Edge or Chistian

Who is the better in ring performer, Edge or Christian?

  • Edge

  • Christian

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I think if Christian were to be a heel, then my vote would have gone to him. But however, Edge has a bigger spotlight on him and has "it," two things that are necessary to get over as a WWE star. Edge is an amzing in ring performer, an amazing speaker, and has "it." Edge gets the nod here.
Ok.... to be honest.. Edge is the best. He works extremely well with basically whoever he stes foot in the ring with, and put guys over clean, the best part.... is he is truly the Rated "R" Superstar at heart so it is so easy for him to work as such. I love Christian, but he seems to work sloppy and stiff... yet, very entertaining and under used. But..... Christian Cage from TNA..... showed a completely different side of the man. Something that we all knew he had inside of him... and that was that "it" factor. The Christian Cage from TNA, as the Instant Classic... the true champ. Better, in my opinion, that the Rated R gimmick. He worked it to the fullest.... so in the this... Edge gets the nod, but Christian Cage's performance as "THE GUY" in TNA should not be forgotten... WWE just seems to waste that ability and talent.
This is an awesome topic - kudos to the person who started this thread. Edge & Christian both equal in skill - have both dedicated themselves to the business and paid their dues. I loved them as a tag team and dig them even more in their singles career. But Imma have to go with Christian on this one. His work in TNA was excellent! The way he debuted was genius - and anyone he got in the ring with, he provided the skill to carry matches with them. Edge has given us some pretty spectacular matches but for Christian to bounce to one promotion to the next is pure gold. Now he's the main face of ECW, and I bet he's pretty happy with the position of revising a dead show.
I have got to go with Edge he is great in the ring and i would rather see him in any match over christian now don't get me wrong i am a true peep however Edge is on a different level.
I think some people are missing the point. I'm not asking who the best superstar is or who has had the better career. That's obviously Edge. I'm talking about who, soley based on in ring work, is better. I found it pretty hard to come up with an answer but I went with Edge anyway but I think it's a pretty close competition when it comes to just their ring work.

Some good posts coming though keep em up.
I lean more towards Edge, both are extremely good. Anyone who denies Christian's ability is mistaken. Edge to me just has the total package, more so than Christian. Thus why he's one of the top guys on the roster. Edge has become one of the better big match wrestlers out there. His feuds with Cena and Taker were extremely good. Helping him to become one of the most hated men in wwe. Christian may get a chance to become a bigger star, when that time comes we will be able to better answer the question. As of right now it has to be Edge.
Edge takes this one for me without a doubt. Yes, Christian is a great worker in his own right but I've never gotton why everyone is so keen on him as a main eventer (in TNA perhaps, but I'm not so sure sure about in WWE), I think he's well suited for ECW or as an upper mid carder on RAW or Smackdown but I don't see him with the WWE or World Title personally. Any who getting back on track, yes I think Edge is the superior in ring performer, at least going from his work over the past few years...he just seems to me to be better at your typical WWE elements such as the story telling, psychology and what not (that's not saying Christian isn't good at this, simply just that I think Edge can do it better).
This is a really difficult question. On one hand you have Edge, one of the better wrestlers of this past generation, and someone who's been incredibly successful in the WWE. On the other hand, you have Christian, who in my opinion is the better in-ring performer, and has become much better on the microphone as well. There's something about Edge though, some intangible, that should probably lead me to vote for him if the question was "Who's the Better All-Around Wrestler/Performer?", but because we're only talking about the in-ring abilities, I'm going to have to go with Christian here. Edge has put on some great matches, but Christian has begun to outshine him over the last few years, especially when he was able to let his talent really shine in TNA. I'm a big fan of both of these men, but (in part because of all of Edge's injuries) I'm going to have to vote for Christian here. He certainly excites me presently more than the Rated R Superstar does, though if Edge turns face on his return that would likely make me love the guy all over again.
To me Christian is well rounded and can adapt to just about anything whereas with Edge its really hit or miss e.g. Whoever Christian is working with he can have a great match with whereas Edge it depends, also On the mic Christian to me seems to be able to adapt better than Edge in my opinion
Ok on principle I am not reading any responses before making this. And note: this might jump around a bit, so forgive me.

As can be told from my sig, I am a huge fan of Edge and Christian. I proudly carried the Edge Army tag back in 2001, and was a bit annoyed at what they were doing with the Crybaby Christian gimmick. The UnAmerican Christian, with the ass cream segments and the "Spike Get the Towels" moment (youtube it), were gold. Edge with Hogan was one of the better storylines for a thrown together tag team in recent memory and maybe it did something for me because I am an original Hulkamanic myself.

When Edge got that first big injury and said he was going to be out for a year but when he came back he was going to get the title... I was sad but hyped for him to get better. While on RAW Christian was subjected to the "Creepy Little Bastard" Austin stuff and the "Flash"-like "Captain Charisma" outfit. Some argue Austin was burying him with that but it got Christian re-noticed and back on the radar for some.

Edge came back with new music (god I loved him using Rob Zombie) and finally made some moves that proved I was right.... before getting injured again... but we all know how this goes. Edge heel turn after the Benoit team and all the subsequent goodness.

Christian began a mini-fued with Cena... which creative decided to redo with the Miz a few years later but I digress... but the best they ever had in-ring was a 3-way with Jericho included which led to the first Cena-Jericho fued and Jericho being "fired"... Christian went over to Smackdown in the draft and did some nice things but after a PPV (I can't remember which one but I own it) he decided to leave. His contract expired and he wasn't renewing. This was actually mentioned in an extra on the DVD with a "Christian says goodbye" segment. He then went to TNA and we all know how this goes from here...

Now... I've been a member of the Edge Army since the phrase was started. I've been a Peep for the same amount of time. Oh the feuds these two had were awesome, playing the kayfabe "Brothers"... But the Rated R Nation and the Peepulation have had me renewing my membership fees every year and that's not about to change...

SO...... who would I have to choose, because I HAVE to choose one or this isn't answering the OP and would be SPAM.... but I would actually have to go with Christian. I love them both. Their promos, their in-ring work, their adaptability... but if I had to choose one it'd be Christian just because of the injuries to Edge I get more Christian... but really it's a dead lock tie.
Who knows how christian would perform if he was given the break edge was given, it damn sure wasnt because edge was that good like i already posted. And i would have to look up that rock title statistic before i believe that. Even so, it was only because the rock had many other things going on outside of wrestling like movies duh. Edge hasnt done anything outside of wrestling so whats his excuse for continually dropping the belt. He sucks.
Well I have seen both guys wrestle since they joined WWE and followed also Christian's career in TNA while watching Edge also in the WWE. They both are great workers but I am going with Edge on this one.

His move se has become more limited but still his selling and in-ring psycology an intreaction with the crowd is better.
I've gone for Christian, but based purely on my own opinion, I think Edge is probably the most accomplished wrestler of the two. Something that you have to remember with Edge, which is often forgotten, is that much of his skill involves getting the best out of his opponents, rather than doing anything partiularly fantastic himself. Still, Christian is pretty good, and always entertaining, so he's my choice.
I don't know.. Edge has became a little predicitable in the past year and some change, not that he doesn't still entertain in the ring, because he does, but he doesn't switch it up as much anymore. Christian does that, he puts on good matches but still keeps it fresh in the ring. I'm gonna have to say Christian by a hair..

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