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Edge, The Overated 'R' Superstar (Like what I did there?)

It seems to me that in EVERY match Edge is in, he seems to do the most little work possible and yet, still become a champion every 5 seconds...

That's because he's the Ultimate Opportunist. I know it's strange that someone with a gimmick, actually sticks to 'said' gimmick, but that's what Edge's doing. He's taking the quickest route to the biggest prize. He's capitalizing on everyone else's mistakes, misques, and mishaps. And he's found a to rinse and repeat without making (too many) people hate it.

Mabye it's just me

I sure hope so.

but every time he's in a match, the other persons seems to always have the advantage,

That means he's also doing his job as a heel, correctly. He's letting the face constantly lead. And he just capitalizes on the openings that present themselves to him. Do you even understand the concept of what the difference of a heel and a face is? Or better yet, what one is suppose to do with the other?

If you did, then you'd understand why Edge doesn't lead by having the constant advantage.. but yet always finds ways to win, by taking the openings presented to him. (by any way possible)

and when it DOES come to Edge to take the advantage, all he seems to do is strike moves. Punch, punch, kick, kick, stomp, stomp... That's all I see.

He's elusive. Which is what a classic heel should be. How many (great, and proper) heels do you see wearing down faces with rest holds, and submission technical wrestling moves?

Wouldn't that make the face look like shit? More importantly, wouldn't it make the heel look stronger than the face.. which should never happen in most situations. (such as the ones you're referring to)

I just saying that you'll be lucky to see him do more then 3 wrestling moves in a match (Not including Spear).

DDT, Electric Chair, Edge-o-matic, flapjack, and from time to time even a half nelson bulldog. Of course there are times when he doesn't run through his entire moveset, but once again.. that benefits him and helps him to not get old.

When people whine, bitch and moan about Cena only knowing like what, 5 moves, you never see people saying Edge is in that category or under.. right? Because Edge is constantly using different things in his matches, along with all the elusive striking moves.

It seems to me that he does the Spear because it's one of the most simplist of moves.

Or maybe it's because he's wanting to hit suddenly, and without warning. Forbid he go stand in a corner, and parade around stomping his foot on the mat for the crowd to chant along with him.. giving away when he's going to hit his finisher, so his opponent can counter.

Most of the time, the Spear is hit out of nowhere. And yes, he stands in a corner and waits for you to get up.. and most of the time, he misses when he does it. SO.. the Spear, for the most part, when not connected to cheering in the corner.. is a sudden, highly impactful move that regardless your size, still takes your breath away for a 3-count.

The Spear is a move that really ONLY huge guys can use properly, because they make a huge impact with it (like being hit with a truck).


Batista, Goldberg, Lashley... These guys used it well because they are massive!

And you're correct. A truck-like impact Spear from all of these guys worked amazingly great. Why? Because they were big? Partly, not no. It's because they were faces, and the bigger the impact, the more the heel looked damaged and hurt.

Rhyno used it because it suited his gimmick well,

hahahah I get it.. cause his name is Rhy(i)no and his spear is like a Rhino's gore. Ohhh, like his finishing move's name too.. cleaver. :p

but why does Edge use it.

Because it's quick, sudden, and does the trick? Maybe you'd prefer him to stand over a fallen opponent waving his arms, running back and forth, and dropping a pointless elbow.. yeah?

He mabye tall, but he isn't really that huge.

Considering what he looked like before 2004.. he's A LOT bigger now. He's accurate for a Heavyweight's size. He isn't a Super Heavyweight, and that's good. It allows him to work with anyone.. not just bumble around the ring with the rest of the Super Heavyweights.

In every championship match he's in, he has not won one fairly.

.. .. ..


I know that's because he's a heel,

Oh.. phew. I thought for a second you didn't realize heels DON'T WIN FAIRLY!

but if you're going to be a champion AT LEAST win one fairly.

He wins tons fairly. Squash matches, even. When he's facing guys like Funaki, and Kofi Kingston. Guys who aren't on his level, or never will be. But when he's up against guy's like Batista, Cena, and Triple H.. it's more beneficial for all parties involved, for him to constantly cheat to win. Thus.. your basic heel/face logic, really.

Or get to the point where you defend it sooo much that you deserve it.

