
Kane is number one. It would be amazing for him to take the belt into retirement to a new "daemon" Luke Harper is the perfect person to replace Kane. He has Kanes style. He can do more in ring. He brings the creepy big guy gimmick justice, like Kane used to do. But Kane would need a somewhat rehash of who he is. Mask or no mask. He needs to bring the daemon back, the guy who burned Jr Kane. One last run as the monster he came into the WWE as. Kane is still really good in ring, with a few month off to train in the ring. He just needs to bring back the evil intense Kane and it will work. Maybe not take the title of Rollins, but I would love for Kane to take the title off Sheamus.

The second man who NEEDS a last title run is THE BIG SHOW!. Show gets a bum rap since he is a bit fat. Him and a very few other stars who could get away with being a big big, but he looks like his body mass is preventing him from moving very fast. I get that he is a huge man and its hard for his body to support all that. Big Show could look so much better, just like Kane, he needs some time off. Maybe even one year. Come back in the shape he was in WCW. Do one last run. Bring back his amazing chokeslam. Show is too good not to have one last real title run. He is a big man, he should NEVER be seen as a joke. They need to try and book him as close to Lesnar as possible. Big Show is a wonder, just like Lesnar. We are just used to seeing him as a joke. But giving him time off to get into shape and some much better booking of Show will push him right up a title run. A last good meaningful and long title run.
I think if Big Show had held the WWE or World title as long as say, JBL, held the WWE title on SmackDown all those years ago then Big Show would have more long standing legitimacy today. Not taking anything away from the man's talent or work ethic, both are excellent for a man his size! He still has value but he's been so flip floppy with his persona from face to heel and such that a late career title reign doesn't do much.

People tend to forget that Big Show had a half-year reign as ECW World Champion, during which he defended the title against every top star in WWE, from Batista to Kane to Ric Flair to Rob Van Dam to The Undertaker.

Oh, and Sabu.
There are only two guys who should have one last run with the world title. But they both need to work for it.
Kane is number one. It would be amazing for him to take the belt into retirement to a new "daemon" Luke Harper is the perfect person to replace Kane. He has Kanes style. He can do more in ring. He brings the creepy big guy gimmick justice, like Kane used to do. But Kane would need a somewhat rehash of who he is. Mask or no mask. He needs to bring the daemon back, the guy who burned Jr Kane. One last run as the monster he came into the WWE as. Kane is still really good in ring, with a few month off to train in the ring. He just needs to bring back the evil intense Kane and it will work. Maybe not take the title of Rollins, but I would love for Kane to take the title off Sheamus.

The second man who NEEDS a last title run is THE BIG SHOW!. Show gets a bum rap since he is a bit fat. Him and a very few other stars who could get away with being a big big, but he looks like his body mass is preventing him from moving very fast. I get that he is a huge man and its hard for his body to support all that. Big Show could look so much better, just like Kane, he needs some time off. Maybe even one year. Come back in the shape he was in WCW. Do one last run. Bring back his amazing chokeslam. Show is too good not to have one last real title run. He is a big man, he should NEVER be seen as a joke. They need to try and book him as close to Lesnar as possible. Big Show is a wonder, just like Lesnar. We are just used to seeing him as a joke. But giving him time off to get into shape and some much better booking of Show will push him right up a title run. A last good meaningful and long title run.

Agree with everything you just said. Of course I love Kane...plus Y2J could act and wrestle like a champion. Do more than just carry it.
Agree with everything you just said. Of course I love Kane...plus Y2J could act and wrestle like a champion. Do more than just carry it.

I forgot about Y2J, it would be amazing to see one last real run. There are so many young guys who Jericho could make classics with over and over. Maybe even let him beat John Cena for it xD If Cena ever wins it again, Jericho needs revenge for ....... never pinning Cena in his career.
At least from what I remember, he never pinned or submitted him.

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