Edge or Chistian

Who is the better in ring performer, Edge or Christian?

  • Edge

  • Christian

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I'm better than you!
Who is the better in ring performer?

I'm gonna go with Edge... just. He has a decent offence, sells well and completely plays his character in the ring. He can tell so much with his manerism's and body language. Christian is probably just as good with selling and offensive moves but I find Edge more, how should I say it? Engaging.

Anyways, what do you think? Who would you say is the better wrestler when inside the ring? Not promo's or charisma. In ring work only. Who is better?
This is simple, who's been good enough to main event WrestleMania several times over the past few years? Not to mention who's head line and main event almost every other WWE PPV in the past 5 years. This question is a no-brainier.

The Rated R Superstar will always win in argument.
Honestly, I've never find Edge interesting in the ring unless it's a gimmick match which sometimes can be a hit or a miss. When it comes to all the factors that take place in the ring, I will have to pick Christian over Edge. If we're talking about promo and mic skills and all that, I will have to go with Edge but that's not the question. I enjoy watching Christian perform more than Edge and when it comes to selling, telling a story, and working with your opponent, I just think Christian does a better job at it than Edge.
Considering in-ring work only? That would be a good analysis, but I am going to say Edge.

Christian is a solid competitor in the ring & is basically all-round. He knows how to sell to what the situation requires, he can dish out the offense & can work the ring very well whilst making it all believable in the process. He can easily make the crowd love or hate him from his antics & has always made that much needed connection. He has good singles & tag team psychology as well to boot.

On the other hand, Edge has these same abilities Christian possesses & is at least one step ahead of Christian as an in-ring performer. I must not forget to mention that Edge has suffered that serious ankle injury that will no doubt affect Edge when he eventually comes back to wrestling for the negative. Maybe then, Christian could excel over Edge during the second half of his career & prove his worth. For now, I am going to say Edge > Christian in my opinion.
@ tLight

I dunno man. Edge is a main eventer because of his ability to cut awesome promo's, especially as a heel. And he's created this character that everyone loves to see, hate or love. His in ring work is good too but I see his charisma and promo work getting him more over than his actaul wrestling. I think Christian and Edge are much closer than you thin when they're in the ring but I still see Edge as slightly better. Christian is also a great promo worker but he hasn't taken the WWE by storm like Edge has. Anyways, cheers for posting though man.
If you question Edge's in ring work, watch his match with Taker at WM last year, his match with Taker at Summer Slam last year, his WM match with Foley when Foley goes into the flamming table, his matches with Cena, Big Show, the Hardy's (he's faced both of them) I agree that Edge is great in gimmick matches, and that Christian is missing that spark to get him over. That missing spark is why I find Christian boring, and until he has it, I will continue to find him boring.
Edge wins hands down...

i have to agree with tLight here, christian is missing that spark that ever makes you love him or hate him. He has good matches, but without that spark, i doesnt mean much. i would love to see him develop into a character that will enable him to have that spark.
obviously edge dumb ass even wen dey was a tag team edeg was da most noticible do u think that christian bein in edge's position holding the world belt wud b jus as good i think not
I've always been a fan of both, but Christian has always been better in my eyes. Vince grabbed a hold of Edge and never let go after E & C was broken up, but I sincerely believe that had Christian been the chosen one, he would have had equal success. Christian is well rounded in the ring as he can wrestle many different styles and can transition smoothly from one style to the next. Edge is obviously very talented, but Christian has that "little something extra".
Hard to decipher that post but I saw Edge somewhere in there so it's all good.

How do you know that Christian wouldn't be as good as Edge in that position? In the ring, Edge hasn't been that greater than Christian and Christian can hold his own on the mic as well. We're not talking about a HBK/Janetty comparison. Edge and Christian are much much closer than you and others think and I believe Christian would be fine in Edge's position.
I agree this is a difficult question, but people keep saying who's in the main event in WWE and who's not. From what I remember Christian left WWE for TNA and was the main attraction, and even though people say TNA is the "minor" leagues, he still beat big names such as Booker T, Sting and Kurt Angle. Also, a few months before he left WWE I'm sure he was headlining pay per views with apparently the two best in WWE today, Chris Jericho and John Cena, and even beating Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 20. People might say Jericho wasn't as good back then, but he was still at this point the first undisputed champion so it is still a big name defeated.

