ECW's Future In Jeopardy?

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Shining Wizard

Gregory Helms > You
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Vince McMahon was furious at the 1/16 ECW tapings and went nuts backstage after it was all over. He hated the show and was screaming that there wasn’t one guy in ECW who knew how to work.

McMahon was particularly upset with the main event and how bad it made Lashley look.

Vince is said to be mad all the time since that taping. Stephanie, Vince and Dave Lagana had a meeting about the future of ECW with Vince strongly hinting that ECW was on it’s last legs.

My thoughts on this is that Vince has no one to blame but himself. He first blamed Heyman and did he made one of WWE's own a head writter and it's still sinking. Is he saying CM Punk can't work? Yet CM Punk has been getting way over since comming in and he hasn't even been in the company for a full year. The flop of WWECW is no one's fault but Vince's. I'm glad it's dying and tommorow may be it's last stand. I mean WWECW was good with the One Stand PPV's and bringing back the old talent and remenising. But bringing back the brand completely is ridiculous and I don't like it one bit. It just ruined the prestigue of the old ECW.

There could still be an answer for saving WWECW and that's bring Heyman back and let him run it how he want's to. With cencorship of course so it follows the tv rules of Sci FI like no cursing and etc. But other than that let him run it however he want's at this point you have nothing to loose from letting Heyman run it on a trial basis.
i agree, once heyman left it totally fell apart,
lashley as champ was also a mistake, damn talented wrestler, cant cut promo's, giving him the title was a mistake
It's funny that he is getting mad about all of this when he is solely to blame for trying to bring ECW back in this fashion. He never understood ECW from the get-go and this attempt is certainly no different. Funny how the info states that he feels ECW is on it's "last legs." It's been that way since the first episode. Those people who watched it and weren't appalled were either insane or living in denial. Vince tried to repackage it in the current WWE format, which is as bland as it gets, and it's beyond obvious that his schemes fell flat on their ass. He's also upset with how bad the main event made Lashley look. Oh, the irony.
look 2 admit ecw is crap 2 watch
they should scrap it before wrestlemania so wrestlers lik lashly,rvd and maybe even cm punk can be in 1 good match
Vince should blame himself instead of others...It was his idea to bring WWECW back..and now it suck because of most of the orignal ecw moves are band...Wrestlers are working part time..because of an 1 hr when was the last time i see ECW has its own PPV?

Beside..does anyone know when is the next PPV for ECW? OR will random ECW wrestler just gonna parcipate in SD and RAW ppv?

Vince should of never bought ECW in the first place..If ECW were still own by sure will sell out more then its rating will be higher.
There are a lot of threads hre about ECW being bad and is it a flop and what to do to make it better or save it but I'll leave this one because it is a little different from the rest. This one talks about the reports of vince blowing his top about the last ECW show, and the possible end of ECW. I have to admit unlike the author of this thread I along with many people were very exited to hear about the return of ECW and were looking foward to it. I was ridiculously one of the last optimistic ECW fans left. The show stinks Vince because you have allowed it to stink and because you have no interest in what the fans want to see in ECW. The show sucks cuz you never cared for any of the "wrestlers" in ECW. The show sucks because you have a personal vandetta against Sabu and RVD. The show sucks becuae Test is wrestling Lashley for the 3rd time in a row, when Lashley obviously had a better matchup against RVD. The fans want to see Sabu, RVD and the Sandman get over. No matter how much you put Dreamer down he gets right up. I was finally starting to get used to Knoxx and Big Show and we haven't seen them in weeks, ECW wouldn't be in jeopordy if Vince had allowed Heyman to run the show from the beginning. Firing most of the originals isn't going to get the respect of the ECW fanbase. Vince took the extreme away from ECW, that knocked down a few faithful fans. The show is horrible and it's because of everybody in charge. Vince just needs to give Pauly a chance. "McMahon was particularly upset with the main event and how bad it made Lashley look." Who said Lashley was any good anyway? Yetwe are watching it again tomorrow. What the hell did RVD win the match last week for? The fans love him; if you are going to put the title around a face lets put the title around sombody we can be proud of, The Whole Fu*** Show RVD. "He hated the show and was screaming that there wasn’t one guy in ECW who knew how to work." There's nothing to work for, you've taken everything from them, what do you expect from them. You can't wxpect them to give you a 100% if you bury them. Sandman eliminated in seconds, and only Punk and RVD looked decent at the Rumble. You aren't giving the fans much to go after here. You have nothing to be proud of Vince (with ECW). It's your fault, not the wrestlers'.
I knew it. I KNEW that this was going to flop. I wanted it to flop because this would be a mercy killing. Vince had no right to bring back ECW. He has no idea of it's style or how to relate to any one of these guys. Heyman knew how but Vince couldn't give him full control of it. He's the only one to blame for this failure. Raw blows, Smackdown is even worse, WWECW is an embarassment and all he's done is rape the name and legacy of ECW and what it once stood for. ECW, was more than just extreme, more than hardcore. It was about the fans dammit. Heyman listened to the fans. The wrestlers listened to the fans. Vince McMahon has turned a deaf ear to the fans. The money from the rafters, Taker's win, It's the WWE getting desperate. They know they're losing fans just as they're losing talent. And they're clueless on what to do. Lets hope that when WWECW falls, it stays down.
The show sucks becuae Test is wrestling Lashley for the 3rd time in a row, when Lashley obviously had a better matchup against RVD.

