Emotionally Charged Dolph Ziggler promo on the WWE App


Pre-Show Stalwart

Personally, I feel it's likely some of Ziggler's best promo work period because of the intensity and the emotion behind it. It also seems to blur the lines with fiction and reality as well. I think Ziggler might have a good future if he can deliver more promos like this but on TV and not on an APP.

I know that this forum isnt exactly the most Ziggler friendly but regardless I want your guys opinions on the promo
I'm sure some morons will still try and find flaws in that promo, but that was a perfectly delivered shoot/promo that I could see getting him in trouble. Great job for Ziggler, this is yet another proof that the guy is a great talker.
@Silverback: Apparently the WWE allowed him to go off since they put it on the app..

He posted a tweet thanking WWE for letting him be him shortly after the promo was put on WWE.com
I've said it before and I'll say it again: scripted promos are holding wrestling back by a big stretch.
Didn't see the promo, don't have flash player, but Ziggler IS good on the mic. He's not the very best, but he's very underrated by some.

I'm sure some morons will still try and find flaws in that promo, but that was a perfectly delivered shoot/promo that I could see getting him in trouble. Great job for Ziggler, this is yet another proof that the guy is a great talker.

Would they put something that they don't condone on the app, though?
He's certainly serviceable on the Mic but he's not anything special. This promo is pretty good, but it will mean absolutely nothing because he's still average in the ring. His offense is ******ed and he thinks that performing a bunch of semi-athletic moves makes for a good match. People started getting into him for a second but they lost interest because he can't connect with the crowd.
- Better promo.
- Needs massive work on facial expressions. His mouth said one thing, his face another.
- I still have this nagging feeling that he believes this whole thing about him being better than everybody else, which if true, would probably be the biggest thing holding him back. Yes, he's a hell of an athlete, but he doesn't know how to work a crowd or a mic for that matter on the average night.
- The promo was half face/half heel. Very emotional and inviting, but very arrogant also. If he wants to get over as an underdog, maybe he needs to not shove it in people's face as much.

Part of me wants Morrison back just to kill Ziggler's whole "best athlete" deal.
I'm sure some morons will still try and find flaws in that promo, but that was a perfectly delivered shoot/promo that I could see getting him in trouble. Great job for Ziggler, this is yet another proof that the guy is a great talker.
- Better promo.
- Needs massive work on facial expressions. His mouth said one thing, his face another.
- I still have this nagging feeling that he believes this whole thing about him being better than everybody else, which if true, would probably be the biggest thing holding him back. Yes, he's a hell of an athlete, but he doesn't know how to work a crowd or a mic for that matter on the average night.
- The promo was half face/half heel. Very emotional and inviting, but very arrogant also. If he wants to get over as an underdog, maybe he needs to not shove it in people's face as much.

Part of me wants Morrison back just to kill Ziggler's whole "best athlete" deal.

Yet you say that Daniel Bryan is one of the best talkers in the company. Just mind-blowing. It's as arrogant as CM Punk shoot promo or any others. It's his thing, being a "show-off". Like I said, morons...
Yeah I liked it. Apart from the yelling. One of Ziggler's best anyway. I'm a big fan of Ziggler's so it would be nice to see him improve. A step in the right direction is a good thing. Let him keep at it.

Aside, I'm glad to see he is still making references to someone saying he's not tall enough. Funny. And, also, I would gladly fight Ziggler in his house.
Yet you say that Daniel Bryan is one of the best talkers in the company. Just mind-blowing. It's as arrogant as CM Punk shoot promo or any others. It's his thing, being a "show-off". Like I said, morons...

I've never said that. Go find a quote. You're confusing me with someone.

There is an essential difference between him and Punk though. When Punk was dropping those promos, he was untouchable. He was legitimately the best on the mic and as proven at MITB '11, one of the best in the ring. If you say it when it isn't obviously true, it's false arrogance which is not endearing to anyone.

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