On the other hand, Edge has had significant victories over people like Triple H, John Cena and the Undertaker. The reason I see this is as well as even though Edge deserves his main event spot, Vince has never been a fan of Christian because of his body and size apparently, that is why it got changed from him being Jeff Hardy's attacker to Matt Hardy. So I think if Christian had been given the opportunities in WWE he would of been just as loved/hated than Edge, and is just as talented as him in the ring.
Just to reinforce what some other people have said, Vince seems to have this fetish for having big steroid induced muscular men as main eventers. If Christian had all the muscles of Edge or Orton (Batista and Cena are almost at the point of just looking silly, I mean really, enough is enough), the proper build, he'd be main eventing right now.

That being said, I had trouble giving either of them a real edge (no pun intended). I really feel like they're even and in terms of his in ring arsenal and move set I think that Christian is actually better in that respect. Maybe Edge can be a bit better at selling at times and I think they both do outstanding promo work.

I honestly really couldn't decide and given the option I probably would've said both are generally equal but I gave the edge to Christian (not that I'm completely unbiased).
Just to reinforce what some other people have said, Vince seems to have this fetish for having big steroid induced muscular men as main eventers. If Christian had all the muscles of Edge or Orton (Batista and Cena are almost at the point of just looking silly, I mean really, enough is enough), the proper build, he'd be main eventing right now.

That being said, I had trouble giving either of them a real edge (no pun intended). I really feel like they're even and in terms of his in ring arsenal and move set I think that Christian is actually better in that respect. Maybe Edge can be a bit better at selling at times and I think they both do outstanding promo work.

I honestly really couldn't decide and given the option I probably would've said both are generally equal but I gave the edge to Christian (not that I'm completely unbiased).

Vince loves big muscles on Edge and Orton?
hahahah are you kidding me?
Edge is by far the worst example you could of use, he's fairly small and doesn't look like a roid freak at all. And as others have mentioned he's was pretty flabby when he got injured.

Orton was in the service, and yeah he has packed on a lot of muscle over the past few years, but most of it is in his legs.

Have you seen CM Punk? He's another prime example of a person who's not on roids that is a current world champ. "The right build?" hell for the longest time they said CM Punk didn't have the right look to be a champ

Or maybe Jericho, have you seen his awesome muffin top? do I need to take this any further?

Your argument is flawed, try again.
This is an easy one: Edge.

When you compare careers, Edge has had some great, GREAT matches with so many different styles of competitor, and when hes in there he looks like he's wrestles those type of matches regularly. And that is what makes him better than Christian. His ability to adapt fo ANY style of match, with ANY competition in the ring. Mic work is about even, but Edge definitely has the "edge" in-ring.
We all know that Edge is pretty much the BEST answer to this question, because he's been in the same system and has built himself up to main event status without having to leave the company that brought him up from a tag team wrestler.

I enjoy Christians work whether it would be promos or in ring work. I think Christian is a lot more smoother in countering moves and giving a different vibe of flow in a match. I feel like Christian could have been on Edge's level 3 years ago, but WWE messed that up.
You don't really need to say anything about Edge being he's done it all. He's been a heel since 04 over that Taboo Tuesday shindig when he bailed on Benoit and started a feud with HBK about how hes wasn't picked to be in the main-event. WWE creative was kinda giving Christian the same kind of treatment, but totally did a built up to it and failed.

Edge = tremendous performer, but I'm enjoying Christian a lot more being this is a guy that I feel people want to exceed than how WWE treated him before. We are all used to Edge by now. Not saying for that reason, one is put over than the other, but I feel a GREAT Christian run is in the works for the next year and I feel that Edge, being out of action, is gonna put Christian's stock up next to Edge by the time Edge comes back. That will only benefit Christian so much more and put both Edge and Christian up on a main-event level together, but as separate performers, not as a tag team (although, something tells me a small tag title run is in the works at one point next year).