Vince only cares about his wrestlers and not the orignals member of ECW...
Its the reason he put test vs Lashely because they were first in WWE. If he is really cared about ECW..RVD will still be the champ..not lashely who can even cut promote.
Vince should blame himself instead of others...It was his idea to bring WWECW back..and now it suck because of most of the orignal ecw moves are band...Wrestlers are working part time..because of an 1 hr when was the last time i see ECW has its own PPV?

Beside..does anyone know when is the next PPV for ECW? OR will random ECW wrestler just gonna parcipate in SD and RAW ppv?

Vince should of never bought ECW in the first place..If ECW were still own by sure will sell out more then its rating will be higher.

Tentatively The WWE has scheduled a ECW One Night Stand for June 10th at the Hammerstein Ballroom, and WWE has announced that ECW December To Dismember will be held at the Cricket Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina on December 2nd, 2007.
Tentatively The WWE has scheduled a ECW One Night Stand for June 10th at the Hammerstein Ballroom, and WWE has announced that ECW December To Dismember will be held at the Cricket Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina on December 2nd, 2007.

Im suprise ECW only have two PPV within a year..meaning every six months..that would make ECW really suck.
I am surprised that there really needs to be talk about the future of ECW in doubt. Was there ever any hope that it would last? You could argue that Heyman could be the silver lining in the dark cloud that was ECW, but then it dawned on you that Vince was running the show, and that always meant trouble.

How could he have been irate about one seemingly identical to the last tv show? Surely he would have seen the signs in the debacle that was December to Dismember? There was never any logic in bringing back ECW, and really you could see it was poor (understatement there) straight away, so I don't know why he hasn't pulled the plug already. He did it to get money and viewers, and while we crave for things that do such that, he failed in that attempt because yet again, he had no idea what we wanted to see. Forget the whole WWE concepts and let it go back to at least resembling a little of what the old product was like. I don't blame them for not having too many Extreme rules matches, but the wrestling that made it popular has been revolting in a lame excuse for an attempt to emulate the 90's ECW into this watered down piece of crap that reeks of WWE that is the 'new' ECW.

One of the saddest things about this is that the young viewers now think that this is what ECW was like and that could bring the most diehard fan to tears. It has tarnished a name that people had all right to expect a lot more from in any revival, but McMahon could not even be bothered with the show enough to make it at least interesting for the people who wanted to see ECW back. I feel terrible for Paul Heyman, because even after he stopped being involved with the WWE which he had all the rights to do, the WWE are adding salt into the gaping wound of his career by keeping him employed there, just so that he couldn't make his knowledge useful elsewhere.

At least they could have made it somewhere that the ECW originals could show what they could do, but they are being put behind greenies like Thorn and Juicers like Test. They have ruined RVD's career and it is just like giving them directions to TNA or any other company where their god-given talents could be put to their deserved use. They don't deserve to be shoved into something that makes them look terrible in the ring, and reduces the talent that they can show off that was what made them huge.

ECW has been nothing but bad for the careers of the wrestlers it has crapped down the toilet, and terrible for the stability of this declining product.

Thank God McMahon has actually woken up to himself and I pray that he lets it die. That would be one for the fans, but it could never make up for the fact that they brought it back in the first place. The never should have dessicrated the name of ECW, but would it really make a difference if they called it something else? ECW: We are all over it, and so is McMahon.

