Embarrassing Sex Moments


You don't want it with me.
I can't believe this was on Foxnews.com

Whether it's an “ouch!” or an “oops,” nearly every lover has been there. For both amateurs and seasoned veterans in the sack, few go unscathed when it comes to embarrassing sex moments.

Sex discourse is hard enough, so few can field the teasing, torment, and judgment that accompany the reputation of a sexual screw-up. It’s just not sexy.

After all, bedroom blunders rarely make the “big screen.” Like in Hollywood, our lovemaking and sexual pursuits are supposed to be problem-free. Nothing goes wrong, ever, or so we’re made to believe ... until we find ourselves red-faced instead of romantically red-hot, fielding an unexpected real-life error that kills the erotic scene.

If it’s any consolation, you can recoup from most of these moments. Most partners worth sleeping with will forgive –- and hopefully forget –- instead of wallow in amorous accidents.

Still, how you recover is what can make your misfortune more love-inducing or lame. In recovering from common sex blunders, just remember the following ...

1. Sex Can Be Clumsy

Whether accidentally knocking heads, pulling hair or taking an elbow in the eye, it’s important to remember that our movements aren’t as well orchestrated as that of a symphony. Bodies bumping up against one another can get out of control and out of sync.

This is especially true in tight quarters, like one’s car, where lovers feel lucky just to move around. In freeing a limb or swinging a foot or trying to turn over, something is going to be in the way. Don’t make a bigger deal out of the klutzy situation than is warranted. Just kiss the boo-boo, make it feel better, and get on with things.

2. A Full Bladder is No Fun

For most people, there is no worse time to hold your bladder than during sex. But people do (some people actually enjoy the sensations this provides). They would rather suffer their way through painful sex than call a time-out to hit the toilet. In worst-case scenarios, they wet the bed, which totally ruins the mood. Women pay an even greater price, because they can develop a urinary tract infection.

If you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go. No apologies. Any caring lover will understand the need for a two-minute bathroom break, knowing that sex sans the need to pee will make for more passion. Don’t get hung up on wondering if you will “ruin the mood.” Just excuse yourself with the promise to return and resume. And if you’ve already wet the bed, pretend it’s a wet spot due to other bodily fluids. Few will dare call you out on this fib.

3. Naked Bodies Do Make Noises

By far one of the most heart-stopping noises in the sack is that of a “fart.” I put that in quotes because sounds of breaking wind don’t actually always involve intestinal gas.

Sweaty bodies can catch air as they rub up against each other, making it sound like somebody just ripped one. Air getting caught up in the vaginal canal, more commonly known as a “queef,” also may resemble a farting noise. All of these sounds are common and often unavoidable.

Sure, these sounds aren’t sexy, especially when someone lets out an actual toot. To handle this gracefully, let yourselves giggle about it. Own the mortifying moment by letting out a laugh. After all, these body sounds are pretty funny.

4. Sexual Shakespeares Are Not Made Overnight

Like with so many sex acts, practice makes perfect. The same goes for erotic talk. In expanding your sexual vernacular, a little bit of rehearsal may be required. What this means is that both lovers will have to the bear the brunt of a bad delivery, poor choice of words, and the just plain “cheesy” factor.

If you’re the one being wooed with words, don’t criticize. Instead, mirror their intention or theme back to your lover, but with erotic expressions that work for you. This indirectly indicates what you find hot.

If you’re the one struggling to utter this literal language of love, throw the ball in your partner’s court by stating that you’re so turned on you can’t think straight. Admit that being spoon-fed some libidinous lingo would be much appreciated! Then figure out other ways to effectively use your tongue.

5. Bad Breath Stinks

George Orwell wrote, “You can have affection for a murderer, but you cannot have an affection for a man whose breath stinks.” Well said, George. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about the situation. Whether your breath reeks, or you’re keeling over from that of your lover’s, simply state that you want to be more kissable.

Explain that fresh breath will make both of you feel like getting fresher. Then ask your lover if he or she would like a piece of gum, a breath mint, or care to join you for some toothbrush time. Be playful about it.

6. ‘Drunk Driving’ Isn’t Always Sexy

People like to hook up when they’re inebriated. When barriers are down, they tend to feel super sexy, so they'll often take a chance in getting all over a love interest, even when their digestive system begs to differ.

Unless your lover is into emetophlia (a sexual attraction to vomit), it’s best to abstain from any kind of sexual rendezvous when you’ve had a few too many. And if your passion play actually ever involves projectile (or other fluids for that matter), just remember: Humans can learn from their mistakes. Apologize and send flowers as soon as you’ve sobered up.

7. EMTs Have Seen it All.

Solo or not, people don’t always make the wisest decisions when it comes to experimenting with sex or sexual objects, especially when it comes to putting foreign objects in certain places. Injuries happen. Things get stuck. Don’t be afraid to call for medical assistance when necessary. Emergency medical technicians really have seen it all.