Right now, show love to Christian. Peeps > Edgeheads.

plus...Killswitch/Unprettier = better finishing move out of the two wrestlers. It just looks more devastating then a spear nowadays.
First of all, the success of there respective careers has absolutely nothing to do with who is better. This is not a competitive sport....Mcmahon largely decides who succeeds and who fails, and his judgments don't seem to be based on in-ring skill very often. If you believe that high profile matches and title reigns indicate who's 'better', than you believe that the Ultimate Warrior was better than Ted Debiase, that Hulk Hogan was better than Ricky Steamboat, that Kevin Nash was better than Dean Malenko, etc etc etc. Hence all of the 'well who headlined Wrestlemania?' arguments are invalid.

Second, our view of what's more exciting and what's more engaging in the ring has a LOT to do with crowd reaction, which has a LOT to do with who is pushed. Give the Goldberg/Samoa Joe push to anyone on the roster and they will get over...give them a stale character and job them out and they will go nowhere. Look at Lance Storm, William Regal, Evan Bourne, or Malenko to name a few. They have/had mad skills, but didn't have the promotions creative machine behind them. Whereas Edge has had the creative machine behind him 100% of the way...his push continued through some terrible face runs and he was repackaged and repackaged until something stuck (the Rated R Superstar). If you don't believe that a performers gimmick and push can influence the crowds reaction to there in-ring work, than you are in denial about the existence of Hulk Hogan. (This is not to say that you don't need personality or talent to get over....but that you need both personality/talent and a push).

That being said...(and totally my opinion)...
Christian is technically sound, theres no doubt. The moves that he does are done right, and he very rarely screws up. But I'll agree with some other posters that theres a certain 'flashiness' missing from his in-ring work and move-set that we've come to expect, and I've often felt that his move-set doesen't reflect his physique or personality very well (the Unprettier/Killswitch is completely unbelievable against a larger opponent, for example. Although I will say I think that his style has improved a lot since arriving in ECW). Edge's is much more explosive and he seems to put a lot more emotion into his matches, which conveys well to a live audience. On the other hand, Christian has shown an ability to carry just about anyone to a good match, which I don't believe Edge has. Edge's matches are also a lot more predictable than Christian's (I doubt this is Edge's fault though. It seems common for main eventers in WWE). In any case, at the moment I'd have to say that Christian is the better technical wrestler, while Edge is the better in-ring performer and entertainer, although again I don't know how much of that has to do with their relative position's and directions within the company. That's the thing really....you can't make a fair comparison until they are both in the same position. In regards to that...

Christian has accomplished a hell of a lot in his career without WWE's creative 100% behind him, certainly more than Jericho or Edge before they received there main event pushes (he's carried two companies...). And sometimes it can take a while for the WWE to get behind a performer. Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Benoit, Eddie, etc...a lot of guys have been in Christian's position and have eventualy gone on to superstardom. So Christian's time may yet come....and probably will. WWE will likely give him a major title run to keep him happy and prevent him from jumping back to TNA when his contract expires (assuming it still exists). When that happens, we will see if Christian can become as big of an overall asset as Edge currently is.
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Good topic. I am a big fan of Christian and have to vote Christian. I do think he got dealt a bad card just because of Vince. Both are equal in the ring with hints of differences that cancel each other out. That is why they made such a good tag team.

Please don't forget that Edge is where is he because someone decided to give him a chance, and it worked. I don't care for Edge all lthat much but he does make a fantastic heel.

Hopefully the E will give Christina his due soon. He has all the tools to make a great main eventer in the E and would make a great eidition to Smackdown.

