Edge And Christian Reunion

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I'm sure WWE is planning to take Christian off ECW some day, and when that does happen, I'm sure an Edge and Christian reunion will be the next thing to occur. Edge and Christian were an awesome tag team years ago. They had great feuds with The Hardy Boyz, and were an exciting tag team back when tag team wrestling was worth getting into in the WWE.

If this reunion does happen, I think we should cherish it because there really aren't many reunions left in WWE that will happen that can be special. Think about it for a second. Undertaker and Kane as The Brothers Of Destruction is nice to see, but they're reunions haven't had a shock or epic value to it for a while because it's been done many times over the past couple of years. Then there's DX. I'm a fan of both Triple H and Shawn, but them reuniting as DX doesn't have that spark to it like it had in 2006. I think they're doing good right now, but still, a DX reunion isn't a "mark out" moment any more.

Edge and Christian reuniting should be built up in a HUGE way. If WWE does this right, then it can be epic. I hope they can have a good run as unified tag champs(if they still are unified tag titles by then) because it would be cool to see since both men have developed tremendously since the last time they were a tag team.

Is Edge and Christian getting back together the be all end all for reunions in WWE? Should and will WWE make a big deal out of this when or if it happens? Thoughts?
Is Edge and Christian getting back together the be all end all for reunions in WWE? Should and will WWE make a big deal out of this when or if it happens? Thoughts?

I'm not sure if it would be the be all end all for reunions, but I think that they should wait a little while before having them reunite as a tag team, at least long enough for Christian to have won a world title. The best way in my opinion would be to have Christian get drafted to the brand Edge is NOT on, win that brand's world title, tease a reunion at a few PPV's, then have them win the Unified Tag Team titles after Christian has lost his world title. The reunion should be a surprise at Night of Champions, like JeriShow was. It would be huge. Then they could get a great run with the belts, like Edge/Jericho would have been. WWE should make a big deal about it, but without truly revealing it until it happens. The more they tease a reunion on PPV's, the better it will be if/when it happens. I think they should wait a while though before getting them back together because it will seem like a bigger deal if Edge has had time to fully recover and Christian has won a world title. I'd enjoy a reunion as they were one of the best teams ever.
I would love to see E and C back together. To me it should be built bigger than other reunions WWE has done. I don't remember the last time WWE promoted a reunion well. They usually just put them in a tag match hoping for a ratings increase and that's that. They did it with the Hardys and they did it with the Brothers of Destruction. I just hope that if they do it with E and C WWE would handle it better. It would be quite interesting to have them as Unified Tag champs, maybe even against Jerishow it the two of them can stay together. That would be a match to see Jerishow versus E and C.
I hope that they do make a big deal out of this when and if this does happen.

What I'd actually like to see happen in the build up to Wrestlemania is the following;

- JeriShow recapture the Unified Tag Team championships from DX

- Christian drops the ECW Championship to Yoshi Tatsu, Regal and Ryder.

- Christian appears on Smackdown that week asking for a tag-team championship slot
JeriShow come out and Jericho laughs at Christian. We all know Christian just lost the ECW Championship and that there is no way that in the short amount of time that he's found a tag-team partner. Therefore, it is declined. He doesn't have a partner and therefore cannot receive a tag-team championship slot.

Teddy Long comes out to the ring and tells Christian that if he can find a tag-team partner the following friday night he will grant him and the partner of his choice a #1 contenders match for the Unified Tag-Team championships at Wrestlemania against the Hart Dynasty.

- The following Friday night comes and we see Christian several times backstage with various WWE superstars. They all should be popular former tag-team division wrestlers; John Morrison (Sorry, bro, I can't, I'm in a match with for the intercontinental championship), Matt Hardy (sorry but the only guy I'm going to tag with is my brother Jeff, no hard feelings, good luck), Kane (Kane stares him down) and he never finds anyone to be his partner.

JeriShow go to the ring before the main event and cut a promo on Christian's inability to find a tag-team partner. "I guess this means that it'll be the Hart Dynasty going head to head with Christian. This should be a walk in the park for the Dynasty, we'll be seeing them at Wrestlemania" - they then sit ringside.

The Hart Dynasty w/ Natalya come to the ring next.

