Edge Or The Locker Room?

I would agree with Edge if we were talking about an absence of a year or two. But, given the length of time that has passed, I have to ask, where do you draw the line? How long does a wrestler who made his bones have to be gone before he no longer can expect to automatically go straight to the top? If John Cena decided to take a 10 year break, and come back to wrestling at age 44, should he automatically get the top spot, even though an entire generation of wrestlers has come and gone? Cena earned his spot too...Or better yet...Jerry the King Lawler decides to have one last run. Lawler earned his spot 20 years before the Rock did, but he earned it. Guy was one of the greatest world champions of all time, should he automatically get the top spot, because of what he meant for the business previously? If a star NFL player retired for 7 years and wanted to return, should they automatically get their starting position back over whoever the current guy is? What's the time limit? Where do you draw the line?

I would say NO, just like I currently say that Edge is wrong. The WWE roster now looks nothing like it did when he left. The Rock isn't returning, he is on a nostalgia tour. The Rock WAS a great wrestler. But that 7+ year gap means you can't assume that the Rock IS a great wrestler still. He looks like he is still in great shape, but how the hell do we know if he can still put on a great match like he used to? If his match against Cena is lights out, and he can keep up with the best the WWE has to offer and look like he never lost a beat, sure, you let him resume his role at the top. But until you know that, you can't take the chance. 7 years is an awfully long time.

Yeah dude but The Rock is FAR better than anyone else in the roster right now, and they're basically trying to make money and hold the company. And what else do they have to main event a Wrestlemania? I've gone gone from wrestling basically since Shawn retired, and Ive come back because of The Rock vs Cena and see what hapers with the Streak, After this and Taker is gone, Im done too! Cheers.
Ever cross your mind that the "locker room" beef with Rock is probably largely a work? Dirt sheets are about as reliable as Fox News and not only that but pro wrestlers are carny by nature and love to work people whether or not the cameras are on.

I think Rock should be in the main event. He's a huge draw. He shouldn't act like a dick backstage (doubt he really does), but he's a draw. He doesnt' bump anyone down, if anything, everyone gets elevated because Rock brings a few more eyeballs to the show.
Yeah dude but The Rock is FAR better than anyone else in the roster right now, and they're basically trying to make money and hold the company. And what else do they have to main event a Wrestlemania? I've gone gone from wrestling basically since Shawn retired, and Ive come back because of The Rock vs Cena and see what hapers with the Streak, After this and Taker is gone, Im done too! Cheers.
So basically you quit watching in 2010 and have recently started again. In other words, you are a pretty shitty judge of the modern talent. Believe it or not, a TON of old school people hated the attitude era because it was a trash TV show and not a wrestling show. Nostalgia can be a horrible thing. You can have your opinion, but when you openly admit that you don't watch the program and only watch for the nostalgia acts, you lose all credibility.
First reply on a forum for this site but it seems just about everyone including myself is agreeing with what Edge has to say. The Rock quite honestly is going to get handed his spot with Cena because the draw is going to be just main event worthy. Anyone who doesn't see that really needs to clean their glasses.

One thing I tend to disagree with concerns how a lot of people feel that the current crop of upper mid card talent could've earned possibly The Rock's spot. Well the past couple of years have seen a drastic change in talent. The last truly over star aside from Randy Orton and John Cena had to retire the day after Wrestlemania. Once Edge left, I truly believe WWE has done just an awful job of making top tier talent aside from CM Punk and honestly that's because of the famous promo he delivered on RAW. Take a look at the 4 main matches this year of Wrestlemania. The Rock who hasn't been in a ring since Survivor Series. Chris Jericho which has been one of the oddest returns in recent memory. Then another match, HHH vs Undertaker 3 which takes 2 guys who wrestle once a year. The other guys are Rock's opponent, John Cena who is the Hulk Hogan of the modern age. CM Punk who is one hell of a performer and has earned his spot. The other match is sort of lost in the mix and it's a championship match in Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus which was reduced to a dark match last year at Wrestlemania. Point being 4 of the guys in 3 of the main/upper matches are pretty much part timers. Now I understand Wrestlemania is all about buys, I'll be buying because those matches are going to sell the show BUT I'm awfully concerned when those guys all leave again.