Why doesn't he deserve it? You tell us to give our opinions, and you don't give your own. Why, because he doesn't win fair? He's a heel. Because he doesn't use a ton of moves? Khali used a chop to the head for 3 months as Heavyweight Champion.

Edge deserves it, because of all he's accomplished in his career thus far.

Look at Eddie Guerreo.

I can't, the coffin's been closed for a couple years now. Let's take a deep breath and move on, shall we?

He won the championship, everyone celebrated.

He was a face, going up against a heel. And a bigger face helped him win. Not really any reason not to throw a celebration, really.

Everyone clapping, Vince coming down (not to the ring) to congratulate him, them having a party backstage... THAT'S how a championship SHOULD be won.

That was staged. It was for the up-coming (at that time, first of it's kind - not refurbished, repackaged, 100th+) DVD set.

Edge got something better than a hug from Vince anyways. He got to fuck Lita. I'd take fucking her over hugging McMahon, any day of the week.

Not some guy cashing in a suitcase to beat up an already injured man and run off with the belt.

I KNOW! C.M Punk is such a little fucking bastard! Geez, the thought of a face doing a heelish tactic is horrible. I'm glad that's what you meant, and definitely in no regard in connection with Edge (as a strong heel, both times) doing it.

And yes, I know he's a heel.

I thought you knew that earlier. Are you trying to convince others, or yourself?

But if he defended it well, then how come he won it 8 times?

Because he's that good? Ric Flair is a Hall of Famer, and he's won it 16 times. Hulk Hogan's a Hall of Famer, and he's won it a bunch too.

That just means he can't hold onto it long...



Maybe it means hes doing his job as a heel, by putting over the face?

8 times champion means 8 times lost.

0 time champion means complete loser all together.

So the overall point I would like to make is this:

- Edge's moveset is WAY too small.

Bigger than some Hall of Famers, and former Heavyweight Champions, and he holds more natural ability than most as well.

- He does barely any work for world championships.

What part of Ultimate Opportunist isn't clicking in your head?

- He shouldn't be used so much in main events (peg him down a knotch).

So.. you want to take the best heel of this Generation, and knock him down to the mid-card? Where's the logic in that?

- Oh yeah, and apparently when things don't go his way, it's a 'travisty!' whatever that means...

Well, typically when a travesty (you're welcome) occurs involving Edge, it's because he Won a Heavyweight title by breaking the rules. The only time a travesty occurs when he loses the title.. is because his fans feel he shouldn't have lost.

So please, leave comments, discuse and remember this... This is just how I feel about the man, I'm not trying to influence anyone.

You started a thread on a subject that's been beat to death. You apparently felt the need to thrust your opinion, and by right, influence of such, down our throats. No worries.. I'm strong minded in not falling for foolish thoughts.
We are talking about a man who has paid his dues in the “E” since 1998. In about 11 years, Edge accomplished what some will say, amazing. Let me break down his accomplishments:

• WWE Championship (4 times)
• World Heavyweight Championship (5 times, current)
• WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
• WCW United States Championship (1 time)
• WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (11 times) – with Christian (7), Chris Benoit (2), Randy Orton (1), and Hulk Hogan (1)
• WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Rey Mysterio (1)
• King of the Ring (2001)
• Mr. Money in the Bank (2005, 2007)
• Slammy Award for Couple of the Year (2008) with Vickie Guerrero
• Fourteenth Triple Crown Champion

And that’s just the WWE. How many other Superstars can say they were “essentially” a Double Triple Crown / King of the Ring / 2 Time Money in the Bank holder (I can’t say winner because he only won one MITB Match…you know the story) / Slammy winner?? I know this is scripted, and all that, but winning a Title in Pro Wrestling is basically like a director giving an actor the lead role in a movie or show, or basically like a head coach giving a player a starting position on a team. “Overrated” could be saved for a whole lot of other Wrestlers, but Edge is not one of them.