Then Christian comes out alone to his music. The WWE could do this one of two ways. They could have Christian stand three quarters of the way down the ramp before Edge's music hits or they can have Christian start the match by himself before four or five minutes into the match they have Edge's music hit and he comes rushing down to the ring, standing on the apron waiting for the hot tag. They capture the look on Show and in particular Jericho's face as priceless.

If you're concerned about JeriShow interfering in the match that could be resolved by having Kane, Matt and Morrison come down through the crowd to stop JeriShow from costing E&C the #1 contenders spot at Mania.

The match ends with E&C victorious and both men standing in the ring smiling ear to ear. All of Morrison, Hardy, Kane, Jericho and Show have left the ringside area to give E&C their moment.
Edge and Christian were an awesome tag team years ago. They had great feuds with The Hardy Boyz, and were an exciting tag team back when tag team wrestling was worth getting into in the WWE.

As if I don't remember. :lmao: They totally "reaked of awesomeness".

Yeh, I think if done right, it will definetly be a great way to kick off the decade by reuniting Canada's own E & C. This could happen in many ways, but I think Christian would have to establish himself a little more as a singles competitor, he has proved he is fully capable of beating Edge. Atleast to me. But I still feel he is lurking under Edge's shadow. Have Christian become either a dominant champion on the Smackdown roster, or go over some one big in a kick ass feud. Like against Batista or something, and also have him come out on top. But I think a proper world title run would be better.

And after Christian establishing himself, and taking his rightful place among the elites in the WWE. I think a reunion would be good. I think Edge (face), should challenge Christian (face), and after a hard fought match they can shake hands or something, and the story line can go in many directions, perhaps more backstage encounters. And maybe a tag title shot. And possibly after months of defending the tag titles, one of them can turn on the other and blame the other for losing the titles, and this could go from strictly proffesional to personal in a flash.

To be honest I thought they'd reunite around Backlash 'coz they met backstage after Christian won the ECW title of Jack Swagger. Actually a feud would have been more acurate. I think WWE missed out on that. I could just see the oozing jealousy on Edge's face. Christian had a title and he didn't. Man WWE missed out. :disappointed:
Sasori - absolutely great idea.

You know what would work just fine (though I doubt that the WWE would have the balls to do it)?

Have Batista pin Mysterio in a triple threat match at the Royal Rumble for the World Heavyweight Championship (that way Taker isn't involved in the finish and he gets one of his rematches (he'd have a singles match with Batista between the Rumble and EC but it's used to build to the ppv rather than a legit rematch) in the Elimination Chamber).

Then later that night Christian wins the Royal Rumble.

Edge comes back and we get the Jericho Vs Edge Mania match that we all wanted. However, Christian defeats Batista to become the WHC.

I know that I used your idea, but it'd be a huge mark out moment, at least for me.

You would still have a lot of depth at your disposal to build the rest of the Wrestlemania card (Batista Vs Christian; Shawn Vs Undertaker; Chris Jericho Vs Edge; Bret Vs Vince; whoever for the WWE championship (Triple H Vs Cena Vs ???); Orton Vs DiBiase) but it would be the push that Christian needs to solidify himself as the main event wrestler.

Holding off on a E&C reunion until Christian is viewed as a legit main eventer (not just current or former ECW Champion) isn't a bad idea at all. I agree that it potentially would make it bigger.
Yes they're to good not to be reunited short term like the Hardy Boyz in 2007, even if it's to get another fledging tag team over.

Edge has flirted with the tag belts since being main eventer, Christian would be up for tagging with his best friend, and also it would give Christian that main event rub he needs, from a top guy WILLING to give him that push.

I'm hoping come WM26 Christian is in a feud, and not in the mix of MITB, Christian/CM Punk?
I think Christian should defend the ECW Championship against Edge at Wrestlemania..That would be huge for ECW and could be the best match up of the night..

No doubt about it would be the biggest thing to happen to WWECW, but lets be realistic, WWE would in NO WAY allow one of their marquee guys wrestle for the ecw title at Mania, it just wouldn't happen, plus Edge has the feud with Jericho looming.

I concur about Christian deserving to wrestle a main eventer at Mania.
It is certainly the sort of thing that could be a big deal as a one off event towards the back end of 2010, but right now, it is unecessary. Christian, in my opinion, should be moving upwards and in order to do that, he has to be in a legitimate singles feud. This sort of thing, whilst being what the audience might want to see, certainly isn't a long term option and it is the sort of thing that is given to people when they want to keep them out of the spotlight, which shouldn't be the case for Christian.