Just one man's opinion...
let's get one thing straight...the rock is going to job to john cena at wrestlemania.
i'll say it in bold for those who didn't quite catch it the first time: the rock is going to job to john cena at wrestlemania.
still confused? then perhaps this will enlighten you:

cena has his points but what people fail to realize is that the rock really has nothing to gain from this and all he's doing is entertaining the fans and making cena a bigger star than he is already in the long run by not only jobbing to him at mania, but promoting cena's merchandise (i.e. the real purpose of the "boston tea party")

whoever thinks that the rock is willing to risk getting his neck broken in a match with john cena, obviously not the most coordinated wrestler in the world, just to promote g.i. joe 2 which is going to be ridiculously profitable anyway is an idiot and a virgin

not to mention a guy that made over $10 million just for putting on a tooth fairy costume didn't come back just for the paycheck either, especially when wwe's shares are lower than ever.

last but not least, as for the rock distancing himself from the wwe...simple. he wanted to be taken seriously as an actor, he didn't want the stigma of HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED and his double murder-suicide following him around, and frankly i don't blame him one bit.

i think the backstage heat is all a work, and if it's not then it just goes to show you why most of the guys in the back will never make it anywhere. did the rock blame stone cold steve austin for all the endless "DIE ROCKY DIE" chants? NO. he reinvented himself and made himself a star. the boys in the back should look towards the rock as an inspiration, but just like hogan they let their egos get in the way of good business. look at hogan now, broke ass white man in his 60s still wrestling because his gold digging ****e of a wife spent all his money. that's karma, motherfucker.
As far as The Rock coming back and straight away getting the main event spot goes, I'll side with Edge. Like Edge says, if he was still performing, there is no way in which he would be left off the card for WrestleMania. Why? Because he has earned his place on that card by working his ass off. So has everyone else who is on the card for WrestleMania 28. If someone isn't on the card, chances are he would not have been on the card even if The Rock would not have been there. Really it's just one fucking place on the card that Rock has taken and Rock being the legend and the draw that he is fully deserves that place.

However, as far as I know, this is NOT the only issue that the wrestlers backstage have with Rock. Rock has been reported by wrestlers as an aloof guy who does not care about current roster and is not ready to give them tips on how to get better let alone give them a bit of a rub in the ring. Yes, you can argue that Rock has earned his right to act that way but at the end of the day, if there is any truth in those rumors, then it does make Rock unlikable, which is a sentiment that most of the current superstars seem to be echoing.
So basically you quit watching in 2010 and have recently started again. In other words, you are a pretty shitty judge of the modern talent. Believe it or not, a TON of old school people hated the attitude era because it was a trash TV show and not a wrestling show. Nostalgia can be a horrible thing. You can have your opinion, but when you openly admit that you don't watch the program and only watch for the nostalgia acts, you lose all credibility.

I stop watching it because what you call modern talent sucks, that's a different thing. I kept watching here and there, and even went to the SummerSlam in Los Angeles 2 years ago, but didn't move me a bit. I don't miss the attitude era, I just miss wrestlers with charisma and a story behind. The Miz, del Rio, Cena, whoever, they're not in the level of Taker or Michaels, and that's a fact. Thay're trying to make Punk the big name when he was only a midcarder a few years ago, and Triple H goes for the streak when he obviously was under the shadow of Michaels, that's the prove the average level is worse now than a few years ago. Thank you for thinking my opinion is shit, your opinion on exchange means a lot to me.
However, as far as I know, this is NOT the only issue that the wrestlers backstage have with Rock. Rock has been reported by wrestlers as an aloof guy who does not care about current roster and is not ready to give them tips on how to get better let alone give them a bit of a rub in the ring. Yes, you can argue that Rock has earned his right to act that way but at the end of the day, if there is any truth in those rumors, then it does make Rock unlikable, which is a sentiment that most of the current superstars seem to be echoing.

I think that was a one night thing because nothing has really been said about his interaction with the talent behind the scenes since. Reports have even gone on to say that The Rock stays at the same hotel as the other wrestlers.
It's the fucking Rock. Why didn't people bitch about Floyd Mayweather taking their spot? Or Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler? Or Steamboat, Piper, and Snuka?

It's pure jealousy. The Rock spent many years earning this spot. And whose spot is he taking exactly, anyway? The Undertaker's? It's not like he's wrestling Santino. He's wrestling fucking John Cena. There aren't that many people worthy of wrestling Cena at Mania.

It's just pissing and moaning for the sake of pissing and moaning.
It's the fucking Rock. Why didn't people bitch about Floyd Mayweather taking their spot? Or Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler? Or Steamboat, Piper, and Snuka?