McMahons stupidity shone through again when he claimed that the wrestlers he had couldn't work. Maybe if they showed what they could do instead of guys like Punk and RVD jobbing to Test, Lashley, Holly and other worthless wrestlers, they could be able to show their true talents. He has only one person to blame, but Vince is too arrogant to do that so he will claim it is everyone elses fault. You put Test with Lashley in the main event Vince: What the fuck do you expect?
I think some of you guys are being a little harsh. Remember, Vinnie Mac took over the WWE from his father and made it into what it is today. He had a HUGE hand it making wrestling MAINSTREAM. Don't forget close to 30 years of what this man has done just because he "fucked up" ECW. If it weren't for him we damn sure wouldn't be on a WWE forum right now.

Now I agree that ECW sucks but that doesn't mean its all McMahons fault. Just like DHS said RVD and Sabu got arrested with drugs NO ONE ELSE. I don't think anyone gives a shit what you do in your personal time but to get arrested with possession of it is a completely different story. Under rules and regulations they could have been FIRED for what they did but they still have a job don't they.

Oh well, I'm thinking maybe all these guys should go to TNA and we'll see how far they get there. Eventually TNA is going to get so many "main event" WWE stars their their own original stars are gonna get pissed off and want to leave.
Bout time ECW is on it's last legs... I can only recall three or four times that there has been times where I would call it "extreme". I mean look you have the same main event three weeks in a row... Not to mention the waste at Royal Rumble, but come on at least make it extreme rules or something. *sigh* Vince just end it already...
Vince is going to be on ECW tonight and i hope every ECW faithful stands up and throws their chair in the ring at the bastard. Then the show can go down for good in all-out ECW style.
Exactly, I don't know why everybody wants to blame Vince for it. It was RVD's and Sabu's fault for fucking up big time in July. Vince, and Paul E. may have had a hand in it, but RVD's screw up truly got the ball rolling. The affects of their drug bust are still STILL affecting the entire WWE, particularly the ECW brand.

First of all, it is common knowledge that RVD and Sabu like to smoke weed. THe "RVD 4:20" signs and T-shirts should have been Vince's first clue. Vince knew what he was dealing with when he chose to sign RVD and Sabu so I don't think it's fair to blame 2 of the biggest stars in ECW for it's failure. RVD and Sabu helped to carry that company on their shoulders not too many years ago. Secondly, is it not obvious that Test may overdose on steriods at any moment? How can RVD and Sabu be penalized for their drug use, yet Test continues to get pushed despite his drug use? So, blaming any of the wrestlers for the lack of success of the new "ECW" is idiotic and just doesn't make sense.

WWECW is shit because Vince McMahon is too proud to let something succeed that he did not have a hand in creating. I firmly believe that Vince resurrected ECW for the sole purpose of tearing it down and ruining the legacy of that great company. It makes me sick to watch the same 4 minute matches every week.

I hope like hell Vince McMahon ends this scharade tonight and announces the end of WWECW. The ECW originals that helped build the company will have a future without Vince McMahon because RVD, Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney were successful in this business well before they worked in McMahonland.
First of all, it is common knowledge that RVD and Sabu like to smoke weed. THe "RVD 4:20" signs and T-shirts should have been Vince's first clue. Vince knew what he was dealing with when he chose to sign RVD and Sabu so I don't think it's fair to blame 2 of the biggest stars in ECW for it's failure. RVD and Sabu helped to carry that company on their shoulders not too many years ago. Secondly, is it not obvious that Test may overdose on steriods at any moment? How can RVD and Sabu be penalized for their drug use, yet Test continues to get pushed despite his drug use? So, blaming any of the wrestlers for the lack of success of the new "ECW" is idiotic and just doesn't make sense.
Here's what you and a lot of the RVD marks don't understand. RVD got caught red handled by the COPS. They weren't caught by WWE, they were caught by the police. It was their fault that they put themselves in that situation. Please don't try to accuse Test of steroids when you have no proof that he does or doesn't. The point is that RVD was caught and he this is one of the consequences for his actions. Stop trying to make excuses for the guy. RVD and Sabu broke the law simple as that.
Just looking at the WWE website about their new broadband networks it says loads of things but then says...."and of course, weekly Raw and SmackDown highlights." no mention of ECW at all

My thoughts on this is that Vince has no one to blame but himself. He first blamed Heyman and did he made one of WWE's own a head writter and it's still sinking. Is he saying CM Punk can't work? Yet CM Punk has been getting way over since comming in and he hasn't even been in the company for a full year. The flop of WWECW is no one's fault but Vince's. I'm glad it's dying and tommorow may be it's last stand. I mean WWECW was good with the One Stand PPV's and bringing back the old talent and remenising. But bringing back the brand completely is ridiculous and I don't like it one bit. It just ruined the prestigue of the old ECW.