What have you done in the bedroom that can be embarrassing?

I'll start, I've been gassy in bed. I ripped one during sex. I just kept on going. She stopped and laughed at me. Told me I was gross. Then I told her she loved it, and went back to firing my tasty yum rocket.

Who else wants to admit something?
I was once screwing this chick that I used to screw and she saw the look on my face and asked me what I was thinking about. I said, out loud, "I'm bored". I was thinking it but I guess that I was so bored that I said it. It's either that or the time that me and this guy were doing this other chick and he came too quick and walked by me to go toss away his condom and dripped jizz on my leg. I was grossed out. Couldn't even get hard after that.
I called my own name out during sex once too.

I've heard that cum dripping story before from you, and every time I cringe.
Ive been caught licking my girlfriend's pussy, By my parent's (we was in the living room.)

i've been caught masterbating.

And i've had my ball's bruised while having rough sex.
I didn't notice my ex gf's gay boy roommate watching us from the corner of the room once. That was wierd. And I yelled in celebration of a homerun. (I always leave the TV on...oops.)
Or the one about getting caught by the sheriff having sex in the park?


I would've piledrove the guy that dripped jizz on your leg.

When I said i'd been caught masterbating, I was caught at the moment of no return.

I nearly died.

This one isn't MY oops, But my friend's, There's like a nature walk where i live and i took my dog's for a walk, let them off their lead's when I got to the field they like to go in, Then also of a sudden they were barking like mad, and I heard screaming, I ran over and Split myself laughing, It was my mate knobbing his missus, and they were both there butt naked and had gone white as a ghost, I got the dog's on the lead's and just walked off laughing my head off.
I called a friend from another apartment in his building and said I was coming over. He said just walk in. He was banging his girl in the living room when I got there 10 minutes later. She crawled off and asked if I wanted a drink. I was kind of embarrassed. My friend just laid there with his dick pointing to the ceiling.
I called a friend from another apartment in his building and said I was coming over. He said just walk in. He was banging his girl in the living room when I got there 10 minutes later. She crawled off and asked if I wanted a drink. I was kind of embarrassed. My friend just laid there with his dick pointing to the ceiling.


should have just walked by them, sat down on the couch and turned on the TV
I called a friend from another apartment in his building and said I was coming over. He said just walk in. He was banging his girl in the living room when I got there 10 minutes later. She crawled off and asked if I wanted a drink. I was kind of embarrassed. My friend just laid there with his dick pointing to the ceiling.

You should've sat next to him, Looked him straight in the eye's, And flicked his ball's as hard as you could.

Spawn was you at the bottom or top of the DP?
I just went and grabbed the bong. The actually glass standing water pipe. That wasn't a cryptic penis reference.
OK, kids, you're about to hear a story only three other people know about. One is the girl I was with, and the other two are my two best friends that I tell everything.

Me and this girl were drunk and fooling around while my roommate was out. We were fucking hammered, I seriously can only think of one other time where I was that drunk. We wanted "toys", so we're looking around to see what we can play with. She comes across the vacuum cleaner.

Now, before I continue, allow me to describe this vacuum cleaner. My roommate is a bit of a clean freak to begin with. Throw in that his mother is an even bigger clean freak. So we had this really fancy European vacuum with several extensions and buttons, all written in a foreign language (because it's SO difficult to write ON, or even that weird symbol universally recognized as POWER). And also, because he's a clean freak and I couldn't give a shit,

So we finally figure out how to turn it on, and I won't get graphic, I'm using it on her, and she's clearly loving it. However, for some reason, I still feel the need to say something along the lines of "Do you like that?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Yeah. See for yourself."

And she rams the hose down onto my dick.

It was one of the most painful things I've ever felt. It was like I was getting a BJ from a garbage disposal. So I start screaming my head off. She tries turning it off, but being shitfaced and trying to read what appears to be Latvian, she cannot find the off button. So she just starts pushing everything.

She then presses "Steam vac".

As painful as that one moment was, I swear it very well may have saved my cock. I had what could only be described as a divine moment of clarity. For three seconds, I do not feel the least bit drunk. I am completely sober and thinking clearly. And I realize to pull the cord out of the wall.

My cock had a hickey for a week.
Well, I was able to laugh about it a few weeks later. But I was in intense pain for a week. I popped blood vessels, dude. It hurt to piss, It hurt just to get the least bit aroused. I couldn't watch the least bit provactive television shows. Do you know how many shows are sexy without you realizing it? All of them. I couldn't watch The Office. Fucking Pam and her damn sweaters.
Shango, after hearing that, you just got a major push to the title in OCW. You deserve it.

I've won one match. It was a squash against Numbers. I get the world's most painful blowjob, and suddenly I'm championship material. I love OCW.

I bet if I tell my hospital story, I'll get year-long reign. Not that that's a bad thing. I think a lengthy title reign is just what's needed for the credibility of the OCW World Heavyweight Championship, especially after POS champion that was Tits Magee.

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