It's pure jealousy. The Rock spent many years earning this spot. And whose spot is he taking exactly, anyway? The Undertaker's? It's not like he's wrestling Santino. He's wrestling fucking John Cena. There aren't that many people worthy of wrestling Cena at Mania.

It's just pissing and moaning for the sake of pissing and moaning.

I totally agree.

Look at a guy like Jericho. He comes and goes as he pleases and he's immediately put into the main event for the belt against CM Punk. THAT is who the locker room should be mad at. Jericho coming back and immediately getting a title shot. Did they give the Rock a title shot? No. Jericho is "taking" someone's spot ( a guy like Miz for example) moreso than Rock. Jericho is in a similar position though. He's paid his dues and earned the right to headline wrestlemania. Others that are complaining haven't.
edge is right for the most part, of course, however, it's less that the rock is taking the main event away, it's more that he isn't doing anything for anyone in the wwe, he buried the corre (the night after WM 27), he didn't do anything for miz or truth (miz on 2 occasions), he is literally coming and going as he please since he is filming some more shitty movies i won't watch, and apparently he is being a complete dick towards the guys that are around full time. I mean he will help buy rates at WM 28 (which could be questionable since survivor series didn't do to swell despite rock being on the card), and he will put cena further over, i mean, unless cena starts getting more love after WM 28 (which is unlikely cause you can't please anyone anymore) he will have simply gotten a big paycheque then he will leave again.
Let's be honest. Wrestling locker room politics are a fucking joke. He doesn't have to dress with the "boys" or shake hands or do any of that nonsense for fear of losing his job and that makes these schmoes mad. He doesn't have to let Triple H yell at him or bow to the vets or any of that stupid shit.
There's a reason John Cena is The Rock's opponent. Who else would you picture facing him? Not even "The Almighty" CM Punk could be considered an equal. To add more salt to the wound, it's The Rock. That guy who played second fiddle to Stone Cold Steve Austin all Attitude Era long. The majority of these guys have been either given a chance or have not earned it.

You think of The Miz. This guy was pushed to the moon from 2009 until last year but when he was given the major slot, he blew it with a terrible match at the main event of Wrestlemania last year. Rock or not, the match was baaaad. Miz' in-ring performances have been slipping since. As has his speaking ability and care for the media.

You think of R-Truth. Seriously? The man is fun, but at the end of the day he's more a comedy act than someone who should be taken seriously. He had to become a whack job to get people to care in any form.

Del Rio is another guy who was pushed to the moon and led to nothing. Just like the majority of his reactions.

Think about it. Over the last few years, the likes of Kane, Mark Henry, Big Show and Kevin Nash have taken major spots on cards. 3 of these guys became World Champions about 10 years past their prime. They took the spots these so called "blue chipper" superstars keep pushing for. Why's that? You gonna tell me they gave miraculous improvements? Or that they have to pick up the slack for the turmoil of epic averageness known as WWE's upper-midcard.

Why's Triple H facing The Undertaker a third time when all these so called hard workers could benefit more? The same reason The Rock is facing John Cena. He knocked. No one could offer more. So they said yes to him. The only person to blame for The Rock coming in and doing whatever he pleases is the WWE superstars themselves. For failing to give us a reason to care for them. It's the year 2012 and people care more about a Big Show or a Mark Henry than a Kofi Kingston or even a Miz or Alberto Del Rio. It's their own fault.
it's less that the rock is taking the main event away, it's more that he isn't doing anything for anyone in the wwe

you're a complete idiot. the rock is putting over john cena at wrestlemania, you moron. when has the rock ever refused to job to somebody? he lost almost every single wrestlemania match he ever had, while cena won almost every single one of his. not to mention when he threw away cena's merchandise on monday he was effectively PROMOTING ALL OF IT. he might as well have pulled a DX and said "hot garbage, hot trash...which can be purchased right now at wweshop.com"

he buried the corre (the night after WM 27)

uh, no he didn't. the corre buried the corre. the corre was horrible and was never over as a legitimate threat. next.

he didn't do anything for miz or truth (miz on 2 occasions)

so let me get this straight, you would have preferred for the miz and truth to actually BEAT THE TWO MEN WHO ARE HEADLINING THE BIGGEST WRESTLING EVENT OF ALL TIME? i thought vince was losing his grip on sanity, but thank GOD you are NOT running this company.

he is literally coming and going as he please

just like chris jericho? next.

since he is filming some more shitty movies i won't watch

i'm sure he'll be devastated.

and apparently he is being a complete dick towards the guys that are around full time

the rock is not obligated to stroke the egos of the people that constantly talk shit about him behind his back.

