Emma Injured


It's being reported that Emma suffered a ruptured disc in a house show match last night and it's going to require surgery to fix. There's no word on when she'll return as they'll have to wait until after the surgery to know.

Well, the first injury putting a wrestler on the shelf post WrestleMania has officially happened though it's not really that big of a deal. If anything, it just looks like Dana Brooke will have a singles feud with Becky Lynch without Emma backing her up.
It's being reported that Emma suffered a ruptured disc in a house show match last night and it's going to require surgery to fix. There's no word on when she'll return as they'll have to wait until after the surgery to know.

Well, the first injury putting a wrestler on the shelf post WrestleMania has officially happened though it's not really that big of a deal. If anything, it just looks like Dana Brooke will have a singles feud with Becky Lynch without Emma backing her up.

Speak for yourself. I was actually digging the crap out of Emma lately and this news disappoints me a lot. Emma and Becky are the only women on the main roster giving me any sort of quality entertainment value right now, in fact aside from Bayley and Sasha, I'd say Emma has been the most consistent women on the entire roster. She's been great for about a year now but obviously, she doesn't really get her due.

As for Dana, well she'll be a deer in the headlights at this point. She needed Emma there to help protect her and get her some real heat. We'll see how this thing with Becky goes but I'm not expecting magic.

Hoping Emma will be back soon enough but not likely.
It's being reported that Emma suffered a ruptured disc in a house show match last night and it's going to require surgery to fix. There's no word on when she'll return as they'll have to wait until after the surgery to know.

Well, the first injury putting a wrestler on the shelf post WrestleMania has officially happened though it's not really that big of a deal. If anything, it just looks like Dana Brooke will have a singles feud with Becky Lynch without Emma backing her up.

Wasn't Enzo the first injury post wrestlemania?

I was actually enjoying Emma and her and Dana vs Becky Lynch. Sucks to see another recent call up suffer a premature injury
Sorry, but Emma rupturing a disc in her back is a huge deal.. There's more to life than WWE storylines and what happens on WWE programming.. Any wrestler injuring their back is big, it could end their career, lead to drug abuse and even worse.. Hopefully it's not as serious as it sounds.. Wrestling fans are incredibly selfish, they only think about themselves.. Little do they forget these are real people putting their life on the line to entertain millions.. They're not robots.
I see the injury bug isn't quite ready to leave the WWE. Late 2015-mid 2016 hasn't been good to the roster what so ever.
That really stinks. I like Emma a lot. She busted her ass in NXT over the last year (including a sweet match with Asuka at Takeover: London) and earned her way back to the main roster, showing WWE how stupid they were for wasting her the first time.

It's super fortunate that Dana Brooke was called up when she was. She can easily continue feuding with Becky in Emma's place so that story won't abruptly end. I hope Emma makes a full recovery and returns better than ever. We just have to go without her amazing heel music for a while. Darn it.

Vince may want to consider offering his first born as a sacrifice to finally end this ridiculous injury plague.
In all honesty I don't want to see Becky vs. Dana. I'd rather them go with Sasha vs. Becky.

Still a bad injury for Emma. She has certainly improved. I wish her a speedy recovery.
That's unfortunate for Dana as she doesn't work quite as well without Emma. I've really been enjoying Emma's heel character. Too bad to see her sidelined.

I assume Sasha was coming back to set up the tag match. The easiest thing to do would be to have Dana and Becky feud solo. Don't be surprised if someone directionless like Summer fills in for Emma, which sucks because she's nowhere near as good.

It's funny to talk about Emma as being a loss considering the way she started out as the female Santino. Get well soon.
It seems the majority of serious injuries happen at house shows. What gives? Do they go all out off camera? Is the lighting worse, the mat slippery? WWE has had the worst luck with injuries the past 12 months that I've ever seen the company have. Even AJ Styles is taking it easy so Extreme Rules doesn't get ruined. Time to eliminate SmackDown and cut the house shows in half. Give these wrestlers a break.
Not a huge fan of Emma's, never was really, but this is horrible news to hear anyone has an injury like this. I do hope she gets through surgery successfully, and one day can get back into the ring.

Tough luck all around for Emma, Becky Lynch and Dana Brooke, might have been quite a nice little program for all three. Emma would have got some needed exposure and she would have been able to help Brooke get her feet wet on the main roster. Plus Lynch would finally have had something to work with. As it is Brooke might need a little more time in NXT, but we'll see what happens going forward.
Becky Lynch sucks! How many people have been injured in the ring with that green witch? (Charlotte, Alica Foxx and now Emma) Send Becky back to NXT for 6 months to get her shit together before someone is seriously injured in the ring with her.
Sorry, but Emma rupturing a disc in her back is a huge deal.. There's more to life than WWE storylines and what happens on WWE programming.. Any wrestler injuring their back is big, it could end their career, lead to drug abuse and even worse.. Hopefully it's not as serious as it sounds.. Wrestling fans are incredibly selfish, they only think about themselves.. Little do they forget these are real people putting their life on the line to entertain millions.. They're not robots.

I guess you pick and choose when to apply this. You're the absolute last poster who should be lecturing anybody about their comments towards wrestlers.

What a piece of work.
Very unfortunate. Emma has been getting a pretty decent push. The best she's gotten on the main roster so far.

And she's an outstanding wrestler and a great heel. She will be greatly missed if she's out for a lengthy amount of time. Hopefully she recovers fully and quickly.
The original incarnation of Emma was god-awful. I give her a lot of credit for re-inventing herself though and the timing sucks for her.

I don't know where this leaves Dana Brooke, but I hope it leaves her off the show.

Dana is garbage. I don't even care what she can or can't do in the ring. Her over-acting is something out of the 80's, she flexes too much, she tries too hard, she is annoying to look at or to hear speaking. I don't want her on my television screen.

At least Eva Marie is a "10" and comes across like a star, not like someone trying to act like what they think a star is supposed be. If I had to take one on the main roster it wouldn't be close.
Firstly, that horrible angle with Santino made her a comedy jobber.

I was happy that she reinvented herself and went back to NxT. She is a very good heel and can give good matches too as has been proved by her matches in NxT. Who can forget the NxT Women Title Tournament finals in which Paige defeated her to become the inaugral champion?

Timing of her injury sucks the most. It is bad also for Dana Brooke & Becky Lynch. I always believe that there should be 2 women feuds going on - 1 that about the title and other one about personal grudge. Emma's feud with Becky was the latter which was pretty good.

With surgery, She is gonna loose a lot of time recovering it. WWE should consider lighting their house show schedule. Wrestlers shouldn't wrestle everyday in house shows.

Hoping a good healthy recovery for her. :thumbsup:

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