There could still be an answer for saving WWECW and that's bring Heyman back and let him run it how he want's to. With cencorship of course so it follows the tv rules of Sci FI like no cursing and etc. But other than that let him run it however he want's at this point you have nothing to loose from letting Heyman run it on a trial basis.

RIGHT! heyman should be running ecw like he wants to, i mean, why is vince so worried that its too violent, arent some of the tv shows on Sci-Fi very graphic sometimes and also insane much like the work of the old ECW? it would make perfect sense to let ECW go back to its roots with these new faces. and take lashleys title off him and put it on CM Punk.
Here's what you and a lot of the RVD marks don't understand. RVD got caught red handled by the COPS. They weren't caught by WWE, they were caught by the police. It was their fault that they put themselves in that situation. Please don't try to accuse Test of steroids when you have no proof that he does or doesn't. The point is that RVD was caught and he this is one of the consequences for his actions. Stop trying to make excuses for the guy. RVD and Sabu broke the law simple as that.
And here's what you don't get. RVD has been an avid dope smoker for many years. This is known fact. Do I agree with it? Hell no. I hate dope and think it's a waste of life, but then again I'm not RVD. This is why he originally wasn't hired by McMahon in 1997. He was in High Times magazine. Hell, ECW used to manufacture an RVD:420 T-shirt for fuck's sake. Only after a bust does McMahon care? Stupid. They knew full well about his habits and didn't do a damn thing for the longest time. All they had to do was piss-test him. So much for the WWE's bullshit Wellness Program.

Test is on steroids. I train people for a living. We can spot those things. Wanna know how? Easy. Massive back acne. Puffiness and discoloration in the skin. Consistent veinage about the body that looks overbearing even when he's at rest. At his age, Andrew would have a hell of a time doing the overhaul he did physically without cycling a boatload of pharmaceuticals. He's packing more crap drug-wise than McGwire or Bonds. Just like Hogan used to.
ECW has been dead since the 90's, tonight, "fan apreciation night", this watered down version will be gone for ever. I think this is what the fans would really like to see. That's IMO tonigh's big surprise
Well, i actually wouldn't mind if they kept ECW. Yes, a lot of people might disagree, but this brand has had to work in the toughest of conditions. They only have about 30 guys on there. They only get one hour compared to RAW and Smackdown. Yes, i will agree that this is has been bad but IMO they're doing the best they can. They have to push Monty Brown and CM Punk. Those are the two that the fans actually care about. Test is a good heel but he can't get Lashley over. It's hard to work with a guy 3 weeks in a row without it getting stale. Everyone knows this whole thing is getting boring but if they push Punk more, and Monty Brown, they could have a good mainevent. What i wanted to say is, they've made good progress and they shouldn't pull the plug because they have put in too much money. I never wanted a third brand because WWE would focus on RAW way too much. Low and behold, they did. Seriously, it's like Vince WANTS ECW to fail.
I can't believe Lashley wanted to get off Smackdown & go to ECW just so he would be the champ cause he couldn't get the title on Smackdown. if done right it could still be a good show cause they do have people that can wrestle just don't call it ECW.

If they wanna scrap it a few of the wrestlers could actually help RAW or Smackdown & even be better off if they switched shows seeing how RAW & Smackdown have more time instead of just wasting away on the roster of ECW, some would be better on the other shows even if they kept ECW. example "put Trinity on RAW where she can actually wrestle the women's devision needs it & she does nothing on ECW" helps both shows.
I get a feeling that this fan-appreciation night may bring in a new belt for WWECW either that or a change of name. But Vince is a business man and should know what some of thhe basics of economics are, you may take time to make a profit so you have to put up with a few bad years. So i expect this to go through until the next ONS and then it will be decided whether or not to keep it.
i dont think RVD and Sabu getting busted should have been that big of a deal.

heck on my DX video they pushed the fact that road dogg and billy gunn smoked dope.

so what if they broke some lousy law that was originally designed to control mexicans, then later used as the only thing the government could try to look tough on coz all other crimes were covered by state law.

besides as said before "We all knew they smoked dope" so why get all pissy just coz they got caught, WWE could have got away with saying "we do not endorse agree with or encourage the use of marijauna"

Seriously alcohol is ten times worse, liver disease sux!!

*Smokes a bowl and watches TNA* (maybe im biased)
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