I'd like to see it for a short programme, purely for nostalgia reasons, against common enemies, a bit like when MNM feuded with the Hardys, but otherwise, let sleeping dogs lie.
The way I see it Christian gets more out of a reunion than Edge. And isn't it a bit early to speculate on something like this. Last thing i heard about Edge's current condition wasn't very positive and it didn't ever look like he would be back in time for wrestlemania.

It would be a great thing to see these two back together they fit together as well as any two guys have had over the years. There would definitely be a positive fan reaction, no doubt. But again i have to question to what end? For them to compete in a non existent tag team division? Personally I'm tired of what passes for tag team wrestling these days. And i don't see the upside for Edge to partner up Christian at this point, to chase the same belts they should both be in contention for? I guess this could result in a decent Edge vs Christian feud but once again I'm tired of seeing the same old recycled Brother vs Brother or Friend vs Friend plot. Its been done to death.
I agree with everyone that says Christian needs a solid singles push first. Him being on ECW right now is a joke and I hope he gets moved at the draft or wins the rumble. A reunion with Edge could be teased like what happened with DX in 2002 and have Christian play the heel role that he does so well
I would MTFO for a E&C reunion, they were a amazing tag team and I still believe they could have the magic of old if teamed up again. Plus a E&C reunion would hugely jumpstart the tag team field again, JeriShow gave it a start, but E&C coming would give it the charge it needs I think. Vince really does need to start concentrating more on the TT divison and this pairing would be a hell of a way to get it going again. Plus who doesn't want to see more five second poses?
The only way I can see this happening is if JeriShow wins back the Unified Tag Team Titles. Edge is due back soon, so an Edge and Christian reunion is feasible. This is assuming Vince has grown a taste for Christian. The dude has such a hard on for Edge, yet dislikes Christian. With the inevitable feud between Jericho and Edge, this would be a good way to get some good numbers in with their upcoming war with TNA.
Is Edge and Christian getting back together the be all end all for reunions in WWE? Should and will WWE make a big deal out of this when or if it happens? Thoughts?

I don't know if it would be the end of all reunions because I am sure that by the time it happens there will be another reunion of some sort that can be used. But, like many have said, I would not do this until Christian has won a world title, if he ever does. I mean, they should both be reasonable bigger in stature when this happens, well not Edge. That would make the reunion more special, as if it were not special enough.

Through, if there is one thing that D Generation X have taught us recently is that sometimes the more repetitive you do it the more stale it gets. So I would keep it to just one night returns.
I'd love to see it, but it's not necessary at all. When Edge returns from injury he'll be welcomed back with open arms, he won't need the faction. Christian's on a roll as a singles star and definitely doesn't need it right now. I'd like to see them tease it, just make everyone want to see it more. I don't think they'd even need to set it up and have one person pick a tag partner or whatever. Just have them come out one day and just say they've settled their differences and they want to tag again. Unfortunately, alot of the young kids would be very dumbstruck. Time to educate the children!
I disagree. I think a better 'reunion' would be them squaring off against eachother. That said, a tag reunion could build up to it. But I don't think them reuniting as a tag team would do good for either of them; Christian needs to get off ECW and on to Smackdown at least, win the IC title and be in contention for the WHC. Maybe a feud against Edge could help that, but tagging together would drag them both down in my opinion.

Hey, I could be wrong. Its pro-wrestling, anything can happen! Jeff Hardy could turn up on Impac... ohhhhh shit!!!!!
Hope so. Both men are at the main event stage. they could be better than they were before,captain charisma AND THE RATED R SUPERSTAR, teaming again,dx should tremble,they have tremendous chemistry together,great timing,and awesome ability.
I think that a reunion with Edge and Christian would be a great thing.

Do it at Wrestlemania. Edge vs. Chris Jericho. Someone intereferes on Y2J's behalf.. Be it, Hart Dynasty, or Big Show. and than Christian runs out to make the save. Than the next Smackdown! Teddy Long makes a big deal about a "Surprise" draft to Smackdown..

Low and Behold. E&C reunion. Also be a great thing for the teetering Tag Team Division.
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