I mean he will help buy rates at WM 28 (which could be questionable since survivor series didn't do to swell despite rock being on the card)

blame the miz and truth. they do not draw. at all. period. nor were they ever considered a legitimate threat against the 2 biggest superstars of all time. even superman and batman wouldn't be interesting if the only enemies they had were common thugs, they need a lex luthor, a darkseid, a joker, etc. and all the heels in wwe are a bore. next.

he will have simply gotten a big paycheque then he will leave again.

dude, the rock got $10 million just for putting on a tooth fairy costume...you think he's going to risk a career threatening injury with the most uncoordinated WWE champion of all time? i reiterate: YOU. ARE. AN. IDIOT.
You know, I already said this before, but I do find it funny just how things change in the business. When the nWo came back, do you think Rock was bitching backstage, because Hogan and company was taking his spot? Do you think Kurt Angle bitched because now he had to face Kane at Wrestlemania? Austin may have complained a little, but do you think he allowed it to affect how he worked with Hall, Nash, and Hogan?

Fuck no; all of them realized more money was going to be made from this, and their paychecks were gonna get bigger. Fuck, even guys like Jericho and Benoit, who had bs experiences with them, didn't bitch to dirt sheets. You know what Jericho did? He went to Taker, and Taker explained it was good for business.

Now, with the shoe on the other foot, everyone is bitching at Rock for the same reason almost no one bitched about Hogan. It just goes to show you just how much the locker room culture has changed in the WWE

Feel free to listen to this little tidbit from Meltzer.

You know, I already said this before, but I do find it funny just how things change in the business. When the nWo came back, do you think Rock was bitching backstage, because Hogan and company was taking his spot? Do you think Kurt Angle bitched because now he had to face Kane at Wrestlemania? Austin may have complained a little, but do you think he allowed it to affect how he worked with Hall, Nash, and Hogan?

Fuck no; all of them realized more money was going to be made from this, and their paychecks were gonna get bigger. Fuck, even guys like Jericho and Benoit, who had bs experiences with them, didn't bitch to dirt sheets. You know what Jericho did? He went to Taker, and Taker explained it was good for business.

Now, with the shoe on the other foot, everyone is bitching at Rock for the same reason almost no one bitched about Hogan. It just goes to show you just how much the locker room culture has changed in the WWE

Feel free to listen to this little tidbit from Meltzer.


100% this! The Rock is taking one spot on the card anyone who is not featured simply hasn't done enough over the course of the year and should take a look in the mirror before pointing fingers.

The Rock is a megastar and his involvement is attracting a much wider audience (many of my friends included) who had forgotten about wrestling but will watch mania simply because he is there. This is giving the young locker room talent who have merited a place and do have the skills, the opporunty to sell themselves and the wwe product to an audience who have no pre-conceived ideas about them or their past work, a unique chance.

He's hardly being selfish hand he definently doesn't need the money his movie career is going from strength to strength as the Fast Five and Journey 2 (officially the most successful movie of 2012 so far) testify. Furthermore he is putting over Cena the fact that Cena is actually somewhat interesting again and not completely stale for the first time in years is no coincidence and his credibility has been helped to no-end by this fued.

Of course Rock was going to beat Miz and Truth at SS, that's what faces do the irony that people who are supporting Cena are gettign on the Rocks back for making his opponents look weak is hilarious. Pretty much anybody Cena comes up against he makes look pathetic, considering he hasn't lost clean since like 2009 that argument has no legs whatsoever. Especially when the Rock even as the face of the company jobbed to several people to help get them over. Rock is also doing great over twitter in acknowledging, interacting and attributing credit to several wrestlers for their current work. This combined with the off-record praise Dwayne Johnson has recieved as a man from the likes of Y2J, Austin. Big Show, Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Edge, Lesnar and Bubba Ray Dudley more than stand as testamant to him genuinely being a nice person.
Im probably on the side of Edge. The thing is, the Rock has more mainstream popularity than most on the WWE payroll, and gives the older fans a bit of a nostagia feel. Why not have him in the main event? Ill go out on a limb and say that this 'anonymous SMS sender' is either a work, or a jealous lower midcarder who is rarely seen on TV.

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