Overall, both are great in the ring with a slight performance "edge" to Christian.
Maybe Christian sohuld consider building his physique if thats all taht's stopping him from main eventing in the big 2 shows. You don't have to roid up or anything just hit the weights more. Wrestling is all about sacrifices. He obviously put a lot in to get to the in ring ability he has so why not build the physique. As for who's better I think Edge puts on a more exciting match than Christian.
I got to go with Christian on this one, and it's only because I prefer him over Edge. But, I still think he's the more talented 'in-ring' performer. Edge is a better entertainer. I also prefer Matt over Jeff so i'm a fan of the less successful tag team partners... Anyway, I am just a big fan of Christian. For instance, I like his finisher better, even though it's pretty much shit. But Edge's spear isn't that great if you look at it. Guys in the NFL get 'speared' harder than that. The only spear I thought was amazing by Edge was the one on Jeff at WM in the 4 way tag match. That's it. I just prefer Christian's moveset, his gimmick, his song, his attitude, his everything.

But don't get me wrong, I still think Edge is one of the most talented guys in the WWE. He's a good wrestler.
If you question Edge's in ring work, watch his match with Taker at WM last year, his match with Taker at Summer Slam last year, his WM match with Foley when Foley goes into the flamming table, his matches with Cena, Big Show, the Hardy's (he's faced both of them) I agree that Edge is great in gimmick matches, and that Christian is missing that spark to get him over. That missing spark is why I find Christian boring, and until he has it, I will continue to find him boring.

I do agree that whoever Edge wrestles, he pretty much makes them look great, similar to Jericho. His feud with Matt is probly in my top 10 favorite feuds, maybe even top 5, not just because i'm a Matt fan, but the two had SICK matches together. Their steel cage match is unforgettable for me, Matt hardy doing a leg drop off the cage, and Edge just made him look great. Edge really does make everyone/anyone look good.
This topic has already been done like a few wks ago. What are people talking about with christians physique? He's in great shape unlike edge. Edge is extremely flabby, has a very weak moveset, hasnt held on to the title for more than a month in a half. He didnt make other wrestlers look good, they made him look good. Edge to me only got pushed because of his nice theme music and entrance. Also because back when it was time for cena to lose the belt, they needed a new option. Edge happened to be a super heel that never held the title before, kinda how they did with jericho when he won the undisputed title. Christian needs to change his music, and attire. His moveset is sick, and his build is nice. He just needs to adjust a few tweaks and he'll get there. If flabby jericho, cm punk, and edge can hold the belt, christian damn sure could. Also jericho isnt that great, he loses more than he ever has, he's flabby, and whomever told him to where those underwear tights to the ring needs to be the one to tell him to put those pants bk on. He looks terrible. Christians much better, wwe just drops the ball to much.
I prefer Edge over Christian. While both are extremely good on the mic and really charismatic I have always found Edge to be the better of the two. I believe Edge cuts better promos then Christian and always has. I also like Edge better in the ring. I believe he is a better story teller then Christian and sells the moves better then Christian. I just overall like Edge better.
Gotta go with tlight, Edge has every tool needed to be a main eventer and has proven that by sitting at the top of the WWE ladder for years now.

In addition he has 9 title reigns to his name; I know they were short but technically he has the same number of reigns as the rock and a longer time period holding the strap. Someone mentioned the rocks reigns adding up to a year including the WCW title whilst Edges reigns add up to something like two years.

So I think Edge has long since proven himself as a main event calibur wrestler, whilst Christian who is also very talented...well the ECW title isn't that bad.

Just My Opinion

P.S. Not saying the rock is worse than edge, just saying that people keep complaining about how short edge's title reigns are, and well...technically he has held it longer.
I believe it all depends on what u mean by better. If u mean title wise then definetly edge mainly do to the fact that he stayed in wwe while christian was in tna. Now if u look at in impact i would say christian, think about tna didn't have anyone modernly iconic like christian. So it is very hard to judge cause they are both very skilled wrestlers and in a match it would be interesting to see them to in the ring against each other.
Edge has charisma he has great mic skills knows how to work up a crowd and is funny
His ring skills are better than that of Christian!

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