Couldn't agree with this comment any more. Edge plays his charachter perfectly. He's the "ultimate oppportunist" which means he takes advatage of every opportunity he gets. Look at when Edge's matches when he was a face. That shows you he has great wrestling ability. But now that he is heel and has a new gimmick since then he is limited to what he can do in the ring. The WWE/Vince tell the wrestlers what the can/can't do in a match.
Edge has many accomplishments, don't believe me, check this out:

World Heavyweight Championship (5 times, current)
WWE Championship (4 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
WCW United States Championship (1 time)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (11 times)
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time)
Mr. Money in the Bank (2005,2007)
King of the Ring (2001)
Fourteenth Triple Crown Champion

And has been in many memorable matches, from tlc's to HIAC, WrestleMania to Summerslam. He is one of the best heels in his generation and getting close to becoming one of the best ever. He has done more than many wrestlers and will do more than many great HOFers. He could passed Flair, in amount of title reigns, if he continues at his current pace. But what will the "Rated R Superstar" be remembered for? What will you remember him for?

To me it might be winning his first title against Cena because the way he won it, defines the character that has brought he to the next level.
are you kidding me?
Edge's moveset is not limited and the only reason edge loses and wins back the title so much is because ppl want to see Edge getting chased for the world title if Edge didn't cheat and take short cuts we wouldn't enjoy watching him getting chased for the title by cena or who ever (CENA SUCKS! EDGE RULES!) he has layed the very foundation of what is typical heel vs. face war ever since he bacame the rated 'R' superstar, for he is the most DOMINANT heel of this DECADE!
His midcardish neckbreakers often suffer from them looking like a simple drop to the mat rather than a force to be deal with.

I don't want to hate him. I'd be thrilled if his ring work lived up to his character. But frankly, I only see value in his matches with multiple men, superior workers, or gimmicks (Backlash 2006, Armageddon 2008, Backlash 2005, No Mercy 2002, SmackDown with Eddie in a No DQ match). I want to like Edge and he has some decent matches under the right circumstances. But his hype as one of the best in the WWE is not justified.

Edge's neckbreakers may not be the best, but his moveset is not small... especially not in comparison to the movesets by his main event peers...
Edge has a bigger moveset than Batista, Triple H, Orton, and Cena.
he just pulls them out when the match is the main focus, but most matches in WWE that someone in his position deals with are matches where he's supposed to put the focus on his CHARACTER, not the amount of moves he can pull off...
And im not gonna say what everyone else says, that his moveset is limited cause hes a heel... thats not true, jericho has all the moves as a heel, but jerichos character is that hes the best at what he does. Him doing a lot of moves fits what he proclaims, he has to. Edge's character is coming from behind, never fighting one on one, notice he never gets in a tangle where two wrestlers are just ALL OUT BRAWLING... and the refs seperate them...
Edge would just run away, its WWE's intentions to give him a limited moveset for 80 percent of his matches.

But even after all that... when he needs to have a good match he does... His match vs Kofi on superstars was a solid 15 minute match, with good work on both ends. And he carried many matches with Cena throughout 06. Not to mention the TLC match when he definetely was the more creative one. His Sharpshooter is not a sharpshooter but an "Edgecator". Just like jerichos Walls of Jericho at this point is just a shitty boston crab, same deal.

And point is this...
Great talker
Great at getting true heat
Great at playing his character
Maybe the best ring psycology
DUN DUN DUnnnnnn
Better than every single one of his main event peers, in terms of technical ringwork and moveset... ONLY with the exclusions of Undertaker and Shawn. and they are both legends.

and bret is my fav wrestler. so trust me i want to see the best in ring work i can, and no one else is doing it any better than him in this cast of top stars.
i serioulsly cant think of one thing that is bad about edge.
Hell i can't think of that many matches with edge in it that are bad. But some of his fueds go for way to long ie undertaker vs edge. But all those matches led up to one hell of a hiac match and a great ladder match personally that fued was the best fued of 2008.

Edge isnt a real technical wrestler so most moves hes going to do is striking moves mixed in with like a neckbreaker or something, does it really matter if he doesn't have a big move set? hes a heel after. Look at mat hardy since hes turned, his move set has dropped dramatically. There is proof that he did have a big move set once apon a time. My example is rko vs edge at vengeance 2004, that was when edge was face and had a WAY bigger moveset when he was a face but lost alot of it when he tearned heel the only thing i miss from it was his edgecution which he barely did anyway.

I wouldn't really call a guy that has teamed with hogan, made probably one of the best tag teams of this generation and has one every single championship the wwe has to offer overrated i would call him AWESOME.

hope you guys like my first post :)

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